What Once Was... Ch 13

Story by RCtheFox on SoFurry

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#14 of Origins

Chapter 13, first night of Groove for the two.

What once Was... Chapter 13

*********WARNING!!! This story is intended for MATURE and RESPONSIBLE ADULTS ONLY*********

The two walk in then gasp and are immediately greeted by Reggie, the bear from R.C.'s school. R.C. immediately drags Joey into the elevator and closes the door as Reggie talks on his phone facing the stairwell. Inside the elevator, R.C. looks out the window at Reggie. "I hate this elevator, but I also don't like this guy."

"Who is he?" Joey whispers back.

"He's one of the popular guys; he throws these parties all the time and invites the school." R.C. says back, "He doesn't like when well know people like me don't go."

"Oh?" Joey looks back inquisitively.

"Yeah, he's not someone you can trust a secret with. He finds out about us, the whole school will know." R.C. says worried.

"Oh he's that guy? The ones who are really popular?" Joey asks.

"Yup. I wish I knew what he's here for though." R.C. wonders as he continues to look out the elevator window. He watches the bear look around as he talks on his phone, but the elevator door is too thick to allow for the fox to hear the actual conversation. "I can't hear him." R.C. gripes as he struggles to hear. R.C. then backs away and slides the curtain closed. He then grabs the lever and takes a deep breath. "I hate this elevator." He moans as he activates the lift which moves the antique cab upwards. He looks over at Joey who is puzzled. "Sorry, we'll get off on 2 and I'll walk down to see what's up."

The cab reaches the 2 level and the fox lines up the markings so they can get out. The two step out. R.C. looks over, "Hey, wait here by the upstage entrance here. I'll go down and greet him." He then talks down the stairs to the 1stfloor and notices the bear making his way up. The bear stops in his tracks and looks at the fox.

"You! What are you doing here?" Reggie asks.

"I work here now, and we have a party tonight." R.C. says, "Are you coming tonight to Groove?"

"Yeah." Reggie nods. R.C. becomes slightly disappointed.

"Oh yeah? That's cool. Glad you could come support us." R.C. says, while thinking that his relationship to the fennec could easily be discovered by the bear. "I might be co-performing with the headliner 7-up tonight."

"Oh that's cool. I guess it's fair that I come to your party one time." Reggie laughs.

"Heh, thanks. This isn't my party really, but I assist and promote." R.C. says.

"Ah that's cool. I guess that explains why you never come to our parties." Reggie shrugs.

"Yeah, heh. It's a hobby." R.C. node hesitatingly.

"So when does this start?" The bear asks.

"10 on the nose and it will cost $10 to enter." R.C. replies. "Well it's 8:30 now, so you can either wait in line or grab some food or something."

"Oh ok, I'll head and eat then. I'll see you later then." Reggie then walks back downstairs. R.C. sighs heavily and walks back up. He meets Joey and gives him a big hug.

"I heard R.C., I take we shouldn't be close all night?" Joey asks.

R.C. nods sadly. "I hate this part...I wish he wasn't here."

"Can you at least dance with me?" The fennec looks up at the sad looking fox.

"I'll do my best. I really do." R.C. looks down holding the fennec tightly.

R.C. breaks the hug off and looks at his phone; 7-up has texted that he is there. "Hey, I gotta to help him get set up."

"Ok, I'll come with and help?" Joey asks.

"Sure why not? Let's go." The two foxes head down the stairs to meet the legendary DJ and promoter. Outside, the tall husky stands and greets R.C. and then is introduced to Joey. Each fur takes a piece of equipment and loads it in the elevator. They then head up to the 4th floor to unload. The three setup the stage with the equipment. As work continues to establish the stage, the twin raccoons come in with their gear. R.C. greets the two and introduces Joey and is immediately granted a comp slot being that he helped to setup the stage.

After everything is setup and the sound checks are completed, R.C. sets up his recording station and then breaks for a brief lunch. The two walk down and see the line starting to form despite it being only 9:00 PM. As the two walk down, the furs in the short line wave to the two as they walk down with their passes in hand. Then they continue outside.

