Night's Children
#1 of MLP
You can thank Goldfur for starting me down this path and a video on youtube for inspiration
Princess Luna goes on a task and discovers a legacy she left behind.
Night's Children by Admiral Q inspired by Children of the Night My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro
There was darkness around her looking like mist. She was normally not afraid of darkness, it was her element after all but this was different. She felt anger from it, power from it, hunger. And those green eyes that it now has. They were eager and began to close in. With a start Luna awoke from that nightmare. She panted as she took in her surroundings. She was in the quarters her sister set up for her in the Canterlot Castle. Her sister has rule Equestria from this place since the night they fought and left their castle in ruins. There is so much she regrets that night, destroying the castle they work so hard together to make that castle. So much of themselves and she destroyed it in a fit of rage. She missed it. She heard that Twilight Sparkle had thought about restoring the castle and Luna hoped she did. It me a nice retreat from Canterlot. She got up from her bed and check the sun. Due to her royal duties she kept odd hours thus the very heavy curtains to keep out the sun while she slept. With a flick of her magic the curtain was put aside and saw the sun lowering it would be time to raise the moon soon. She went to her bathroom and took care of business and brushed her hair. She then put on her hoof covers and crest armor and last but not least her crown. She looked out the window and her horn glowed and soon the moon rose and past the sun as it set for the night. Satisfied the moon was where it needs to be she opened the door and saw a servant nearby. Seeing the servant cemented her guts urge and ordered. "have my carriage prepared for a long journey." "At once Princess." She replied and Luna went to go after her sister. She found Celestia in the throne room looking over something. She looked up and Luna saw the smile in Celstia's eyes. Far different from the tear filled eyes she had when she used the elements on her. At times she is still surprised how forgiving her sister was. She tried to kill her but considering the lengths she seemed to have done to get her back shows how much her sister loved her. "Good evening sister, sleep well?" "No my sister. My dreams disturb me greatly. I fear something is brewing." "You be right my dear sister. I just got reports from the north. Something is going on just beyond our borders that mainly happens at night. It's on the other side from the Crystal Empire and I rather not send Twilight out again so soon. She still moving into her new castle and deserves some rest after the fight from Tirek." "Sister, you know it has to be me. It's at night which is my element and though I have great confidence in Twilight and her friends but we shouldn't rely solely on them. We are princess ourselves. I'm having my carriage prepared as we speak." "It seems you are determined to do this dear sister." Celestia closed her eyes a bit and sighed. "Very well. Will you join me for my dinner before you go?" "Of course, I haven't eaten yet." They both head to the dinning room and saw the servants already setting places for both of them in their usual spots. Both looked at each other and smirked before teleporting to the OPPOSITE end on the table. The servants racing over trying to quickly set the new spots and bring the food around cause the two sisters to chuckle. Luna smile was bright for this showed how much their relationship has healed that they could have some innocent fun with each other. While they ate the talked to each other about their day. Celestia took care of the problem in Manehattan Then checking in on Twilight. "I tell us Luna, it is quite amusing how out of bent she gets when she hasn't had time to prepare for me. Took an HOUR to calm her down enough and talked about magic over lunch." Luna did laugh but pointed this out. "I think it's mainly you sister. I dropped in unannounced during their Nightmare Night and she was on the ball. She was the first to accept that I was Luna not Nightmare Moon and went to lengths to help me that night. I can see why you took her as a student. She is intelligent, wise, and witty. However I believe she regard you as likely her second mother and will go to extremes to please you." Celestia did look down before replying. "I believe you're right sister. You and I have no children and given our status as immortal rulers likely to never have any. Twilight filled that hole, especially while you were banished. She has time and time again made me proud of her and I will be sadden the day she dies." "I think she will be with us a long time. I don't think it's coincidence that her name is Twilight Sparkle, but only time will tell." Luna finished her apple cider, imported from Sweet Apple Acres. After Nightmare night she loved those apples and ordered a routine supply. "Well sister I should get going. Rest my sister the night is mine to watch over." Celestia nuzzled Luna. "Be safe my dear sister. I didn't endure a thousand years to lose you again." "You won't, you got Twilight and her friends on stand by. If I need them I'll send for them." With that the two sisters went their separate ways. Minutes later in the courtyard her chariot awaited her. Celestia had it made as she restored her connection to the moon and assigned two Pegasi Royal Guards to her. While cold at first they eventually warmed to her and even allowed themselves to be altered to signify their royal duty to her. They were the closest thing she