Stuck in Orbit: Chapter 16

Story by BAYOKKO on SoFurry

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#16 of Stuck in Orbit

Barnabus and Miktes have a meal together and find out someone has followed them all the way to Loma Prime.

Chapter 16

"Are you sure you and your friends won't stay for dinner Mr. Comet?" Rachel Bonnibel asked as she and her guests made their way out of her quaint little home and out onto her porch. "I'm more than sure I could make enough to feed all of you." The elderly woman gave a slight nod over to Miktes. "Even your Verdomian friend over there. I remember how much they tend to eat."

Barnabus firmly shook his head to the researcher's kind offer. He guessed it was true that all old women had the habit of trying to fatten people up. "I'm sorry ma'am but we really should get going." Barnabus said with a small chuckle. "There's a lot we need to do if we're going to go after that other artifact."

Miss Bonnibel seemed disappointed by the Jack's refusal but conceded with a nod. "Well... If you all must be going." Turning her attention away from her human and Verdomian guests, the elderly woman gazed up at Moah. "As always mein little teddy bear it was a pleasure to see you again."

"Itto nolah Rachel, itto nolah." Moah replied back quietly. Peering down to his old friend the large man frowned sadly, he really wished that they could have stay a little longer. It had been so long since he had last seen her.

Seeing the twin looks of disappointment on the faces of the pair, Barnabus gave a sigh and scratched his chin briefly. He just couldn't force the guy from being with his friend for a little while longer. "Heya, you know Moah, you really don't need to come shopping with us if you don't want." He told his mechanic. "You could visit with Miss Bonnibel until we're ready to head back out into space."

Rana frowned at the suggestion. They were supposed to be on the run. They couldn't dawdle anywhere for too long without the risk of getting caught. "You sure that's a good idea Captain?" Looking over to Barnabus, the Middle Eastern woman saw her captain motion over to where Moah was standing. Following the Jack pilot finally noticed the hopeful expression was giving them and instantly changed her mind about objecting. "You know what? On second thought have fun Moah. I'll call you over you P.A.D. when we're finished."

With a big toothy grin crossing across his muzzled faze, Moah let out a loud whoop that scared several of the local birds from their perches in nearby trees. "Junno Rachel!" He then said, drawing both of his human friends into a backbreaking bear hug which left them dangling off of the porch in his strong embrace.

"Y-You're welcome." Rana managed to get out as he face was pressed against the ecstatic man's chest fur. "But don't you think you should be saving all the hugging for Miss Bonnibel over there!"

"I... I can't breathe." Barnabus added with a gasp.

Realizing what he had once again overdone it. Moah instantly released the two crushed Jacks and allowed them to fall back onto solid ground. "Doosha" He muttered blushingly with a scratch to the back of his neck. "Got... carried... away."

"So did we pal." Barnabus said amused. After all the time they had known the man they were used to his spontaneous hugs. "It's fine, it's fine." he panted. "Just... just have a good time."

"I'm sure he will Mr. Comet." Rachel assured. Going over to Moah the gray haired woman took his large paw in her hand and gave it a squeeze. "Come along Moah, we have a lot of catching up to do."

"Yaggho Rachel." Moah didn't offer any resistance as the shorter woman led him towards her front door. The giant alien only humming to himself and chuckling as he and the retired researcher disappeared into the house and gently shut the door.

Left standing there, Barnabus shook his head and chuckled. "I never thought I'd be the one doing work while Moah gets time off for a booty call." He remarked starting down the front steps. "It's usually the other way around."

"Booty call." Miktes wondered aloud as he and Rana followed after the older man. The Verdomian had remained silent during the whole exchange between the three human's and the hairy not really understanding what was going on in front of him. Why was Moah humming and smiling so much around that ancient human? And why were they now leaving him there at her home? Were they giving their pet away or something?

Rolling his eyes at Miktes' ignorance Barnabus came to a stop on the sidewalk and smiled over his shoulder. He supposed that he'd have to be the one to educate the alien on sexual terminology. It was his expertise after all. "A booty call is when you and someone else have sex." He explained casually.

Miktes eyes got as wide as saucers as the meaning of the words "booty call" sank into his slow witted mind. "Y-You mean that hairy animal and that old woman!" He said flabbergasted. "They're rutting in that house over there as we speak!"

"Moah's not an animal Miktes." The shorter man was quick to defend his friend. "He's a person like you and me... only hairier. He has urges just like the rest of us."

"You actually think that's what they're doing though." Rachel visibly cringed at the thought of Moah doing anything intimate with anyone. She cared about the big guy but it was... just weird too her for her to think of him in that light. It was almost like thinking of one's uncle doing it. "I mean it's obvious that they were... you know back in the day, but now at her age?"

"Heya you're never too old for a little amour." Barnabus said with a dirty chuckle. "And who are we to judge? At least its way better to go out and get some instead of lusting after someone like you used to do with my younger brother." Barnabus turned to his friend and waggled his eyebrows.

"Shut up, Comet." Rana said pushing the other man away playfully. But even as she did that she felt her face heating up a little at the mention of her captain's the younger half-brother. It had been years since she had even thought about how she had embarrassed herself when the two of them were in basic training at the same I.U.G. military base. How was she to know that certain "things" ran in a family?

"Ooooh, did I hit a nerve?" Barnabus continued to tease.

Rana gave the trying man smirking at her a halfhearted glare and tapped her multitool with her finger. Luckily Barnabus seemed to get the point and looked away from her feigning innocence. "Good, now how about instead of talking about Moah's and mine's sex life we talk about getting supplies for our trip to..."

Barnabus reached into his pocket and produced the letter they had gotten from Miss Bonnibel. Reading it to the part which held the information Rana was groping for her hesitantly read out loud. "Professor Tworows says the last artifact should be located on a planet called... Unutulmus." Barnabus gave a funny look at pronouncing the word. "Man that's a mouthful."

"Again thanks for the mental scaring." Rana said with a tired sigh. "And I think I know the place actually. It's another forbidden planet. But luckily it's empty so it's a bit safer than Verdomo was."

Miktes gave the female human a raised eyebrow ridge as saying his world was not safe. Maybe these humans were just too soft to survive a real place like his kind was. "How can a world be empty?"

"It's empty because the intelligent species that lived there dies out a long time ago." Rana explained as they continued to make their way down the sidewalk. "You're just lucky you have a pilot like me who's memorized the entirety of I.U.G. space because I know for sure most people don't even know it exists."

"I am thankful Rana." Barnabus assured. And it was true. He thanks his lucky stars he had been able to convince the dark haired woman to be a part of his Jack team. "So since we're going on a trip what stuff are we going to need? More food right?"

