A Failed Duty - Chapter 12

Story by Mewjen on SoFurry

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#12 of A Failed Duty

Revenge. What will some do to enact their vengeance? Who will get in their way? How will they be stopped? How will their hunger end?

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Disclaimer: The following will contain homosexual individuals and relationships and may be an interesting commentary on life, death, immortality, God, gods and various religions. No offense is intended, and if you cannot handle it, please discontinue reading rather than blaming me. This is copyrighted to me (mewjen(at)ymail.com), so no using it without my permission and no stealing it (any profits must be shared). This is a work of fiction. Any likenesses to persons, places, and so on, real or imagined, living or dead is purely coincidental.

Act II - Part 6 ­- Sub-Part B


I was unprepared. There was a blinding flash of light. Then my father's arms were outstretched, absorbing the pressure wave that came from behind me, capable of destroying us and half the building. I was forced forward, my father catching me, as he protected me from the fireball.

I blacked out for several moments and found myself slumped against my father's body. I pushed off his chest only to fall forward, as the vertigo overtook me.

As I steadied myself, trying to shake off the dizziness, I heard my father speak quietly, "Get inside. Find your mother. Protect her."

I didn't even have time to react, as I felt a force drag me back, away from my father, throwing me into a wall.

I was face down on the ground, my vision finally clearing, when I felt someone pin my waist between their knees, and leaning over me, arm against my neck, forcing me flat, I heard a graveled male voice speak directly into my ear, "Hello, Anubis. It's been a while, faggot."

I knew I knew the voice, but it wasn't enough to remember whom it belonged to, but it didn't matter. In the next moment, the man was thrown off of me and Set's hand was reaching down for me.

When I stood up, I found myself between Horus and Set. Horus was in the process of drawing his second sabre and moving forward to defend against the fallen man, who jumped to his feet. The falcon used his rapiers to send two green razor-sharp bands of energy at Aries, the rugged, handsome, asshole of a Greek god. But Aries deflected both blades with his gauntlets, before unsheathing his own sword. Set grabbed me and transported us just before the reflected blades hit.

We landed next to Dad, who had not moved since the first salvo. His stare and grimace told me he was holding back another's power. Following his eyes, I found Cronus, father of Zeus, leader of the Titans during the Titanomachy, calmly walking towards us, even as his Second-in-Command, Krios ran forward in an attempt to breach the entrance into the palace, before being ricocheted backwards by my father's barrier.

Set and I didn't even need to speak. He went after Krios, and I faced off with Cronus. It was a little insane. An ambassador versus a god of war. An illusionist versus a general. And a gatekeeper versus the former leader of the Titans, who, right now, was outmatching my father. To say I was scared would be an understatement. I had no plan, and I seriously doubted that Cronus would give me the time to come up with one.

"Hello, Anubis." Cronus' voice was eerie. He was a few yards away, but it sounded like he was whispering directly into each of my ears simultaneously. "Your father has spent a long time keeping me away from you."

I moved into a defensive stance, drawing what power I had left into a thin film across my body. "And what exactly do you want from me?"

"Absolutely nothing." I blinked and he was standing next to my father. I spun around, as he continued. "Your father betrayed me. He let my son overthrow me, and worst still, he actually helped the traitor." He turned to me. "Now, I cannot kill Ra without destroying myself. Even then, death would be too simple. I am going to rip out his heart, and you are going to help me do it."

There was a huge roar behind me, as a body was thrown into the wall behind my father and crumpled to the ground. Horus' body was mangled. The blades of his sabers had been broken off and were protruding, one from his chest and the other from his shoulder. I couldn't tell if he was still alive.

Set and I tried to run to him, but we were both stopped. I by Aries, who grabbed me from behind and threw me to the ground. Set by Krios, who caged him and extinguished every clone he created with his bare hands.

"Get out of my way, Aries!" I shouted, rushing forward, just to be punched backwards. I had lost my focus, and I spent several minutes being beaten by Aries, before I calmed down enough to think.

"Why would you betray your father, Aries?" I asked, trying to distract him.

"I am not here for Cronus. I'm here for you." Aries stood his ground waiting for me to strike.

I tried not to show my confusion. "What did I do to you?"

"You have the gull to ask?" He spat out angrily.

"We've only met once: I was drunk, you were an asshole, and I spent a month being fucked by Apis afterwards." (I believe a clarification may be needed here. Apis is a bull with a very large cock, who happens to have an aura that drastically increases virility. This means that if you are female and you are fucked by him, you are going to get pregnant. If you are male, your stamina is endless, you can cum for a week straight, and given enough time and constant mating, you can end up pregnant. Let's just say I left his harem before the worst happened, but it was a very enjoyable month or two...or three, during which my mind was basically goo...and that lasted for several months afterwards.)

