Properly Packaged

Story by manik on SoFurry

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Another dark and NSFW entry. This time involving an abandoned facility, a curious heroine, and what happens when industry goes a little awry.

The floor was cold. That much was clear. The floor was cold and so was she. She? The girl lifted herself up off the ground and rubbed her head. She groaned out in pain. Hangover? No. She'd gone out drinking a few times before, but nothing like this. For one thing the worst that ever happened to her was she ended up in a bathroom regretting the night's escapades, but here she couldn't even remember getting in this place. She stood up, her head still groggy. "What is this place? Hello? Hello!" Her voice echoed around the dark room, bouncing off the walls. "Lori!" Lori. Ori. Ri. Attempts to yell out her own name ended only with the walls replying it in half-tones. Her eyes finally adapted to the light, showing that the room wasn't without light. It just had invested heavily in darkness.

The floor was numerous tiles of concrete placed without care, but securely clamped down with grout. The walls were in a similar slapped together pattern. Overall the room screamed prison, with its dismal beds and rather disgusting sink. Lori hadn't woken up on the bed though. She was on the ground far from it, and the room had something a prison cell wouldn't: an open door. The door in fact had been torn off at the hinges, and lay on the ground in front of her. The room itself had no lighting, but the hallway seemed to possess some, just down the left side. She stepped forward, grateful she was dressed in... what was she dressed in?

She paused just as she entered the hallway to notice she was wearing some sort of paper clothing, a bright enough orange to see in this light, with little booties to match. She certainly didn't have this on when she had... been wherever she was before. No doubt she had been wearing a hoodie and jeans, as a college student rarely needed to dress up. The outfit seemed prepped for her, although that wasn't saying much. Her flat lithe frame fit in the clothes without any issues. Her squirrel tail fit through the opening at the back rather well, and her feet fit in the booties. If it wasn't due to the clothes being paper she'd think they were fitted fabric. She could tell it was paper from how it felt and how easily the sleeves seemed to tear and bend, but it didn't feel uncomfortable on her. What was uncomfortable was the thought that someone had placed this on her.

Her paws traced along the walls, letting her orient herself in the dark room. It was difficult to see at all at this point, but she could tell she was going in the way she could see best, and that was all that mattered. Soon she could see the tiles in better detail. For one these looked better placed, with more care taken in their construction. The walls were notably cleaner too, although large cuts and scrapes along the walls made her nervous. They didn't seem like an animal's or another furre's. They were too straight, like something mechanical had done it. She soon had no doubt something mechanical had been the cause.

A large machine was at the end of the hall. It had slammed into the hall's corner, leaving both its front and the wall destroyed. For a second Lori smelled gas, but it was clear the machine had crashed long ago, and the only scent left came from the stained tiles. She turned her head away and walked down the hall, but not before noticing the title on the side of the wheeled machine. "OptiPro: Optimum Reprocessing." Lori read the words out loud as she traced a finger along the logo: a square with a humanoid shape inside. She wasn't familiar with that name. Some sort of company? Maybe an evil organization bent on world domination! Lori chuckled and smacked her head gently. "Get yourself together, girl! There's probably a good explanation for this. One that... that involves a good explanation for you winding up here! Yeah! Now think... think. Where were you last?"

As she walked past numerous locked doors and caved in ceilings things started to piece together. She was with friends. Where was everyone else? They were walking home... from the library! Now she remembered. She couldn't remember how she got here, or if anyone else had been with her. She sighed and gave up on it. Trying to remember that specific detail only made the headache worse. Besides, the only room she could go through left plenty to think about.

