Chapter 4: The Claiming of Aliona

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#4 of The Mating Season

Chapter 4: The Claiming of Aliona

Hearing that a challenge was to be had, the other males stopped what they were doing and sat in a semi-circle on the edge to the clearing, Kira weeping quietly among them as she clutched at her sore tits and anus. Loryn took pity on her and kissed her warm on the mouth, which she seemed to enjoy greatly, for her white fluffy tail flittered up and down, and then she rested her head in his lap with obvious content while he smiled down at her and stroked her ears. Aliona, meanwhile, was dragged toward the others by Yzlo and forced to sit among them, but she barely noticed: her terrified eyes had never once left the circling forms of Kel and Zaldon as the two young males faced each other in the center of the clearing.

Kel and Zaldon circled slowly, their backs slightly hunched, their paws ready to snatch, their fangs bare. Their tails were low behind them, their steps careful and slow, their ears flat on their heads. Every now and then, one would snatch at the other with a snarl. At last, Kel gave a fierce growl and lunged at Zaldon, drawing a gasp from Aliona when he grabbed Zaldon's balls. Zaldon clenched his thighs shut on Kel's paw, trapping him, then he leaned down and -- holding Kel's other flailing paw at bay -- he kissed Kel urgently on the mouth!

Aliona sat in shock, watching as Kel grunted angrily behind the kiss and struggled weakly to escape Zaldon's brutal advances. She let out a little scream when Zaldon forced Kel to his knees. Then locking Kel's neck from behind in one bulging arm, he proceeded to finger him in the ass. Kel, meanwhile, squeezed his eyes shut and groaned through clenched teeth. Aliona couldn't believe it: was this supposed to happen?

"It is tradition," Yzlo informed Aliona, startling her ears into pricking forward: it was the first time Yzlo had really spoken directly to her. He sat at her side, his paw clenched tight on her wrist should she decide to try and stop the struggle. "When a male denies another male access to a maiden's most intimate parts, he must offer up his own. The challenged has the right, of course, to try to resist."

"But who could resist Zaldon? If you ask me, Zaldon didn't really want you," added Loryn, giving Aliona another of his half-smiles. "He only challenged Kel because he craves tight ass: he's been waiting to do this to Kel for years."

Aliona sat in wide-eyed shock, watching as her lover sacrificed himself for her sake. Still on his knees, Kel was panting and whimpering as Zaldon sucked hungrily at his balls. Kel had his knees wide apart, his muscles rippling every time his body shuddered with another lick or suck from Zaldon, and to Aliona's wonder, Kel's cock was beyond hard and even spurting a little!

Zaldon continued grunting and slobbering as hungrily as if he couldn't quite taste Kel enough, and Aliona silently agreed that perhaps Zaldon had been wanting to get his paws on Kel for years. He squeezed Kel's muscular buttocks and thighs with reverent eyes when he straightened up again. But was that mere reverence? Aliona had seen that look in her father's eyes many years ago -- a look that he had worn every time he kissed her mother.

"You like that, pup?" Zaldon demanded of Kel, running his great paw down Kel's back and slipping his finger yet again in Kel's anus.

Kel shuddered again, his head falling back when Zaldon grabbed his cock hard from behind and squeezed. Aliona was shocked to see Kel's organ slowly stiffen harder and thicker under Zaldon's vigorous stroking until she could see the glisten of yet more pre-cum. Kel knelt trembling, his head still back and shrill whimpers pushing out of him. He gave a loud cry and started gasping when Zaldon pushed him down and took his cock in his mouth. Aliona, paralyzed with horror, watched as Zaldon lovingly took Kel's cock in his lips and started slowly and tenderly sucking away at it. Kel squeezed his eyes shut, trembling more violently than ever. Zaldon sucked harder and faster, and soon, Kel was moaning in ecstasy, his eyes hooded in spite of himself.

Zaldon continued his slow assault, drawing his lips very slowly up and down Kel's throbbing shaft, his eyes closed, his own dick rigid and twitching. Sometimes he stopped to toy with Kel's balls, licking and sucking them as well, and Kel, growing weaker and wearier with his building passion, moaned and gasped again and again through clenched teeth. Aliona could tell he was trying to stop himself from making any noises -- since Zaldon seemed to take a glee in the screaming of his victims -- but Aliona knew from experience that it was very difficult to ignore Zaldon's skilled fingers and lips.

"Yes, you like that, don't you, pup?" growled Zaldon, climbing up behind Kel. He spread Kel's buttocks wide open, and Aliona wanted to look away but could not when Zaldon crammed his great cock inside. Kel let out a deep cry, his eyes flying open wide, his entire body tensing. Aliona saw him clench his fists in the dirt and grind his teeth, as if admonishing himself for making any noise. But Zaldon grabbed him by the cock again, and as he fucked Kel hard in the ass, he pulled Kel back and wrapped him in his arm, squeezing at his cock, running his great paw up and down the shaft, and licking Kel on the cheek. Aliona was shocked to see Kel slump helplessly against Zaldon's chest and start whimpering like a pup. Yes, Zaldon knew just what to do to make anyone yield: he kissed and licked Kel's neck, biting him viscously as he ran his paw rapidly up and down Kel's throbbing desire -- a desire that had his cheeks burning in his shame!

