Rise Of The Maou: Chapter 002

Story by Nazrudin on SoFurry

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#2 of Rise Of The Maou

Rise Of The Maou



Trees surrounded him on all sides, tall looming trees that reached far up into the sky, there branches twisting out in all directions to cover the ground in there shadows, streams of sunlight fluttering down between the cracks in the leaves giving an almost mystical feel to the small grove he now found himself seated in. Reaching up Kael pats himself over slowly "Did I fall out of bed and hit my head?...." He couldn't find any damage and even went as far as pinching himself. "Ow...." Looking back to his surrounding he tried to cover the situation logically "Ok.. I gave my speech yesterday, got beat up.." He gives himself another pat down "The.. bruises are gone?" <How could I heal overnight? No no that isn't the point, where the heck am I?> Standing up he steps over to a small pond formed at the base of a river fed through a mound of rocks and kneels down, cupping water and splashing his face with a cold liquid "wahhh, refreshing." He cups the water again and drinks some <Whoa, this is really great water, cant taste any impurities in it at all.> He guzzles down a few more mouthfuls of the refreshing water before standing back up and looks around his surroundings once again. It really was a beautiful looking grove. Heading over to a spot where the sun filtered down to the ground in a larger radius he laid down once more <Mmm, this is a nice warm spot... it's a shame... but I should go back to sleep so I wake up...> Closing his eyes once more he soon drifts back to sleep unaware of the small pair of eyes peering out at him from inside a small nearby bush "Piku?..." Unaware of his viewer Kael fell into the best sleep he'd had for years in that tranquil grove.

It would be a few hours later that he awakens once more, eyes slowly cracking open then widening as he stares straight up at the canopy of trees above him "It wasn't a dream then?..." Rubbing his head as he tries to keep his mind calm <Panicking is the last thing I should do in this situation, but seriously though? There's only one really conclusion to this situation and as strange as it sounds....> "I am in another world huh...." He lets out a sigh only to blink as he feels something moving on his chest, tilting his head up to see a very strange sight "Piku!" Seated.. if you could call it sitting, on his chest and staring at him intently was a small black colored almost tear drop shaped slime ball with eyes and a mouth... "Uh... hi?" <What the heck is that, it looks like one of those slimes you see in an rpg> "Piku!" It squeaked out at him, it seemed rather happy about his greeting, the small tendril at the top of its head waving back and forth happily "Well... you're an odd thing aren't you.." Somewhat hesitantly he reaches out to the tiny slime and brushes a finger over the top of his head lightly causing it to giggle and nuzzle into his hand, a small smile crossing Kael's lips at this, perhaps almost one of the few smiles he ever gave out genuinely. He sits up slowly causing the slime to roll down his chest onto his lap "Piiiii." A light chuckle now coming from Kael "Sorry little guy." He gently scooped the slime in the palm of his hand and lifted it up to be face to face with him "So... don't suppose you can tell me where I am huh?" The slime seeming to just tilt his head curiously "Pikuu?"

Kael lets out another light chuckle "Ah, I guess not." He offers a soft smile to the slime who smiles back at him and brings his other hand down to rub over the top of its head gently, causing it to nuzzle into his hand once again "Piiiiii."

"You know, you're probably the first friendly thing I've ever come across... heck where I'm from even dogs would try to bite me if I tried to pat them." He wasn't sure if the slime understood him but it felt nice to actually talk to something without that swelling of disgust or hatred inside him towards the one he was speaking to. <This little guy is likely going to be just one of many kinds of creatures I've never seen... ill have to be mentally prepared to deal with any encounters as calmly as I can...> As he continued to tickle the little black slime his thoughts were suddenly brought to a halt as a scream echoed through the forest "Wha!?" Standing up quickly he looked around him "I think it came from this way?" Without thinking he shoved the slime into his pocket, causing it to give an alarmed squeak before he darted off into the forest towards the direction of the scream, it wasn't hard to find the source as what he assumed to be a girl was screaming rather loud and frequently, seeing several shadows moving through the trees he quickly ducked behind one himself, peeking around cautiously to see what was happening, the sight before him turned his stomach in disgust and rage, two men they looked like hunters, their clothes sewn together from various hides and on their backs were slung a bow and quiver each, looking past them at what seemed to be there target though was a young looking girl.