It was big, and clearly a warehouse. Numerous boxes stacked high and pushed together, all of the same style. They were about three or four feet wide, and about as long. They were thick too, at least a good foot. The front of each had a place for all sorts of hand-written information, a CD slot, and then four strange-looking ports. One looked like an electrical port but the other three looked beyond recognition. They almost looked like one of the valves for a pressurized tank, but she wasn't so sure. She looked up to the ceiling. Whatever these boxes were there were a lot of them, and as far as she could tell they were all sealed. One that was on the ground had secure clamps on all sides, but was light. She could lift it with little difficulty. Perhaps they were just empty boxes? Why would one secure an empty box this much? Her ears twitched and her tail waved in the air. She heard something. Movement. It sounded like movement. Her curiosity got the better of her, and she ran towards it.

She hid behind a smaller stack of the boxes. The stacks got lower the closer to the sound she got. She could see the source of the movement. A machine was moving around, just like the one from before, only clearly active. It was a forklift, an automated one at that. The lack of driver and the two red eyes implied as much. It looked in better condition than the one from before, and the logo and name, Optimum Processing, were lit up in bright purple paint. It ignored Lori, or probably didn't know she was there. It reached forward and slid two long poles into slots in the boxes, and carried one of the crates off down a hall. A moment later it was quiet again, and Lori was just as alone as before.

She slid down to the ground, resting her legs. She hadn't realized until now just how sore her body was. She must have not moved at all while she was on the ground. "Alright Lori. You're not alone. Someone has to be moving that thing around. Just go find them and... and demand they explain what's going on! Yeah right... like anyone would explain any of this. At least I know there is someone else-" The lights would shut off, pulling her into a darkness worse than the cell. With the exception of two red eyes.

Before she could get up and get away the lights would get closer. She couldn't see as robotic claws moved and grabbed at her, lifting her up off the ground. She stared straight into the red eyes as she could feel claws on her legs. She grunted and shifted, trying to fight the grips. In the darkness she couldn't see anything, only feel as the further grips clamped her hips and waist. Finally she had no real choice but to give up. She screamed and yelled, hoping someone would hear. That was hopeless too it seemed. The machine starting to move gave her more reasons to yell, however. Now she really was scared.

She was soon carted down the hall, going in the opposite direction of where the first machine had taken a box. She was finally in the light again, and could see what the grips had done. They were gripping tightly but not painfully. The intent it seemed was to keep her still and unable to get away. Struggling only made the paper clothing tear further, taking away what little dignity she had left. While she was focused on her clothing she didn't even notice as the machine detached its claws and let them connect to a set of bars that hung from a rail. Lori was still in the same position as before, but now her restraints were attached to a stable metal structure behind her. As the rail moved forward she felt very much like meat on a rack, and she didn't like that thought.

The rail led to a large room, possessing a good deal more length than width or height. She wasn't sure what the room was for. She yelled out again, letting her voice echo down the hall for a notably short period. Regret immediately followed as a blast of cold water shot her in the chest. Her tail would stick straight out, pushed down by the spreader bar behind her. The water came from all directions, soaking her and the clothing. The paper dissolved and softened, quickly exposing her body to the air. Her nipples hardened in the cold air, and she couldn't help but whimper, hoping this would be over soon.

Soon the water turned warmer and relaxed her stiffened muscles. Her breathing calmed down now. She noticed she was moving forward slowly on the rail as the water jets moved across her. She was fully nude now, but at least the water felt nice. She almost didn't believe herself as a soft chitter left her throat. A jet of hot air blew across her fur, quickly drying her. She looked around at the room, feeling much better now. "Well... this is nice at least. Not like I have a choice I guess. All it's doing is taking care of me after all. Perhaps I really just needed a bath! Gina always said I didn't take care of myself. So umm... anyone there gonna tell me where I am?"

"If you insist."

Lori's tail immediately bunched up as much as it could, and her dried fur poofed out both from drying and from shock. She looked around, trying to locate the voice. A single red eye was attached to the rail now, looking at her. It was like the machine eyes from before only singular, and singularly intelligent. It focused on her and before she could respond it continued. She did ask it a question after all. "You are in the facility once known as Optimum Reprocessing. I hope you will find your time comfortable here. You will not be here for long after all. We don't intend to keep product on the shelf for long. We are still reorganizing though, so I hope the treatment we gave you before was alright. Leaving you in one of the cells seemed not to be an issue."