"What would you like to eat Foxy?" Joey asks.

"Hmm, not sure tonight, I might just head to Ken Taco Hut." R.C. looks left. "Gotta be back in 30."

"Oh yeah, heh forgot it was that late already!" Joey exclaims.

The two walk down a couple blocks to the fast food joint to eat. The two then chow down quickly and head back towards the club. As they walk up, they notice the line has grown as they make their way past it. Some of those waiting in line give a couple quips to the two as they make their way up the stairwell. R.C. ensures his badge is fully displayed for the entry way and points out to them that his boyfriend is also comped with his badge. Inside, R.C. directs Joey to the side stage where the monitor board sits. The two sit down on the stools provided, "Stick with me until the music starts, that way you can be counted as here." R.C. says as he starts to adjust the mixer to provide the monitor feedback for the onstage performer. Joey watches the fox as he focuses on his job and sets up his recording system for archiving. As R.C. sets up, 7-Up comes over and sneaks up on the fox. R.C. jumps about a mile and turns around to punch the husky in the arm for scaring him.

"Hey, you!" the husky says, "Pay attention to your surroundings."

"I was busy setting up, what's up?" R.C. replies back.

"So you want to tag tonight on the keyboards? I could use some improvisational fills and help." 7-Up asks.

R.C. nods excitedly. "Of course, sir! I'd be honored to assist!" The fox jumps for joy. "And I'll do it for free because you're awesome!"

"Haha, thank you! I'll still buy you dinner one night." The husky laughs and shakes the fox's right shoulder as he leaves the side stage to head to the bar. R.C. resumes his setup of his system and monitors. He finishes up quickly and heads to the bar to grab some water. He checks his watch and notices it is about 10PM as the line outside starts to pay and enter. As he walks back, he runs into Joey 3 and Terry and the three begin to talk. Joey notices the panther and husky with R.C. and makes his way over. "Hey guys!" the fennec exclaims excitedly and comes up next to R.C.

"Hey Jojo!" the panther greets the similar named fennec fox.

"Hey Joey, how are you?" Terry greets the fennec as well giving him a hug.

"Hi guys!" Joey says as he comes over to R.C. and gives him a tight hug.

"Oh I see you two met?" Terry makes a quick observation. The fennec looks back and nods as he clings on the bigger fox. He then gives R.C. a kiss causing him to blush. "Oh, I take you two really met then heh." Terry adds on.

R.C. nods and blushes as Terry makes notes of the kiss. He then pulls Joey close in his hug. "Yeah, we sort of started going out now."

"Oh, well I didn't know you went that way. I thought you told me you didn't go that way." Terry asks as he seems confused. "You kissed that one guy a while back and then you told me it was a bet."

R.C. pulls Terry aside and talks to him closely. "Ter, I...I actually do like him a lot."

"So you're gay now?" Terry asks a little taken aback.

"Um, well, I don't think I'm gay, but I guess I'm more bi. I also did liked the kiss from the other guy, I honestly didn't think there was anything different from kissing a girl." The fox replies. "Are you ok though? I really hope you don't think differently of me now."

"No, not really. I'm just shocked, that's all." The husky replies back looking away slightly.

"Sorry man, I guess I should've told you." R.C. says.

"Yeah, I'll be ok." Terry says and then walks over to meet some others. R.C. then looks down feeling he betrayed a friend. He then talks back to Joey and gives him a hug. Joey 3 then comes over and hugs the two.

"I'm glad you two hooked up! Hehehe." The panther laughs as he embraces the two.

R.C. then hears his name called and looks at his watch, "Oh snap, I gotta get back to my station and get ready!" He then rushes to his station as the first DJ steps up to the decks and sets up. R.C. then watches the wolf on stage for the signal to begin. He cues up his recording setup just as the wolf on stage drops the first track of house music down. He notices the DJ gives the ok symbol meaning the monitor levels are acceptable. R.C. then sits back down for a moment and checks his levels. R.C. then gives the signal to begin, the lights darken and the stage lights activate. Groove is now in session.