she was female at least from what he could see, but she certainly wasn't human, upon her head sat a pair small pair of antler like horns, her face was like that of some kind of deer, but her body for the most part was like that of a human, arms, legs, head and torso all was shaped to walk upright as a human would, though it was obvious instead of descending from apes as man did she was descendent from another animal. She wore what looked like a simple two piece outfit made from woven leaves and vines, though now it was torn as the two men seemed intent on taking it off her. Memories of the time he spent at the sweatshop raced through his mind, the faces of the girls as they were pulled into that back room. His hand closed into a fist, his teeth clenching tight as he saw what they were about to do to the strange girl, looking around quickly he picked up a nearby branch and dashed out towards them, as quickly as he could he brought the branch down upon one of the men's heads, knocking him out instantly, the other now turning around and drawing out a small knife from his belt at the sudden intrusion, swinging the branch down once more he felt something hot in his side but his rage ignored it as he knocked the other man out cold with the second strike, the branch breaking in half. Panting and gasping Kael then fell to his knees, looking up at the girl who was still pressed firmly back against a tree in fear and shock. "Y...you should run before they wake." The girls eyes widen at that but then turn down to look at his abdomen area, following her gaze he blinks as he sees the knife the man had now firmly lodged in his body, blood soaking his shirt. "Ha....He looks back up to the girl as he collapses fully to the ground "Go.. don't let them get you.." He managed to give a somewhat pained smile before blacking out <At least I've done something cool at the end, saving a cute girl like that from humans...>

"Mmmph..." Birds were chirping happily outside, a soft breeze flowed in through the window. "mmm..." Kael opens his mouth wide to let out a yawn, rubbing his eyes then blinking them open slowly as he adjusts to the light coming in through the window of the small room he was laid up in, the walls seemed to be made from a mixture of stone, vines, branches and large leaves, it had a rather calming nature like feel to it, the air was crisp and clear with a light hint of something sweet... He blinks again eyes widening as the most recent events come spiraling back through his mind, meeting the black slime, then attacking the two men in the forest to try and save the strange deer girl. He moves to sit up only to be stopped by a weight on his chest, looking up expecting to see the slime once again but instead he comes face to face with the girl he'd saved in the forest, her head rest on his chest lightly as she slept. "Wha...." His breath caught at the sight of her, it was strange, his heart was fluttering at the sight of her face resting upon his chest, <Shouldn't I be naturally repelled by such a strange creature?... I know I've never had an interest in girls before.. but that's because they were human?...yet looking at her...> Tenderly he reaches up with his hand and lightly caressed the cheek of the girl, the feeling of her soft fur on his skin was amazing, he gently cupped and caressed her cheek not noticing that her eyes were fluttering open "So pretty...." The words slipped from his lips causing the girls eyes to go wide, she jumped up with a squeal, shuffling back from him and then darting out of the small hut like room, leaving the leaf curtain to flutter in her wake. "Ah... maybe not the best first impression...." He chuckles softly and slowly sat up, wincing lightly and pulling his coverings down to reveal a patch of leaves spread over his abdomen "Ah.. right.. I was stabbed.." He sighs and slowly laid back down <Not sure what's going to happen but I guess I should just rest and heal up, she's gone to the trouble of patching me up after all..> Closing his eyes once more, unaware of the small black slime also snoozing peacefully on the table beside him.

He awoke again in a few hours, looking out the window it seemed to only getting onto midday now, looking about the room he finally spots the black slime who was now watching him with a worried expression and offers it a soft smile "hey there little buddy, sorry for shoving you in my pocket before, guess I kind of rushed things." Reaching over he gives it a light pat on the head earning a happy chirp from the little slime "Feels like I've been laid up here for days... probably have been. Feel up to taking a look outside?" The slime gives several quick nods causing Kael to chuckle as he slowly sits up, making sure not to move to fast, sitting on the edge of the soft.. what seemed to be a bed made of moss he steadily tries to stand, his legs shaking before then buckling and causing him to fall back on the bed with a grunt, hand going to his abdomen "Ugh... bad idea...." The slime lets out a squeal and bobs in place a few times getting his attention and before Kaels eyes it stretched out longer and thinner before him until before him sat a black walking stick "Wha?" He blinks "Geese, it's just one surprise after another in this place." He smiles and picks up the slime stick, looking it over curiously, just below the hand grip at the top a pair of eyes peer at him, it was a strange thing to see, almost cartoon like and caused him to laugh lightly "Thanks buddy, you sure you'll be solid enough to take my weight though?" The knob handle at the top of the stick nods "Piku!" Making Kael grin "All right then, I'll be counting on you." Another affirmative squeak comes from the slime before the take the stick in hand and taps it on the ground a couple times "Wow, does seem pretty solid." Hand resting on the knob of the stick and pushing his weight onto it he stands up once more, the stick not showing any signs of stress from his weight "Heh... you're an amazing little guy you know that?" Standing before the curtain covering the exit of the hut he reaches out and pushes it aside before then stepping out into the afternoon sun.