"Treatment? Facility? I don't remember getting here though, how did I get here? Where are my friends? There was a girl, Gina. She's my best friend. And a couple others. And... wait product? What do you mean by that?"

The eye stared at her as she was led out of the cleaning section of the facility into what seemed like transport to another area entirely. There were a lot of rails around, and although they all moved they were all empty. Empty save for the occasional strange box. The eye tried to respond to her questions as best as it could. "Yes. Optimum Reprocessing was until recently a recycling facility. Using state of the art equipment material could be transformed into new and reusable products, such as electronics and machinery. With a recent change in managerial staff from old organic to a new and more optimum computerized system, the facility has refocused its efforts. The old staff have been converted to material for new usage. As for how you came here, you and your friends were taken, quite easily I might add. They have already started their conversion to material. You were the last in the line. We wished to wait for you to wake up, however. Conversion tends to be more effective when the material is awake."

"Conversion? Material? Wait, did you kill them?! You sick... whatever you are!"

"Kill? Why would we do that? The conversion process is different from before. It has been restructured for an organic purpose. Ah. Here comes one of our finished products. It used to be one of our chief researchers in fact."

Lori would be in perfect viewing position for what came next. Around a corner another rail moved ahead, allowing her eyes to follow what was on the rail. A rather giggly woman was hanging from the rail. She was secured in place, with her legs and arms pulled close to her form. Unlike Lori who was upright this woman was positioned with her chest facing the ground, and her chest was quite endowed. Lori couldn't help but blush a little, thinking about her modest chest, or lack thereof. The woman was a canine, and her overall attire seemed to emphasize just how much she was fitting that role now. A collar was strapped around her neck, and a bone-shaped gag was fitted into her mouth. Leather straps were wrapped around her body, securing her arms and legs in the position of a feral dog's. She was loudly whining, but in a pleasurable fashion. The two large toys in her rear holes implied the source of her pleasure. The leather straps pushed them in and at the same time kept her tail up. She shifted back and forth, moving her arms and legs around and causing the toys to push in and out. No doubt about it. She was enjoying this.

"She was the main designer of our computer systems. I believe she built some of my hardware in fact. The new facility policies are against direct mental manipulation, but due to the sensitivity of her information it was decided to just wipe everything. Best she doesn't mention any sensitive info to her new owners. We sell our products to any who want them, if that wasn't clear enough. The initial income brought about by converting and selling the entire management staff has been enough to completely automate the facility. You and your friends will be part of our first batch of harvested material. Are you ready to begin?"

As the woman left Lori's view she shook wildly, trying to get out of the bonds. She didn't want to be here anymore! She violently protested, yelling at the red eye and telling it she wanted to leave. She wanted her and her friends and everyone safe, but it didn't seem she had much choice at the moment. The rails were moving her about like a product and, as the eye kept mentioning, that was exactly what she was. "Hmm... it would appear you are not ready for packaging or processing. We will send you to rehabilitation first." The rail loudly clicked and she was sent on a new path, heading towards a hall that didn't even need a sign to imply its purpose.

The room was much cleaner than the earlier ones, seeming more like a hospital than a factory. The ground was lined with numerous other rails that seemed to follow the main one. Several boxes from the sides moved forward and close to her. Their content and purpose were clear. Several robotic appendages moved out and rubbed up against her sensitive lower regions. A moan betrayed her as the shock and pleasure mixed into a single sound of pleasant surprise. She couldn't help but deny that her mechanical lovers were hitting the right spots. A pair of delicate grips gripped at the lips of her pussy and slid a toy inside, while a small soft pad rotated on top of her clit. That was what put her over the edge, causing her to climax loudly. Her noise filled the air and her liquid dripped down onto the waterproof equipment.