Pulling out her P.A.D., Rana quickly brought up the list she had been making of the stuff they were out of. "We're going to need some laser canisters to replace the ones you used, some water, and yeah we're in desperate need for food." She said running down the list. "There is no way in hell I'm going to eat nothing but scraps and your junk food for the next few weeks like we did on the way here."

The loud and obnoxious sound of a stomach rumbling drew the attention of both Jack's away from their conversation about their chores and over to a surly looking Miktes as the alien rubbed his pudgy green belly. Giving the two a derisive snort the warrior crossed his arms over his chest and announced. "I'm hungry." He stated gruffly.

"You just ate cookies at Miss Bonnibel's and had a butt load of hotdogs on the way over." Barnabus pointed out with an exasperated huff. The middle-aged man was beginning to suspect that the Verdomian had a black hole or something in the center of his guy instead of a stomach. "You don't need more food."

Miktes didn't seem fazed by the older man's words and rudely began to pick his nose as if bored. "I said I'm hungry submissive so don't backtalk. It's your fault anyway by bring up food." He stated matter-of-factly. "Plus don't forget that it's your job as my submissive to keep me fed and happy, remember? So hop to it."

Barnabus bristled at the command and stopped dead in his tracks to scowl at the petulant brat that he had been forced to endure. "Look here kiddo." He began leaning forward. "I don't know how you were raised, but here in the real word people don't wait on your lazy butt hand and foot just cause you bark and order!"

Miktes growled at his mate and stomped his way over to him. How dare the human insult the way he was raised. "Why don't you "look here" submissive!" He said leaning down as well. Huffing, the Verdomian pressed his forehead against the other man's and glared at him right in his amber colored eyes. "I am in charge despite what you believe and I'm sick of having to remain quiet while you and your servants talk about boring junk."

"Guys..." Rana's voice broke in from next to the fighting pair. "I think you should stop arguing so loudly."

"Why's that!?" Both men said snapping their head toward where she was standing. Giving them an annoyed look Rana pointed over to the opposite side of the street, both men following her as she did. Standing a few across from them was a pair of elderly green skinned aliens in track suits. The couple seemed to be very alarmed by all the shouting Miktes and Barnabus' had been doing and were looking at them with worried expressions on their wrinkled faces.

"Oh, that's why." Barnabus said blushing. Here he was shouting like a crazy man on the street when they were supposed to be lying low and not attracting unwanted attention. Giving the couple an awkward smile Barnabus bowed his head. "Sorry about the noise folks I was just having an argument with my... friend here." Barnabus had to watch himself as the word friend came out as smoothly as a rock in a blender.

"I ain't yer friend I'm your mate." Miktes growled. Why did the human insist on avoiding the word as if it were dirty?

Hearing that the couple gave twin "ohs" and continued on their way, one of them loudly whispering, "Just a lover's quarrel.", much to Barnabus' chagrin.

Rana however seemed to be entirely delighted by what had just happened. "See? Even people on the street think I'm right about you two." She told Barnabus smugly.

"Well those kinds of people should mind their own business." Barnabus snapped sulkily. "I'm perfectly happy being-"

Out of the corner of his eye the Jack captain caught sight of Miktes trying to make a break for it. The grumpy alien apparently having had enough of waiting for his meal and deciding to go look for nourishment himself. Before he could get too far away however Barnabus was on him, the Jack shooting his hand out and grabbing the Verdomian by his long green tail. "Where do you think you're going!?" He asked giving a hard tug. "I told you not to run off!"

Miktes snarled at having such a sensitive body part yanked on and glared at his hairy little mate over his shoulder. "I was going to get myself something to eat!" He huffed over his shoulder. "I'm going to starve if I wait for you to do your job submissive!"

Barnabus yanked at the other man's tail again for the rude words and gave him a dirty look. "You really don't thin do you?" He began as he let go. "If you did run off and went too far away you and me both would be in pain remember?" Barnabus tapped his chest. "The separation pains remember?"

{Miktes: I had almost forgotten about that dammed limitation. What with me and my mate at the most only a few rooms away from each other. I'm just glad it's lessened since that first painful day. I don't think I could stand that sort of pain again. Hopefully it will decrease giving more time. And I can't wait for that day. I'll be free to do what I want again. Free to go as far away from my disobedient submissive as I wish. Of course from what I had seen with other mated couples I know that day still isn't going to be for a few more months.}

Pouting at the fact that he had to once again listen to his mate, Miktes gave a halfhearted glare and turned away with a huff. "Fine, but I still want something to eat." The Warrior said with an almost whine.

"You know Barnabus getting him something to eat might actually be a good idea." Rana said from behind her captain. When Barnabus spun around to glare at her, the Middle-Eastern woman grinned. Maybe this would teach him for teasing her about Issy. "You and our resident Verdomian can go and have a nice and proper dinner at a restaurant while I go and do all the boring chores and shopping."

"Sounds like a good idea to me." Miktes asked not truly believing what he had just heard. The woman who had been a constant pain in his ass that day was actually on his side for once. Maybe he should reconsider hating her.

Rana held back a snicker and slowly nodded her head. "I'm glad you think so "Lord Miktes"." Walking over to the green skinned man Rana leaned against him like he was a post and wagged her eyebrows at Barnabus. "There was a really nice bar and grill we passed on our way here which I'm sure Barnabus could afford."

"Rana!" Barnabus huffed. Rushing over to his second the older man placed his arm over her shoulders and turned them away from the third member of their small party. "Are you really trying to force me to go out on a date or something with that pain in the ass!?" He whispered incredulously. "After all the stuff I said earlier about keeping my distance?"

"Hey, you just said: its way better to go out and get some." Rana replied with the biggest shit eating grin she could muster. "Besides it wouldn't be a date, you're already married and I know for a fact that you've already tickled each other's pickles. So I'm thinking you two eating together would constitute an old fashioned romantic dinner."

Barnabus sputtered at the obscene imagery that his second's choice of words cause to form in his mind. It wasn't often that Rana said something that dirty or teased others so bluntly but whenever she did it always seemed to surprise him. Chuckling at the reaction she had caused, Rana managed to slip out from under her captain's arm and proceeded to amble her way further down the sidewalk as stood there dumbstruck. "I'm sure you boys will have lots of fun." She called back to them. "I promise I won't wait up for you to get back home."