The fox starts to nod his head to the slower BPMs of the house music and does one more check of all his levels making sure he's recording properly. He then gets up and heads out to the dance floor which has a few furs dancing out there as typical with the opening set. R.C. begins to mingle with a few friends he knows as his boyfriend mingles with others. While R.C. is talking, he looks over and notices Terry over with another group. The husky points in the general direction of R.C. He has a concerned look on his face. R.C. begins to worry inside thinking he may have lost a friend.

The music starts to draw the attention of the incoming crowd to the dance floor. R.C. starts to walk around to various other groups as he starts to feel the beats in hopes it will warm him up to dance some. He still seems somewhat bothered from the recent events with his friend Terry and how the husky reacted to the news about R.C.'s new boyfriend. R.C. walks over to the lighting and house sound desk in the rear and notices Thomas, the tiger, with an evil grin on his face. "Hey R.C.! Watch this!" He cackles and presses a button on the strobe controller causing the strobes to begin a ¼ second rotating sequence. "Hehe, cool huh? I wrote this one today so all the little druggies later will react to it." R.C. then nods.

"Only you would think of something like that." R.C. replies back in close proximity to the tiger due to the louder music.

"Ha, you think that's all I do? Watch this!" Thomas then presses number 23 on the upper panel which causes the track sports to all alternate red and blue while spinning in a police-car like pattern. "Hahaha this will get them all running!" Thomas then starts to guffaw loudly.

R.C. shakes his head and starts to laugh. "Like I was saying, only you!" The fox then sneaks behind the lion to get to the house desk and looks at a few levels on the mains. R.C. perks his ears up as the DJ at the desk starts a transition. A low level feedback loop starts to form. "Ah shit, not again." He curses as he turns to his right and locates the house EQ module. He presses by-pass which forces the secondary EQ stack to take over. R.C. then slides the two 40Hz faders down which silences the feedback.

"Good timing fox! You always have an ear for that. We forgot to flip that earlier when Geoff was there." Thomas quips up.

"Yeah, he always wants to turn the gates up on the limiter, but that always kills the breakdowns. Just let the EQ remain flat and cut the 40Hz line, it will solve the feedback issue." R.C. lectures. He then looks back towards the DJ stage watches the DJ as he makes the transition without a flaw. He then surveys the floor ahead of him as it appears to be only a quarter full. He then looks up at the speakers aimlessly for a moment. Next thing he notices is a paw waving just at the bottom of his view. He looks down and notices Joey waving trying to obtain the fox's attention. R.C. looks down and smiles waving back. He then makes a couple final adjustments to the sound knowing that he will be working there later this week for concerts. He makes his way back out to the dance floor and meets up with Joey. The two then hug tightly. "R.C.! I'm really excited to introduce you to some friends of mine! Come with me." The fennec then pulls the bigger fox over to a group of foxes. All of them immediately react and recognize the bigger fox.

"It's R.C. the DJ guy!" quips one as he rushes over to hug the fox who becomes a little taken aback. "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Eric." He then extends his paw to R.C. who then grabs and shakes it.

"Heh, hi Eric." R.C. nods and then watches Joey step in.

"Heh, this is my new boyfriend!" the fennec exclaims. The others simply look at R.C. with curiosity.

"I thought he was straight?" another fox next to Eric speaks up.

"Howie, he decided to open up because he kept striking out." Joey tells the fox in his ear so R.C. cannot hear. Howie nods.

R.C. then looks around and then comes over to Joey. "I think I am going to sit for a bit at the desk, you can come with?" He beckons Joey to come over.

"I'm going to hang out with my friends here, is that ok?" Joey asks.

"Yeah, that's cool. I just wanna sit for a bit." R.C. says and then heads over. "I'll be back out for the next DJ for dancing." R.C. then waves as he makes his way to the stage right monitor console and sits down. He checks his recording system making sure everything is still recording and in check. He sits on his stool and places his arms and paws on his face resting and staring at the DJ. He starts to day dream a little in his mind wondering about his current relationship and his most recent interaction with a good friend. He begins to second guess himself about his relationship and how it has been impacting his friendship with some so far. The next track the current DJ puts on isn't helping the fox much in his mood. It's a song full of breakdowns with a minor note based melody. The fox sits there somewhat bothered about what has been transpiring so far in his life recently from his most recent breakup to his current relationship.

