Mereck Stories Ch.3

Story by Mereck on SoFurry

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#3 of Mereck Stories

I awoke the next morning my head a little hazy. It took me a few moments to get my bearings straight and remember where I was. After I finally remembered that I was in a hospital my mind displayed the nice events that happened the day before. I remembered how wonderful that horse mouth felt on my length. It was so new, and yet so familiar. I would never forget how wonderful it felt. I sighed and reached down, and started to play with my thick, hard Dragon length.

I suddenly heard a giggling next to me and looked up to see the nurse. Shi had a huge grin on hir face as I blushed and let go of the length. Shi giggled again and reached down rubbing the hard length though the sheets as shi wispered to me "I wish I could have that much fun with you again, but the fox is here to take you home with him." I blinked wondering how I could get this hardness down as shi giggled and let it go. "Well, he'll be a few minutes since he has to fill out some papers. It'll give you a chance to get dressed and let that stick of yours get down to managable proportions.

I was wondering if shi was having more fun torturing me than shi let on. Shi walked over to a nearby table and set a pair of clothes onto it. "He brought these clothes over for you. He didn't know your size so most of it's stretchable. It should allow you to hide yourself if you can't get it down." I watched hir leave the room as I slowly sat up and got out of the bed. I looked down to see my hardness for the first time without it being covered by water or a mouth. I must admit it was quite huge. it was resting slowly above my belly, just missing the bottoms of my firm tits. I grinned and reached down, rubbing it a little more. I cooed in delight at the great feeling of the cock. I had to force my hand away as I walked over to the clothes and tried to put them on.

I lived pretty much naked my whole life, which makes me grateful that I was born a dragon since my scales helped support me. My tits would have been to my knees by the time I learned about a bra...and burned it. But, that's a story for another time. I eventually figured out the pants, and also figured out how to stuff my length down one of the legs. Even then you could tell I had quite the package underneath. I tried on the shirt, and saw that it made me look pretty good. My pants were tight for a little bit, and I wondered what I could do. The fact that I kept looking at my cock did not help at all.

I was eventually able to get my length to soften up enough to not be so obvious just in time to hear the door open and the fox walk in. I smile and walk over to the fox. He smiled back and held out his hand for mine. "Well, I guess it will be my job to teach you about the city." I smiled and took his hand, and we started to walk out of the hospital. The nurse horse smiled at me as we walked out, and gave me a little flash when I was the only one looking. I felt the blush rise along with another thing, glad that the curiosity of the world outside the hospital helped me keep me under control.

We walked to the parking lot, and he showed me my first car. I was amazed at how it looked, walking around it as he chuckled at my reaction. "That's right, you probably never seen a car before" I looked at him with a slight blush and smiled. "A C...Car? What does it do?" He blinked, never being asked that before as he thought about how he could answer that in a way that made sense to me. "Well, it's like walking, but only on certain areas and also a lot faster than walking." I didn't quite understand it, but he opened the door to the car and invited me in. I smiled and went into it, finding it quite easy to sit in. He shut the door and the seatbelt strapped onto me automatically. I paniced a little, then calmed down when I realized that it was just holding me softly in place. I watched him walk to the other side and sit down in the other end, taking the seatbelt easily showing me I didn't have to worry about it at all. After that he started the car, and the sound was kinda thrilling to me. Then, we backed up, and drove out of the hospital.

It made more sense to me now as we started to drive down the road. I could see us go faster than normal walking. I could probably fly faster but I didn't know where I would fly to anyway, so I enjoyed the carride. It felt too short to me as we reached his apartment. He walked with me up the stair, and into his apartment as he shut the door behind me. It looked so nice. It was very homely, with a nice feeling of comfort. I looked around, and took in everything I saw. He smiled as he walked over to his kitchen, and dug around here and there. I eventually found the sofa, and cooed as I sat in one for the first time. It was wonderful how good it felt. It was like laying down on clouds, and I purred in delight as I relaxed on it. Eventually I smelt the aroma of meat cooking over the stove, and I looked over to see him doing something on what I would later find out was a stove. I watched him, and it looked like he was cooking something but without using flames. I was supprised that I didn't need to use my flame to heat it up, and even more supprised at how good it looked. It was a normal hamburger but to me it looked delicious. He grinned as he handed me a plate, and I dove down into it. He grabbed my back, and eased me up, and sat next to me and showed me how people normally ate it.

I will agree it's faster to just dive into it, but I could see how doing what he did would keep specks of food out of your face. I followed his actions, learning the proper way to eat a hamburger. Eventually we both finished, and I sighed as I sunk into the couch and let the food digest. He reached for this black thing, and pushed a button on it. I saw a picture show up and wondered how these little furries got into the Box. When I asked him he laughed and said it was a television. He explained that it was kinda like a box that showed images. I didn't quite understand him but I figured I would eventually.

As the day went on, he taught me more and more. A lot of it I didn't get, but I slowly picked up on things here and there. Eventually the day wore away, and entered into the night. I heard him chuckle as I yawned loudly. He showed me to my bed, and closed the door behind me. As I undressed I saw that my length was into my sheath now. I grinned to myself remembering how hard it was to hide it before. And that nurse, shi must've enjoyed watching me get all hot and bothered over hir. I do admit, I kinda enjoyed it too. I layed down on the bed, feeling the soft fabric of the bed on my scales as I thought over the great time I had with the nurse last night.

I opened my eyes after reflecting over it. Looking down I saw that my length was now rock hard again, and that I had my hand over it. I smiled to myself, figuring that as long as I had my hand here, and started to rub it heavily. I started to groan loudly as I jerked myself off, feeling the wonderful hardness in my hand as I bucked and groaned in delight. My mind suddenly shifted from the sight of the sweet nurse to the fox. I suddenly felt my hard length throb even harder, and I jerked off with more need to explode.

I started to moan and groan loudly, worried I would wake the fox but quickly forgetting that as I rubbed harder and faster. I imagined the sweet fox sucking my length off hard, and I groaned louder and deeper. I suddenly felt a powerful squeezing on my balls, and I groan like a wild animal as my cock exploded all over the walls. I gasped and groaned deeply as I looked at the wall and wondered how I was going to clean the wall as I slowly fell asleep. If I had stayed awake I would have heard another noise of a fox yipping in pleasure as he had his fun with my fun.

(I apologize for this story. I'm right now high on NyQuil but promised myself to do it today. Next one will be messier and not a one....herm show.)