Coming to back to his senses Barnabus frowned at the laughing woman and went to chase after her. There was no way he was just going to let her get away with what she just said without a proper rebuttal. That was what he was supposed to do. Sadly Barnabus never got the chance to respond to here dirty joke, because as soon as he took his first step he found himself being roughly grabbed by the arm and his whole body pulled back until he stumbled and landed on his ass with an undignified thump.

"Son-of-a!?" Barnabus cursed as he sat there on the sidewalk with his now bruised ass. Looking up to whoever had caused him to end up on the ground, the bearded man wasn't too surprised to see that the culprit who had assaulted him had been Miktes. The annoying alien now standing over him with his hands on his hips short clad hips and a smug look on his green tusked face. "You better run after doing that to me kid." The Jack said through gritted teeth. He had, had enough with both Rana and Miktes giving him crap.

Miktes grinned at the threat directed towards his might persons. For some reason he couldn't place, it was actually comforting to hear such fire coming from his hairy mate. It showed the warrior that the human could show some backbone when he wanted to.

Of course he could never allow Barnabus to find out that's how he felt. Miktes had an image to keep up. The strong dominate who didn't take shit from anybody, especially his own submissive. "You just go ahead and try it!" He threatened back with his best growl of dominance. "I'll knock you on your back and sit on you right here in the middle of the street." Spinning on his heels as Barnabus gave a shout of anger, the Verdomian began walking down the street to where a snickering Rana was. "Now hurry up and get off your ass. I want to go to that place your female talked 'bout."

[Barnabus: You know I should slug that asshole right now for what he just said. Of all the nerve! After he goes and knocks my flat on my ass he has the gall to... to. No calm down Comet and don't let him get to you. You have to remain calm and not fight with that big green jerk. No matter how much he deserves a good talking to. Suppose I should just take Rana's suggestion and do what he wants though. If I get him stuffing that big mouth of his then maybe I can get myself a few moments of peace. After getting to my feet and rubbing my sore bottom I quickly went over to my "ex-best friend" and our annoying stowaway. Strangely the two of them seemed to be on better terms. I guess today's the day for strangeness I guess. First I find out that my hairy Girunjh mechanic has a thing for grannies and now those two are acting like friends. Hopefully there won't be any more surprises today. I don't think my scattered mind could take anymore.]


"More gar-kick fries serving wench!" A happy and slightly bloated Miktes shouted across "Seaside Joes Bar and Grill" as he ate his fifth plate of food. Ignoring all the looks of scorn he had gotten for his outburst Miktes then went back to his meal. Sloppily eating corn on the cobs with loud appreciative sounds as he tasted the exotic flavor of food he had never seen or heard of before.

Glaring at his rowdy dinner mate for a few seconds Barnabus raised his hand, motioning for the poor waitress who had the misfortune of having to serve them to approach their table again for the eighth time that night.

Across the restaurant a young woman with bright blue skin and gills who was dressed in an unflattering pirates costume gave a groan as she realized who was trying to grain her attention. Those two men had been nothing but trouble since they had entered the bar little over an hour ago. Especially the green one. Stealing herself the teenager made her way over to the two men, her skin flashing yellow for a moment as she gave them an annoyed and slightly disgusted look. "Is there anything else can I get you gentleman?" She asked then with an afterthought she added. "Oh I mean, ye hearties!"

Barnabus gave a chuckle at the words which she was most likely forced to say to every costumer and gave Floundaran woman a small smile. "I'm guessing my friend here want's another round of garlic fries." He said, watching as Miktes rammed an entire steak into his mouth and swallowed it in one go. It truly amazed the Jack how much the Verdomian could apparently eat in one sitting. "And I suppose I'll have another water." He added with a cringe.

The waitress watched as Miktes finished devouring his steak and moved onto a Worchester sauce bottle which he twisted the tip of off before he downed its contents like a shot. "S-Sure thing sir. I'll bring it to you in five minutes." She said with a watery gag. Turning around the Floundaran nearly rocketed away from the two, her skin flashing a sickly green color as she ducked into the back of the building.

Miktes stopped briefly in his gorging to look up as the woman fled from them in horror. "What's her problem?" He asked wiping some sauce off of his chin. The girl acted as if she had never seen a man eat a meal before.

"I'm guessing she's just surprised to see a garbage disposal sitting in the middle of her restaurant." Barnabus said wryly. Miktes seemed to not understand his insult and waved the older man off rudely before going back to aggressively finishing off his dinner.

Rolling his eyes and going back to his own humble meal of a hamburger and some fries, Barnabus let his mind wonder back to the last hour or so before they had entered the restaurant. The walk back to the boardwalk after the left Miss Bonnibel's house had been a relatively calm one. Miktes too pleased with himself over having won the fight to get something to eat too happy to pester Barnabus and Rana with his usual bombardment of questions and inappropriate actions. The short walk also allowed Barnabus to get in a few more jabs at Rana love life thankfully, the Jack captain getting his revenge for his friend's little prank of making him take his unwanted hubby out to dinner.

Rana had allowed him to do it too, only giving a few weak taunts back as they strolled down the sidewalk heading back to the beachfront. Of course when the trio did finally make it back to the boardwalk the fun of teasing each other gave way to the business of getting supplies and taking Miktes to his meal. They had parted company right in front of the bar and grill Miktes rushing inside as the scents of the food inside reached his nose and Rana telling Barnabus that she would see them later that night and that he should really try and have some fun.

Barnabus had scowled at the woman's retreating back and loudly proclaimed that there was no way what was about to happen would be fund. But after being seated and waited on Barnabus actually did have to admit that he was enjoying himself. If only because of all the looks they got from the other people seated around them. There was just something so incredibly funny about the way Miktes ate. Like a hungry dog who hadn't eaten in weeks. It was... and Barnabus was loath to admit it, but it was sort of cute.

"Why you so quiet over there?" Miktes' voice sounded from across the table.

Blinking at the sudden question Barnabus looked up from his plate and over to the younger man. "What?" He asked.

Tilted his head to the side, much like the dog he had just compared him to, Miktes gave the human a half interested look as he chewed on his steak. The Warrior had noticed in-between bites the small smile on his mate's bearded face and had unexpectedly stopped out of curiosity. "I asked why you're being so quiet." The Verdomian repeated around the food in his mouth. "Are you pissed at me or something?" Not taking his eyes off of the older man Miktes picked up a bottle of mustard and tried to drink it.

Barnabus quickly reached out and stopped the primitive alien from consuming the bitter liquid with a hand on his gauntlet covered forearm. "That's a condiment Mickey." He explained gently. "You don't drink it you put it on stuff to add flavor."

