Welcome Home, Baby

Story by LeashBitch on SoFurry

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It was finally the end of the work day and Lia couldn't be more happy. Not only could she go home strip out of her uniform to lounge around in the nude, but her mate was coming home from a long week out on the job just in time for her estrus! Back in her own world, human had sex anytime, anywhere and that was fine, but here in her new home where anthros and humans lived in harmony, it seemed as though the minute she ovulated, every male in sniffing distance wanted a piece of her. Luckily they were able to restrain themselves, for the most part, but she did enjoy all the attention. She never felt so wanted and desirable before! As she clocked out her coworker, a magnificent stag by the name of Krys, leaned up against the wall with the computer which put himself between her and the exit. "So, Lia, got plans for this weekend?" She brushed her chestnut hair over her shoulder with a grin. "Afraid so. My mate's coming home this weekend." He shook his head. "Heh, I should have figured. Cute little things like you don't stay single for long." "What about you? Surely a burly guy like you has a mate or more?" Krys righted himself and shrugged. "Well yeah, but I do like a bit of variation. I haven't had the pleasure of ramming a human female. I bet you'd be nice and tight on my long stag dick." Lia blushed unable to stop herself from picturing it, "I'm sure I would, nice and snug, but I don't mess around when I have a mate." Krys shrugged and turned to let her by. "Good luck getting home." As she passed, she patted his semi erect member through his uniform pants. "I'll manage."

All the way home heads turned as she passed, male nostrils filled with her scent each time the wind blew even slightly. Some males called out to her, others dared approach but they were all shot down. She had eyes only for her mate, after all. She was glad to inside her home and free from advancing males for the time being. She wasn't sure when exactly her mate would be home so she wasted no time getting ready. She got cleaned up and pulled the shades on all the windows and locked the back door then slipped into a sheer teddy and a tiny thong. As she finished up fixing her hair, she heard the front door unlock and somebody step in. "Hello? I'm home!" She almost squealed with delight at the sound of his voice. Lia sprang from her seat at her vanity and tiptoed down the hall. As she hoped, her mate had his back turned as he put his bags down on the kitchen counter. She leaned against the corner with her arm over her head. "Hey. How was work?" The sweat and dust covered Thompsons Gazelle turned and smiled the instant he laid eyes on her."Pain in the ass, as usual, but I'm suddenly feeling a lot better." Lia stood then sauntered over to him and put her arms around his neck and pressed herself against him. " There's more still to come." "Let me shower first at least," He laughed. "I reek." "No, I like it." She brought her leg up over his hip and he grabbed onto it with his other hand on her hip. "You can shower after. If I don't distract you too much anyway." He spun her around and pressed her against the counter. "Boy, I should go away more often." He smirked then lifted her so she was sitting on the countertop then he urged her down on her back by placing his hand on her midsection. "Trev, you know very well what time it is." she teased. He shrugged then bent down to kiss her. As their lips pulled and pressed against each other, Trevor arched and pressed his hardening cock against her soft, sensitive pussy lips through his pants and her panties. Lia hooked her legs over his hips and unbuttoned his work shirt while he kissed and licked her neck. When she got it off, she tossed it on the floor then slid her hands under his wife-beater. She dug her fingertips into his firm abs then ran her hands up to his chest. Trev grunted against her neck and stopped just long enough to peel his shirt off, toss it aside, then undo his pants. He slid them down and they feel to his hooves exposing his black boxer-briefs which hardly did anything to conceal his massive erection. He bent over her again and grabbed her legs as he ran his slick length between the throbbing lips of her pussy. Lia closed her eyes and mewled pleadingly. "Trev, I feel like it's been too long! You feel thicker and harder than usual!" Trev teased his tip against her opening with a smirk. "Because I've been away from my sexy little human for too long. I can't wait to bury my pulsing cock deep in your tight little cunt." he breathed. "Then do it already, you're driving me insane!" She pleaded. Tren straightened and backed up just far enough to get his tip