Warm-Up 3: I Have Ways of Making You Pay

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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This is a longer warm-up story than the others, mostly because I got into it and wanted to see it continued properly. It's not a huge story, only about 3k words, but it depicts my vixen kitsune character Vicki, and shows a bit more of what she's like.

I Have Ways of Making You Pay Starring Vicki By Draconicon

"So, you won't fund my next dig site?"

"I'm sorry, Vicki, but there's no way that we can justify another expenditure of that size. If you'd found something on your last expedition, maybe I could swing it, but -"

She dismissed Eric's apology with a wave of her hand.

"It is what it is. Where's your boss?"

"My...my boss? Why -"

"I just want to present my proposal to a higher authority."

The Doberman blinked.

"Uh, Mr. Rasmussen is upstairs, but -"

"What room?"

"...Room 402, but -"

"Thank you."

The kitsune's tails swished behind her as she walked out the door. One flexed and shut it behind her, cutting off Eric's protests before they could get any louder. He was a nice enough man, and had been a good source of income, but it was clear that his usefulness was running out. At least he'd provided her with a foot in the door; she would have to thank him for that later.

A short walk down the hall brought her to the elevator, where she waited with a group of executives. With her many tails swaying around, she was able to clear herself more personal space and catch their attention all in one action.

Vicki smiled as they looked at her. She had little doubt that they thought she was someone's girlfriend come to visit, or perhaps a daughter that was living off of daddy's money. Her clothes certainly could give that impression. She wore a camo vest over a red silk dress, an intentional choice of clashing apparel, and her height was boosted to match the males around her with the high heels she wore.

One executive, a panda, turned to her with an indulgent smile.

"Going up, pretty girl?"

"Up in the world and out of your league, big guy."

His smile faded, but didn't quite die. He reached out and laid his hand on her shoulder.

"You're funny, girl. But you might want to work on your jokes. Who are you meeting with? Sam? Jerome?"

She laughed. His smile dropped a little further at that, and he pulled his hand back.

"Did I say something funny?"

"Kind of. You're assuming that I'm here for a pittance. I've got an appointment to see a Mr. Rasmussen."

Whoever said namedropping didn't get you anything was a liar. The vixen grinned as everyone around her turned to stare, some of the men dropping their paperwork at the name. She'd hoped to be pointed at a power broker in the place, and it looked like she'd found one.

The panda's smile had completely disappeared, and his facial fur was starting to droop with sweat. He chuckled nervously, backing away.

"Uh, I-I wouldn't want to keep you from Mr. Rasmussen. Go on, go ahead."

"Yeah, you take my place."

"And mine, please."

"Oh, such wonderful gentlemen. I'll make sure to recommend all of you for such fine manners."

With the executives shifting to form an aisle to the elevator door, Vicki strutted her way to it. It opened as she walked, and she stepped into it with a small smile. None of the businessmen bothered taking a step towards the door as she pressed the button for the fourth floor. The sight of their raw nerves made her smile as the doors closed and the elevator rose.

Unlike the cluster of miniature offices on the floor below, the elevator opened up onto a single hallway with a total of four doors, and one of those led to the stairwell. She estimated that each office must take up the space of at least four of the workspaces downstairs.

"Hmmm, this man must be a senior partner here, at least. This will be fun."

The vixen smiled, throwing a new sway into her hips as she walked down the hall. The nameplate on the first door referenced a Mr. Travers, along with a smaller sticker showing he was out to lunch. The second one was bigger by half, and rather than bronze, it seemed to be embossed with gold. It was flashy, crass, and obviously made for no other purpose than to show off status.

She approved.

Leaning forward, she used the nameplate as a mirror, checking her make-up and her clothes. No wrinkles had emerged during her brief walk, which was a plus. There was a slight unevenness between the red on her left cheek and her right, but that was fixable. Her lipstick also needed some refreshing, she noticed.

After fixing the minor errors she found, she opened the door. A waiting room with a plush red carpet and a trio of chairs welcomed her, and a chinchilla secretary sitting at a desk to her left told her to leave with a glare. Vicki ignored her, walking down the center of the room with a smile and a gracious nod towards the other woman.

"Do you have an appointment, madam? Madam? Madam, you can't go in there without an appointment."

Vicki turned, one hand on the office doorknob.

"Oh, dear, I think you'll find that I can."

"I'll call security."

"You go ahead and do that. They'll be, what, two or three minutes to arrive?"

"Two minutes at the very most, and then they'll -"

"That's all I'll need."