Miktes looked at the bottle then to his submissive. Giving a shrug he did as he suggested and squeezed the yellow paste onto the plate of mashed potatoes and creamed corn he had been given. Then after tasting the combined result of his experiment with a loud slurp the alien hummed appreciatively and looked up to his mate. Once and a while the human did have a good idea apparently. "It's good."

Barnabus made a face at what he had just witnessed. "Yeah that's good to know." He said humoring the alien. "But, to answer your question I was... I was just wondering if all Verdomian's eat as much as you do. If it's true then I don't know why your jungle isn't empty by now."

"Dam right we all eat like I do." Miktes said proudly. "Me, my brothers, and my sisters have eaten whole bahjack before and then begged my mother for seconds and thirds."

Even though Barnabus didn't know what a bahjack was he discerned that the act of eating a whole one must have been impressive from the way Miktes was puffed up with pride. The mention of families however brought up something that he suddenly wanted to know about the younger man. "So, you have brothers and sisters?" Barnabus questioned. "How many?"

"Yeah I got them; they're all younger than I am though." Miktes said gruffly.

Barnabus gave a huff at the short reply. It was obvious that if he wanted his answer he was going to have to try harder. "You want to tell me their names?" He pressed.

Stopping what he was doing, Miktes glared at the shorter man. Why was he so insistent or trying to talk to him when he was eating? Maybe if he gave him his answer the human would leave him in peace. "My sisters are called Mufenka and Jiinno." He began with a sour look. "And my brothers are Peinraal and Tenosne. They're all pains in the ass so I try my best to just ignore them most of the time."

Barnabus gave a knowing nod to what the redhead had just told him. "I know what it's like to have annoying siblings." He said with a chuckle. "I have two brothers myself, no sisters though."

Miktes actually looked up from his plate at that tidbit of information. He had never heard his mate talk of his house before. "What are their names?" He asked back. It was only fair that he got to interrogate the human too.

"Well my older brother," Barnabus leaned forward and quickly whispered, "Who let me tell you a real ass by the way.", conspiratorially before he continued on in a regular voice. "Goes by the name Frances and then there's my younger half-brother Isidore who's the nicest guy you could ever meet."

"What's with all the funny names?" Miktes asked as he went back to eating. The Verdomian had heard many strange names since he had snuck aboard the other man's flying house but the ones that these brothers of his had were the strangest his pointy green ears had heard yet.

"You think their funny, imagine growing up with them." Barnabus laughed. "I can't tell you how many times me and my brother got into a fight with someone because they made fun of our names." Growing quieter the bearded man gave a sigh and continued almost sadly. "But... it was what dad wanted, naming each of his boys after holy saints. Guess he thought it would give us good blessings in life to be named after them."

Miktes gave the older man a puzzled look. Why had his mood changed so suddenly? Whatever it was he didn't like it. "Did it work?" He asked trying to understand.

"Well, for Frank and Issy it did sort of, but not so much for me." Barnabus stared down at his plate and poked at his food. Compared to his brothers he wasn't exactly successful. Frances had a job as policeman in their hometown and had a large family which he bragged about far too often and Issy had his military career. Meanwhile here he was sitting in a restaurant with an illegal alien on the run after being accused for murder. Right then Barnabus really didn't know how it could get any worst.

"Oh... what a surprised it is to find you hear Barney." A familiar voice said from above the depressed man's head. Barnabus cringed and cursed the gods for being so cruel before he looked up and saw the last person he wanted to see right then. Standing next to the table he was seated at was none other than Ekkar. The blue dragon-like alien smiling down at him with what had to be the cheesiest smile that had ever been thought up. "Do you mind if I sit down with you boys for a spell? You know catch up a little?"

Barnabus narrowed his eyes and did his best to resist the overwhelming urge to leap up from his seat and strike the man across his muzzle. "Actually I do mind." He huffed. "As you can see I'm sitting here trying to have-"

Before Barnabus could finish telling the elite Jack off, said man took it upon himself to slip into the chair closest to his old lover while giving him a sly and altogether too pleased with himself smirk. "I never imagined that I would bump into you here of all places." Ekkar said loudly as he got comfortable. "I thought you said that you'd never be caught dead vacationing here again."

"I said I'd never be caught dead vacationing here with you here Ekkar." Barnabus clarified with the dirtiest look he could muster. "I have nothing against the beach or anything just the company."

[Barnabus: Ugh, I can still remember the night I uttered those exact words to the scaly slime ball next to me. Get this, there I was minding my own business in one of my favorite bars, the Horny toad when Ekkar just so happens to walk in with a pair of twinkish aliens under both his arms. I had tried my best to slip out of the alcohol soaked building, but before I could saw me dam it. And when he did he instantly dumped his thin little bed warmers to come over and bother the hell out of me. I did a good job of ignoring him at first. But then he goes and gropes me in front of everybody while announcing as loudly as he can that he'd be more than happy to have me over at his Loma Prime beach house for an all weekend fling. To say I was tempted by the offer would be as far from the truth as humanly possible. I snapped that now iconic phrase right in his face, pushed him off of me, and stormed out of there. Ekkar making jokes at my expense as I did. At the time that incident had merely been an unfortunate coincidence of two exes choosing the same bar. But then it happened again, and then again and then again! After the eighth time I knew something was up. That's where I first started to suspect that Ekkar had somehow bugged me or something. But I just couldn't prove it. And trust me I looked in every conceivable spot. Both on my ship and on my person so I eventually I just put the notion on the back burner thinking I was wrong. Now though with him all the way out here on Loma Prime in a restaurant which I know he's never patronize I know something is up.]

Giving Ekkar a suspicious look Barnabus turned in his seat so that he could stare down the blue lizard that was bothering him. "Ok, Anguis why are you here?" He began. "And make it quick before I decide to call over one of the waitresses and arranger for you to be forcibly removed."

Ekkar gave a chuckle at the weak threat the other man had presented to him. "My, my Barney you certainly can be hostile at times." He said with a flick of his tail. "One would think you're angry that I interrupted your little meal with that green... person in the seat across the table."

Barnabus looked over to Miktes through the corner of his eyes. The Verdomian was watching them carefully as they spoke to one another his lip curling back ever so slightly. "Actually... yeah I am upset that you interrupted it. Me and Mickey were having a fine time just sitting here talking and eating. Now I feel like I'm going to be sick."

"OH!" Ekkar made an exaggerated surprised face as if he had just realized something. "I'm sorry am I interrupting your honeymoon or something."

Barnabus choked on his own breath hearing the word honeymoon, images of sappy couples and romantic destinations running though his mind and scaring the hell out of him. Miktes had a different response to the word though. The redhead putting down a chicken leg he had been munching on and asking. "What the hell is a hon-ey-moon?"

