Mid-life club

Story by awesome87 on SoFurry

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A middle aged lioness finds her second wind, much to the horror of her daughter...

EDIT: My apologies for the terrible formatting on this, for some reason Sofurry wil simply not save any space and indent formatting I'm trying to make.

"Oh for fuck's sake!"

The squeals of a car pealing out of the driveway alerted Amber Swansea to the arrival of her nineteen year old daughter from yet another date. Groaning and clutching at her forehead, the middle-aged lioness groaned and sat up, blinking the tiredness from her eyes. A cursory glance at the glowing digital clock on her nightstand informed her that it was nearly three in the morning. Well past she and her daughter's informal curfew agreement.

Grunting in annoyance, Amber swung outwards, her feet finding the floor after a few misstarts. The lioness rose from her seated position, heart full of retribution as she tied a dressing gown around her trim figure. A door slamming loud enough to wake the dead told her all she needed to know, and almost instantly her anger flowed away to replaced by maternal pity. The date had not gone well.

Padding downstairs, she paused at the base of the staircase. The gentle sobbing of her daughter was enough to break the steeliest heart, and Amber immediately hurried over to the sofa where her daughter was half-curled. Ashley Swansea was truly her mother's daughter, identical in every way save for her smaller size and younger features, although now they were tearstained and puffy. As her mother sat next to her she flopped, landing against her mother's side and curling up like a small child.

Amber sighed quietly and put her arm around the teen, stroking her shoulder comfortingly. She spoke softly, "What happened, darling?" Ashley sniffled, and replied, "B-Brian cheated on me... W-We've been-" The Lioness hiccupped, and continued. "We've been f-fighting for hours." This got a much tighter and more reassuring hug from her mother. Amber spoke a little more aggressively now. "Well then he doesn't deserve you, cheating bastard."

Ashley gasped. "M-mother! I still love him! You don't know what it feels like to-", She stopped, realising the absurdity of what she had just said. Her father, Amber's husband of twenty years, had decided to ease the sting of his upcoming fortieth birthday with a brand new car and a much younger female. That was three months ago, and Amber was still growing used to having such a large bed to herself. The older lioness elected to ignore her daughter's faux pas and simply hug her again. "You don't need that in your life, my darling. Now come on, I shall make you a cup of tea."

An hour later Amber was back in bed, staring at the ceiling. Ashley's sniffs and gulps of air had quieted soon after she had retired to her room, and Amber once again marvelled at how quickly her daughter could fall asleep in the circumstances. It would be hours before the older lioness would fall asleep again, giving her plenty of time to fume.Lousy males and their lousy lack of fidelity. Why should the be able to have all the fun. I'm nearly forty too! When do I get to go out and stick my dick in whatever I want? Wait... no... well, you know what you mean, Amber! The lioness huffed again, silently arguing with herself. Finally, after goodness knows how long, all her thoughts rearranged themselves into one steely resolve. Why can't yo- I have some fun? Girl, you are single, You are still young! You have got a fantastic body no matter what that fucking ex-husband of yours thinks. That's it. He's not the only fucking lion who is gonna go out and have some fun!

Turning over, that was the last thought Amber had until she woke.


The next few weeks passed in a blur for both females. It took Ashley very little time to get over her ex-boyfriend, once her friends reminded her that she was now single and able to party with them indiscriminately. So, much to her mother's mild consternation, she was breaking curfew nearly every night.

Not that Amber had much recourse to be angry. In a very short time she had changed her attitude immensely. Gone were her normal clothing, conservative skirts and blouses, to be replaced by low-cut tops and slinky dresses. Half of it was purloined from her daughter, much to the teen's disgust. Already Amber was getting a lot more looks from males on the street of all ages, and she reveled in their leering. Her daily exercise regimen, now more important than ever to the lioness, had ensured she kept her slim figure and everything where it was supposed to be. So by the time her birthday rolled around a month later, the now forty-year-old lioness was easily passing as someone two-thirds her age.

The lioness also began frequenting more... youthful hangouts, Regularly going clubbing with similarly middle-aged girlfriends. She quickly started drifting away from them though. Most were still happily married, and many of them still had younger cubs to take care of, and so their free time to party was severely limited. Amber had no such limitations, and so she started going to clubs by herself and making new friends. She even brought home several males of various species, managing to hide her trysts from her daughter rather well. In fact, with a large bank account, monthly alimony payments and her own high-paying job, Amber found herself with a lot of young studs willing to come back and entertain a girl striking it alone for the first time in twenty years.