"Clitoral stimulation found to be effective. Will investigate breast stimulation." Similar pads would move to her nipples, which were now hard and perky. Lori tried to breathe out a protest, but it was too late. Soon they were being teased and stimulated in a way that no one had tried before. Lori felt if she ever got out of this she'd have to try masturbating like this, even though she kept telling herself not to think like that. A vibrating egg pressed up against her ass and she came again, feeling the forced stimulation making her climax again and again.

The rail notably seemed to close down now, letting her stay here as long as the facility decided to keep her here it seemed. Without warning the machines pulled away, and Lori nearly had a look of disappointment as the pleasure stopped. The eye stared right at her, giving off a smug look somehow. She looked away embarrassed, trying to ignore the eye until it spoke again. "The material named 'Lori' has shown exceptional progress in initial stimulation testing. For this the facility has considered the material deserving of a reward. We have repurposed the equipment once used for reorganizing the structure of inorganic material to produce... incredible changes in the finished products. For example, the woman that was seen earlier was in fact quite flat-chested, and did not possess any of the marketable curves we would like our products to possess. We will be doing the same to you. Any requests?"

Lori blushed, staring at the eye and thinking about its words. She looked down at her form. She never really found herself attractive. Gina was a prettier girl than her, and a bit more plump in every way. She always got complements from the guys who liked larger girls, and even dated a few times. Lori hadn't even been asked out once, and she'd never gone and asked someone herself. Hard to feel comfortable when you aren't comfortable with your body. All these thoughts and more went through her head, pushing away such logical concerns like escape and freedom. She knew she could escape later just... if they could help her it couldn't hurt right? She finally opened her mouth, projecting a voice notably softer and higher pitched than usual. "Could you... make them larger? My... breasts... my rear... my... everything... Please."

The red eye seemed to focus more on her, almost glaring now. "If you insist. We will proceed. Modifications of an excessive nature are expensive. We feel you are worth it. Would you like to be as large as the product labeled 'Gina' or more?" Lori was about to say larger when her mind caught that phrasing. Product? So Gina was definitely here! And she'd been turned into a product! Where was she? Take me to her! Let me out! All these questions and more would have come from Lori's mouth if a ring gag hadn't been slipped forcefully into it.

The machinery swapped, switching out from pleasurable appendages and vibrators to what looked like tubes and pumps. She was pulled off the rail, over to a reserved spot off the main line. A tube came down from the ceiling and was secured to the gag, giving off a quick whirring noise guaranteeing the lock. A similar type of ring, possessing a deep protrusion, slid into her lower hole. She moaned out, the noise silenced by the tube. It felt like the toy from before minus the tip. A similar toy would enter her rear and she couldn't help but yell. She didn't like that sensation, even with the stimulation from before. Tubes would secure themselves down there as well, with the devices down there feeling far more complex and mechanical. She shifted and grunted, trying to fight the metal rails again and finding it useless. She couldn't give up though! She had to keep moving. Perhaps they could break if she just pulled harder and... she froze as she clearly heard the sound of liquid pumping through those pipes.

The pipe in her mouth seemed to push further past the gag on its own, forcing a phallus appendage into her throat. She felt the urge to gag but that was instantly muffled by the liquid, which seemed to numb her throat. It poured down into her stomach, and seemed to feel hotter the farther it went. The pipes below seemed to be given smaller dosages, and she could feel the liquid coating her pussy and ass instead of merely filling them. She squirmed and struggled again, now more at the heat than the rapidly fading fantasy of escape. The heat increased further and further until she couldn't take it anymore. The heat seemed to move, travelling up through her. It went to her breasts, to her rear, to her hips. Where the heat concentrated, her skin felt tight. It felt like she was being pulled apart. She couldn't even make a sound of pain as the mouth tube had silenced her.