"You're not too bright are you "icktes"." Ekkar mocked with an air of superiority. "If you must be told then a honeymoon is what two people go on after they are married or as you put it back at the spaceport mated. You know a small trip where you get to know each other better, have little meals with just the two of you, and have a little fun in the bedroom of course."

Miktes took in everything that the reptilian man was saying and thought it over. He and his human mate had been getting to know each other during the last couple of weeks. Miktes thoroughly knew what the he liked and didn't like him to do. And here they were having a meal alone together, well they were alone. Then there was what had happened in the bedroom back on the ship and in that washing room. They weren't full blown proper ruttings, but still. "Yeah, we're on our honeymoon." Miktes declared confidently

"What!? No, no we are not on a honeymoon!" Barnabus was quick to say his face glowing. How the heck did the big green dimwit get it in his head that was alright to say out loud? Turing back to Ekkar the lower rank Jack quickly thought up a lie to cover his ass. "We're not here on any sort honeymoon, romantic rendezvous, or three day weekend Ekkar. We came to Loma to... to deliver... a bunch of beach umbrellas, yeah! We're taking them to this big resort on the other side of town."

Ekkar raised an eyebrow ridge at the way the human had just said the last sentence. "Oh really?" He began with a slow nod. "Hum, you know that reminds me... do you remember that luxury motel on Kanzas? The one that had hot tubs in the penthouse suites?"

"Yeah I remember it." Barnabus said through gritted teeth. Couldn't this jackass take a hint? "Why do you bring it up?"

"Oh, I'm just thinking about the good time we had in that room." Ignoring the need Barnabus' had for personal space Ekkar scooted his chair closer and placed his large muscled arm over the bearded man's shoulder. Then after making the same seductive growl he used to make whenever he had flirted with Barnabus when they were together the Fidraon pressed the human against his side trapping him.

"I can still remember clear as day how you looked walking over to the tub wearing only a short towel." When Barnabus gulped at the memory of the night Ekkar was describing, the dragon smiled sinisterly. "You were so fucking hot when you let it fall to the floor and go into the tub with me. Then like the good boy you used to be you came right over to me and sat down on my lap. Oh, you were so adorable as I kissed you! The way you whimpered, the way you moaned in my arms as I took control over your body."

"I-I didn't whimper." Barnabus insisted, now his face really was growing red. To be reminded of the way he had acted when he was just a horny twenty-five year old kid.

"Yes you did Barney." Ekkar snickered. "And you whimpered even more when I flipped you onto your stomach over the edge of the tub, propped up your tight ass just right and rammed my steel hard co-"

An animalistic growl interrupted Ekkar before he could finish his lurid retelling of the night in the hotel room long ago. Frowning at being disturbed, the elite Jack looked back over the table to Miktes and for a moment was taken aback by what greeted him when he did. Instead of the goofy looking expression which he always saw on the green skinned man's face, Miktes was gracing him with an expression that was positively feral looking. The alien's face was beat red with rage, his red colored eyes narrowed to thin slits which glowed faintly with a blue light and his tusked lips pulled back in a savage yet silent snarl.

Barnabus too was just as shocked by what he saw as Ekkar was. Miktes didn't even look like the grumpy and annoying man he had come to know over the last few weeks. No, he looked like an animal about to pounce. But for some reason unlike Ekkar, Barnabus felt no fear at seeing him like this. Actually seeing Miktes in this state made a strange warmth pool in his chest.

But as nice as this odd feeling was, Barnabus knew that he couldn't allow his alien companion to keep making that face. He's scare everyone within a mile. Opening his mouth, Barnabus started to ask the younger man if he was alright. But before he could, Miktes spoke up. . "Get off of my submissive now." He ordered his voice rough and growling like gravel. "Get off of him before I rip out your throat."

At the mention of getting his throat ripped out Ekkar carefully withdrew his arm from around his ex-boyfriend's shoulder, eyes never once leaving the other man for fear of being attacked. "I-I was only talking to him." He said slowly. "I didn't mean to make you think I was hitting on you friend..." A growl from Miktes caused the dragon to reword his sentence. "I mean: I wasn't hitting on your husband here."

Barnabus couldn't help the smug smirk that cross his face. He had never seen Ekkar look so afraid. However he quickly realized now was not the time as Miktes let out another growl. "Miktes stop it!" He said snapping his fingers. "He said he wasn't trying anything and there's no way in hell I'd actually fall for it anyway."

Miktes almost instantly relaxed his whole person calming and his features softening at Barnabus' voice. For a few moments he stared over at his mate as if gauging if he was telling the truth or not. When he saw the honesty and disgust at Ekkar's expense in his eyes he fully relaxed. "Fine... but don't touch him again." He told the blue scaled man.

"I won't trust me." Ekkar said stiffly. "But... I'm sure as hell going to get him to come with me." Reaching down to his weapon holster the Fidraon pulled out his expensive looking multitool and flipped it into its laser mode. Then before either of the other men at the table could react, he jammed its nozzle painfully into the side of Barnabus' belly. "I was going to let you come along with me peacefully Anderson. But, now after that dammed little outburst from that animal it's obvious that I need to be a little more aggressive."

Miktes made an angry growl when he realized that this creature actually had the gall to threaten his mate, but before he could do anything though, Barnabus held up his hand and stopped him. "I got it Miktes." Barnabus said as he kept his eyes on the man now holding him hostage. "Why are you doing this Ekkar?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Ekkar hissed. "You have a bounty on your dammed heard Barnabus! I'm doing this cause I want to be the one to take you in. Not some halfwit low level Jack who would hurt you."

"Geeze thanks." The other man deadpanned. "Though with your gun in my ribs like that I think I'd rather be in the hands of some low level Jack then someone like you."

Ekkar rolled his eyes. Why was the fat man sitting next to him always so uncooperative? "I'm giving you a way out of this Barney." He told him. "If I take you in than I can use my connections and get you out of trouble. We can blame the whole trespassing and murder on your worthless crew of vagabonds and get you off Scott free. I can even arrange to have your pet over there put down."

Hearing Ekkar's plan only made Barnabus himself want to growl. The other man actually thought that he would just sit on his ass while his friends all ended up in jail for a crime they didn't commit. And then there was what he had just said about Miktes. Put him down? PUT HIM DOWN!! Like the Verdomian was some sort of rabid dog who needed to be put to sleep? Miktes might be an incorrigible and petulant brat, he might be a destructive little monster who broke everything he touched, and he might even be the single most annoying person Barnabus had ever met. But no one in hell was going to hurt the primitive alien under his watch!

