Sudden Encounter

Story by Lee WildStorm on SoFurry

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A wolf saves a bunny from a group of hyenas and they are unexpectedly attracted to each other.

This is the first fur story I wrote, now slightly edited.

Riley stalked down the hallway, so pissed off that he wouldn't have been surprised if there was a literal thunderstorm brewing over his head.

Coming to a halt in front of a mirror, he scowled at his reflection. Short, sleek dark gray fur covering his entire body. Sharp wolf ears and tail of the same color, one ear with a small silver hoop strung through the edge. A well muscled body, taller than normal, that was partly the result of genetics and partly due to time spent exercising away his aggression. He snorted. Not that his physical ability seemed to help him with anything. First, he'd been kicked off the hockey team for beating up a group of upperclassmen who had been harassing a new kid. Now he was going to fail his Chem 201 class because the damn professor wouldn't let him make up the final he had missed - no matter that it was because he'd been chasing down a mugger. Go figure.

As he stormed onwards, muttering to himself, loud voices distracted him from his rage. Glancing towards the source of the noise, he saw a group of hyenas clustered around a much smaller figure hidden in shadows, pushing him and jeering. He frowned, angling towards them and picking up speed. Hyenas - especially in a group - were never good news. Suddenly one of the goons slammed his hand into the books the smaller guy was clutching, knocking him off balance and making him fall to the ground, spilling books everywhere. Freshly enraged, Riley sprinted towards the group. Most of them scattered, scared, as soon as they saw him, but he managed to grab a few by the shirts before they could escape.

"Bastards," he growled into their faces, dragging them close. "I catch picking on a kid again and I rip you losers to pieces. Got it?" Trembling in terror, the hyenas nodded. After waiting a moment to make sure they got it, he released them and watched as they fled, tails tucked between their legs.

Turning to pick up the books of the guy who had been knocked down, he squatted and asked, "Hey, you okay dude?" Receiving no answer, he looked up inquiringly, and froze. That was no guy. That was quite possibly the most adorable rabbit chick he had ever seen. Silky white fur, perky ears, shoulder length chocolate brown, tiny nose, full lips, amethyst eyes, and - to top it all off - a perfect hourglass figure, complete with rounded hips and breasts that looked like they were about to burst out of her sexy little sweater. His mouth went dry.

Heather's heart had nearly stopped when the huge dark blur had come hurtling in out of nowhere and broken up the guys who had been harassing her. After he finished threatening them - well, that's what she assumed he was doing, since she was too shocked to listen in - he had turned around and squatted down . She gulped, terrified, until she noticed he was picking up her books. She saw him look up at her with a questioning look and stare at her.

A few silent moments passed as she mentally rewound her overactive brain and figured out the question. "Oh! Uh, yeah, um, I'm okay," she blurted out, stumbling over the words. "Thank you." He seemed to shake himself, then stood. "No problem," he said, offering her a hand to stand. After righting herself with his help, she looked up at him and gulped. He was huge - the top of her head didn't even reach his shoulders - plus broad shouldered and muscular on top of it.

"My name's Riley. You sure you're okay? I only saw him push you." Heather blushed. "Yeah. No harm done." Something about this guy was incredibly attractive to her, and made her made certain areas heat up and tingle agreeably. She ruthlessly pushed back those feelings. "My name is Heather."

"Heather. Nice to meet you. So why were those guys heckling you?" Damn if that cute bunny wasn't wreaking havoc on his self control. He wanted to devour her... she looked so incredibly delicious. She frowned, worry creasing her brow. "I don't know. They keep hanging around my dorm recently." She held up her stack of books. "I was heading to the library to study, but I had to stop by my room to grab my psychology textbook. When I got there, my window was broken and some of my stuff, textbook included, missing. I had just reported it to the dorm manager when they cornered me."

Some evil part of Riley's brain that scoffed at self control made him say, "Psych with McMahon right? I've got that book if you want to borrow it." The moment the invitation had left his lips, he started kicking himself. He was bad enough just standing there! He couldn't take her to his room. But the little bunny smiled gratefully at him. "Thank you. That's really generous." He swallowed hard. That smiling mouth looked oh-so kissable. "It's back at my place. Want to come with me to get it? It's on the way to the library."

"Sounds good"

"So, where is your 'place?'" Heather asked, shivering in the wind. The walk across the quad was always cold this time of year.

"It's a tiny apartment off Grosven and Harriet street. I like the privacy." Heather stumbled and nearly fell over. Just them, in a tiny room, all alone. Her imagination was going insane already. What was wrong with her today?

"O-okay. How far is it? I have a terrible sense of direction."

Riley glanced back and smiled at her. "We're here."

As Riley unlocked the door, both he and Heather were trying to get a grip on themselves. She surveyed the room greedily as he closed the door behind them to keep out the cold air. Starting to walk forward, she tripped over a stack of books and nearly fell - only to slam into Riley's chest.

