Nyuni-Part 2

Story by Caracalsie on SoFurry

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#2 of Nyuni

Part 2 of Nyuni's story

by caracalsie

It was evening, and the zoo was closing down. Nyuni the cheetah lounged lazily on the top of her hill as she watched the residents shut down the lights and prepare to leave. She purred, tail swishing, as she waited for everyone to be gone so she could go meet Duke, the jaguar that lived next door.

The cheetah and jaguar had become fast friends as much as lovers ever since Nyuni was trapped in the wild and transferred from her poaching captors to a zoo. She had entered her first heat shortly after arriving. It has been a week since her heat had ended, but her mind was still awash with whirlwind memories of lavish pleasure and perpetual fucking. It was strange she didn't feel more homesick for the Serengeti, but she had abundant food, shelter and safety in the zoo, not to mention a new friend. Whom she was planning a surprise visit to later that night. Nyuni groomed herself with warm satisfaction. Usually it was Duke that visited her. But tonight she wanted to go to him.

As soon as all the residents--that was what Duke called them, but she had already learned they had different names among the animals; to the wild dogs they were all Master, but Zuri the lioness next door called them "keepers"--were all out of sight, sound and smell, Nyuni crept down off her hill and pushed through the vegetation along the west fence.

She found Duke's tunnel cleverly hidden from the residents beneath a log, which she rolled to the side. Though her long legs were ill suited to the task, she crawled into the hole, popping up on Duke's side beneath a thick canopy of bushy ferns.

Nyuni surveyed her friend's home with interest. It was lush and heavily vegetated. There was a pool in one corner, a cave near the back, and a lattice of sturdy branches overhead. Pretty, she thought, but she preferred her larger, open enclosure. Now, to find Duke...

Nyuni snuck silently through the enclosure. She spotted the jaguar sleeping soundly on a rock by the side of the pool. Tail twitching with a hunter's anticipation, she crouched and slunk closer to her quarry... closer... Pounce!

Nyuni leapt from her cover and sprang towards Duke. Midair she saw his golden eye open slyly just before he swiftly ducked out of the way. Surprised, Nyuni was further startled to find the rock slipperier than she imagined. Landing awkwardly, she skidded and slid straight into the chilled pool with a splash!

Nyuni came up gasping to hear the jaguar laughing uproariously. She sputtered, dog-paddling as she tried to reach the edge of the pool. "It's c-c-c-cold, Duke!" Suddenly, the jaguar also plunged into the water, further dousing the poor cheetah. "What, you don't like water?" he chuckled.

"Only to drink!" Nyuni squealed. Her feet found purchase on Duke's shoulders and she unceremoniously used the top of his head as a platform to jump out of the pool. Teeth chattering, she shook her fur out like a dog. Duke came up for air and shook his ears. He easily paddled to the lip of the pool and climbed out. "I guess cheetahs aren't good swimmers," he said.

"I can swim," she retorted, "I just prefer not to." She sat down and began licking her fur compulsively.

Duke sidled up to her, still dripping wet. "Don't you dare," Nyuni said. Duke sighed lightheartedly, then stepped back a few feet to shake his own coat free of water. Nyuni returned to the task of industriously drying herself. The next she knew, two firm paws straddled her rump as Duke leaned his damp chest into her back. His arched neck rubbed against her pointed shoulder blades. "Mmm," Nyuni chirred in surprise, enjoying this sudden change in atmosphere. "Here, let me help," Duke purred, warm tongue caressing her neck. "We can't have you catching cold."

The cheetah remained seated, enjoying the feel of the other cat's muscular chest bearing down on her back. "Lower," she said innocently. "That area's dry already." Duke grinned with a flash of fang and moved down. Nyuni could hardly resist crouching. "Still lower," she said as he reached the middle of her spine.