Spinning around in his seat Barnabus gave Ekkar a hard push, the other man letting out a surprised yelp as he nearly toppled over in his chair. Then just as the scaled Jack was about to right himself, Barnabus put both of his own hands under the table and flipped it over on top of Ekkar. The heavy piece of furniture landing on top of the Fidraon and splattering him with the plates of food that was on top.

"COME ON!" Barnabus shouted as the whole restaurant erupted into chaos. Reaching down the Jack captain grabbed Miktes by the hand and hauled the surprised warrior out of his seat with all his strength. "Let's get the heck out of here before he gets back up!"

"Um, yeah ok." Miktes said looking down at where Ekkar was moaning in pain.

Together the two of them then took off, passing by shocked diners and screaming waitress as they made their way to the front of the building. "Thank you for the lovely meal!" Barnabus shouted over his shoulder as they passed by the waitress who had severed them and out the front door.

"That was amazing!" Miktes shouted excitedly as they ran out onto the street. To think his submissive had just humiliated that annoying man so efficiently. It was almost enough to make the redheaded man feel proud of him. Hell, he was proud of his short hairy mate.

Shaking from the confrontation he had just gone through, Barnabus gave a shaky laugh in response. "Well thanks kiddo, glad I could impress you finally." He panted, bending over to catch his breath. "But like I said in there we gotta hurry before that firedrake gets back up and-"

"-BARNABUS ANDERSON!!!" Ekkar's voice bellowed from behind the duo. Giving a groan Barnabus turned around to the entrance of the bar and grill just in time to see a very angry and very messy Ekkar step out into the midafternoon light.

Peeling off a strip of bacon from his cheek the muscled man practically vibrated with rage. "How dare you do that to me!" He shouted hoarsely. Making all sorts of outraged noises he began picking bits of food and debris from his expensive looking uniform. "Do you know how much credit it takes to have a new custom suite made in my size!?"

"I really don't give a crap you oversized salamander." Barnabus said defiantly. Now that they were out in the open he was much more confident about mocking the lizard. "You know on second thought I bet it takes a lot of money to make something to cover up that rancid body of yours. Especially with the middle-aged pudge settling in."

From that shocked indignant squawk on Ekkar made at being call fat, Barnabus knew he had just hit a sore spot. The Fidraon prided himself above all else on his muscular physique. If Ekkar had, had skin the Jack captain knew that his draconic face would have turned bright red at the insult. "That's it I don't care about helping you anymore." Ekkar blustered. "I'm going to take your fat ass in like I would any other bounty!"

Miktes snorted at that. Like he would let that creature abduct his mate. "Oh yeah buddy?" The Verdomian said smugly. "I'd like to see you try. We got you outnumbered!"

"Never say that." Barnabus moaned into his hand. "Never ever, ever say that."

Miktes turned to the human with a puzzled expression on his face. "Why not?"

As if fate herself answered the confused man's question several young good looking men some of the aliens most of them human, appeared around the two men. They were all young and incredibly fit, their well-toned bodied covered with the trademark uniforms of team Ekkar. Quickly counting the twenty plus men surrounding them Barnabus sighed. This was such and Ekkar thing to do. Showing off for the crowd of vacationers around them by bringing all of his enforcers on a simple bounty hunt.

"You see, that's why you never say you have someone outnumbered." Barnabus said to Miktes wryly. "Cause as soon as you say that the universe goes right ahead and spits in your eye."

Miktes peered around to the mob of strangely dressed men descending on them like a pack of predators cornering their prey. "Oh." He said quietly. "Guess you learn stuff every day."

Backing away from their attackers as they drew closer, Barnabus and Miktes ended up back to back as they were slowly cornered. When the group parted a little in one spot, a now very happy looking Ekkar stepped into the small circle. "So Barnabus... you going to just surrender nice and easy?" He asked. "Or are you going to be a bad boy and force me to let my men here rough you up. Please say yes to the second option. It makes me so hard when see my men kicking ass." Showing his ex what he meant Ekkar reached behind himself and patted the bottom on one of the young men behind him, the young man blushing and saying thank you captain as his fellow crewmates gave him the evil eye.

'Figures he'd bring his personal harem.' Barnabus thought sourly. The only thing that made it worst for the dark haired man was the memory of actually being a part of such a group.

"So, You gonna run away from this fight submissive?" Miktes asked breaking Barnabus out of his thought. Looking over his shoulder the Jack captain saw that the alien was grinning devilishly at the prospect of getting into a fight. "Or are you going to be a man for once and knock skulls?"

Barnabus gave a smirk in return to the question. He guessed that there really wasn't any other way out of a fight this time. 'I'M GONING TO FIGHT!" He announced as he lunged forward and struck the closest of Ekkar's men with a right hook to his pretty boy face.

"'Bout time!" Miktes cheered. With a roar the Verdomian sprang into action himself. The large green man leaping towards two very surprised enforcers. Descending on them Miktes quickly grabbed the duo by their skulls and cracked them together with a sickening crack. Then just as a frightened man next to the pair reacted to his friends defeat he found himself on the receiving end of a hard kick to his guy which sent him flying into the people behind him, the entire group falling backwards onto the boardwalk.

This was something Miktes had always lived for. The thrill of fighting with someone in a brawl. The sounds of cracking bones and shouts of anger and terror. It excited him to no end. And at looking over at his mate the Verdomian could see he wasn't alone in this feeling. The human was grinning like a madman as he himself punched a man in the gut and kneed him in the forehead as he doubled over.

Barely paying attention to what Miktes was doing behind him, Barnabus had moved on from target to target. The heavy-set man throwing punches and dodging as the less experienced men around him tried their best to stop him. Even at forty-three it seemed that his combat training was still paying off. And thankfully Ekkar seemed to have a fetish for young boys with glass jaws. "Come on kids just don't make goo-goo eyes at me throw a punch." He taunted when several of his opponents took a step back from him. "I'm not going to wait all day sweethearts."

Two of the suckers in front of him fell for the bait. Both of them sharing a look then giving shouts of rage as they swung their fists at his face. Barnabus could see the lazy attacks coming from a mile away and easily avoided them with little effort by ducking into a crouch. Then before the two could react to his sudden disappearance he drew his fist back and swung it upwards right into one of his foe's chin in a hard uppercut. "Rule number one about fight boys." Barnabus lectured as the man he had just hit staggered back. "Don't ever do what the guy you're fighting asks you to do."