Aries charged.

I dodged to the left, but he grabbed my arm and forced me to the ground, his knees firmly sitting on my right arm. "No one leaves me like that," he hissed, placing his hand around my neck and bending over me.

I grabbed his forearm, trying to lessen the weight on my throat. "I had the right to leave when you started acting like a domineering jerk."

"You humiliated me," he hissed.

"It's not like I told anybody," I said, still struggling with his arm. "The fact that I went with you is embarrassing enough."

He gritted his teeth. "My soldiers live by a code. You finish what you start."

"I'm not a soldier, and you don't even like men." I spat into his face and kicked him off me, dislocating my arm in the process. I ran towards Horus, only to be stopped by Cronus.

I was forcibly stopped and held in place. I found my muzzle clamped shut, as I grunted when my shoulder was reset.

"Anubis, you should stop struggling." Cronus' whisper returned to my ear. "I would hate for my grandson's toy to break too early."

My eyes widened, just before I was thrown back into Aries, who immediately pinned both of my arms.

"So you're now a rapist," I shot at Aries, struggling to flip him.

"No. You will consent," he whispered.

I froze. "That's what it's going to take for you to let me save Horus." I almost whimpered.

"He's not the one you will be saving," was Aries reply.

I searched for Set and found that he almost had Krios contained, before Aries spun around, and I felt like a dagger had gone through my heart.

Jaller was being dragged towards me, against his will by Laminis. Laminis is basically a Saurian skeleton made of thousands of razor-sharp blades of metal. Its claws could slice through diamond. Just grazing its body could rip flesh from bone. And all that protected Jaller was a half-millimeter thick shield that was created by its will.

My legs gave out, and I pulled Aries down with me. "You're a monster, Aries."

Aries dragged me into position in front of my father. As Jaller and Set were forced to kneel down on each side of the falcon, I saw Cronus' smirk and I realized that he was always after me. Having Dad as a witness was luck on his part. I was going to be tortured and Aries was the first tool.

"What deal did you make? Was it worth your honor?" I goaded Aries, if I was going to be destroyed, then I was going to take the war-god with me.

I could feel his hand tighten around my wrists, as he ripped my clothing from my body. I stared straight in front of me, and I realized there was nothing I could do. I was going to be raped in front of my family, and trying to act like it didn't matter was pointless. I was going to break.

I closed my eyes. "Please, not in front of them."

Aries started to pull back, but it was Cronus' voice that filled my ears. "Of course in front of them. Additionally, if you keep your eyes closed, I will begin removing extremities. I will let you choose which one I start with: your former lover or your current suitor."

I began shaking. I wanted to die in that moment. Tears fell. I had no control, except to force my eyes open and to look into the faces of the people I cherished the most. Set just hung there. He was sitting more than kneeling. He stared at the ground in utter defeat. Krios' hold on his arms was the only thing keeping him upright. Horus' body was blocked from my view, but even so, he remained a reminder what Cronus had planned.

My gaze fell on Jaller, and my eyes were drawn to his. I don't know how I could, but for that moment, the world just fell away. It was just me and him, and the uncertainty of our relationship. When I left, I tried to push him from my mind. I wanted to stop loving him and accept that not everything could survive the tests of time. Before Set, I had a lot of flings, hoping that I could connect with someone. After Set, I had even more, just trying to forget the void left in my heart. I gave up on Jaller long before Set. I never expected him to wait for me, and...after a while, I really didn't care if he expected me to wait. As the time when our planes would converge drew closer, I became increasingly restless. I didn't want to see him...and have him see the wreck I am. But curiosity and just plain missing him got the better of me. Seeing him brought everything back. Just as it did now. I love Set. I love Jaller. But Set made his choice. In fact, he made it twice. And right now, I just wanted to be in Jaller's arms, as far away from this as possible.

Jaller was struggling against Laminis. Laminis had a hand around Jaller's muzzle and the other around his waist, using its body to contain Jaller's arms and to force him to the ground. When our eyes met, he struggled even harder. I wanted to call to him and tell him to stop, that his safety was more important than what was happening to me, but my voice was already gone.

Cronus ended Jaller's fighting. "Little One, you will not disrupt my pleasure, thus I cannot have you coming to harm by your own foolishness." He gave Jaller a moment, before he put a single finger to Jaller's temple, and Jaller froze.