She pulled the door open and stepped through, bumping it shut with her hips to silence the screeching female. She rolled her eyes. Why did all the higher-ups hire such shrews nowadays? It used to be so much easier. A little girl talk, a little persuasion, and she'd be right through. Now it was calling security and shouting threats right from the start.

Shaking her head, she brought her attention back to the present and onto the rat that was rising from his desk.

"I assume you have a reason for barging into my office unannounced."

Rather than answer immediately, she took a moment to analyze her target. The rat was aged, at least forty judging by the receding fur and the slight droop along the sides of his muzzle. His eyes were sharp behind the thick lenses he wore, and he wasn't stooped over like some of the older men she'd seen. His suit was older, patched around the elbows and along the cuffs, but not by him, she'd wager.

It all added up to a profile she could work with. Putting on a two-third smile, Vicki laid one hand on her hip, almost caressing it as she made her way across the room. The other settled along the side of her vest, resting in a pocket, but also pulling it slightly to the side to reveal more of her neckline. Not much, though; she had the feeling this man wouldn't respect a tart.

"Oh, I don't believe in appointments or announcements."

"Well, regardless of your belief, they exist."

"In a most stifling and new-fangled way. Whatever happened to a little spontaneity, hmm?"

He arched an eyebrow, and she took the opportunity to sit down, crossing her legs at the ankle.

"I do apologize, such bad manners to not introduce myself first. I'm Vicki, and I was working with one of your subordinates. Eric, a Doberman downstairs?"

"I'm aware of him. A capable employee."

"Yes, I've said to all my friends that he is definitely the one to meet with if you need a loan or want to talk about investments. I tell them, 'Eric is the man to go to. He'll always get you what you want.'"

"I see. Then why aren't you talking with him?"

"Eric is a wonderful man, but he can't quite authorize what I need. It's above his pay grade, you understand."

The rat nodded, finally taking his seat again. Vicki smiled as he did, biting her tongue as precious seconds ticked by, letting him get comfortable.

"There are channels to go through for this sort of thing, um...what was your name?"

"It's Vicki, Mr. Rasmussen. And I know there are channels, but I wanted to meet the man that would be handling it personally. Even Eric - bless him - tends to like to do things through paperwork and channels, but I prefer the old fashioned way. Face to face, you know?"

Even in the guarded nod that he gave her, she knew she had him. His clothes, the way they were handled. He was sentimental about older things, holding onto old memories. He would pay others to do work, but he wasn't afraid to get into things himself, wasn't just a desk man.

The office door clicked open. Security. right on time, she thought as two sets of footsteps followed the officers in. Apparently the secretary wasn't going to be part of this one.

Two large hands grabbed her by the upper arms, half lifting her from her chair. She looked up at them and winced. German Shepherds. It would be a breed like that.

"Sorry for the intrusion, sir," one of them said, pulling on his cap. "We'll get her out of here right away."


They paused, blinking.

"Let her stay. We have business to discuss."

"But...I thought she was an intruder, sir."

"She is." The rat looked over his glasses at her, and smiled. "A delightful one. Go back to what you were doing. I'll call you if I need anything."

The guards hesitated for a moment before lowering her back into her chair. Vicki gave the rat a grateful - and not entirely feigned - smile as she got comfortable again. Despite her practice putting on a show, she had to struggle not to laugh as the muffled frustrated shouts of the secretary got through the door from the other room.

Mr. Rasmussen leaned forward on his desk. The motion shifted a few papers to the side, but never out of order. He smiled.

"I'm aware of your file, Ms. Vicki. You're quite the expensive investment for our company, and you haven't really been paying off as much as we were hoping. Tell me. Why should I fund a dig that is above Eric's pay grade?"

She smiled. The fact that he had asked the question meant he wanted to do it in the first place. Even the way that he warned her about knowing her history meant that he was at least curious. A foot in the door. It was all she ever needed.

"If you know me, Mr. Rasmussen -"

"Alan, please."

"Alan. If you know me, then you know what I am about. Curiosity. The discovery of the old world, and continuing the traditions of the great expeditions that found the pyramids, the Mayan cities, and other great wonders. There are still so many of them left, and I've dedicated my life to finding them."

"The world has moved on from wonders, Vicki."

"Not yet, it hasn't." She smiled, shaking her head. "Call me old fashioned, but I know the world still wants that sense of wonder, that sense of discovery. We hunger for it, and you can sell that, even if my dig isn't as profitable as you might hope."

Alan leaned back, pressing a hand to his chin. She had more to say, and it was hard to bite it back now that her real passion had come up. He was considering her idea. If he needed more, he should be enough in her camp to ask. She needed to be patient, but it was hard. So hard.