A dumb sounding, "What?", coming from his left told Barnabus which direction to strike next, and with the grace of a boxer he spun around on his heal and gave the questioning man a fist across his cheek that made him clutch his face with a girlish yelp. "Rule number two boys: Never stop and ask "what?" while you're fighting!" Barnabus quipped as he hopped from side to side like a boxer.

Miktes laughed to himself as he watched the funny way his mate was moving around. It reminded him of the small animals first year warriors hunted in the meadows of his world. Of course Barnabus was apparently a little more dangerous than those creatures were. As he fought Miktes watched the other man take on foe after foe, the seemingly cowardly man throwing punches in rapid fire and delivering several hard kicks which even made Miktes wince as he watched.

All in all is was very impressive. The redhead really had no idea that his mate would actually be any good in any sort of fight. Of course Miktes was better than him, what with being a well-trained warrior an all. 'But... maybe I should step up my game.' He thought to himself as he ducked out of the way of an ill-timed fist. 'Can't let that little submissive outpace me now can I?'

Snorting like a mad bull Miktes dug at the ground and charged forward with a roar. "He's coming right at us!" One of Ekkar's terrified troops managed to get out just before he was head-butted in the stomach and sent dragged backwards by the still stampeding Verdomian attacking him and right into a palm tree that lined the street they were on.

Seeing the damage he had done Miktes grinned evilly and jumped at another man who now seemed to be shaking in his boots as his friends defeat. Reaching down and grabbing his leg. The warrior hauled up and swept the unlucky enforcer off of his feet and onto the ground. With the man now on his back Miktes sat down on his chest and grabbed his flailing arm between his hands. Then before the man under him could start to struggle he opened his tusked mouth wide and chomped down hard. The shriek from his victim making the alien happier than he had been in weeks.

"HELP! This dirty fucker is biting me!" A panicked cry drifted from Barnabus' right. The Jack really didn't have to look to know who the person shrieking was talking about. But he took great joy in do so anyway and seeing a skinny blond haired twink rolling on the floor yowling in pain as Miktes smirked down at him as he fought another man who was trying to rescue his friend. In all his years of seeing other people fight this had to be the first time the Jack had actually seen someone fight so wildly and primitively. But he had to say he was enjoying the show.

Miktes truly was a madman as he fought. The Verdomian kicking and swiping at his enemies in an unfocused but somehow perfectly effective manner as he moved about between them. Those who were unlucky enough to actually get caught by one of these inexperienced attacks usually ended up regretting it because of the force behind them. Barnabus actually lost count of how many men the red had had sent to the floor in a heap as he watched out of the corner of his eye.

He hated to admit it but what Miktes was capable of was very impressive. Barnabus truly had never thought that the primitive would be able to hold his own in combat like this. The bearded man was better than him Of course, what with being a military and Jack center trained fighter. 'But... I oughta try a little harder.' He thought to himself as he backed away from a man with a mean left hook. 'Can't let that idiot outpace me now can I?'

Watching the travesty of a fight going on in front of him, Ekkar was beside himself as he witnessed his enforcers decimated by an obese middle-aged man and a primitive alien in a loincloth made fools of them. How could his trained darlings loose to... to... to a low level piece of trash Jack like Barnabus Anderson! They were younger, they expertly trained by the combat expert he had hired, and they had the best equipment anyone could find in or outside of I.U.G. space.

'Wait a second...' Ekkar could have slapped his handsome face then and there for his own stupidity. Giving a huff the elite platinum level Jack stepped forward while shouting. "For the love of the Journey Men in the skies you idiots stop using your fists and start using you damnable lasers!"

The gaggle of armored men all looked at each other with cringes then back to Barnabus and Miktes. As one they all reached down and pulled out their multitools. Flipping the devices into their weapon configurations and pointing them at their bounty targets. Seeing that the tables were starting to turn, Barnabus looked around and noticed that during the fight he and Miktes had created a gap in the circle of men surrounding them. And even better there was an alleyway not ten feet from them through the gap. Running towards it a full pelt the Jack captain grabbed Miktes by his loincloth and pulled the other man along with him as he escaped. "Come on Mickey it's time to go!" He said as they ran

"W-Why!?" Miktes sputtered as he was forcibly made to retreat. "The fight ain't over yet!!" Looking over his shoulder as they ducked into the alleyway the warrior gasped as bright beams of light flew towards them, the spots where they struck exploding into dazzling sparks and noise which assaulted his senses. Maybe for once his cowardly mate was right to want to run away. The Verdomian didn't want to even think what would happen if he got hit by one of those.

Moving entirely under his own power Miktes ran forward and past his mate much to Barnabus' irritation. "Heya wait for me you stinking orc!" Barnabus huffed as he tried to keep up. He wasn't exactly keen on being left behind to get shot up full of holes while the green skinned man scampered away. What happened next was completely unexpected to the middle-aged Jack. Miktes actually slowed down and reached back grabbing his hand so that they wouldn't lose each other as they sped away.

For a moment Barnabus was completely bowled over by the sudden contact. Miktes had actually listened to him and what's more he had shown him an act of kindness? His puzzlement however didn't last long because as soon as they rounded a corner Ekkar's hissing voice rang out from behind them and echoed through the maze of tall building they were weaving their way through.

"Don't you buffoons let them get away!" The dragon-like alien shouted. "I want them found, and in restraints before nightfall."

Exiting out of the alley and onto a back street Miktes came to a sudden stop not knowing which way to go. "You got any ideas how we're going to get away submissive." He asked Barnabus over his shoulder as he panted.

Barnabus snapped out of his daze the contact with the other men had caused and glanced around where they were. It was a ratty looking back street. Laundry hanging from clothes lines between the windows, empty boxes and trash littering the street. Definitely the kind of place the broachers made for Loma Prime kept swept under the rug. The only thing that was worth notice was a large canal with a large stone bridge constructed over it. "That's it!" With a shout of joy Barnabus padded his way over to the concrete bank of the manmade river and looked down into it and under the bridge. Seeing what he was looking for he turned back to Miktes and said urgently. "Come on we're going to hide down there under the bridge Mickey."

Miktes walked over to the other man and looked over this supposed hiding spot. "But we'll get wet." He said and murky water.

Barnabus rolled his eyes at the way the Verdomian had whined the last sentence. "Would you rather get a little wet or get caught?" The older man thumbed over his shoulder in the direction they had just come, the sounds of their pursuers drawing closer as they stood there.

Weighting his option Miktes gave a growl. The human was right he supposed. "Fine." He muttered sulkily. "But I better not step in anything disgusting down there."