placed against her opening then eased the very end into her hot, wet slit. "Ya ready, babe?" "Yes, do it hard, baby, I want every inch of you inside me!" Trev gripped her thighs and with a powerful thrust he drove his cock deep into her throbbing folds. He grunted loudly and his cock jumped inside of her. Lia's muscles clenched as she cried out and arched her back. The first one was always somewhat painful since he was forcefully wedging his rockhard penis between her tight muscles, but she loved the way it felt as her soft walls pressed into him. "Oh gods, you're so damn tight!" he groaned then he slowly withdrew almost completely out of her. Trev moved her legs so that her knees were over his shoulder and he held onto her hips tightly. He shifted his hooves on the tile then with another powerful thrust, he drove himself deep inside her once again. She cried out then laughed in joy. He did this a couple of more times then he moved his hands up to grip her thigh again with his cock partially withdrawn. Trev arched his spine sliding his throbbing malehood into the clutches of her sex then moved his hips in a circular motion withdrawing it. He continued this motion but picked up speed, his groin slapped against her and his balls swung smacking up against her ass each time he drove himself sheath-deep inside her. "Awyes, babe. You feel so fucking amaziiiiiing." He groaned as he tilted his head back. "I'm gonna cum so fucking hard!" Lia gripped his arms and arched her back shifting his angle of entry. His long shaft stroked her front wall hard and she moaned loudly. Conversely, his tip jabbed and pressed into the back of her. She clenched around him and his body jerked. "Aw babe" he gasped,"I hope you've got enough room in there." Lia smiled broadly, "Do it, fill me up Trev! I'll get mine later." she managed between thrusts then she tilted her head back and cried out loudly. "Trev! Harder baby!" With a grunt, Trev closed his eyes and thrust harder paying no attention to the items on the counter that rattled or fell over. He leaned far over her and his hot gasps bloomed over her skin in quick puffs. Finally, Trev uttered a long trademark Gazelle bellow as he slammed his hips into her ass. He dug his fingers into her soft cheeks and buried his cock as far in as he could force it while thick spurts of cum coated her tightly clenched walls. He expelled a burst of air from his lungs then emitted a drawn out groan punctuated by a guttural 'fuck!'. He could feel his cum pooling inside her and dribbling around his length and he smiled broadly. Trev pulled back a few inches then slammed himself inside her again before giving a few gentle thrusts and becoming still. He released her thighs unaware that he left bright red marks in her skin and rested his weight on his elbows on either side of her. They both panted for a good few minutes before they spoke. "Man I needed that." Trev managed between breaths. Lia wrapped her arms around his neck and brought him into a kiss. "Me too. I missed having your big buck cock so deep inside me." "Hey" He laughed. "Is that all I am to you?" Lia laughed too then kissed his cheek followed by his lips. "Of course not. Now come on, let's get cleaned up. I got some fruit flavored lube I want you to try." Trev backed up and slowly withdrew his cock and some semen dribbled out of her and onto the floor. She slid from the counter and took him by his hands with an impish smile. Trev kicked off his pants and underwear and followed her eagerly, his still erect cock bounced as he did. Once inside the bathroom, Lia turned infront of the shower then stalked up to him. She kneeled at his hooves and breathed on his cock and giggled before she placed his palm against his base and ran her tongue from the sheath all the way to the tip. Trev groaned and stood with his hips forward and his arms against the doorframe. "Yeah baby, suck it." Before she did so, she took the sides between her lips and kissed it with loud smacks. She opened her mouth around his shaft and ran her tongue against the underside as she met his lidded gaze. She she reached the tip, she slipped it between her pursed lips then opened her jaw wider as she leaned in. With her hands on his hips, she sealed her mouth around his cock and pressed her tongue against it then sucked hard. Trev shuddered and tried to resist the urge to buck. He gripped the doorframe so hard that it creaked. His hooves shifted apart and he rocked his hips slowly. "I wanna cum in your throat, babe. Swallow my cock." he murmured while he took her chin into his hand. She hummed and moved forward sliding more of his shaft past her lips. He could feel his shaft sliding along her tongue and into her throat. He exhaled slowly and tapped