Justice for The Monster [Chapter 2]

Story by Volodymir Velichkov on SoFurry

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#1 of Finished Works

Perspectives change and we follow a squad of marines into the research labs. Their mission is to stop the outbreak of the xeno, but who, or what will they find deep in the facility?

"At 12:47 we experienced an outbreak on board the Oculus Evacuat research station. We aren't sure of the details of the event, but we know at least one Delta level experiment escaped and two Charlies got out. It seems Delta and Charlie have gone dark; we have, however, received some word from survivors, though communications were ceased a few minutes later. Our best guess is that everyone inside these sectors are now dead and the evacuation of the station failed. Our goal is to terminate the outbreak before anything else gets out. We will be taking a UD-4L into the main docking area and begin our search in Sector Bravo and make our way down to Charlie, then Delta and hope we can rescue any survivors on the way. No fuck ups! That means you, Micheal! Marines, move out."

I always hated getting stuck on these kind of missions. Fuckin' White Coats; always poking and prodding things they don't understand. They never know when to leave shit alone. "Hey Davis, I hear some egghead went section 8 down there and let a xeno loose. Can you believe that shit?" Davis looks over at me and just shakes his head in disdain. He's like me when it comes to savin' White Coats from their own damn mistakes; he hates it. He replies: "What I hear, is it was some nut who believed he could reason with the xeno. Apparently they found a smart one and that meant to him it was friendly or something. My buddy James told me so. He says they nearly got some guy killed trying to put a xeno in an MRI." "HA!" I shout as I climb into the drop-ship. "I don't know why the Government keeps guys like that around." I mutter to Davis, giving him a hand as he climbs inside as well. "I hear they didn't; they suspended they guy, but he came back. Caught him on camera, just before the outbreak. I bet he started this whole thing just to get back at 'em!" "Will you two limp-dicks stop flapping your jaws and take a seat!" I hear one of the guys shout at us.

We all clamber into the drop-ship and take off. It's not a long trip, but it is a dull one. Lots of serious people looking at each other and talking about how this is just going to be a mess. The CO tells us all to shut our mouths and keep our eyes on the prize. I've heard rumors about the Oculus Evacuat station. That it's research was as inhuman as it got, that it was all a myth, and once that they were making bio-weapons there, but I doubted all of it until today. No telling what we're going to be up against here. If the xeno are getting smart; that could mean a lot of bodies

"We're on approach people! ETA: 20 seconds!" The pilot calls to us. Our CO stands and slowly looks us all over. "You are the best of the best! The USCM makes sure of that. Don't fuck this up and don't die!" The drop-ship lands and opens the ramps for us. Me and Davis are the first ones out. The first thing we see are eggheads making a dead bolt right for us. The CO shouts: "Halt!" and points his pistol at the eggheads. They slow to a stop, but seem utterly panicked. "W-w-we n-need to g-g-get out of here! P-p-please, help us!" one of them stutters at us while clutching a blood drenched wound. I notice that of the dozen or so, half of them are injured in some fashion. "What the fuck happened to you guys?" I call out to them. One of the uninjured scientists calls back: "We were attacked by something, what the bloody Hell do you think happened?!" I admit that my question was a bit stupid in hind sight, but I was hoping for a more calculated answer from a white coat. "L-l-listen, can we p-p-please use your ship, w-we need to get out of here!" the first scientist yelps. "Command, we need an immediate medivac in the docking bay. We've got injured, over." The CO mutters into his radio. There is a short pause while we all wait. "Command, do you read, over?" The CO asks, seemingly getting more and more impatient with each word. We all look at him and wait for his order. "All right, I want all scientists to pile up in the drop-ship. The pilot knows where to go." With this, the eggheads all climb into the drop-ship, most saying thank you as they passed. The first scientists, seemingly much more calm now that he's relatively safe, calls out to us: "Be careful, Sector C is a slaughterhouse, there's no telling where the xeno are!" and with this the drop-ship takes off.

We make our way down to Sector Bravo. The whole trip thus far has been uneventful. We merely had to get to the main cargo elevator and take it down past Sector Alpha, which we believe is secured, down to our destination. As we walk a bit of chatter starts up from my fellow marines. "From what I hear, Bravo is where they did experiments on terran creatures." "Hah, that's a bunch of shit, I bet." "Hell you can check it out for yourselves, I just want to find these doctors and get out." "I bet you anything, those guys we met at the docks were the only survivors." "Fuck man, I hope you're wrong. You know how many people are on this station? Like 100 people, man." "Geeze..." "Alright, cut the chatter and continue your search. We need to hurry this up and get down to Charlie." the CO calls out to us. We continue our mostly fruitless search, finding a mere handful of panicked monkeys and a few dead bodies. "Yo Davis.... I think I got something here!" I call out. Davis rushes to my side and gasps. Before us is a gaping hole in the floor, no doubt leading to certain doom. It looks like it's melted through. The CO walks up behind us and shouts: "Halt your search boys! We got an access point down to Charlie!" and with this, he climbs down the hole, being sure not to fall and land who knows how far down. I drop a chemlight down the hole to see just how far down it goes. It falls a good 50 feet before clanking on the ground, I can't make anything much out, but: "I saw something! I know I saw something move!" someone shouts. The CO shushes them as he lands on the floor of Charlie. We all follow him down and begin our search of the area in teams of two when...

