Chapter 3 - Death to Innocence

Story by Children of Gaia on SoFurry

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#3 of COG Origins: Shade: Terror of the Night

Transfer from old ID

The rustle of the leaves would rupture most of the silence in the deep jungle. This silence was interrupted by a group garbed from head to toe in tactical gear and F2000's strapped to their vests. Their faces were covered by tactical face armor that almost gave them an alien look to the presence. Emblazoned on each of the mens' chest was simple white lettering that spelled "GeneCorp" across their vests. They trudged through the jungle until they happened upon the very village they were looking for, The coordinates in which their latest weapon to capture mutanimals was able to obtain accurate information, and this pleased the leader of the small team.

He turned to address his team before they entered the village. "Alright guys," he whispered. "We're here only for the Maned Wolf known as Matheas Oliveira. It is currently unknown if any other mutanimals are here, so don't start shooting until we can confirm presence of any other mutanimals."

The other men simply nodded in agreement. The captain then turned back around and lead the men into the village, beginning with firing a few warning rounds from his assault rifle into the air to gain the village's attention. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked towards the strange men as they entered the town.

"OYE!" the captain yelled suddenly. "ATTENCION!"

He began holding up a picture of the Maned Wolf in question and began yelling once again in spanish, "ESTA AQUI?! SI O NO?!"

The villagers didn't do anything, they simply stared at the strange men, stricken completely by fear at their strange appearances. They didn't move for fear of what those strange items they held would do to them if they. Finally, the medicine man, Miguel's father, approached the group.

"Is this man in trouble?" he spoke in english.

"It's none of your concern," the captain replied.

"It is if you come to my village, frighten my people in search of this man! Surely there are better ways."

"Your village doesn't matter, just tell us if you seen this guy or not."

"Give me the reason you seek him and I shall cooperate more willingly."

This was about the time Miguel and Matheas finally made it back to the village. Miguel wanted to keep a low profile, so he and Matheas slowly waded through the jungle quietly to discover what was going on. He watched the captain and his father arguing and shook slightly at the sight of the men.

"What is this?" he whispered to his teacher.

"Those my friend, are the face of the enemy. Don't move, and you will be fine."

They continued watching as the captain began to slowly lose his patience. "Listen Grandpa, either you give us the guy and give us no trouble, or we're gonna do something that would be considered not nice."

"Then you will be judged by the heavens above for your ill-doings"

"Oh fuck this..." he replied and quickly pulled up his weapon.

Miguel saw this and panicked, he didn't know what the weapon would do, but it didn't look peaceful at all. He moved to step out of the brush, but Matheas attempted to keep him back.

"No!" Matheas whispered.

But, it was for naught as the panther had already left the protection of the jungle cover. Miguel suddenly bursts from the bush and stood between his father and the man, holding his hands up. "What ever it is you want. We will do as you ask peacefully."

"MIGUEL!!!" his father said.

"Padre, these men look to do you harm, and we need to do what is necessary to preserve the village." he replied.

His father nodded just as Matheas stepped out as well, his hands up. "It's me they want... I'll come peacefully, just let the villagers live."

The captain smirked as he watched the Mane Wolf come along quietly. "That's more like it," he said as he lowered his weapon. "Take the wolf and the panther. Are there any other of your kind in the village?"

"No," Miguel replied as the others were zip tieing his hands behind his back.

"Good, we're taking them with us Both of them!"

"What about the rest of the village?" asked one of the other men.

"You remember the orders, No more places to hide..."

"What?! NO! you can't!" Miguel yelled as he pushed the men aside in an attempt to approach the captain.

"Not my decision son..." He replied as he pulled out a colt python from his side. Two other men held onto Miguel as the man took aim at the panther's father.

"NO!" Miguel cried, he was about to use his teleportation ability, but it was too late. He watched in utter horror as the Captain pulled the trigger. The .45 caliber bullet left the chamber and found it's way through the poor man's body, ravaging his rib cage and splintering the bones into several vital organs.