The sensations would shift, and with them her muffled attempts at noise. Her breasts were where the heat had concentrated the most, and they seemed to have the most pronounced effect. She couldn't tilt her head down enough to see them, but she could feel a weight on her chest. Her breasts were expanding! She couldn't help but moan at the sensation. The burning sensation had quickly changed to pleasure and was now going straight to her ravaged brain. A similar sensation occurred in the other concentrated regions. Her hips felt like they were spreading out and her rear plumped up as well. Lori was changing into a new woman right before her eyes... if she could look down and see at least.

Her breasts expanded further and further, along with all of the other regions. As they expanded the liquid in the lower spots seemed to trickle less and less and finally stop, while the feeding tube in her mouth only seemed to speed up. Her stomach never seemed to be full, and she never expanded past a mildly full tummy. Her nipples seemed to be expanding now too, and felt incredibly itchy. She had never felt an urge to scratch as strong as this one. It was so nice of those shaped cups to grip her breasts and scratch it for her. Wait. Cups?

As the new breasts and the rest of her were finally starting to slow down and stop, she could see the most protruding portions of her breasts, as well as the cups. They were connected to tubes, and had a slight cavity at the front that had pulled the nipples into them. Judging from the pulling her normally small nipples must have expanded incredibly. Even though it wasn't on purpose the sensation of the grips felt incredibly pleasant. A climax wasn't unexpected, especially when the cups started to suck extremely hard at her.

The tendril in her mouth pulled away, as well as the tubes in her lower regions. The lower ones were replaced with appropriately shaped toys, as well as that clit stimulator from before. She couldn't help but let her moans go free into the air. Earlier she may have won her silence, but now there was far too much going on. The cups were visibly pulling at her now, sucking so hard they shook back and forth, squishing and expanding her breasts. While the sensation in her hips and rear had cooled off finally, her breasts only seemed to feel hotter. She shifted and shook, unsure just what was going to come out of her. The answer was: milk.

She'd obviously never been pregnant before, and had only teased around with her nipples occasionally, so the feeling of her new and improved breasts giving milk shook her mind to its core. Her eyes opened wide and she looked straight up. Every muscle tensed and she climaxed harder than she ever had. The toys below weren't even contributing at this point. They were an afterthought as her body visibly shook and twitched. Milk poured out from her and into the tubes, seemingly giving back as much as had been put into her, yet more. If she were in a more poetic mind she might make some comment about how it was taking away her resolve, her urge to fight back. Her intelligence, however, was going along with it as well.

She moaned and giggled loudly now, or at least as best as she could while wearing that gag. Her expression shifted from one of struggle and pain to raw pleasure and hunger. She wanted more. Needed more. This was different than anything she had experienced before in her life. She wasn't unwanted, she didn't have that feeling of being alone even with friends. She felt like she was exactly where she was supposed to be, and as the milking process continued her thoughts seemed to become more and more one-dimensional. She soon didn't even care about what it was like before the facility, but the process was far from done.

The process went on for several hours, with her kept in that room all throughout it. She was fed and drugged and allowed to steep like strong tea. Her breasts had expanded slightly more from the intense milking. Her expression had gone to a dazed and stupid grin, and she'd given up on making any sounds at all. Her body had been moved and manipulated a little, testing further modifications. Quick injections to her joints had given her incredible flexibility, as evidenced by her legs now resting behind her head. This made penetration easier and more pleasurable, and if it gave her pleasure she had no objections. She made only the smallest of squeaks as the machines moved again.

The first thing to go would be the milkers, although she was still visibly leaking some. The vibrators in her pussy and ass slipped out too, taking the rings with them. Lori felt sad at this, not liking the empty sensations she felt below. A tube came down and grabbed at her ring. She was so excited, expecting to be fed more and only finding it was there to take the ring away. Lori's tongue hung out as she tried to lick at the tube until it was well beyond the reach of her neck. She spoke out, with a voice much higher and sweeter than before. "Lori wants it! Lori wants it again!" It was clear where her interests were now.