Moments pass by, and he realized the DJ on stage is ending his set as the next DJ takes his place. R.C. snaps out of his trance and swaps his disc out in his recorder quickly and resets the recording session. He then hears as the faster beats of a UK House set start to fill the room with thumping sounds. The dance floor starts to fill up quickly with masses of bodies bouncing to the fast pace running at about 138 BPM. The fox starts to make his way out from his cage on stage right. He realizes he only has about 75 min until he has to meet up with 7up for his live set.

R.C. makes his way out and then notices Joey. The fox smiles and tries to makes his way over, but the fennec suddenly changes direction to catch up with his friends on the floor. The fox gets caught up in a group of girls, the very same ones from last weekend in fact. They surround the start to hug the fox. The lynxes continue their assault on the fox trying to sway him to break hoping to garner a response in their favor. R.C. starts to get a bit frustrated with the actions the two female lynxes are attempting to do with him.

R.C. finally had enough. He shouts out to them, "Stop it! I'm Gay!" The two stop as well as the attention of a few others adjust towards the trio. The fox then blushes and turns around and makes his way back to the chill area. He heads to the front windows and sits on the ledge staring outwards feeling confused and embarrassed. Joey 3 comes over, "Hey, what's up? You seem a bit, flustered?"

"Oh hey...I kinda feel weird about things." R.C. replies.

"Oh, like what? And where's your boyfriend at?" The panther asks.

"I just told some girls that wanted me I'm gay and I just didn't feel right after that, man." The fox replies looking a bit sad.

"Oh, wow. What made you do that?" Joey 3 asks as he sits closer to the fox.

"They're very pushy and I don't want them, even when I am straight or oh my god, I'm confused!" The fox lowers his head.

"I'm here to talk to you, I bet you're just afraid." Joey 3 then wraps his paw around the fox.

"Yeah, I am afraid. I just feel like I'm doing something wrong or going to make others upset just because I want something they all think is wrong." R.C. says about to cry. "I just want love and he seems like he provides it."

"Well, R.C., this is all new to you. Jason and I been together for a year so far. It was a rough start and I had the same feelings you do. Yeah, you might lose some friends, but you'll gain some and even some respect from the others along the way." Joey 3 hugs the fox. "Your real friends will support you! I support you!"

R.C. lifts his head up and wipes his eyes. "Thank you, I just am scared though."

"That may take some time to get over, I feel in the future we won't have to hide as much or live in fear just because of our love." The panther reassures the fox.

"But I feel like I'm just losing friends." The fox replies.

"You have Sharlee, myself, and a few others." Joey 3 hugs the fox again. "And you have your boyfriend most importantly!"

"Yeah, you're right." R.C. hugs back.

"Hey you two! Cheating on me already foxy?" Joey comes in and greets his two friends.

"Oh no, I'm uh not he was...just..." R.C. becomes flustered.

"Hehe foxy, I'm kidding, but I'm a bit jealous you're not hugging me." Joey teases the fox

R.C. then gets up and pulls the fennec into a tight hug. Joey wraps his arms around his fox in response, then moves his mouth up to the fox's ear and whispers, "You're forgetting something."

R.C. looks at the fennec in the eyes confused. Joey then kisses the fox pushing him back down on the ledge of the window. The two begin to make out as Joey 3 looks on smiling knowing the two are in love. Moments pass and the two break the embrace. R.C. looks at his gel watch and sees he has about 30 min left until 7Up takes the stage. "Joey, I'm going to look for 7Up, wanna come with?"

"Sure foxy! I would like to see you perform." Joey replies back.

The two walk over to the side stage and see 7Up standing there watching the other DJ on the stage. The husky leans over to R.C. "Hey, this guy's got some good stuff. You should tag with him some day?"

R.C. laughs, "Yeah, maybe. Very bouncy." He looks at the dance floor, "Yep, even got a good sized dance floor rocking."