Miguel quickly jumped over his hands so they were now back in front of him and teleported to his now downed father. He kneels down to watch his father struggle to speak as the panther places his paws over the man's chest.

"Padre! Padre!" he yelled.

The medicine man finally mustered enough energy to finally utter his final words, "Do... me proud... Shade..." With those words, the man fell lifeless and silent with blood all over the ground and Miguels hands. The panther began weeping softly as he placed his face into his father's chest. From the sorrow, Rage began to build up. He lifted his head towards the man who killed his father, seemingly content with himself.

"Bastardo..." he whispered under his breath.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" The captain said mockingly.

"BASTARDO!!!!!!!" Screamed Miguel as he ripped apart the zip tie that bound his hands. He suddenly vanished from view thanks to his teleportation abilities. The other men were too busy setting the village ablaze to realize what had happened. The Captain held his weapon in a ready position, now that the panther was exhibiting powers.

"Yeah Fuzzy Wuzzy... make sure you resist! I'm gonna love..."

Before he could finish his sentence, the Panther appeared before him and used his claws to slash at the straps that kept his assault rifle to his chest and cut them away, causing the weapon to drop. The Captain tried to aim his weapon, but Shade had already disappeared before he could take the shot. Now the Captain was starting to get a little frightened as he looked around in the tree tops, expecting he'll come from anywhere.

"Bastardo! Asesino! Estas Muerto Bastardo!" The captain heard from what seemed like everywhere.

He was alone now, alone with a dangerous beast and he just murdered his father right before his eyes. He quickly spun everytime he heard a rustle, every noise set him on edge. Each movement he heard caused him to discharge another round, Then another and another. Soon, he'd find himself out of ammunition, and Miguel could tell from the click sounds his gun made. The captain hurriedly pulled out an auto loader for the python but it was too late.

A hand finally laid upon his throat as he was pushed against the closest tree. The panther was there, staring angrily into his eyes, as though it were burning right into the middle of his soul. He dropped the weapon onto the floor in utter fear, staring into the panther's eyes.

"You will pay for this transgression outsider..." he growled as he unsheathed his claws.

He then dragged the claws from one side of the man's throat to the other, causing four deep cuts that went from his jugular vein, to his carotid artery. It was a slow death, but the captain bled out right before the panther's eyes. Miguel then looked back at the now astonished Matheas and calmly pointed to him.

"Stay here. I will go find if there are any survivors."

Without staying to hear from Matheas, he vanished to set out what he vowed. He would unfortunately find anyone to save, even his own mother was found dead in her hut. In a resounding act of blind vengeance, he would reciprocate what was done to his people to the remaining members of the squad. Each died a more painful and violent death then the last thanks to the sharp claws of the panther.

As Miguel returned back to Matheas, now covered in the blood of not only his father, but of the evil men who burned his village down. The look on his eyes was sorrow as he slowly approached Matheas.

"Miguel... I am so sorry!" Matheas said.

Miguel almost couldn't hear him, he merely fell to his knees and stared. The maned wolf ran over to the young man, fell to his knees, and embraced him, allowing him to cry on his shoulder. The panther obliged as he pressed his face into his master's shoulder.

"They're dead," he managed to choke out "They're all dead..."

Matheas knew not what else to do but let the panther ball his eyes out on his shoulder. He closed his eyes in shame, knowing full well he was the direct cause of this attack.

"I'm sorry Miguel, this is all my fault. Those men were looking for me..."

Miguel pulled away to look at Matheas and sniffed, "Why do they want you?"

"They are part of an american group called GeneCorp, They've been after our kind for a very long time, and they seemed to have finally caught up with me."

"You said America right?"

"Y... Yes, why?" Miguel slowly stood up and without any other word, began walking to the east, towards where the closest shore of the ocean was. This cause Matheas to stand up and yell after him, "MIGUEL!!!! Where are you going?!"

"Where else..." he said softly and turned to meet his master's gaze. "To America..."