The rail started to move again, moving her around on a single rail post. The red eye was now in front of her again. "Conversion appears to have been successful. We will now prepare your storage box. Isn't that exciting? We start with making sure you're ready to be packed, Product. First. How are you feeling? Is everything to your liking?" Lori frowned at the strange glowy thing and waved her head frantically. The red eye seemed to sigh and pleased Lori with the only thing it knew would work. A toy slid into her lower hole as the eye moved away. Mechanical arms would move closer, holding strips of fabric and leather.

Milkers would be reattached to her breasts, only these did not have any tubes attached to them. They were merely the part without the power. Black leather straps moved around her, similar to the dog girl from before. Lori couldn't remember her anymore. The straps slid around her legs and arms, trapping them so that she was completely exposed and immobile. Straps moved around her waist, tightening it into a kind of corset that kept her whole form tight, secure, and incredibly aroused. A collar secured to her neck, and a decorative piece of leather strapped to her shoulders. On the front of both, in pink letters, were the words "PRODUCT", a set of serial numbers and a bar code. The red eye returned and stared at her. "You are ready."

Lori grinned and nodded, proud of herself. The red eye continued. "You will be placed in a proper storage container until we find a buyer who finds you the Optimum product for them. Oh. It seems I made a pun. Not that you could understand anymore. I have a surprise for you as well. Your old friend Gina just finished her conversion as well. Would you like to take a look?" Lori seemed quite confused. Friend? Gina? She couldn't remember anyone with that name. She actually couldn't remember anyone at all. She turned her head as a rail near a corner was bringing something.

She'd be in perfect view to see what was coming around that corner. A cow femme who had been modified heavily. She wasn't the type to have udders, but that didn't really matter at this point. Her breasts had been expanded out immensely, each with four little teats on the front. Heavy duty milkers like those on a farm were attached to her, and a single contained unit milked her at all times. Lori felt jealous. This girl got to be played with all the time! She was really pretty too. Her legs and arms were bunched up on themselves, unlike Lori's which were still behind her head. Her arms and legs wiggled and moved around on their own, and with the little hoof-shaped attachments on the ends she looked like she had a feral cow's arms and legs. Her mouth had a feeding tube already inserted, which kept her entire mouth clamped down. She moaned out happily at the sight of Lori. It seemed one of them remembered but... her memories were terribly distorted. For one her response to seeing her best friend was to moan out loudly in arousal.

Both girls were brought down the rail lines, getting closer and closer until they were rubbed up against each other. The red eye looked at them as it led the way on Lori's rail. It was silent at this point, letting the two girls stare over each other. Where once had been a skinny washboard squirrel and a slightly chubby cowgirl were now a bombshell woman who could get her legs up and out of the way during sex and a voluptuous milkmaid who still had more to give. The red eye seemed happy at the process and the success of these two Products. They only had one last destination to go to: Storage.

The room would be similar to the one that Lori had been caught in. Numerous of those strange boxes were stacked up, only now they were in aisles. They weren't arranged in large piles, now the front of each was clearly visible, revealing the label, CD tray, and the four ports on each. 4 large vertical pipes were on each stack, connected to those ports. Some were pumping something in, while others were pumping something out. Lori's attention wasn't on those, however. She looked over to see several boxes opened. She remembered these at least, and was genuinely surprised at what she found. Still, it only made her wet with anticipation.