his hoof. "Swallow, baby, swallow. I wanna cum." Obediently, Lia swallowed while she gripped his base and immediately he groaned loudly. She felt his cock twitch and she knew he was spurting his thick brew deep in her throat. She swallowed it down hungrily while she watched him tilt his head back. He put his hands on the back of her head and inched forward sliding as much down her throat as he could as he continued to ejaculate into her throat. When he finished, he withdrew and released her head then leaned back against the doorframe. She wiped her mouth and grinned. "You taste better than I remember." "My cock or my cum?" "Both." she shrugged. "Got any more left?" He launched himself from the doorframe and took her by the ass, his cock pressed into her belly. "A whole two weeks worth. Don't let any of my cum out, I want to spill out of you." Lia nodded then stepped back and slowly stripped her lingerie of starting with her top. She unbuttoned the middle and let the straps catch on the insides of her elbow. Trev smirked and while his cock hung between his legs, she didn't expect him to get erect again just yet. She stepped forward and pressed against his chest so he'd sit on the toilet, the lid down of course, and she ran her hands up into her hair taking ahold of the clip. She unclamped it and her chestnut hair spilled onto her shoulders in a straight, silky sheet. Trev leaned back with his elbows on the tank and he nodded. Lia stepped forward again and straddled his leg then ran her hands down her sides with her back arched. When they reached her hips, she slid them down further onto his leg then up to his crotch. Her fingertips only grazed his sheath then they slid back towards her body. Trev reached up and grabbed her ass. "C'mon baby, I can't fuck you if I'm not hard." he goaded. Lia giggled then turned to straddle his leg backwards. She bent over making sure to keep her back arched and slid her hands down her ass to her puffy pussy lips. She pulled her thong aside and ran a finger between her lips and Trev gazed into it hotly. With one hand he gripped his base and messaged gently. Lia then straightened and slid her top off and dropped it to the side while she peeked over her shoulder at him. He looked up at her and smirked. "Almost baby." She unhitched one side of her thong and it came loose then slid down her leg. She bent over again and reached out to steady herself with the opposite counter. From it she grabbed a small tube and popped the top open. She then reached behind her and squeezed a good glob of it between her asscheeks and let it slide down over the mouth of her sex. "Go on baby, it's peach, your favorite." Trev didn't need further urging and he leaned forward and spreed her cheeks apart with his free hand while he massaged his base with the other. He pressed his tongue near her clit then ran it all the way up to the top of her cheeks. She shuddered and let out a faint mewl. Trev repeated the action but only focused on her opening delving his tongue between her lips slowly. He closed his lips around hers and ran his tongue over her hot flesh with a grunt. Using his thumb, he massaged her clit meanwhile sloppily licking and sucking at her pussy. She cried out and her muscles tensed causing him to chuckle slightly. In his hand, his cock became rigid and it throbbed with anticipation. "Ya ready, babe? I've got another load for ya." "Godyes" she whimpered. He gave her sex one last kiss then moved her aside so he could get up and quickly start the shower. He jumped in and wet his body and she joined him quickly. Without hesitating, Lia bent in front of him and his tip poked her. He took her by the sides of her ass and brushed his tip between her sopping wet lips. He arched forward and his shaft slid against her. He could feel her pulse against his. Trev arched so his cock would be at the correctly level then he again slipped the tip within her. To help gain leverage, he put one hoof up on the tubs edge then he slammed into her with a grunt. She cried out as she did before. "Yes, oh baby I'm already almost there!" "Let me know babe, I wanna fuck you against the wall." He thrust his cock hard and fast and relished in the sound of their wet bodies slapping together. When he felt her beginning to tighten around him, he quickly withdrew and urged her to stand and turn. He then picked her up and hooked her legs around his hips before pressing her against the wall and sliding his cock back inside her. His arms were flat against the wall and Lia held tightly onto his shoulders though she still bounced hard with each of his thrusts. He moved his hands to grip her ass then shifted to allow maximum contact between her g-spot and his sheath. She arched her back so that