Cronus flashed a smile at me. He then walked over to my father and actually leaned back against Dad's immobilized form. His gaze returned to me, as he reached behind him and repositioned my father's head, so that Dad could see everything that was about to happen to me. "There we go," Cronus cooed. "Now everything is perfect. I would hate for you to miss the festivities. Aries, the audience is waiting. If you cannot lower your pants with one hand then use two. He will no longer provide a challenge."

"No." Aries' response was surprising.

"Fine," Cronus whispered in agitation. "Do not listen to reason. Just speed to it."

"No." Aries pushed himself off me.

"What are you refusing?" Cronus frowned, as I heard Aries' footsteps moving behind me.

"This is not what you said would happen. This is not what I agreed to." Aries stood between Cronus and me.

"Anubis's debt to you will be paid, and your conscience cleared." Cronus stood up and moved in front of his grandson. His calm façade was more frightening than any violence he could unleash.

Aries stood his ground. "And nothing could repaid the debt I would owe him. There is no crime or information he holds that warrants this torture."

Cronus leaned in, so that he was an inch away from Aries' face. His voice was still dangerously calm. "I care nothing for my uncle. Ra's love is scarce. He cares little for his early creations. He could have stopped him. Instead, he left it to me to deal with my dear old father. Did Zeus ever tell you what happened to Uranus after I took power?"

"You imprisoned him." Aries faltered for a moment. "But what does that have to do with Anubis?"

"My father's greatest loves were his power and his freedom. I took them for my own, and I left him trapped in his own mind, imprisoned in a hell of his own making, begging Ra for a permanent ending." Cronus turned to Ra, and walking forward, he spoke directly to him, "One you never granted him. But it taught me so much." He then addressed Aries, while continuing to stare at Ra, "You are going to force your prick into Anubis's ass, making it as painful as possible. Then you are going to use that wonderful little device that I traded from you to make sure he never feels pleasure again. Then you are going to leave and disappear before I take my vengeance to my son."


Cronus' laughter was terrifying. It was a reflection of his mind: cold, calculating, amused, and psychotic. "Aries, do you know why I selected you out of all the men that slut bedded?" Cronus' graceful stride broke as he stalked towards Aries, who backed away with every step, until he could no more. Cronus' smile was manic, as he lifted Aries up and pinned him against the wall.

"I can control you." Cronus' eyes flashed a deep violet and a moment later so did Aries'. Cronus then threw Aries at me, causing us to land tangled together. "Now be a good boy and keep to the schedule." Aries writhed around me, forcing me back into position.

Aries was just about to remove his final undergarments, when Cronus whispered, "Wait." And Aries froze instantly. "You need to be punished for your insolence. Use this first."

Cronus threw a small cylinder covered in many intricate markings at Aries. It landed a few feet in front of me, and I spent several seconds searching my memory for such an object. My mind led me to a warning Horus gave me once about one-night stands with Greek gods. Created by Hephaestus at the command of Hera, it was designed to be the ultimate punishment for a god convicted of rape. The damage it causes turns sexual pleasure into unending torture and is so severe that it cannot be undone. It was used only once, before Zeus had it destroyed. Apparently, its destruction was exaggerated. What Cronus promised Aries and why Aries could give him such a device, I could not imagine. All I knew was that I was going to die disgraced, humiliated, and in more pain that I have ever felt.

"Take me instead." Set's voice was so weak that no one registered it for a while and even then, we looked around, as though expecting someone new to have appeared. "Take me instead," he repeated stronger, as he stared up at Cronus.

I opened my mouth to refute Set's offer, but Aries clamped his hand around my muzzle before I could utter a sound.

When Cronus responded in silence, Set continued, failing to hide the pleading in his voice. "Please, don't hurt him any more than you already have. I will take his place."

Cronus knelt before Set, and stroking the underside of Set's jaw, from collarbone to chin, he spoke calmly, "You are an interesting creature. You know that, Chaos?"

Set struggled not to flitch away, as Cronus continued to stroke his body.

"You fight your natural desires, but let them rule over you." Cronus' hand moved lower. "You are the embodiment of chaos, of anarchy, of the beginning. There was a time when I feared you. But that time has passed, and now I see the beauty and perfection we will bring to this world."

"Chaos is evil. It destroys lives and everyone you care about...or love." Set glanced over to me for the briefest of moments.

Without thinking, I renewed my resistance, trying to reach out and protect my friend.

"A being like you is not meant to love." Cronus moved closer to Set, as he tried to seduce him. "Love is a tether. It holds you back and leads to betrayal. Soon I will cut that final chain and you will be free. Chaos, this is what you need and crave. Listen to your body and your nature. You love what I am doing. You want the future I will lead this universe to."