"Yo, this is Dr. Velichkov's lab." I whisper to Davis, whom had volunteered to join me. "Yep, that's the guy who got kicked out for that MRI thing James was talking about." he replies. "Dude, check this out." I say pointing out the blood pooling up underneath the door. "Yeah, let's check it out, be ready for anything." He says, taking a moment to activate the door. With a buzz it opens and inside is... a stack of bodies. "Are these... people?" My question hints at my inability to discern exactly what I'm looking at. Davis mutters: "Allahu Akbar." under his breath and steps into the room. There are about a dozen bodies, most of which are missing huge swaths of skin, stacked in the middle of the room, suggesting they were dragged there. "There's blood fucking everywhere." I murmur to Davis. Davis takes a few steps toward the bodies and immediately turns back to me and says: "Whew, damn.... that is a stink right there." "What'd you expect from a pile of bodies?" I jab at him. He continues walking towards the bodies when I notice one of them move."Jesus, shit, are those guys alive?!" I yelp, perhaps a bit too loudly. Davis just keeps on walking towards the bodies when one of them gasps and mutters: "Help me...." I nearly jump out of my skin at this, but try to keep a cool head. "Fuck me! Are you... are alive, man? Fuckin' shit!" I shout louder than I intended. Davis gets right up next to the talking body and looks him over. He speaks up: "Nah, he's gone, he just hasn't realized it yet. Let's move." "Fuckin' A', should we really leave 'em like that. Like, kill him at least." I plead, showing a sympathetic side I didn't even know I had. "Do you really want to make that much noise? The guy is already gone, like I said, it just hasn't caught up with him yet." "I guess..." I murmur.

We get out of the room and close the door behind us. We continue down the hall past a few rooms that are already being searched by other teams. We pass by body after body. The floor is practically smeared with blood and guts. It's almost too much for me to keep down, but I hold firm. Davis just keeps muttering, "Allahu Akbar" to himself over and over again while we walk. There's a sudden burst of gunfire from one of the rooms way down the hall. I hear Davis bark: "Let's move!" To the other teams as we all rush down to see what's going on deeper in the facility. We finally reach the place where we heard the gunshots. Dr. Johnathan Ivor's lab. The door is pried off the wall and there's a streak of blood and intestines leading to the inside of the room. "Jesus fuck..." I mutter as we run in. One of the other marines shouts "The fuck is going on in here?!" Just in time for us all to spot a scientist holding a gun... standing over our dead CO. "What the fuck happened?" I shout at the scientist. He seems to be unusually calm. The blood trail leads behind him... to another stack of bodies... and a... "Oh my God... is that a fucking xeno?" I whisper to Davis, whom is endlessly repeating something in Arabic. It sounds like Hmayty Allah, but I don't know what he's saying. The xeno is crouched behind the scientist and is seemingly trying to hide behind him, which, despite its size, it's doing rather well.

I shout to the scientist: "Who are you?" He doesn't respond at first... seemingly transfixed by something, but then says: "My name is Velichkov... and you are somewhere you shouldn't be." He raises his pistol at the nearest soldier and whispers something to himself. It almost seems like he's whispering something to the xeno... I raise my rifle, as does most of the squad. Dr. Velichkov seems utterly unfazed by our threat and instead says: "Run." At this, he opens fire. We return fire, but as we do, he moves with unholy speed and is suddenly behind cover. I blink to make sure I didn't hallucinate his movement, but it's so dark in here, I can barely even see him. He continues to fire at us from his cover and we continue to fire at him. It's only now that I notice that the xeno is already gone. "He's a distraction!" I shout. I decide that if we're going to find that xeno; this scientist needs to die - now. I make a mad dash to where he is, leaping over an overturned table, and open fire on the massive computer console he was hiding behind. I hear a scream of pain, but I keep firing until my pulse rifle runs out of ammo. I wait a moment before peaking over the console. The scientist is drenched in blood and gasping for air. He looks up at me and just... stares at me. "You... fucking idiot... you have... no idea... what... you've done..." With that; he falls limp...

I speak up: "Target down..." I turn to face the rest of the marines who are all just staring at me. "Why didn't you fucks do that?" I say to them, when Suddenly the lights in the hall go dark and leave the room pitch black. There are rapid clicks as everyone turns on their flashlights... but I notice several lights missing. "Let's count heads here. Who's down?" Everyone starts looking around making sure that their squad mates are all accounted for. "I think Tommy is dead, guys." "Mike is too..." "Where the Hell is Davis?" Someone shouts to me. "He was right there a second ago..."

I step out into the hall and wave my light around, trying to spot him. All I see is bloodied walls and guts strewn about on the floor. That's when I spot the gun. It's Davis's rifle. laying next to a gored body. "Davis?" I whisper. "Davis? Buddy, is that you?" I lean down and turn over the body. It's not him... it's just some scientist... but where is Davis? Things have gone from bad to worse. "Alright guys, I'm the new actual... let's move out, we've got two K.I.A.s and an M.I.A. We need to find Davis, kill the fucking xeno and secure this lab. Let's move."

And with that, we march into the darkness.