had to friends for other then Celestia they see her the most. With a mental command her bat cloak formed around her and she greeted her guards. "Silver Sword, how is the family?" The Guards look in her direction and smiled and the closest one answered. "Great your highness. Little Silver Sparkle got her cutie mark today and we had an impromptu party to celebrate." "Well you must arrange a more formal party so I can attend and give my best wishes to your daughter." "Oh of course your highness." "Quick Arrow have you found the mare of your dreams yet?" "Not yet. Not ready to settle down yet." Luna just rolled her eyes. "Well gentlecolts, are we ready to go?" "On your word your highness." With a smile Luna pulled her hood up and ordered. "Take off." And with a rush the carriage took off and quickly left Canterlot. Luna looked to her left and saw Ponyville and the new Castle next to it. Her smile grew bigger. While Twilight is more informal out of the four princesses it is good she had a place to focus the more formal elements of her role. She even saw the ruins of her old castle in the Everfree Forest and watched it with a hint of sadness till it was out of sight and she looked forward again and the job before her. For hours they flew on Luna enjoying the night and remembered the days she flew among the clouds with a handful of young children who loved the night as she did. She believed they delayed her change to Nightmare Moon and when she returned from her Nightmare she tried to find out what happened to them but couldn't find a clue. Celestia never knew them and records around that time are sporadic. Heck Nightmare Night had so much wrong about her alter ego yet cemented in the culture. Even the Elements were nearly lost to history before Twilight and her friends found them. She must have been in those inner thoughts when Quick Arrow jolted her out by speaking her name. "Yes Quick Arrow?" "We are tired and it seems dawn in closing. There is a town just ahead." "Sounds good." The head down and landed next to a large tree with the sign. Tree house Inn. As the guards took care of carriage Luna entered the Inn. A young barely adult mare was nearly asleep at the desk. With a smirk she walked up and stomp her hoof jolting the mare awake. "Oh excuse me. Welcome to the Tree House Inn." "I need three rooms for the day." "That be two bits per room." Luna paid and glanced out the window. She went to a nearby window. Pullback her hood and lowered the moon making way for the day. The mare gasp as she realize who was staying at their inn. Luna just smiled at her and when outside and handed two of the room keys to her guards as her cloak became bats again and flew away. The mare still had a drop jaw and Luna went up and headed to the room she choose. Once in she locked the door and stripped off her crest armor and hoof covers before taking her crown off. She shut the blinds and took out from her saddle bag an eye cover. Most blinds aren't thick enough for allow her to sleep during the day. The bed was comfy though and soon she fell asleep. It was the middle of the night and She stood upon the a balcony on the castle she shared with her sister. She shook her head in sad bitterness. So many of her subjects sleep instead of enjoying the night. They do need to sleep at some point but to waste so much of her beautiful night. She has to take some action. She starts singing a song and leaps off the balcony and flies to the nearby city of Canterlot. As she slowly flew singing she felt some children awake and approach the light she was now emitting. With her magic she brought them to her and with it every pony child, unicorn, earth, even pegasus flew with her and like her enjoyed the night. Eventually to her sadness she had to return them to their homes as the night waned but it would only be the first of many nights with them. Luna slowly awoke from the dream, or was it a memory? She flicked up her eye cover and checked the time. A couple hours before sunset. She stretched and decided to take a bath. It was relaxing and refreshing for the hour she was in it. She took care of her other needs and was fresh and proper when she emerged from room. She returned the key to the front desk and headed outside. She saw her guards already checking the carriage but soon noticed a crowd forming. This was probably the first time any pony in this town saw any of the four princess. She took a breath and remembered the lessons she learned from Twilight Sparkle and her friends. She look over and saw the sun setting. Perfect. She floated into the air and pointed her horn to the horizon and with a beam brought out the moon. When it was at it's proper spot she turned off the beam and and with a slightly leashed royal Cantoerlot voice she announced. "My subjects behold the night and enjoy it's beauty." That actually got some cheer and the princess sheepishly smiled as her guards grinned at each other. Their charge was getting better at greeting her people. Luna noticed a mare nearby and looked at the mare and asked. "Good mare, my guards and I hunger. Do you know where a fine establishment can be found here?" "Oh yes your highness. Acorn Alcove is among the best in town and it's only over there." The mare points her tail to a building shaped like an acorn. "Thank you citizen." She and her guards head in and order their food and chow down. All while the other patrons stared at them. Some in fear, some in awe, some in curiosity. After their meal they went back to the carriage and with a dramatic flash Luna summoned her bat cloak to the oohhhs of the crowd and step onto her carriage and flew off into the night with the sound