The sight before he saw upon stepping out to him was amazing, an entire village built in the same fashion as the hut he just left, it looked to natural and clean, he wiggled his bare toes in the soft grass under his feet, this is how a village should be, not cramped and cluttered by stone, metal and road tar. He closes his eyes and takes in a deep breath of the fresh crisp air "Ahh..." Opening his eyes he realized that he was the centre of attention, all eyes were now upon him, everywhere he looked was more of the same deer like species the girl was, while he was almost expecting to see stones being thrown at him along with chants to get out they didn't come, instead he saw worry and fear upon each face that he glanced across. From his side a little girl that hadn't been paying attention came running around a corner and bumped into his leg, falling back on her rear with an 'oof' Blinking and looking to her Kael reached down with a hand to help her up "Are you ok?" he give the girl a soft warm smile as she stared up at him, half shock half confusion, in her daze she accepted the outstretched hand and hopped up to her feet easily "Yup!" She replied cheerily now "Hey mister, you're the one Sheila brought back right? The human that saved her from the bad humans?" Kael blinks "So her name is Sheila? I haven't seen her since the first time I woke, she ran out of the hut pretty quick, I think I scared her." The little girl giggles and shook her head "No, she's just shy, but also.. I mean.. You're a human right?" Kael tilts his head curiously "yeah.. I guess so? Why?" The girl giggles at his odd reply "Aren't all humans bad? That's what everyone says, that humans are bad and we should never intect... intereck...interact! That we should never interact with them." She nods as she gets the word right "That they always try to hunt our kind for our skins." Those words made his heart skip a beat <Humans hunt them?> He looks down at the girl almost in disbelief... but then looking around once more, the looks he was getting from the others in the area.. It must be true.. deep down he knew it was but even he didn't want to think humans would stoop so low.. but he still knew it was true somewhere inside.. he could feel another mark made on his mental list of reasons he despised his own race. Shaking his head he looks back to the girl with a soft smile "Please don't be afraid of me at least, I don't want to hurt anyone, do you believe me?" The girl watches him curiously, her ears flicking back and forth before she smiles and nods "Yup, I believe you mister, you saved Sheila from the bad men so you're a nice human." Kael smiles and gives the girl a light pat on the head causing her to giggle "So then, think I could get a small tour of your village? I should probably go introduce myself to this elder you mentioned to, he's your leader right?" The girl nods "Yup, he said you were supposed to be taken to him when you woke but I think everyone's to afraid to show you the way, but I'll take you." He beams up at him with an adorable smile and holds her hand up, with a smile Kael takes her hand and lets her lead him through the village.

He was toured through the village by the little girl who's name he now knows to be Tilly, at first the other villagers followed him from a distance, likely worried he would do something to Tilly, but as they followed him they saw more and more that he was just chatting and having fun with her, the broad smile on her face alone was almost all that was needed to lessen their worry and little by little the villagers began to wander off back to there daily routines, the village was a lovely and peaceful place in all the houses they built blended in with the surrounding forest but as they approached the elders house his jaw dropped, while it certainly looked like a building there were no bricks or timbers used, it looked like the walls were made of green moss that had grown up from the ground, it was seamless "Hey Tilly, what with that building its really different from the other houses around here." Tilly grins up at him "Elder made it with his magic." <Magic? Seriously? What kind of world have I dropped into?> "Err... so how does it work?" Tilly shrugs lightly "Don't know, he only told me that it was magic to make plants grow and so he made this house grow." Blinking several times he looks back to the house, stopping by one of the walls and running his hand over it, certainly it felt like moss but there was a solid wall of some kind just behind it, perhaps rock or compacted earth, the moss also on a closer look had almost a light shine to it <Perhaps an effect of the magic?> As he ponder on the wonders structure a cough from further inside the building drew his attention.

Seated at the end of the building was an aged but regal looking white stag, his antlers must have been at least nearly three feet in length and branched out in an intricate pattern above his head "Ah..." Looking back to Tilly he reaches down and pats her head lightly "Thanks for the tour Tilly, I had fun, I think that I should speak to the elder alone though." Tilly just nodded and smiled up at him "Ok mister, come play with me later ok?" With a nod and a smile Kael sent her off before turning back to the entrance to what seemed like a throne almost and slowly made his way, still relying heavily on the support of his black slime walking stick. Coming to a stop several meters from the elder he bowed his head lightly "I would like to express my gratitude for allowing me in your village and seeing my wound tended to." The white stag watched him curiously, scratching his chin in thought before a smile crossed his lips "Such manners from a human, I never thought id see that day, but your gratitude is not needed, in fact it's the other way around." He smiles and stands up, stepping down from the small plateau his throne stood upon and comes to stand before him, reaching out to shake Kael's hand "You have my eternal gratitude young man for saving my granddaughter." Kael wasn't sure what he was expecting to happen but it wasn't this that's for sure. "ah..uh...thank you." He shakes the elders hand looking rather flustered now at the gratitude shown by the old man causing the stag to chuckle "Now now, no need to be shy, did you think I was going to do something else perhaps?" He gives a somewhat playful and cheeky grin before turning and heading back to his seat "Now then, what would be your name young man?" Kael blinked "Oh! Sorry, I'm Kael." His flustered reply cause the stag to give another chuckle "Kael is it? Not a very common name, but then you don't strike me as a very common man either." He smiles for a moment then his gaze turns more serious "I guess we should get to the first matter at hand then, let us discuss your debt." Kael blinks as he stares at the stag, his heart skipping a beat at such a word "..Debt?..."