He steadied her, swallowing hard. Her breathless look of surprise, with her mouth in a tiny 'o,' made her even more alluring. Plus her ample breasts were pressed against him nicely, and he could feel himself stirring. Without thinking, he leaned down and kissed her. To the surprise of them both, she returned the kiss, clutching at the front of his shirt and then slipping her hands under it as he deepened the kiss, his arms sliding around her and lifting her up, carrying her over to the couch.

They finally parted, both of them panting heavily and starting at each other with lust filled eyes. They both attacked each other's clothing, Heather struggling with Riley 's shirt while he pulled off her sweater and skirt, revealing a lacy bra peaked with her already-hard nipples, and matching lace panties. Suddenly embarrassed, she tried to cover herself up while he pulled off his shirt, grinning evilly at her. Kissing her nose, he pulled her hands away from their guarding positions in front of her chest and reached around to unsnap her bra. He carressed her perfect breasts, each of which fit exactly in his hands, stroking the fine white fur and fondling the deep pink nipples as she gasped and shuddered under his touch. Bending down slightly, he began to suckle on one rosey peak, pinning her body to the couch with his own as she arched to the touch, crying out softly. He twirled his tongue around the nipple, enjoy both the taste of her and her reactions to his touch.

Pulling off of her breasts, he tweaked them, earning him a squeal, and ran his tongue down the length of her torso. Lifting his head back up, they kissed once more as he reached lower, slipping one hand into her panties and pulling them off, ignoring the jolt she made when his fingers brushed her. Murmuring to her, he broke the kiss and shifted lower, sliding a hand between her legs to spread them apart. Still dazed from before, she looked down, confused about what he was doing. Only when he pressed his muzzle to her pussy did she realize what he was doing. She gripped his shoulders and cried out loud as his tongue rasped across her folds and her swollen clit. Back and forth his tongue went, driving her almost to the edge. Suddenly the tongue disappeared - which she immediately protested - only to be replaced by one claw tipped finger, pushing into the tiny slit of her tight vagina, bringing her over the edge and into her first orgasm as she rode the wave of pleasure.

As Heather sat there panting, Riley gently picked her up and carried her into his bedroom. Setting her down on the bed, he straightened and removed his own pants and underwear. Heather's eyes widened at the sight of his newly freed member. Not only was it a dark black and at least a foot long and several inches thick, but the shaft, which was covered in pulsing veins, tapered to a bulbous head that was dripping pre from the tip. His entire cock was visibly throbbing. "There's no way that it's going to fit inside me," she whispered, squeezing her legs together. "We'll see," said Riley, kissing her. Climbing onto the bed with her, he ran a hand over her hip. "Do you trust me?" He asked softly. Heather gulped. Crazy as it was, she completely did.

Mustering up her courage, she slowly spread her legs apart, allowing him to move between them and position himself over her. At the sight of the beautiful bunny laid bare before him, he had to stop himself from burying himself inside her right then and there, reminding himself to go slowly. Once he was in control again, he leaned forward once more for a long, passionate kiss, then gripped her hips and lifted them off the bed for better access.

She could feel the hot, rock hard tip of his penis nestled against her entrance. He pressed forward, holding her steady, slowly pushing inside. She bit her lip and cried out in pain when the thick head finally popped inside. He gritted his teeth - she was so tight! Little by little, accompanied by her mewling, more of his cock slid inside. As the waves of pleasure overcame the initial pain, she could feel herself being stretched incredibly wide by the enormous intruder pulsing inside her. Once a full 7 inches of thick wolf cock were inside her tiny rabbit cunt, Riley slowly began thrusting rhythmically, shoving just a few extra millimeters in with each small thrust, gradually increasing his speed. Just before the last one, he paused, all but 1 inch inside her, and looked up. Panting, Heather glared at him in confusion, face flushed. "Just wanted to make sure you knew I was about to prove you wrong" he said cheerfully - if a little breathlessly. Without warning he suddenly pulled almost all the way out, then rammed in all the way to his hilt, forcing a huge cry from her, her paws fisting on the sheets. Again and again, he withdrew and then slammed in to the hilt, plowing into the tight walls of her vagina as they clenched around his giant cock, milking pre from it, growing even tighter every time she climaxed with a scream. With every thrust, the knot slapping against her stretched wide entrance grew larger, grinding against her sensitive clit and folds. Finally Reilley thrust all the way in one last time and locked her hips in place against his, throwing back his head and howling as he came long and hard. His cock jerked and shuddered inside Heather, filling her up with his hot, sticky, thick wolf seed as she screamed in pleasure, scrabbling at the hands gripping her hips. Eventually, the flow tapered off, and he withdrew his softened member from her dripping vagina, panting as he gazed at the violated bunny that lay beneath him with her legs spread wide and his cum dripping out of her entrance, matting the fine fur around it.

The two of them collapsed down together on the tiny bed, exhausted. As Reilley stroked Heather's hips, she mumbled, "Psych can wait till later."