The Dawn of a New Era

Story by ChloeTheFirefox on SoFurry

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#1 of The Chronicles of Streak

I looked down at the gravestone, set high on a windy, lonely bluff.

I couldn't believe that Chloe was really gone.

I just couldn't.

I started sobbing, my tears splashing onto the stone.

There was no actual body. It had never been recovered from the volcano, as far as I knew. And so this stone was all that was left of one of the only people that befriended me.

It was too much.

As my anger rose, the trees and grass around me started to wither and die, turning into dust, and the birds, who had been singing so peacefully, dropped out of the trees, dead.

I glanced around, too upset to care, when I started to reflect on the unfortunate events that had befallen me, ever since I was born...

I was an orphan, and as such, I had to grow up in a dismal excuse of an orphanage. It was all I knew, though, so there was no chance of escaping. I was brought in by, what the people at the orphanage said, a pair of strange otters, as a bawling ball of cute, foxy fur. They said my mother had died giving birth to me, and that I was her last gift to the world, but something bothered me. If my mother had died, where was my father?

I was named Scott, but everyone really called me Streak, on account of the weird, yellow streaks in my rust-red fur. To be honest, I didn't really care what people called me, as most of the time, I stayed in my room, wondering who my parents were, and if my father was ever going to come.

It was after my thirteenth birthday, however, when something strange happened to me. I was sitting outside, reading, when a bird fluttered over to a nearby branch, and started to sing, shrilly. I got annoyed at it, and before I knew it, it had fallen out of the tree, dead. As soon as I saw it, I was horrified, in more ways than one. I hesitantly walked over to it, to make sure it was dead, and felt its chest, straining to feel the thump-thump of its heart.

There was nothing.

A wave of remorse flowed through me, and the golden streaks on my fur started to shine. Before I knew it, the bird was up again, hopping nervously from one foot to the other, before flying off.

This left me so disturbed, I didn't leave my room for the next week, even going so far as to refuse meals.

And time moved on, and I grew older, thus, forced to leave the orphanage.

I tried to get a job, but no-one would hire me, except a kind, old badger, who I helped around her house, cleaning, fixing meals and the like.

Soon, though, I was robbed of this as well.

I then got a job with the armed forces, and at the time, it seemed like a good idea, and in hindsight, I'm glad I did it, but it was murder! Oh, and there was plenty of that too.

After my third tour of the war-zone, I left.

With my last pay check in my pocket, I strolled down the main street, wondering what on earth I was going to do, when I heard someone run up behind me.

I turned around, and found myself face-to-face with a cute vixen, who had golden fur, and a warm smile.

"Are you Streak?" she asked.

I just nodded, dumbstruck.

Normally, at that time, I would have made a weak joke, and lost whatever chance I had with the unlucky girl on the receiving end, but something stopped me.

I looked down to her hand.

Yep, wedding ring.

"Can I help you?" I asked, curious.

"As a matter of fact, you can. You see, we need your help. Sorry, sorry, I need your help, but my friends need it too," the vixen blushed slightly, embarrassed for some reason.

"Ok, so how can I help?"

"We have need of your," she hesitated, "powers,"

"Powers?" I repeated, confounded.

The vixen closed her eyes, and started to mouth something, as if she was talking to someone in her mind.

She eventually opened them again, and turned to face me again.

"Here," she held out an arm, "It'll be easier if I show you what I mean,"

I took it, and we were instantly transported to a large, comfy room somewhere, maybe even on a different planet.

"Excuse me," the vixen said, and walked into a bathroom. Or what I hoped was the bathroom.

She emerged from it, minutes later, as a red vixen with golden lines chasing throughout her fur, and with steam wafting off every surface, as if she had just then had an extremely hot shower.

Seeing the confused look on my face, she just shrugged.

"So, umm, uh, what's your name?" I asked, blushing for some inexplicable reason.

"Chloe," she said.

She looked around.

"Aww, come on! They said they were going to be here!"