Cronus cupped Set's crotch, and by the way Set shifted his hips to block my line of sight, I knew he was hard and ashamed.

I watched Cronus lean forward, caressing Set's cheek with his own and whispering directly into his ear, "The death, the destruction, the discourse, the utter chaos I will cause. I can give you a prime seat to the spectacle of my revenge. The ecstasy you will feel, as I tear this world apart. You will never know sorrow again. Your misery will end."

I saw the tremors coursing through his body, as Set fought to contain his excitement. I saw the tears stream down his face as he lost control.

"You will take this universe. No one will escape your touch. You will govern this reality, as you have never been allowed to. No more order. No more following Ra's commands. He took your happy ending. Now you will take everyone else's."

Set jerked away from Cronus and was allowed to fall forward, free of all restraints.

"Just say 'yes' and you will be my most prized pet, as the Reign of Chaos envelopes this world."

Set stared at me. His eyes told me of the war that was going on inside of him. His shame, his joy, his love, his hate, his being, his desires, the pain he felt as his mind and body fought at odds. It's the same look that has been burned into my memory ever since that day when he broke my heart and plunged my world into chaos.

"Ne-ehh-ver," he groaned.

Cronus leaned over Set once more. "Anubis will be dead before the sun rises. There is nothing that will change that or interfere with my plans. I only need one witness. So let the fall of your love usher in your destiny."

Set's response was calm and collected, his words carefully chosen. I fought against Aries' hold until I dislocated both my shoulders when I realized he intended them to be his last. "He was the only destiny I ever wanted. And because of the chaos that rules me, I can never have a future with him." He turned his gaze sharply towards Cronus. "I am Set, friend of Anubis, Horus, and Jaller. I will never be Chaos. The chaos you want is nothing but a poison coursing through my veins."

Cronus stood up. He flashed me an evil smile, before speaking, "Then I will take that poison from you."

A violet field surrounded and lifted Set into the air. Cronus placed his hand on Set's stomach, and after a gentle caress, he pressed his hand in, forcing Set to compress, as Cronus' hand glowed violet and purple tendrils grew from his fingers, joining the field that covered Set's body. Set cried out in agony, as the violet light began to pulse.

As Cronus absorbed Set's power, I felt Aries' grip on my hands weaken, though I still could not move my arms. I looked over at Jaller and saw he was able to shake slightly. Cronus was losing control. One mistake and Dad would overtake him and end this.

Unfortunately, Cronus pays attention to his surroundings. He let Set fall, staring at his hand. "What have you done to me?" When Set did not answer, he used his foot to apply pressure to Set's throat.

"You can't control chaos. No one can," Set choked out, too weak to try to force Cronus off his airways.

"Maybe you cannot but I will," Cronus spat out. "Aries!" he shouted, "No more fighting me." The cylinder that had remained on the ground during Set's distraction shot at Aries, who removed the hand on my muzzle to catch it.

Cronus' smile returned for a moment before it turned to horror, as he stumbled backwards, needing Krios' support to keep from tumbling to the marble floor.

Aries began trembling out of control on top of me, as I felt my arms popped back into their sockets painlessly. After accepting I was still pinned, I tried to figure out who was free enough to help me. Set was still on the ground, gasping slightly. He seemed too weak to do much of anything, assuming he still had some of his powers left. Dad was still frozen. He was the only one left who could have healed me. But then why was Cronus still able to contain him? I don't doubt that Dad wanted to help me, but it did not seem like he could.

Turning to Jaller, Cronus' hold on him seemed to have fractured, as he was actively struggling again. However, there was something odd happening to him and Laminis. An orange glow had formed between the two of them. It also looked as if there was a heat shimmer deforming my view of them, but even then, parts of Laminis seemed to be warping in ways that a mere refraction of light could not account for.

There was a loud cry of pain that drew my attentions back to Cronus. Cronus was standing again, but Krios' body was a crumbled heap on the ground, as his golden energy was absorbed into his leader's body. "I am sorry, Brother. But after your past failures, this is a better use for you."

Those were Cronus' final words to Krios, before his soul was consumed.

There was another scream of pain that sounded like the screeching of metal. Turning quickly back to Jaller, I had mere moments to raise a shield between him and the shower of molten metal above him. A moment later, Aries was thrown off me, as I was yanked upright and suspended in air. Then the liquid metal that would have scorched Jaller was flung into my face.

I do not know for how long I was kept blind. The searing pain blocked all my remaining senses. All I could feel was the burning pain traveling along my body and binding my hands. I knew I was being healed, but I knew it was Cronus' work by the way he took his time, elongating the pain, not letting my body go numb.

