[Ch02] Connections

Story by Cerulo on SoFurry

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#2 of The Improvement

Two months since my last story, and here's the second installment. School's a bitch, ya know? Didn't get much feedback on the first chapter. Actually, only got one person to give me feedback. Here's hoping I can get a little more traffic with this one, because writing takes motivation, and a good chunk of my motivation comes from knowing the audience enjoys my work. ;)

I'm sorry, but there's no action in this one. No tasty, wonderful, naughty, delightful, yiffy action. BUT - I can guarantee you it will be in Chapter 3, if there IS a Chapter 3, which is decided by the audience.

"What can I get ya?"

Dieter glanced from his menu to the waiter, then back to his menu. He had to stop himself from laughing when he noticed the guy's size, followed by the guy's name tag.

Really? You had to be a big, buff, hot-as-fuck tiger with a name like 'Dick'?, he thought to himself with an inward sardonic grin. How about that gigantic sausage I swear I can smell behind your apron, Dick? Does it come with free refills?

At this, Dieter couldn't help but chuckle to himself out loud. Even he couldn't take his horniness sometimes, and simply had to laugh despite himself.

"Cherry Coke and an order of chicken strips, I 'spose."

The tiger had clearly been at this a while and didn't bother to write down what the black wolf had ordered. From the looks of it, he didn't even have a paper pad or pen on him. His semi-gruff nature meant that he didn't say anything to Marc as he swung his head to look at the smaller lupine sat across the table. Dieter didn't waste the chance to check for signs of the tiger's package, and noted that the apron bulged out a fair amount where the Johnsonville lay. He gave an imperceptible nod of approval before turning towards the smaller, silent pup. Marc had been too busy staring at the arms and shoulders of the meaty feline and had lost himself a bit inside his own head. After a couple seconds of the waiter staring at him, the tawny pup seemed to snap back to reality.

Bingo, Dieter thought to himself. He's got good taste, at least.

"Can I get a... pink... lemonade?" was Marc's eventual request. The poor pup was nervous as hell, since he was sure his staring had been noticed, and he hated to order anything with 'pink' in the description while shaking internally over being accidentally outed.

Much to his relief, the tiger didn't offer any reaction other than to say, "Back in a minute."

Dieter could swear he saw rosiness showing through the light-colored fur on Marc's face. "You don't have to worry, Marc."

Worry? Dieter had noticed he was worried? Oh shit, Marc thought to himself. "I'm not worried. Why would I be worried?"

"I saw how you looked at the waiter," the black lupine began with a nod of his head toward the kitchen. He tried to make his voice sound more calm and understanding when he saw Marc's frame go ridged, ears pop forward and begin to twitch, and the fear filling up his eyes. "Marc, it's okay; you're in good company, after all. I'm not about to judge you, especially when I was this close to diving under his apron," he said, trying to shoehorn in an expression of similar desires.

"What? I didn't look at him. I'm not... I didn't...," Marc began to stammer, his ears swiveling back and folding down slightly.

"The drool on your chin says otherwise," Dieter responded with a chuckle. Marc's ears popped forward again, and he made a movement as though he actually thought there was some evidence of his mental-undressing of the waiter. Fortunately, he realized the black wolf was joking and kept his paws close to the table.

"I'm not... gay. I'm...," Marc began before stopping to think before more words spilled out. Dieter was impressed that the train had only tilted off the track without a full derailment. "... not comfortable with anyone knowing," he finally admitted with a slump.

"I figured you were still in the closet, and your secret is safe with me. I don't actively 'out' people. You might be outed by association, but I can't do anything about that."

"'By association'? What does that...," he trailed off as the light clicked on. "Shit."

Dieter couldn't help himself, and he laughed. "For what it's worth, nobody saw us leave together tonight. Also, we could just be two friendly coworkers grabbing a bite to eat," he said. "But if you're worried about being seen with me while you're not ready for anyone to know, I'll understand." He followed the sentiment with a nod of his head and a shrug.

"I hadn't thought about it. I just thought- "

The tawny canine cut his thought short as the waiter arrived with the drinks. The waiter tapped his knuckles lightly on the edge of the table. "Strips will be out in a few. Anything else I can get ya just yet?"

"Give us another minute or two. we'll be ready then," Dieter offered.

"Sure thing." Another light tapping of the knuckles on the table.

As Dick walked away, the wolf noticed the tiger's tail following the waiter in a way that didn't seem to match his image. He raised an eyebrow briefly at the thought before turning back towards Marc. "Let's keep talking, but let's figure out what to eat first, deal?"

Marc nodded slowly as he picked up his menu. The two looked over their menus and decided on their orders before Dick returned. With their orders in - Marc's was a little light, since he'd lost his appetite a bit - they picked back up their thoughts.

"I got excited when you asked me if I wanted to get something to eat. I've been wanting to talk to you, but...," Marc let the thought trail off a bit while he gathered up the courage to move on. "I couldn't bring myself to. I couldn't - can't - tell anyone. I'm scared shitless now that I know you know, though I trust what you said - that you'll keep it quiet."