He turned his chair, looking out towards the city from his window, and she looked out as well. The city was covered in different billboards from this angle, and several electric screens played ad after ad for the public. There were innumerable visual shouts of offers for instant fun, for instant gratification. There was little else to see.

"Your offer is...tempting, Vicki."

"Thank you."

"But there's just something missing there. You have a grand idea, but there's a hole in it. A patron for an expedition, the lovely lady finding the lost histories, and the great journey to find it; it's like an early black and white movie."

She smiled, slinking out of her chair and strolling around the rat's desk. As she stopped behind his chair, she laid her hands along the top and draped herself and her tails around it, laying the warm, fluffy appendages across his lap. She felt him jerk beneath her, but she continued to smile, lowering her hands to rest on his shoulders.

"What's missing...is the patron's lady."

"What? What are you talking about?"

"Think about it, Alan. You'll have the full grand experience. Sponsoring the expedition to the old, forgotten lands, and having the lovely lady on your arm that all rich men at the time had. You can experience everything -" She bent forward, kissing his ear. "- that they did."

His pulse beat faster against her lips as she kissed his neck, her hands slowly pulling his jacket aside and dragging it off of his shoulders. Alan didn't stop her; he was helpless as she pulled his shirt off, leaving it in a pile against the back of his chair, a cushion for his back as she turned his chair around.

She kept her smile on her face as she saw him. He was older, he was round, but he was what she had to work with. She lowered herself between his legs, fingers at work on his button and zipper. He looked at her like a man in shock, unable to believe what was happening to him.

"Is this...are you serious?"

"I am completely serious, Alan." She smiled, smoothing the two sides of his zipper to the side, and running her fingers along the rat's growing bulge. It throbbed with life as she stroked it, teasing it through the soft fabric before she reached up to the waistband and pulled it down.

His cock was decent, she supposed. It wasn't the largest she had ever seen, perhaps six inches long, with a thickness matching her fingers. If he had been pressing for some of the more extreme acts, she could have taken it without discomfort. And it meant that she could please him quickly, instead of getting messy the way the larger men tended to do.

As she stroked her hands along his stomach, she lowered her lips along his shaft. It pulsed between them and Alan moaned above her. She could taste a sour sweat that had built up during the day, but she ignored it, focusing her attention on licking his tip before slowly taking more of his shaft into her mouth. It slid in easily enough, not quite stretching her jaw as she swallowed around it. A few faked moans made it twitch in her mouth, and she tasted the first hints of salty pre.

At least he wasn't grabbing her head the way Jonathan had at the last firm. The coyote had liked shoving her down to his knot to the point of bruising her nose. Alan just sat there, occasionally rolling his hips forward, but the old rat seemed content to let her work rather than interfering.

For that, she rewarded him. She brought one hand up under his balls, squeezing them gently as she pushed her lips down to his sheath. The rodent gasped above her as she swallowed his entire length. It wasn't a great achievement, but she knew men found it impressive. She rolled her head from side to side, rubbing the head of his cock against the inside of her cheeks, and she felt him throb all the more.

Up and down she bobbed, the taste getting stronger as he got more excited. She loosened her lips slightly, letting the pop pop sound of her sucking fill the room, and she saw him grip the arms of his chair tighter. The rat was on the verge.

She pulled her head off, stroking his shaft with a spit slicked hand. He panted as she met his eyes.

"I will do this for you every night before the expedition, and more, if you fund it."

"This is...this is the full experience?"

The kitsune smiled, lowering her head and kissing his tip, licking away the building pre before she answered.

"I have given you but a taste of the full experience, Alan. Give me what I want, let me show the world the glory of the old expeditions and histories, and I'll give you something you will never forget."

The old rat moaned, his breath coming faster and faster. For a moment, she worried if he could take this. His body was not the leanest, and she didn't know how good his heart was. Come on, say yes, she thought as she stroked him.

"It's a deal."

She smiled, lowering her head onto his shaft again. It took no more than two licks to get him to blow his load, and she made sure to swallow every drop of it, even going so far as to lean back to show her mouth to be empty. When she did that, she half swore that he was going to get hard again and ask for more, but Alan just leaned back in his chair with a happy sigh.

"I'll draw up the papers...tomorrow."

"Then that's when I'll be here. Tomorrow."

Getting to her feet and collecting her things, Vicki leaned down to give the rat a kiss on the cheek. I could do far worse than him, she thought as she walked across the office. As long as he keeps his word, I'll keep mine.

At least she had her funding. With that, nothing could spoil her mood, not even the shrewish chinchilla.

The End