Joey comes over and agrees, "I like the bouncy stuff, but they never play happy hardcore anymore, what gives?"

R.C. and 7Up both laugh. "Hahaha, maybe one day?" 7Up says. "R.C., let's discuss the setup here."

"Alright, let's head to the green room over there and do it, I can't hear well here." R.C. says.

The three then walk on the stage in the rear and head to Stage left where the green room access is located. They enter and close the door. "Ah, Joey! You tagging along huh?"

Joey nods. R.C. then speaks up, "He's...my boyfriend." R.C. then shakes a little and gets a weird feeling from saying that.

The husky looks over and smiles. "Good for you R.C. Glad to meet your boyfriend."

R.C. blushes and smiles back. Joey then grabs the fox's paw and squeezes it. "Thank you." Joey says.

"Glad, you two look very happy, in fact R.C. looks much happier than he's ever been." The husky says smiling. "Alrighty, let's discuss the set tonight." The husky pulls out his notebook. The two foxes stare at it confused trying to figure out all the symbols and markings. "Heh, confused?" The two foxes nod confusingly. "That's alright; it's all about the beats. You know I use the MacBook Pro with my set right?"

R.C. nods, "Yeah, you have the two tables and the MacBook for drops."

"Almost, I put a lot of new tracks that we produce on here and I can play them to feel if they're worth getting pressed on records for sale." 7Up explains. He then points at a page on his notebook. "On here, this shows the track structure for the set I have planned to perform, it's divided into three tracks. The left and right are the turntables while the middle is the MacBook. I have all my tracks broken down into beat sizes and when/where the drops start and end. R.C. you'll come in on the yellow highlighted sections with the keyboard and guitar work. You'll just improvise, sound ok?"

R.C. nods, "Yeah, wow, I never seen anyone this...specific on all the details." He then looks down at the notebook and then realizes he figures it out.

"I'm sure you'll be able to improvise some melody to go over the tracks." The husky adds.

"Yeah, I can. How fast we going here?" The fox asks.

"Ah, yeah, about 120-130 BPM. I might adjust it throughout the set."

"Sounds good." R.C. nods.

"All right, meet me stage right about 5 min before start time ok?" 7Up says.

R.C. nods and then heads out with Joey back to the dance floor. They walk out and run into Terry. "Hi Terry." R.C. waves at the husky.

"R.C., can I talk to you?" Terry says.

"Uh sure..." R.C. says slowly looking quite confused.

The two talk over to the corner on the bleachers. "R.C., you're not going to like this, but I need to know something. Are you for real gay?"

"Well...I don't know..." R.C. stumbles trying to figure out how to approach the question.

"Well, are you two going out?" Terry asks.

"Yeah..." R.C. replies back.

"Then you're gay then. That's as simple as that." Terry says, "What changed man? You were always looking at the girls."

"I don't know...I still like looking at them, but I just...I guess feel comfortable and...secure or something like that with him." R.C. replies back. "I'm sorry." He then lowers his head.

"Well, fine. I guess that's what you want." Terry then gets up. "Hope you're happy." He then walks away. R.C. sits there confused and saddened. He then feels a paw on his shoulder from his boyfriend.

"You ok foxy?" Joey asks while rubbing the fox's shoulder.

"I dunno...I just don't know." He says confused.

"You seem quite down lately, what's bothering you." Joey asks.

"Nothing, I'll be ok." R.C. says, and then gets up. In his mind, his continual battle about himself rages on if he wants to go further with Joey or possibly end it and call it an experiment gone wrong. He looks at Joey and lets his emotions take control of his mind. Most of which are of love and happiness, then his emotions of his potentially lost friends start to clash. He then makes up his mind on what he should do. He then looks up again at Joey and starts to open his maw to say something.

"Foxy, you look like you want to tell me something that's on your mind, I know it." Joey says.

"Yeah, I kinda do...it's just that I...well" R.C. stutters and then hugs Joey. "I have something...important to tell you..."

Joey nods and then looks back into the fox's eyes. "Tell me babe, I'm here to support you."

R.C. starts to tear up as he opens his maw again about to deliver his news to the fennec. "Joey, I ....