the area just above his cock would press and bump her clit and in not time she was there. Lia cried out and gripped him tightly as her walls spasmed clenching and unclenching, her body bucked. "Trev!" "Yeah baby, feel my cock. Ride it hard!" he groaned behind clenched teeth. As she was coming down, Trev continued. It wasn't long before he was grunting loudly and his body was tensing. He bucked hard against her and once again he spilled hot cum deep within her. Even before he withdrew to slam her again cum was leaking down her leg in copious amounts. When he finished, he panted loudly with his face against the cool tile. "Oh baby, that was amazing." she panted. Trev smirked and gently rocked his hips. "I don't think I've ever cum that much all at once. I didn't know I could!" As carefully as he could, he lifted her from the wall then sat on the tubs edge while keeping himself inside her. She rested against him with her arms around his shoulders. "I love you, Trev." she murmured. He stroked her back and rested his chin on her head. "I love you too babe. I missed you so much when I was out there." She hummed and he felt her smile against his shoulder. "How much?" She teased. "I wanted so badly so many times to just sit back in my bed and stroke to the images of you in my head and on my phone but..I wanted to wait and build the anticipation." "Images on your phone" He snickered. "Yeah..heh..I sneak photos now and then." "of what exactly?" "When you get changed, when you get out of the shower, when you're asleep and your cute little teddy slides up." She laughed. "You perv. Creepy perv!" "Hey, don't be a hypocrite. I saw that pic on your phone you took when I got a hard-on in my sleep." "How could I resist?" "My question is how you slipped my underwear beneath it without me waking up." She shrugged against him. "You're a really hard sleeper sometimes. Honestly I thought you would wake if. If you did, I would have rode you." He just scoffed, "Next time do wake me then." "What do you picture me like when you're away?" "Oh, you know, "He shrugged himself, "Sometimes I imagine coming home and you're cooking in nothing but your little apron and I come up behind you and stick my cock right between your legs then I left you up by the hips and drive it sheath-deep into your unsuspecting pussy. Things like that." "Oh baby, I might have to surprise you like that then." They both laughed then fell quiet. After a minute or two his cock slid out of her and slipped and dropped between his legs. "Aw man. I dunno about you but I'm starving." Lia dismounted then stood in the shower stream to rinse their fluids from her body. He watched in leisure then when she stepped out, he followed suit. When he got done she was in the kitchen preparing for what looked like his favorite dinner. He leaned on the counter and watched her contently. "What did I do to deserve such a perfect mate?" She laughed and looked over her shoulder at him, still butt naked. "Be super sexy to begin with." She continued to chop the veggies. "You're a hard worker too. Smart, loving, gentle when you need to be, stern and dominant when you need to be.I should ask myself that question." He reached up to open the cupboard and grabbed a glass then wandered to the fridge to grab the bottle of Citrus soda. The very tip of his cock still poked out from his sheath and he was just waiting for it to emerge again so he could take her yet again. Lia brushed the veggies from the chopping board into a colander then to the sink to rinse them. As she shook the colander, her asscheeks bounced. He sipped from his glass as he gazed at her from over the top. He could feel himself becoming erect again. Trev set down his cup and came up behind her and ran his arms around her body to cup her modest, perky breasts. He pressed his crotch against her and his cock between her ass cheeks. "Dinner's gonna be postponed." She responded by arching her back and running her ass against his rock-hard sheath. "Are you gonna have energy?" He raised her leg up onto the counter and began to run his sheath between her pussy lips again while he pressed the side of his face to hers. "Baby, I made for for this." Outside there was laughter and quick footsteps. Two shadowy figures passed by out on the sidewalk. "Looks like Nate and Ivy are home." Lia giggled. "Her little human cunt's about to get a fucking of a lifetime too." "Let's just hope she can take his knot. C'mon, I wanna go fuck on the balcony." The two laughed mischievously as they left the counter to go get comfortable on the balcony out of the eyesight of others but still out in the open. Next door, the Sandy haired human woman and her mutt boyfriend made sure their windows were shut and their doors were locked.