"Don't worry I'm pretty sure this isn't sewer water or anything." Barnabus smirked. After enduring a glower from his companion the human and Verdomian quickly climbed over the side of the bridge and landed in the cold water with twin splashes. With the clammy liquid going up his loose fitting shorts Barnabus shivered for a moment and grabbed Miktes by the shoulder, leading the two of them under the stone overpass and out of sight. At least that's what he hoped.

"How long are we going to stay down here?" Miktes said, his teeth chattering. Verdomian's really weren't used to floating around in water that was at such a cold temperature.

Taking pity on the younger man, Barnabus reached over and drew him close trying to share his body heat. If anyone back on the ship saw what he was doing especially Rana he knew he'd die of embarrassment. But they to stay put until the coast was clear. "Just stand here and wait kiddo." Barnabus told him quietly. Making sure to make eye contact as they both shivered. "Trust me for once."

Miktes looked away from the other man hoping to hide the redness creeping up his green face despite the cold. "Fine but let me go as soon as we're safe." He said gruffly.

Growing quiet the pair waited for the men chasing after them to make their appearance. Within a few moments the sounds of several pairs of feet echoed through the empty backstreet, the sounds accompanied by the panicking voice of one of Ekkar's enforcers. "Dam it, they're not here."

"They're not!?" Another asked just as nervously. "What are we going to tell Captain Ekkar?"

"Hell if I know!" The first voice snapped. "You know how he gets when he doesn't get his way." There was a chorus of "yeahs" from the gathered of men above Barnabus and Miktes. "Come on maybe we'll find them in the next alley."

"YES SIR!" The other men present said in unison as they all made their way to the next search location.

As the sounds of the group of enforcers marching away reached Barnabus' and Miktes' prying ears the two men quietly gave each other relieved laughs as they floated there and exchanged smiling looks. For five more minutes they remained there under the bridge waiting for more of Ekkar's men showed up. But finally after a loud sneeze from Miktes which sprayed across Barnabus' face, the twosome let each other go and floated apart. "Can we get out of the water now?" Miktes asked with a huff.

Barnabus looked up at the bridge above them then back to the alien. "Yeah I think we're safe." He said. Hesitantly the older man swam over to the edge of the canal and tried to lift himself out of the chilly water with a loud grunt. Unfortunately he was unable to do so, his entire form tired from the exertion of having to fight off all those men and running away.

Going over to his mate Miktes got behind the human while saying, "Here, I'll help ya submissive.", as he placed his palms under the other man's wet backside and helped him to lift himself onto the bank. It wasn't until Miktes had finished giving assistance that the warrior realized what he had just done. He had helped his mate without a second thought or expecting anything in return. Truly a first for a man who was as selfish as he was. 'What the hell was wrong with me?' He wondered as he pulled himself out of the water and laid there on his stomach.

Barnabus too had noticed the sudden act of kindness as he kneeled next to the red head. Yet again the Verdomian had shown him an out of character act of kindness. The second in as many as ten minutes. Maybe he should have Alfred give the other man a quick checkup when they were able to get back to the ship.

Speaking of which, Barnabus had to warn the others about Ekkar and his roving troop of pretty boys. Removing his P.A.D. from his pocket, the bearded man hit the connect button and quickly called the Wild Comet hoping that Rana had finished her shopping by now. Thankfully it appeared that she was, the screen flickering on and his second in command's face appearing on the screen with a flash.

When she saw who had just called her Rana gave a grin ready to tease her captain about his "date" with their stowaway. Hey, Barnabus how's the date going with you husband?"

"Not now Rana." Barnabus said with an embarrassed huff as he thought over the way they had been acting the last half hour or so. "We got ourselves a problem."

Rana instantly sobered seeing the state her friend was in. Barnabus looked worried and for him that meant something serious was going on. "What is it Barnabus? Did Miktes run away or something!?"

Barnabus shook his head. "No, the kid's right here next to me." To show her he wasn't lying he turned the screen towards Miktes for a moments, Rana giving a gasp as she saw that he was completely wet and laying on the ground. "The reason why I'm calling is because we got a bounty on our heads and Ekkar's here trying to claim it."

"We have a what on our heads!" Rana shook her head trying to wrap her head around what she had just heard. Sure they had been accused of a horrendous crime but it wasn't like Professor Tworows was famous or rich enough to warrant such attention from the Jack canters. Laird must have arranged it. "W-What are we going to do?"

Barnabus unsteadily got to his feet, mulling over everything that had just happened. "You're going to leave the planet." He said to her.

"What!?' Rana leaned forward and stared wide eyed at the other Jack. "But what about you and Moah? We can't just leave you there to get caught."

"You won't be." Barnabus clarified. "I just want you to make a big circle in space and come back down here tomorrow morning."

Cracking his aching back Barnabus motioned for Miktes to follow after him, which he did with a huff, and started to carefully make his way down the back street. Making sure with every step to watch out for any sign of Ekkar's men. "I know how Ekkar works Rana and by now he's got all of the spaceports in the system and the boardwalk covered by his men and are looking for us. The only chance we have to get away is for you and Alfred to take off into a hyperspace tunnel and disappear for a while. When he doesn't find any trace of us planetside or on the moons that damned dragon will think we took off for another planet or something."

She didn't look to happy about it but Rana nodded to her captain's idea. "Ok, but what about you and the others?" She asked.

"I'll call Moah and tell him to stay with his lady friend for the night. I'm sure he'll be happy about that." Lowering his P.A.D. a little the bearded man glanced over to the still wet and broody Miktes who looked back at him with grumpy eyes. "As for me and Mickey we're going to lay low at a place I know of down here." Barnabus waited for the dark haired woman to nod before he continued. "Good, now go in my room and take out my old P.A.D. from my third drawer."

"God not the third drawer." Rana shuddered. That one was where the Jack captain kept his "personal use" supplies. And everyone on the ship knew to stay clear from it.

Barnabus gave a quick chuckle. "I know just close your eyes and be careful where you put your hands." He said with a smile. "Anyway, there should be a set of coordinates in the P.A.D. that'll lead you to a clearing in the jungle. It's a little place I discovered one day while exploring alone one day that I know for sure Ekkar would never think to go."

"Ok Barnabus... man that's actually a well thought out plan for you." Rana replied.

The other Jack shrugged. "What can I say; for once I actually thought everything out." He said. "Just be safe and make sure to avoid everyone at all costs."

"Don't worry I can fly circles around anyone, you know that." Rana looked away for a moment then back to the screen. "You be safe too." She told him. "Both you and Miktes."

Barnabus looked over to the other man who had been strangely silent since while he and his second were talking over their plans. "Don't worry I'll be sure to keep both of us safe until we get back to the ship."