When Cronus finally returned my eyesight, the first thing I saw was his face staring down at me. His calm and controlled veneer was back. "That was a mistake," he said. "He was so miserable that I was going to let him live with the pain. But you chose to fight me. Now you must be punished. You are going to watch him die. Then I am going to let Laminis have his fun with you." I heard a metallic chuckle behind me. "Then Aries is going to rape you as planned."

As Cronus backed away, almost smiling with joy, my head fell down without the support of the hand, which I didn't even know was there. Staring down at my body, I realized to my horror that Cronus had limited himself to making sure that I was alive and could still feel pain. I had veins of metal covering my scarred and burnt flesh. My remaining fur was now sporadic and fragile. The rapid rising and falling of my chest and the lack of blood proved that I was better off than I looked, but I still felt the sick rising in the back of my throat.

Cronus must have noticed, because a moment later I was heaving nothing but air. He waited for me to regain control, before he made a show of walking over to Set. Set was too weak to do anything more than stare up at him. And a moment later, the titan flashed a murderous smile at me and clenched his hand, and several violet streams of energy left Set's body and merged within his fist.

Set cried out. The agony twisting his body, as his will broke, and he begged for it to end.

Then two green waves of energy hit the titan, ending his assault. And in his distraction, he toppled over and fell to the ground several feet away.

A loud roar made me turn, and I found Jaller standing next to me. Jaller smiled at me for a moment, and when Laminis roared to his feet and lunged at us, Jaller's eyes flashed orange and Laminis was sent flying, landing on top of Cronus in a melting heap.

"You have powers?" I asked incredulously. My brain froze, trying to figure out how I could have missed that. I might have worked it out, except for the manic laughter coming from behind me.

Laminis was becoming a purple haze, as Cronus stood up. His laughter was out of control. It sounded like he was losing his mind. "You really think-hahehehahaha-that you can defeat me. Hehehehehehe. Together you do not match Zeus. Hahaha. And even Zeus could not do it alone. Hehe. Hohoho. You cannot escape. There is no hope for you. I set a trap and you sprang it gloriously." Then with dead seriousness. "There is nothing you can do to stop me."

"Do you really think that?" Dad was free. Free and pissed.

"I could hold you at bay without the powers I have since absorbed," Cronus countered.

The Titan smiled broadly, as he was lifted into the air and had his arms and legs bound by ropes of twisting cyclones. "Oh Would-Be-King, you act so tough. But we both know you have no bite, no taste for blood or vengeance." He choked out a small laugh.

"You go after my son, my family, his friends and you expect me to do nothing!" Dad yelled.

"Kill me then," replied Cronus, in a mad whisper, before reverting back to crazed laughter. "Hehe hohoho hahaha eheheh."

"Never," Dad said with firm resolve.

"That is the problem with you, dear Ra." Cronus teased, smiling in his mad joy. "You refuse to rule the majority. I can fix that. Just KILL ME!"

Dad stared at Cronus with disgusted confusion. "First me. Then our sons. And now you want to die yourself?"

"If your son was lying dead we would not be having this conversation!" the Titan threw back.

"You have lost." Dad brought Cronus closer, forcing him into that dreaded gaze. "Now tell me what else you have planned and I may be merciful."

"I will not be at your mercy." Cronus spat at Dad, but missed. "I heard every word you and the little bastard said. You are so close. Murder me, your son will never be in danger-ehehe-, and you will take my place, Chaos-Bringer." Cronus let the silence build until it was deafening. Then in singsong, "Or there's Plan A."

There was barely a breath's moment between Cronus freeing one of his arms and the feeling of every fiber, every muscle, every nerve, every cell in my body being strangled. I collapsed and blacked out with Cronus' laughter echoing around me.

Author's Note: Yep, Cronus is a little sudden. If there were a middle act, I would have actually written the backstory. But I chose Greek mythology, because it is more well known, so I figured most people would be able to translate the mythology into my world's interpretation without too much trouble. I feel forced to acknowledge that, while I wanted Cronus to have a personality change, I was playing Batman Arkham Origins, and through my internal analysis of Troy Baker's Joker, Cronus took on the voice of Mark Hamill's Joker. I don't regret it though. It's more fun.

This chapter is my favorite, just because everyone is together and actively doing something, and I had four new characters to come up with. Laminis is the only character, besides Jaller that was created for this story. I wanted something visually interesting to warrant the character (beyond just needing a fourth minion) and I didn't want to do the research.

See you next week for the last chapter before the epilogue.

Thank you for reading this chapter. While you are here, please rate, favorite, and comment. Your feedback is the only way I know if the various parts and concepts are working or confusing.