"Is this good?" Duke asked rhetorically as he reached her rump. His long tongue suddenly lashed beneath her tail. "Oooh," Nyuni replied, "Yeah, I think I'm wet there." She shivered with surprise pleasure as the jaguar's tongue brushed over her tiny tailhole before finding her moist slit. Duke could taste her juices, laden with the scent of sex. He pushed his tongue between her folds, lapping the warm nectar from its source. Nyuni moaned as the jaguar's large tongue wormed into her slit. Nyuni tensed, feeling her climax close. Duke growled softly as he forced his tongue deeper. The vibrations sent her over the edge. Nyuni squirmed with delight, soaking Duke's muzzle. He withdrew and proceeded to lap up her juices as she shuddered with orgasm.

The jaguar was riled and horny now. He mounted the cheetah again, straddling her as she recovered. "Wait," Nyuni said, "I want to return the favor." Duke pushed down on her urgently. "Later. This first." Nyuni arched her lower back eagerly, pulse pounding with the aftereffects of orgasm. With one sure stroke, she felt the tip of his hard shaft slide into her moist slit. Even though they had been doing this for nearly two weeks now it was still a tight fit. Duke groaned with pleasure as the cheetah's tight walls enveloped the head of his cock. He pushed forward, opening her little by little. Nyuni panted at the familiar sensation of being stretched around the jaguar's widening girth.

Duke wrapped his forelimbs around the sitting cheetah, binding her tight against his chest as he rested his weight on his hindquarters. Gravity helped her slide onto him as he thrust upward. Nyuni purred, spreading her hindfeet so she could flex her legs, slipping all the way down. Soon she could feel the rim of the jaguar's furry sheath at her entrance. She gasped and clenched involuntarily, making Duke even harder. Another inch of his pointed catcock speared from its sheath into her slick passageway. He growled with unrestrained lust and began pumping in and out of the slender cheetah.

Nyuni rode his bouncing cock, glowing with pleasure. She liked the feeling of being bound up by Duke, pinned to his chest by his muscular forelimbs, bordered from above by his chin on her nape, cool teeth gently resting against her neck while she was stuffed from below by his thick shaft. It was one massive jaguar embrace, the perfect combination of love and lust, wild and sensual. She held on, trying to brace herself with her trapped forepaws as she flexed her legs and pushed back into her lover

Duke began to pound her fast, hips a blur. His mind was a whirl of pleasure, lost in his own impending peak of ecstasy. With a savage snarl, he announced his climax. Grabbing the cheetah by the nape, he pulled her balls deep onto his shaft, clasping her tight as he curled his back, thrusting his groin forward as far as he could go. Nyuni felt the stimulating nubs on his penis rub against her tender walls as he forced his way into her stretched pussy. Duke's cock twitched, spewing out its first load of cum. As soon as the hot, sticky liquid rushed into her tiny slit, Nyuni yowled with pleasure and tensed around her lover.

Duke's balls clenched as he released his lust into the climaxing cheetah. His seed filled her passage, but his girth plugged her entrance, leaving no escape. With another snarl, he released the cheetah, reaching the peak of his orgasm. Nyuni squirmed from his grasp and flopped over on the ground, her full slit seeping cum. She panted as Duke crouched over her, humping her slick rump fur as he spent the rest of his seed in long ropes across her flank.

Nyuni rolled upright on the grass and leaned towards her lover. Without saying a word she took his shaft in her mouth and began sucking it clean. Duke instantly felt his cock stiffen and twitch. He bared his teeth in unbearable bliss as he pumped three more large loads in her mouth while Nyuni suckled them down. Eventually his orgasm subsided again, slowly trickling to a halt. Nyuni reached forward and took him deeper to get the last of his seed. When he was finished, she swallowed what was left in her bulging cheeks, a drop of cum dribbling down her cute chin as she smiled at Duke. "You know, we've still got more than half the night left."

Duke gave her an exhausted glance. "Don't tell me you're tired already," Nyuni teased. The jaguar raised his head and flicked his ears. "Don't bet on it," he told her. "I can still think of plenty of things I'd like to do to you."