Amber could feel her youth returning to her. She was on top of the world and ready to face every challenge that was thrown at her. She and Ashley were even considering moving abroad, although they could never agree to where. Many arguments were had for Paris, Milan, and a dozen other cities.


The club was pumping tonight. A long weekend always brought out the young strapping lads with too much time on their hands, and Amber found herself drifting through the throng of bodies on the dance floor with every sign of enjoyment. The drink in her hand was the fourth... no, wait, fifth she had consumed in the hour she had been here in this ritzy discoteque. She was very much in the right frame of mind to enjoy her night, perhaps find a nice virile young lion to take her home. That's why, in her drifting meander through the club, she never expected to bump into a very familiar face...

"Mum?! What are you doing here?!"

Amber blinked, draining the neon green liquid from the glass in her hand and setting it down on the bar, staring at her daughter in hazy amazement. Ashleigh looked apoplectic, her face was contorted into a rather ugly sneer as she stared at her mother. She had to scream to be heard, although perhaps not as loudly as she did. "What are you doing here?! In MY dress?!"

The older lioness smiled warmly, causing her daughter to snort in annoyance and turn away, no doubt to run off and convince her friends to find a new hangout. Amber let her grin fade and grabbed her daughter's arm. "Hey, Ash! Don't be like that! I'm just enjoying myself!" Amber smiled again as her daughter turned around, looking slightly mollified but still beside herself with anger. "Why did you have to come to THIS club, Mum?! In MY DRESS!"

Amber shook her head and leaned against the bar, releasing her daughter and looking at her imploringly_. "I'm having fun! I know you think I'm too old, and I'm sorry for stealing your dress! But this is the most fun I've had in a decade! Now let me buy you a drink and we can dance!" She grinned as her daughter huffed, her desire for a free drink temporarily trumping her disgust at seeing her own mother clubbing. Ashley spoke as Amber ordered, _"No wonder you weren't mad at me anymore for coming home after curfew!" She grinned. "And don't think that I didn't notice all those guys!" She winked gloatingly as two more neon-green drinks were placed before them.

Despite herself, Amber blushed deeply. "You noticed them?" Her daughter's smug nod made her giggle, and she shrugged. "Hey, I told you I was gonna enjoy myself from now on. You know before now your father was the only male I ever made love-" She grunted as her daughter punched her in an unladylike way on her arm. Ashley frowned, "Okay, okay! Jeez, just because we're sharing a drink doesn't mean I want to hear about the sticky details of my mum's sex life!" The older lioness giggled like a teenager, grasping her own drink and gulping half down in one go. "Fine, then let's just go dance!"

The music seemed to thump even louder as the two lionesses snaked their way through the throng of bodies into a space near the centre of the dance floor. Immediately they were pressed on all sides by males and females of all species. Laughing with abandon, Amber started to dance along with the press, her daughter by her side the whole time. The energy of the club's patrons was incredibly, and the older lioness found herself dancing with much more fervour than she had ever thought possible, her daughter laughing and bumping against her the whole time.

Eventually the music died enough for conversation to happen, and Ashley panted, her arms dangling limply. "H-hey, having fun?" Amber grinned and hugged her daughter, panting and laughing. "Of course! How can you not love dancing?!" She smirked as the younger lioness laughed. "Oh, yeah. You know you dance pretty well for an old person!"

Amber's reply was tinged with mock outrage. "Oh really?! An OLD person huh?" She huffed, grinning wildly as she looked around. "Well then, missy. I guess I'll just have to show you how I'm wilder than you'll ever hope to be!" There were oohs and catcalls from a large circle of other clubbers, egging on the lionesses' little exchange. Amber rolled her eyes and winked. "Oh yeah? Wanna bet?" More catcalls as their little exchange got the attention of yet more of the dancers who hadn't drifted to the bar. Both lionesses grinned as the throng started to press and the music started once more. Drinks were pushed into their hands from invisible sources and they both downed them at once, starting to move again as the crowd pushed them together.

Amber licked her lips and winked at her daughter, pressing back against the bodies behind her and starting to rub against several males. She couldn't see in the dark what species they were, but at least one had the size of an equine, and the older lioness giggled. Egging her daughter on as her empty glass was replaced by a full one.