"Yes, you're my bitch tonight, Kel," Zaldon whispered, squeezing Kel's erection hard.

Kel, still slumped in his grasp, let out a choke cry. Without warning, he tried again to escape, suddenly lunging forward from Zaldon's arm -- but Zaldon was quick. He lunged on top of Kel, pinning his squirming body to the ground and raping him more brutally than before. Kel kicked and fought desperately, but Zaldon was just too big and strong. He held Kel down by the neck and kept ramming his cock inside of him, his other paw still stroking vigorously on Kel's hard dick.

When Kel stopped struggling again, Zaldon pulled him against his chest once more and locked him within his arm, still pumping at Kel's dick with his free paw. Kel, writhing and moaning, seemed at the point of exploding. Zaldon, sensing this, worked his paw up and down Kel's shaft even faster. Helpless at Zaldon's touch, Kel's head fell back and he shouted, his hot sticky cum shooting through the air. Weak and trembling, he was allowed to fall to the ground, where Zaldon turned him over and started sucking his cock again, slowly and tenderly, his lips pulling and caressing, his tongue flexing and tasting, his gulping noises loud over Kel's low moans. Once again, Kel tried to wriggle up, but Zaldon grabbed him fast by the legs and inserted his fingers in his aching anus, drawing another choked cry. Helpless, Kel slumped again, allowing his dick to be sucked at hungrily, his passion building once more with every lick and flick. Zaldon's slobbering tongue and lips enclosed him, hot and urgent and deliciously pleasing, and there was nothing he could do to ignore the pleasure, nothing he could do to stop his humiliation. Zaldon fucked him and sucked him and fondled him again and again and he, crying out in ecstasy, was helpless to his skilled mouth and fingers, helpless in Zaldon's burly arms, could not escape when Zaldon grabbed his tail by the base and fucked him hard, grunting and panting and calling him his bitch.

"Do you like when I touch you?" Zaldon asked tauntingly. He was holding Kel down on his back by the neck and stroking his balls with his thumb. Kel only let loose a growl and tried to struggle up, but Zaldon pinned him down again and sank his teeth into the scruff of his neck with a ferocity that made Aliona gasp. He then whipped Kel's thrashing legs into the air, placing them each on his shoulders, and he proceeded to fuck Kel very slowly in the ass, drawing deep moans up from his victim as he stroked his cock once more in his paw.

"God . . . you're so . . . fucking . . . tight," Zaldon grunted, pushing himself rhythmically against Kel. "Too good to spend a night in the woods with your fellow warriors, eh? No matter. I knew I'd get you one day, Kel."

Kel let loose another angry growl and was cowed once more when Zaldon gave him a hard slap on the ass. He started fucking Kel so brutally that Kel's helpless screams filled the clearing. With Zaldon squeezing and rubbing his organ, Kel soon came again. And Zaldon -- who never seemed to tire of touching Kel and fucking Kel and sucking Kel -- set Kel's legs down and started sucking hungrily at his cock yet again, soon drawing it upright and throbbing once more. And then, grabbing Kel firmly by the base of his tail, he flipped him over, pushed his tail back, and start licking desperately at his anus.

Kel shouted at this new invasion, his body tensing when he felt Zaldon's wet, slobbering tongue slither in and out of his ass. But Zaldon never paused. He held Kel's buttocks open wide and proceed to lick not only Kel's anus but his butt cheeks and his balls. He inserted a finger, and holding Kel's anus open, his slurped it passionately, drawing up moans and whimpers from his victim, making him squirm and gasp and clench his fists. Kel tried at one point to crawl away, but brutally strong Zaldon dragged him back with another admonishing clap on his ass and only started sucking at his anus again.

It seemed that Zaldon assaulted Kel for hours, and helpless in his passion, helpless under Zaldon's quick and skilled fingers, Kel came again and again each time he was sucked and touched and taunted. Finally, Zaldon fucked Kel a last time, riding him hard, stroking his dick, holding him to his chest and pinching his nipples. And when Kel shouted and squirted, so did Zaldon, throwing his head back and growling at the sky. He let Kel drop to the ground, where he lay burning with shame and sobbing quietly into the earth.

Zaldon stood over Kel a long moment, and peering closely at the big wolf's face, Aliona thought she saw a flicker of . . . sympathy? Regret? Bitterness? She was not sure. But she knew by the look on Zaldon's face that -- finally! -- it was over. Zaldon's brows drew together, and slowly turning Kel over, he lifted his chin and kissed him tenderly on the lips. It was the sort of kiss a lover gave to a lover -- not to a prize ass he had just raped. Kel, his ears pricking forward, stared up at Zaldon in breathless surprise. Zaldon only smiled and walked away into the trees.