"Damn right," Dieter said. "I remember what it was like when I was in the closet, and everyone has to come out in their own way, on their own time, at their own choice. Those of us that are out could talk to you until we're blue in the muzzle about how much better you'll feel and it wouldn't do a lick of good, so I'm not going to."

The edges of Marc's mouth turned slightly upward into a smile, and his tail thumped softly against the vinyl of the booth seat.

After close to an hour of talking, they'd finished their food, paid the bill, and headed back out to Dieter's car. On their way, Dieter decided it best if he offered options to Marc, as he could well understand that Marc's mind was probably clouded with thoughts.

"So, you've got a couple of options. I can take you back to your car and you can be on your way, or you can come spend the night at my place," Dieter offered. He quickly realized how that sounded before adding the fail-safe. "We can talk some more, catch some sleep... hell, we can even play some games if you so choose."

They'd come to a stop on either side of the car, and Marc looked past Dieter's head into the distance, his eyes darting around a little as he considered his response. "I... wouldn't mind...," he began before realizing how awkward the beginning of his thought sounded. "I would like... to stay with you," he said.

They both let the thought sit in the air for a moment before Marc's ears perked and eyes grew, and he quickly added, "I mean, for the night. I would like to spend more time with you." The panic started to build up as he realized what it sounded like he was saying, and that he was saying it outside, in public, in the dark, where he couldn't quickly tell if there was anyone around to hear. Fortunately for him, the only ears that caught his excitement were Dieter's. "Not like that! Well, like that, but not like that! I mean-"

Dieter stopped the rambling before the train that had narrowly avoided disaster earlier had a chance to jump the tracks. "Whoa, hey, 's okay, Marc. I get what you mean. You're just coming over to chat, no big deal, dude. Just..." he said, making a calm-down type of motion with his paws, "Just chill a bit, okay?"

"Okay... yeah...," the pup managed. "Sorry."

"And stop apologizing."

"Sorr- uh... 'kay."

Dieter laughed as they climbed in his car.

The black lupine opted to park the car in the driveway, instead of the garage. He figured that driving inside with a door shutting behind them might put Marc on edge again. As they made their way toward the front door, Dieter realized he'd forgotten to tell the pup something fairly important. "So, hey, I gotta warn you about something. Nothing bad, just surprising."

"Okay?" Marc replied, his head tilting slightly and tail twitching a bit as they came to a stop near the front door.

"I have a roommate. I can't afford a house like this on my own," Dieter began.

It was true - the house was obviously less than twenty years old, two stories, and fairly large. On the right and in front of the house was the attached two-car garage. From the looks of the chain link fence around the backyards of his house and his neighbor's, the yard was fairly big, too. The front was good sized, with some shrubs and landscaping. Overall, it looked like an association or townhome type of house, though it wasn't.

"His name is Derek. He's a big, buff tiger-guy, but not quite as big as Dick."

"'Dick'?" Marc asked, a look of severe confusion crossing his face. He didn't know if this roommate was just a roommate, something more; he didn't know if Dick was a nickname, a euphemism...

"The waiter. At Benny's. His name was 'Dick'," Dieter answered with a grin.

"Seriously?" Marc asked with a raised eyebrow.

"That's what his tag said. From what I could tell, his package lived up to his name," he replied with slight licking of his lips to drive the point home.

"Oh my god. What have I gotten myself into?" Marc asked as he smirked and shook his head, more at Dieter than the waiter's name.

"Nothin' yet, but give it time!" The black wolf laughed. "Anyhow, Derek's a bit odd. He's hot, he's muscular, he's well-hung... and he's straight. But he doesn't have any issues with homo, and he tends to be very... free." Dieter's eyes darted almost casually to the side on the last word, and Marc raised an eyebrow at it. "He tends to wander around naked in the house after he gets home from work, and he often passes out on the sofa in that same state. So, ya know... you might see that."

With that, Dieter clicked open the lock and opened the door. They stepped in, the black lupine slipping off his shoes, the tawny one noticing and following suit. Dieter lead the way upstairs with Marc close behind. The house was a split-level - one level half-underground; one level with the kitchen, dining room, and entrance at ground-level; and the third level or "second story" up a short flight of stairs, stacked over the half-buried portion of the house. As Dieter's line of sight reached into the living room, he gave the all-clear. "He's not out here. Actually, I don't think he's even home. No shoes."

Marc was relieved, and though he wasn't about to admit it to anyone, a bit disappointed. He followed Dieter into the living room, and they took up residence on the sofa. Dieter was more than happy to continue chatting with Marc, to do whatever he could to put the younger canine's mind more at ease about someone having found out he was gay. The two of them talked at length about the subject before Marc finally became relaxed enough about it that their conversation took a detour onto other things just as the sun was beginning to peak over the horizon through the window.

"So, be honest... what'd you think of Dick?" Dieter inquired, smiling.

"I... I think the... fact... that I'm gay kinda tells you what I think about dick," Marc said, stuttering a bit on his words as his ears flattened half-way, uncertainty and paranoia still an issue for him. It would be for a while, he knew, even around Dieter.