Not to be outdone, Ashley huffed, bending at the waist and rubbing her tail against the body behind her, a female as it turned out. But there were plenty of males pressing into her that she wasn't left wanting for partners to bump against. The heavy thump of the music filled the air as both lionesses were lost in the crowd, only a few males in the vicinity close enough to pay attention to them as they continued to try to outdance the other. All the while the drinks flowed freely.

Minutes passed. It could have been hours for all Amber was aware, and still she danced alongside her daughter, winking and grinning at her, neither getting the better of the other. Their dancing getting wilder and wilder with every downed drink, every change in tempo from the DJ... the dancers around them were replaced by new ones, as the dancefloor flowed and swirled around them. Amber grunted, looking around in a daze and seeing only huge, strong males surrounding them. She giggled as her daughter screamed to her over the music. "See? I told ya you couldn't keep up!" Amber's eye glinted as she shouted back. "Oh no?!"

In one swift movement, surprising even her in her intoxicated state, she reached out, grabbing her own daughter by the front of her dress and pulling her close. Before Ashley, or her own remnants of sobriety could protest, she planted her lips against the younger lioness' and kissed her deeply. The males around them exploded into lecherous yells of delight as she passionately kissed her teenage daughter. Ashley scrabbled halfheartedly at Amber's chest for a few moments before deflating and leaning into the kiss, her tongue wrestling with her own mother's as the males around them went crazy.

After what felt like an eternity, Amber broke her passionate lock with her daughter and panted, grinning like a maniac, she moaned and arched her back. Screaming over the music to all the cheering males. "THIS KITTY WANTS TO FUCK! RIGHT NOW!"

Ashley gasped as her mother started to grind much more suggestively against the males around her, many hands confidently reaching out to roam the older lioness' willing body. Soon she was half-obscured by a half-dozen males, all pressing her tightly in the gang of bodies. Her loud moans, on the edge of hearing, worried the drunk teen. A hand that looked like it belonged to Amber reached out through the press, and she grasped it, attempting in a bout of drunken logic to rescue her mother from the horde. Without luck. Instead, with a squeak, she was pulled into the group instead. Ending up pressed chest-to-chest against her mother. Staring into her eyes, the teenage lioness shivered, her inhibitions gone as the males started to ease up on them both.

Amber grinned down at her daughter and kissed her deeply again as male hands began to roam their sleek forms. Zippers were pulled and hands pushed up dresses as the males grew more confident, both females moaning softly as they were explored. Through their drunk haze they could see a space opening in the dancefloor. Some enterprising young bucks had dragged one of the large oblong seats that edged the club's walls into the middle of the dancefloor. Now the two females were pressed gently down on to it while all around them males were removing items of clothing. Amber grinned and practically tore the dress off her daughter's body, pulling it up over her head and flinging it into the dancing crowd. Ashley gulped, and there was a ripple of laughter when the watching mass realised that she had chosen to come out wearing ONLY a dress. The girl's blush deepened when Amber removed her own dress. Her thin black panties the only thing between her and total public nudity. Already males were in various states of undress as the two females leaned into each other, kissing each other madly as their hands roamed over breasts and stomachs, their insestuous pairing creating quite a stir.

Amber moaned out loud as she was forcibly torn away from her daughter by several males. Pushed immediately down on to her back with her legs held up by a large, grinning tiger. Within seconds her panties were gone too, sailing over the crowd after her dress. Panting like a whore in heat, she spread her legs as the tiger pushed into her unceremoniously. Something cold and sticky was poured over her chest and stomach, and she shivered as her daughter leaned over her, licking the liquid off her fur. It was probably another drink. Reaching above her head, she found another shaft in her hand. It felt canine, and she began to pump it firmly much to its owner's approval.

Beside her, Ashley was similarly pushed down on to her back, both lionesses together looking like twins as a massive male lion grabbed the teens legs, spreading them wide and pushing into her as she squealed in ecstasy. A zebra stood at her head, and she grabbed him with her hand, pushing the tip of his cock into her open mouth, barely able to fit the equine's tip past her lips.