"Like what?" she asked. Duke grinned lazily. "Like have you suck me hard again, and then take it real slow. After that maybe try something new. Or we could go for another swim," he added, "if none of that sounds interesting."

"I might have to," Nyuni replied. "Look what a mess you've made of my spots. They're only supposed to be black, not black and white." Her innocent indignation caused Duke to chortle. He crawled over to her side and pretended to examine her sticky flanks with consternation. "I don't think it looks bad," he said. He stroked her rump with a paw, twisting the fur into little spikes. "It could be your new style."

"Ha," Nyuni rejoined dryly, "I think it'd look better on you." But she leaned back and let him play with her fur while they both recovered. Eventually the teasing touch transformed into a relaxing rub, and then into a sensual massage. Soon she was purring dreamily. By the time he was up at the point between her shoulders she was itching for something more fulfilling.

"Roll over," Nyuni ordered. The jaguar stopped kneading and did as she said with a grin on his face, amused since Nyuni rarely ever ordered anything. The cheetah stood up and crouched over his body, tail hanging right above his nose. "Good view," Duke remarked as he stared up at her seeping slit, licking his chops. She whisked her tail to show off while she bent down and stroked his half-erect sheath between her furry pawtoes. His two firm, peach-fuzzed testicles hung temptingly above his hidden staff.

Nyuni could feel him hardening beneath her paw. She rubbed his sheath back and forth, pulling it down to expose his rapidly stiffening length. Nyuni smiled as Duke moaned and stretched his legs out wider, completely within her power. She was having fun.

The jaguar's red cock was now too big to be concealed by his furry package. Taking up some of his dripping pre on her paw, Nyuni pushed his taunt sheath down towards his balls and stroked the smooth shaft itself. She loved how hot and hard it was beneath her touch. Licking her lips, she took the organ into her small mouth.

Nyuni couldn't take the jaguar's cock very deep, but she made up for it suckling and exercising her flexible cat tongue around what she could reach, using her paws on what she couldn't. Duke groaned, thrusting his hips up towards her mouth as he lay on his back beneath the cheetah. Suddenly she stood up again and stepped off him.

Duke snapped out of his reverie. But before he could roll over and find out what was going on, he felt the cheetah's warm tongue on his ballsac, slowly bathing his groin in a long stroke that began at his testicles and ended near the tip of his sheath. He shuddered with pleasure. The cheetah's tongue returned to briefly cup his sac before she reappeared over his head, this time straddling him face to face. Suddenly he felt her moist slit, still seeping the contents of their last encounter, consuming his shaft. Nyuni crouched over his belly, sinking onto his catcock smoothly this time. Duke was surprised at how stretched her creamed pussy felt around his penis. He grabbed her rump in his paws and drew her all the way down.

Nyuni flexed her thighs, sliding slowly up to the tip of the jaguar's cock before sinking down to envelope him again. She worked her hips in a circle, drenching Duke's groin fur with their combined juices. Duke joined in, thrusting with little, sure strokes that grazed tantalizingly against the crest of her slit. Nyuni leaned down onto his white chest and pressed her rump backwards while enjoying the endearing lustful growls Duke made as his cockhead pushed against her inner walls.

"Is this new enough for you?" Nyuni asked as the jaguar began thrusting just a little more insistently. She pinned him with her forepaws on either side of his neck. "Ohh," Duke grunted, panting, "No, I had something else in mind." Wild Nyuni had yet to be introduced to the myriad sexual creativity of captive zoo animals. She would find out soon, when she met more of her neighbors. In the meantime...oooh, he couldn't complain. This position was fun. He groaned, "I'm close."

"Well what?" asked Nyuni. Duke wrapped his paws around her and they rolled over together. Now he was pinning her. He pulled out for a moment, cock dripping. "Do you want to try it?"

"Try what?"

"We can stop if you don't like it," he assured her. "Roll over." Curious, Nyuni obeyed, settling into a crouch with her belly against the cool ground. Duke remounted her, his cock trailing a line of moisture down her back. "This might hurt at first," he warned her. "I'll go slow."