"What? I- OH!" was all the black wolf could manage before he cracked up so hard he had to lie back against the corner of the sofa and his eyes began to water. Marc could only sit silently, fuming only slightly, as Dieter laughed. After a minute or so, Dieter collected himself enough to respond. "No shit, Sherlock! I'm pretty sure liking cock is a prerequisite for a gay man," he said, laughing some more. "No, I meant 'What did you think of Dick, our waiter at the restaurant?'" He couldn't help it - he chuckled some more.

Marc's face had obviously taken on a rosier hue, and he looked down and away. He thought for a moment before he closed his eyes, smiled, and chuckled. "I deserve that," he said with a slight nodding. His ears stood up again and he looked back up at Dieter's face; the smile on it was huge, but it wasn't at Marc's expense - just pure amusement. It managed to disarm the pup's alarms enough. "Well... he was... hot. Fucking hot," he said.

Dieter's expression turned to one indicating he was impressed by Marc's boldness. "In for a penny, in for a pound, eh?" he said with a grin.

"I wouldn't mind a 'pound'ing from him," Marc said, his mouth clamping shut on the last word and his eyes growing wide as saucers. The small flips of his beige tail disappeared as it became rigid as a steel rod.

"Wha-hahaHAHAHA!" Dieter's thought was cut short as his brain caught up with Marc's words. The guffaws wouldn't be held back by anything, and the black lupine eventually found himself on all fours on the floor, unable to remain on the couch.

Marc continued to stare for a moment, his eyes still open to full, before he finally began to relax a bit. The poor black wolf was laughing hysterically, the tears now freely flowing. Clearly, Marc's progression from complete closet-case to expressing his sexual desires was enough to shock and surprise Dieter.

After a few minutes of uncontrollable fits of laughter and giggling, Dieter finally sat back in the sofa once more. "I was not expecting that... at all!"

"Honestly, neither was I," Marc replied, the truthfulness evident on his face. Dieter managed to hold back the laughter this time, though only just.

The energy loss from the laughter was enough to almost send Dieter over the edge. "Come on," he said, motioning for Marc to follow. He lead the way downstairs to the kitchen. "I feel like a drink before I pass out," he said as he began to grab various bottles. "How 'bout you?"

"I think I need one, after that," he said, which brought a quick glance and smirk from Dieter. "What kind of drink did you have in mind?"

"I like vodka-Collins. Well, it's sorta like a Collins - I don't stick to the normal shit. Mine is 7up, sweet & sour mix, grenadine, and vodka - not gin. Can't stand that shit," Dieter replied as he began pouring his together.

"Sounds good."

The drinks went down easy, and since it had been a few hours since they'd eaten, the drowsy effect of the alcohol had begun to kick in. It was nowhere near enough to get either drunk, buzzed, or even tipsy - just enough to make them a little drowsier than they already were and help to ensure a good night's sleep. Marc hesitated as Dieter walked into his bedroom, until the black wolf motioned him in. "Might want to close the door. I have no idea when Derek will show up, and he's not always quiet, especially if he's been out drinkin'."

"Okay, but... what? Am I sleeping in your bed?" Marc asked, incredulously.

"I assumed, but I guess that wasn't right of me. If you wanna sleep on the sofa, you can. If you wanna join me, cool - I won't rape you or nothin'," he said with a grin. "Unless you want me to. But then, you can't rape the willing!" This proved too amusing for the exhausted black wolf, and he laughed as he flopped down onto the bed, his outer clothing and socks already peeled away, only his boxers in place.

"Aw... oops. 'Spose I should get you a pillow an' blanket or something for out there," he said and began to get up.

"No, it's... it's okay. I'll sleep in here. What the hell, eh?" Marc said as he began to unbuckle his belt.

"There's the... that's... congratulations." Dieter said, the fatigue preventing coherence. He gave Marc a look of knowing confusion - the kind that says to someone, 'I know I sound like an idiot, but I can't think of the word for the life of me!'.

"That's the spirit? That what you were goin' for?" Marc offered.

"Sure." Dieter flopped back onto his pillows.

Marc finished slipping out of his clothes, save for the boxers, and slid under the covers. He kept a respectful distance from Dieter, not wanting to assume too much. That changed when Dieter wrapped his arm around him, eliciting a quiet, surprised yelp from the pup. He was drawn close to the large wolf.

"Hope ya don't mind, but I'm a snuggler."

The tawny two-toned wolf didn't say anything, but scootched back and nestled his body against Dieter's. As he felt the warmth of the body - the male body - behind him, he tensed up. As he lay there, enjoying the heat and the closeness with someone that cared, he relaxed. Soon, he was very grateful for the black-out curtains Dieter had over his window. The sounds of the soft breathing, indicative of sleep, from behind him was enough to eventually lull him to sleep. Just as his brain clicked off its last light, the feeling of the black wolf's arm moving to drape over Marc's crotch registered, but not soon enough to stop the sleep.