Monday morning messyness

Story by Diamond Dragon on SoFurry

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WARNING! This story contains scat. Lots of it. If you don't like it, don't read it. This is the first and final warning, I will not take responsibility for anything that follows from reading this story.

Also, if you are under Eighteen (18) Shame on you! You shouldn't be here in the first place... But thanks for concidering this story to be read. After reading this story, please do comment. I'm open to suggestions and points of improvement.

It was a calm Monday morning, like so many before. The lazy dragon male, who was still laying in his bed, was slowly awakened by the sunlight shining through the semi-closed curtains hanging before his wide window. He held his claw in the path of the light, blocking it from shining directly into his bright blue eyes. The thick tail which extended his rump, twitched a bit below the sheets, creating a quick wave pattern in the sheets, as he moved around closer to the edge of the bed.

Slowly and lazily the adult dragon moved his torso over the edge of his bed, his eyes half lidded as the sunlight shone into them. He stood up on both of his feet and looked around in his one-person room. Having no partner and no work, he still lived comfortably with his parents. The room he was in now being the same room that he spend his childhood, with a lot of nice memories and personal treasures, but an interior that didn't quite fit his age.

Slowly strolling down the stairs he found his tummy rumbling, as to be expected at this time of day, not too long after waking up from a night's sleep. When he finally got down though, he didn't make breakfast first. He headed for the sink and turned on on the flow of water. He took a cup, and filled it with water. He then lifted his muzzle and the cup, splashing his face with the icy cold water that previously filled the cup. He shivered and groaned softly, the water splashing from his face onto the floor as well. He felt he was totally awake now, taking the knife from the cupboard before starting the operation on the piece of loaf that was about to become his breakfast.

When he finished preparing his breakfast, he took the plate with breakfast to the couch, where he stretched out entirely, his tail and legs hanging over one edge of the couch, and his head resting against the other. The adult dragon had a good life. Living with his parents, who both earned more than enough working, were perfectly able to take care of an extra dragon in their house. Having no brothers or sisters, and barely any friends, he had nobody to disturb him while his parents were out, enjoying the luxuries his parents bought for him and themselves. He felt like he had it all worked out nicely.

When finishing his breakfast he put the plate on the table next to the couch and just lay there, his eyes closing again while his body started digesting his meal. Having his holiday the next few weeks, he literally didn't have to do anything, or worry about anything other than school which started after a couple of weeks, and keeping the house relatively clean. After all, his parents worked and got the money to live off, while he didn't have to do anything in specific. He could do some of the housework.

After a couple of moments with his eyes closed, his mind quickly turned dirty, thinking of the nude dragonesses he found on the internet yesterday. He murred softly while he lay there, a piece of pink flesh starting to poke out from the male slit at his crotch. The piece of flesh grew as he got more aroused from the thought of the nude dragonesses, his erection quickly forming. He couldn't help but start touching his erection, his claw slowly rubbing from the tip of the draconic erection down to the base, teasing a long and low murr from the male adult.

Quickly, he found himself leaking pre into his chest, his imagination taking him further than he thought he would get. Odly though, he didn't just imagine the dragonesses naked, laying on a bed or on the floor, exposing their female slits, He found them sitting on toilet bowls, squatting over the edge of a cliff, of just pooping in front of him. The first time a thought like that crossed his mind, he could feel his erection throb. To his own great surprise and amusement.

He tried to lead his thoughts to something else, like the girl he has been eyes at school, but the only thing he could remember of her was when he accidentally caught her in the toilet, unbuttoning her pants. She slammed the door shut before he could see any more, but his imagination filled in the gap. Envisioning himself a view from the toilet bowl's inside, aimed at the female's butt and cunny.

As he envisioned it, another squirt of pre hit his nose, catching him off guard as he had his eyes closed, quickly thrusted back into reality. His claw was rapidly stroking an erection he felt was much harder than ever before. He released his erection and gently blew his nose in his claw, blowing out the precum that landed in his nostril into claw, which he quickly wiped on the chair.

He looked down at his draconic erection as it lay on his stomach, creating a small puddle of pre on his stomach. A smile appeared on his face and he lay back again, letting his erection be for now. He relaxed his slightly tense body, and murred softly, closing his eyes again.

The silence that was heard in the room for a while, except for a few birds whistling outside, was abruptly broken by a loud fart. The dragon's eyes shot open, trying to find where the abrupt sound came from, until he realized that it was himself who did that. Yet, instead of disliking it, he murred to it, feeling proud of creating such a loud noise from another area of his body than his muzzle. He wiggled his lower torso a bit, trying to force out another similar gas explosion.

He did indeed fart a couple of times, but not nearly as loud as the first time. After a couple of attempts he felt something else move down his bowels. He knew what it was and grinned to himself, murring as his erection, which had softened a bit with the pause, firmed up again, the butthole of the large dragon expanding widely to show a big, round, flattened, firm piece of shit, which was painfully slowly growing from his widely spread butthole.