Just when she was about to ask exactly what he had in mind, the pointed tip of his hard shaft sunk into her tailhole. It didn't hurt, but she flinched with surprise. Duke leaned in close to her, licking her neck tenderly with his tongue. From here it's only wider. Good thing we're both already wet.'

He pressed harder, slowly sinking an inch of is catcock up her virgin tailhole. Nyuni flinched for real this time. "I don't think you're supposed to go in that hole..." she said nervously. "Relax," Duke replied. "It only hurts till you get used to it."

"Have you tried it?" she protested. The jaguar slid another inch deeper, "Actually, yeah."

Nyuni perked her ears, "That's a story I'll have to hear about sometime."

"Well, before there was Reina there was only me and the tiger next door... ungh," Duke grunted, interrupting the story as he shoved the last of his length inside quickly. Nyuni yipped sharply. Duke shot a little jet of precum in her tunnel as her ass ring constricted around his shaft. "It only gets better from here," he purred. "Ready?" Nyuni took a deep breath and nodded as the jaguar pulled back.

He started slow, thrusting gently as he pinned the cheetah to the ground. His stiff rod was already slick with their juices, and steadily leaking more as he surrendered to the ecstasy of Nyuni's tight, muscular, virgin ass.

Nyuni found that Duke was right about the pain. The sharpest pangs quickly subsided, leaving a dull throbbing heat and growing pleasure. Duke, on the other hand, was in pure heaven. He quickened his slow pace, withdrawing farther with each thrust. Her sphincter continued to resist his shaft's intrusion as he ploughed his way back in. With one paw, Duke reached under Nyuni and began fingering her slit with a claw. When she gasped and tightened around his cock, he knew he hit the right spot. He started pawing her faster while he humped into her harder.

Spurred by Duke's dexterous pawtoes, Nyuni felt the familiar tension of impending orgasm welling in her stomach. The jaguar was close himself, struggling to keep his rhythm as every nerve in his body ran with electrical jolts of pleasure. His cock was rock hard, hard enough to force its way deep into the cheetah's steadfastly resistant tailhole with every stroke. He could feel her clenching, constricting all around him. Suddenly he reached the point of no return.

Roaring out loud, he jammed his shaft up her ass as he climaxed, sprayed warm seed into her tailhole. The feel of Duke's sperm gushing into her was enough to send Nyuni over the edge. She shoved her rump backwards into his groin and squealed with ecstasy as the jaguar's balls pumped rope after rope of cum into her bowels. This time the flared nubs on Duke's penis caused some discomfort as they dug into her unaccustomed walls. Nyuni yowled, but the pain was mixed with pleasure. Her squirming only heightened Duke's stimulation as he grabbed a hold of her nape and forced her to remain crouched beneath him. The feel of Duke's teeth tugging at her fur made Nyuni arch her rump higher. The jaguar gave one final thrust and plunged balls deep up her hole, his tail base twitching as he unloaded everything he had left to give. His round sac pumping, he held on tight to the cheetah, making sure she took every last spurt.

Finally, his climax waned to a trickle. When he was soft enough that the nubs on his cock wouldn't hurt her, he pulled out, followed by a gush of cum. Nyuni panted blissfully beneath him. "That was... definitely something else."

"You like it?

Nyuni shrugged, "Yeah, not bad. Hey, I want to hear about that tiger now."

Duke groaned. "Come on," Nyuni persisted. The jaguar flopped over, rolling to his side. "Nah... maybe some other time." Nyuni pouted, but curled up beside him. "Don't forget," he reminded her, "Mfalme and the lionesses are hosting a party this Sunday. You're invited. You're coming, right?"

"I don't know anyone," she said nervously.

"That's the point," said Duke. "There will be a bunch of other cats there, maybe the wild dogs, and definitely Barnaby--he's the grizzly bear from the end of the row. They're all nice. None of the leopards are coming. Besides, you know what happens when you get a bunch of big cats together for a party?"


"Heh, you'll find out this Sunday. It will be wild."