Amber shuddered, her hips pushing up to meet the tiger's thrusts as the canine in her hand released his load, spraying warm cum on to her breasts. The shaft disappeared to be replaced by another, and she began to pump it. Another canine. Somebody else grabbed her head and she grunted, her eyes widening as her mouth and throat were suddenly filled with thick meat. Suckling hungrily, she squealed around the shaft as the tiger grunted and filled her pussy with warm feline cum. He pulled out and was replaced immediately by another male, a large stallion who wasted no time in burying himself deeply in her folds. Ashley's loud cries made the older lioness look to her daughter, watching her cumming hard around the lion's cock buried in her. All the while still licking the zebra's tip with every sign of enjoyment. Suddenly the zebra grabbed her head, his shaft twitching as he sprayed thick, copious fluids all over the teenager's body and face. Amber wailed in jealousy, there was so much more cum. Not to be outdone, the male in her throat pushed deeply down her gullet, releasing his load into her stomach as she gagged on the thick meat.

The spotlights moved, focusing on the two lionesses as they took more and more males into their holes, each with a prick thrusting into both ends, and their hands grasping for yet more males. More liquids were poured over them, matting their fur with semen and sticky alcohol as they were thoroughly filled. Reaching out, Amber's questing hand found another next to hers, gripping it tightly as both females climaxed together, wailing loudly as yet more thick semen coated their faces and filed their mouths. No fewer than a dozen males now stood around them, each painting the two females with sticky juices before being immediately being replaced. Species of every kind taking their turns to fuck mother and daughter.

Amber squealed again, cumming for a third time, her hand grasping her daughter's fiercely as another male stepped up to pound her rapidly loosening pussy. She gasped as she was stretched even further, closing her eyes tightly in pain as she was fucked roughly by what felt like an elephant. Accepting another load in her mouth, she grunted and thrashed her head, stopping when she bumped noses with Ashley. Quick as a snake, she leaned forward and kissed the teen, pushing the thick load of cum from her tongue to her daughter's as they wrestled. Their kiss was swiftly broken as they pulled slightly away from each other, a thick strand of cum and saliva joining their dangling tongues as each female opened her eyes, staring deeply into each other's gaze for a brief moment before each threw their head back and squealed, cumming together yet again...



The beeping of an alarm sent a warning stab of pain through Amber Swansea's head. The lioness clutching at her forehead with a hand and screwing her eyes tight. A wild flail of her hand sent the alarm clock flying off her bedside table, letting blessed silence fill the room like a soothing lotion. Groaning, Amber let her arm flop back down to her side, trying to remember the events that led her to this massive headache. Idly her other hand started to rub her belly fur, only for it to feel matted and sticky. She sat up and groaned, turning on a light with a wince. She was naked, and her bedsheets were coated in thick, drying but still quite sticky cum. An exploratory self examination revealed her fur was similarly coated, and her mouth tasted like semen and cocktails. Groaning, she covered her eyes with what felt like the only dry part of her body and groaned. Oh, it was coming back now. She had gotten drunk and... Brought some guys home?

He hands dropped as more memories surfaced. No, she hadn't brought them home... they'd fucked her right there in the club, dozens of them, all covering her with cum of every species. She grinned halfheartedly. This was going to take a lot of explaining away. Smacking her lips, she grunted as she tried to stand. There was something else, wasn't there? What was it?

She stumbled out of her bedroom, not caring or realising her daughter would be asleep in the next room. Down the stairs, still lost in her own thoughts while pain shot through her entire body. What was it girl, come on, there was something else...

Stumbling half blindly into the kitchen, she walked passed the breakfast table and stopped her fall to the ground with the bench, managing to pour herself a coffee. Giving up trying to remember for now. A meek voice cut through her haze from behind her. "M-morning... d-do you remember what happened last night?"

Amber turned, shaking her head and blearily sinking into a seat. Sipping her coffee like it was mana from heaven, she managed to finally crack open her cummy eyelids and focus on the person sitting opposite her. Oh, it was just Ashley.

Amber stopped, opening her eyes wider. Her daughter was sitting before her stark naked, an expression on her face nearly identical to her mother's. Her cum... matted... face...

Both of them stared at each other, unable to comprehend what they were seeing as more memories flooded back. Shared memories. Amber was the one who broke the silence, managing to croak out a single word. "Paris?" Ashley whimpered, "New York?"

Both sat in silence for several moments, until they blurted out in perfect harmony. "London."

Then the only sound was of two naked, cum stained lionesses rushing upstairs to pack.