The dragon looking at his stool as it grew from his butt, bending over a bit to get a slightly closer look, his legs wide spread as two inches of dragon poo was pushed out of his rear, trailing down his tail, over the edge of the couch. For a couple of moments he was fascinated with his shit pushing out, until he realized that if he continued there, he would have to clean it up. And even though the thought and view of it growing clearly aroused him, he wasn´t about to touch his own crap.

He looked around, seeing the other couch, his mum's tiny table, his shoes and his plate within his reach. He raised his rear a bit, moving the plate further down on the table, while he moved his still shitting butt closer to the table. When he was sure the log he was pushing out was going to land on the plate, he turned his body around, his erection dangling down from his crotch with his balls, the puddle of pre on his chest dripping onto the plastic floor, and the excrement still hanging from his butt, and it only seemed to increase in size.

As much as he was enjoying the slow bowel movement, he couldn't help but try and speed it up a bit, pushing on his bowels, forcing the log, which was now longer and much thicker than his 10 inch erection, to grow from his butt quicker. It was starting to curl up on the plate, neatly following the edge of the plate as it curled. The adult dragon, hoping that his stool wouldn't overfill the plate. He murred deeply as he looked at it, both in admiration and slight disgust of what he was actually doing.

He clenched his rear when he noticed that his turd had formed a nice tip to the pile, cutting off the flow onto the plate forcibly. He could feel that his bowels weren't empty yet, but he thought it was safe to get up and move that which he already made to the toilet. He moved off of the couch and stood up on both of his feet. He crouched down a bit as he put his claws carefully under the plate, lifting it slowly and carefully. He felt proud and fulfilled when he noticed that the plate was a couple of pounds heavier than when it was when it was empty, admiring his own excretion in a weird, yet pleasant way.

On his way to the toilet, he felt his bowels gurgle, and he stood still for a moment, his body momentarily taking control of his mind as he spread his legs and lifted his tail, the log of dragon crap that he clenched off earlier, continuing, quicker than before, quickly dropping to the floor when it got too heavy to hang from his butt any longer.

He regained control of his mind when he felt a much softer piece of dragon shit move down his bowels, before pushing out, nearly flying out of his rear as he moaned softly from excreting on the plastic floor. All worries of cleaning up were gone for a while as he felt his stood slowly getting softer and more fluidlike.

He instinctively got on all fours, lifting his tail high up into the air, showing his slightly brown tailhole to passers by, who were looking in. As high as his tail was raised, as far his next turd was thrusted, as a long flow of mudlike shit was propelled from his tailhole, forced out under great force as he pushed on his bowels.

Truly, the floor was a big mess, but the adult dragon wasn't finished yet. A loud fart escaped his butthole, spraying tiny bits of brown crap backwards as the air was forced out, covering the furniture and part of the wall in dark brown specks. Soon after the shitspray, his butthole spread again. Only slightly this time as a small soft, but not muddy piece of shit was pushed out of his butthole, reaching halfway down to the floor, before falling off, and dropping to the ground below.

The dragon panted as he looked under himself and further at what he had expelled in shit this morning, surprised at how he managed to miss the feeling of such a bowel movement coming near. While looking down under him, he also noticed that his erection was throbbing fiercely, almost streaming precum onto the floor under him. A nice puddle of pre had already formed. It took him a while to recognize the feeling of his cock being fully erect, quickly starting to rub it when he did.

His claw moved up and down his erection fiercely for a couple of seconds, the dragon groaning and moaning heavily as he did, before something that could be described as a stream of cum fired from his cock. The firm erection taking the roll as a fire hydrant for a couple of seconds as he spew his immense dragon load over the floor, covering part of it in a coating of white.

His body shivered during his orgasm, his claw rubbing up and down the sensitive rod even during the spurting, making his body twitch lightly as he did. When it all finally passed, and his orgasm drew to a close, he continued standing there on all fours, panting and breathing deeply. He enjoyed this... odd series of moments more than he did anything in his life before, a wide smile apparent on his face, even with the thought of cleaning it up in the back of his head.

After a good few minutes, the dragon stood up, still panting slightly, and his erection softened down, looking down and back at the mess he left behind. Suddenly he didn't feel the need for gloves to handle his shit, and he took the plate which he had set down carefully when he went on to all fours, from the floor by one side, having one of his digits dug into his shit to hold it. He walked over to the toilet and dumped the pile of poo into it, before aiming his soft gun at the bowl, feeling the need to do one more thing.

A good firm strong stream of dark yellow urine formed from the tip of his soft member as he put force on his bladder, splattering it all over in the porcelain bowl, but keeping the splatters limited to inside the bowl. He had enough to clean already.

After the stream of dark golden urine had stopped, he turned the leaver, and the toilet flushed. Thankfully, it washed along everything he dumped in there, to disappear from his view. He turned around and went through the door to the kitchen, placing the shitcovered plate in the dishwasher, smiling as he thought that part was done. He then turned to the sink, and turned on the hot water, pouring some detergent into the mix as it slowly filled up. He opened a closet in the wall, and took out a small brush and bucket, a mop, a set of dragonsize gloves and a dishcloth, putting the dishcloth and the wet part of the mop in the hot water to soak a bit before starting their duty.

"Well... I guess I've got some cleaning to do!" The dragon said to himself out loud, the first words of the day.