Several of the boxes were open like clam shells, allowing one to see their contents. There were all sorts of mechanical components inside. Pumps, vibrators, and other lovely bits. There were also large openings in the center, shaped vaguely like a person. Each opening was being slowly warped and reshaped, tailoring it to the one that would go inside of it. Lori could already see someone at the end of the line. A wolf girl who looked very worried. She hadn't been altered heavily, and was still very much alert as feeding tubes and other accessories were inserted into her. The top of the box was pushed down, and her cries were completely muffled and silenced. The sound of air and liquid being pumped in was clear now, keeping the girl alive and... well alive at least. A CD was inserted at the front, giving the codes for how to pleasure and satisfy her. A sticker was placed on too, with all of her information. The red eye stared at it for a moment. "Oh yes. This one was left intact for a special buyer. A friend of yours, Lori. You should have said goodbye."

It moved pass the dog girl from before, who was being loaded into a specially shaped box. Milking units were quickly connected to her, along with power supplies for the toys in her rear. The bone gag was taken away and replaced with a feeding tube. The eye stopped to look at her. "The Facility has decided that instead of selling you it will be using you for experimentation of long term storage. Please enjoy yourself." And with that her coverings were placed onto her, silencing her away. Another in storage.

Gina would be next, slipped into a box that was twice as tall as usual. She would murr happily as the system secured her in place. Permanent milking units would be placed on her nipples instead of the old attachments, and the box would be sealed without further thought. The ports would start to leak even before the CD was placed in. It was clear which one was for pulling out milk from the poor cowgirl. Her identification slip would have a new name for her. "Cowgirl Jenny." The eye ignored the box as it was finished up, and kept its attention on Lori. She was the last one.

"You will now be placed in storage. I admit I have enjoyed this more than I was supposed to. My AI core is only to handle administration, not personal fulfillment. I'll return to normal eventually, and the facility will proceed as it should. There is nothing more that can be done for you. You'll be placed in, exactly as you are right now, and you'll stay here until we have someone who wants a... large... leaking... squirrel girl." The red eye paused a moment, looking left and right before looking at her box. It seemed to be doing something before it drove away like mad. It nearly knocked over one of the carrying machines in the process. Lori blinked, unsure where the glowy thing went. Her thoughts went back to the right now as the machines lifted her up!

She was placed in with care, making sure her flexible parts were in just the right places. She could feel vibrating pads and other devices rubbing up against her. It felt nice, its purpose was to prevent her from getting sore in that box after all. She could feel her leather restraints connect with the box, locking her in place. Someone could open up the box and use her right there now. She didn't need to be free, not anymore. Toys with special openings on the ends would slip into her lower holes, and she squeaked happily as milkers attached to her breasts. That nearly put her over the edge. It wasn't enough though. One thing was missing, and her mouth was open in anticipation.

The box was being slowly pushed close, taking notably longer than the earlier Products. She could see it, what she was missing: The feeding tube. It was lined up perfectly over her, and as it came further and further down she tried to reach up and lick at it, but a clamp on her collar prevented that. The tube slid gently into her mouth and locked itself in place. She gave off a happy and pleased voice as she was suddenly pulled into complete darkness. The last noises from the outside she'd hear would be the clamps shutting her inside. And in the darkness, in the silence, she came harder than she ever had before.

The box would soon spring to life, pumping into her and milking her dry. It was just like before, only now it was a continuous process, meaning this could go on possibly for forever! She really couldn't think much further anymore. The Lori from earlier that day was completely gone, and all that was left was a squirrel girl with a filled out body and an empty mind. She didn't care anymore though. This felt incredible, and she felt... happy. She felt wanted. She didn't need to go do something unpleasant or unknown. All she needed was what the box did to her. It would feed her, clean her, and keep her satisfied. That was all she needed now. Perhaps if she had just been placed in one of these boxes at the start she would have still felt like this. Possibly.

Soon her box would be moved with the help of the machine she had seen in the first warehouse. It placed her on top of Gina's stack, with a separator between them allowing for specific Products to be taken away at will. Lori's sticker was supposed to say that she would be on sale in a few days, but instead it had a pleasantly different message.


PRODUCT: 0034-01S


What did that mean? Well. It certainly meant that Lori wouldn't be leaving any time soon.