Less than a second later, a glowing blue vortex appeared out of thin air, and out stepped a wolf and an Espeon.

"So, Streak? This is Mitch,"

Chloe pointed to the (rather large) wolf, who nodded his head. I noticed he had a sword (or at least its hilt) by his waist, and was cradling a massive gun in his arms.

"And Eifie,"

She pointed to the Espeon, who loped over, gave me a quick peck on the cheek, and ran back to Chloe's side.

"So, back to my earlier question, what powers?" I asked, in an exasperated tone of voice.

Mitch turned to Chloe, and I noticed a wedding ring also on his hand.

"You know, the kid's got a point, are we sure that he even has any powers? I mean, look at him!"

"Hey!" I shouted at him, indignantly.

He just gave me a look of loathing.

"Seriously, how could this runt have any power?"

My face started to twitch with anger, and the birds in the trees stopped singing.

He noticed my face, and broke into harsh laughter.

"Aww, look, the itty-bitty baby's angry!"

That was the last straw.

Everything within a half-mile died instantly, except within the house.

As everything died, I collapsed, too tired to to even follow the conversation that followed after my impressive display.

Before I knew it, I was bundled up in a warm bed, with Chloe sitting on a chair beside me, and Mitch standing behind her.

As soon as I saw him, a fresh wave of loathing washed over me, and I struggled to sit up, but he pushed me down again.

"Hey, hey, hey, take it easy!" he cautioned.

I noticed that he was talking in a completely different tone of voice than when he had been insulting me before; it was no longer cynical with a sneering indifference, but filled with concern and worry.

He noticed my confused expression, and offered an apologetic one back.

"Yeah, sorry about that before. It was the only way we knew of to get you to use your powers,"

"And?" I asked, acidly.

"Well, it was impressive, to say the least," Mitch admitted, "So was the amount of time it took us to restore everything,"

I blinked.

"Sorry, restore?"

Chloe nodded.

"Yes, you killed off everything within half a mile of this house, and I had to fix it all up!" she replied, grumpily.

"So if I have these magical powers, what about you, huh?" I asked, still unsure of these strange people.

Chloe sighed.

She started off with a fireball, hovering just above her outstretched palm.

She then moved on to her kinesis powers, lifting my from the bed, before laying me back.

Next, she turned the bedside table into a tortise and back again, before, dramatically, turning herself into a snarling she-wolf and back.

Finally, she took one of the swords that were slung across her back, and stabbed herself in the center of her palm with it. She pulled it out again, showing me the unharmed hand.

"That enough?" she asked, slightly bemused at my shocked expression.

"Yeah, for now at any rate,"

I promptly fell asleep a couple of minutes later.

My dreams were a confusing mix of images, of Chloe, who then morphed into one of the otters who had taken me to the orphanage, who then changed into the little badger who I had helped, before disappearing in a flash of golden light.

I awoke with a start to see Chloe sitting beside me, with a distant gaze on her face as she looked at me. Realising that I was awake, she quickly snapped back to reality.

"I- um- you alright, Streak?" she asked, embarrased.

"Yeah, bad dream. I think,"

"Hmph, it was probably me, somehow. I'd better go,"

She got up, and walked out the door, shutting it with barely a whisper.

I continued to gaze at the door, long after she had shut it, wondering why on earth she looked so damn familiar.

In the end, I pushed it to the back of my mind, and slowly drifted back off to sleep.

* * * * * *

Hey everyone! Meet Streak, my new main character, as I have decided to give Chloe a bit of a rest, after all the torture she's been through. Also, this story is set both before and after the Long Forgotten Past series. I'm not going to give away details here, but I'm planning on making this series HUGE! Also, now that I'm back on shore, and no longer have twenty other men looking over my shoulder, I'll be able to start writing yiffy scenes again! YAY!

Streak, Chloe and Eifie are copyrighted to me, ChloeTheFirefox.

Mitch is copyrighted to SPAMZZKRR