of cheering behind her. They had two more stops along the way but they were finally over the border into currently unclaimed lands according to the map Luna had. The last town they stopped in reported strange lights in this area. "Be cautious guards we are in are target area." She saw them nod and begin scanning around. She did as well, it was a wooded and mountainous area and she saw a couple lakes in the distance. "What's that?" Quick Arrow asked. Luna looked over to where he was looking and saw a green light. That was getting bigger. "OH CRAP! LOOK OUT!" He tried to turn the carriage but it was too late and the bottom took the full hit. Luna felt the blast and her carriage and bat cloak were destroyed. With a quick look she saw her guards circling around to get to her with the ropes of the carriage still trailing them. She looked to where the attack came from and three beings approached them. They were bipedal with claws on their feet and hands. The had dragon style wings but the last two features most disturb her. Their bodies were as black as night and mist seemed to cover them but there eyes, there eyes were the blank with the green she had seen in her dreams. Magic glowed from her horn and she shot a blue beam of magic impaling one of the attackers who felt from the sky. Revealing another three attackers. Quick Arrow pummeled another one and it quickly fell as Silver Sword created a tornado on a third. Quick Arrow was swinging around when a claw impaled him. Quick Arrow managed a head butt dazing his killer before life left him. Tears filled Luna's eyes as they glowed white and with a command several lighting bolts struck the being instantly killing the creature. She then shot another beam vaporizing other creature. The last however was out of sight. She looks around for it. However she isn't looking the right way. The being was charging at her and charging it's energy for a kamikaze move. Silver Sword however saw it and rushed to intercept it. "PRINCESS!" He is between Luna and the creature thus takes the hit instead. Luna only see a bright green light and shooting pain before blackness. All Luna knew was pain, searing pain. Everything hurt so much and she just couldn't move. Eventually time past as she past in and out of conciseness and during a concise phase she heard movement. "I found two more." A female voice said. She felt something lifted off of her and something else touch her causing her to moan in pain. "By the night princess she's still alive." "Out of the way." Luna heard movement again. "How in the light of the moon is she still alive? Well get a stretcher made I'll take care of her.' Luna then felt healing magic and blacked out again. Luna came to again with a start and yelped in pain before she felt a hoof on her. "Easy now your still badly injured but you are safe now." Luna looked at the voice and saw a unicorn mare with black fur with dark purple covering her back and her upper limbs and masked her light orange eyes. The things that interested her the most was her cutie mark. A crescent moon with a shadow extending from it. Her main was a lighter black with a streak of the purple in it as well. And the most surprising was a collar with her mark on it."My guards?" Luna asked. The unicorn looked sad. "You were the only survivor. One was impaled through the chest the other, well it was a charred husk. Luna closed her eyes and cried. Quick Arrow and Silver Sword deserved better fates. OH by the night Silver Sword took a blow meant for her. "I am sorry. We gave them proper burials and have what items we could savage stored away for you to go over." Luna opened her eyes and looked at the unicorn and tried to get up. "I have to see them. They died defending me." The unicorn forced her down. "Not at this moment you don't. You are blessed by the Night Princess that you are even alive. Rest, when you are strong enough I take you to their graves personally." Luna relented with a sigh and lowered her head and saw the light blue of her hair drop down....wait light blue? She looked down at herself and saw the blue fur of her birth form. I form she hasn't had for ages except after Twilight used the Elements of Harmony against her alter ego Nightmare Moon. This means her connection to the moon was severed. Just great, it took her months to reestablish it last time. That's why she was so excited to celebrate Nightmare Night. Not only was it a chance to show her people the true Princess of the Night but a chance to be outside again after all those months with Celestia help her retake her role over the moon and night. Not to mention Celestia will be very worried when she doesn't lower the moon. Not a great way to start a quest. But she did look at the unicorn and demanded. "What are these THINGS that killed my guards? For I shall avenge them." "We call them spirit shadows. We don't know where they came from, only that they appeared in our settlements a few years ago and we have been fighting a losing war with them since." "And who are these we you mention?" "Don't you know that? You bear her crest after all. Perhaps your from a separate group the fled to. We are the Children of the Night. Descended from the children the great Night princess chose to enjoy her beautiful night and fled Equestria when she was attacked by her older sister. But I haven't introduced myself. I am Nightshadow, daughter of Mare Moon and Eclipse. You." Luna was speechless. Here in front of her was what she tried to seek since her return. Her children had survived and she just crashed into them on another quest. "My name is Luna and I have a story to tell you. For I am the Princess of the Night."