It All Started (Part 4)

Story by Ollie the Otter on SoFurry

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Well this is the first bit of sex in this series, and I sure hope it doesn't offend anyone. Trust me, I wouldn't write anything like this just for the heck of it, but this scene does have a place in the story, so bear with me and enjoy the fourth part!

We had decided to drive together simply because we lived next door to each other, and so when we got there, a sudden thought shot through my mind, and I audibly sighed, though luckily, Cody couldn't hear it. We walked along, holding paws, until we got to the pool deck from the parking lot, and there, along with the rest of the team, I saw the one rottweiler that I had realized we would see, but more importantly, I knew this would be a rather tense practice, especially when I felt Cody's paw's grip on my paw tighten slightly the moment we both sighted Chris. "What's he doing here?" Cody practically hissed the question to me, and I sighed. "He swims with us, Cody. I completely forgot about it.." Cody just shook his head. "I swear, if he says or does anything..." I didn't hear anything past that, because I simply tuned it out. I wasn't really wanting to hear anything like this from him right now, though mostly because I just didn't want to think about my problems at all. Swimming was my stress reliever; one of those times where I could just let go and not think about anything except for swimming.

Practice went off without too much of a problem. Chris stayed away from Cody and I, but I couldn't understand why. He wasn't anywhere close to scared of Cody, and he certainly wasn't scared of me, so there had to be another reason he was staying away. Time seemed to fly by, as it normally did during practice, and Cody had decided to swim in my lane along with Sam. Most of the swimmers save Chris and his buddy Spencer were actually nice to me, and they actually seemed to like Cody, so my earlier feelings of anxiety were slowly starting to fade. Maybe this wouldn't be such a bad set up after all.

Finally, before I even realized it, practice was over. Most of us stood in a circle while we dried off and talked about school and the upcoming state competition that most of us knew we would go to. Finally, I broke away from the group, stopping to give Cody my keys. "Here, just wait in the car, and I'll be there in a few minutes. I'm just gonna go change." The husky smiled and nodded, and I began to walk off towards the locker room.

I walked inside the locker room and set my stuff down on the bench, completely unaware of anything around me while I went to unlock the combination lock on my locker. I had always hated those things, and especially mine. Whenever I turned it just a little bit past the right number, I always had to start over, which usually resulted in me standing there for a good few minutes just trying to unlock the damn thing. I was so focused on the lock that I didn't notice someone entering the locker room. I didn't notice a certain rottweiler walking up behind me until his voice sounded just behind me, causing me to gasp and turn, looking straight into the unforgiving green eyes just inches away from mine. Looking down, I could see that Chris was only in his speedos like I was, and I gulped, my heart beginning to beat faster as I looked back up at his hard eyes.

"Looky what we've got here," He said in a low tone, his muzzle spreading in an evil looking smile. "The faggot's all alone now, and his boyfriend isn't here to save him." I could see something in his eyes while he spoke. A certain hunger seemed to burn in those eyes, and at that moment, I was far more terrified of Chris than I had ever been in my life. The rottweiler's smile seemed to grow more malicious as he moved closer to me, and I knew I was trapped. Suddenly, I felt something brush against my crotch, and against my better judgement, I looked down, sucking in a quick breath as I sighted Chris's bulge, easily visible through his speedos, pressing against me, and I heard the rottweiler chuckle at my terrified expression. "Yeah, you know what you're seeing down there, and I think you know exactly what you're going to do unless you want things to end very badly for you," He said, sounding victorious, but also very hungry and somewhat eager, as though he had wanted this for a while. Steeling myself, I shook my head. "I'm not doing it Chris," I replied evenly, my heart feeling like a jackhammer in my chest.

Chris seemed to be amused by this response, and both of his paws suddenly rose and slammed against my shoulders, pinning me to the lockers. "I said, you know exactly what you're going to do," He repeated, his tone a little more firm. Once again, I shook my head, trying hard not to look at the intimidatingly large bulge pressing against my crotch. "I said it's not happening!" I said, making Chris growl. "Well that's a shame to hear," He said before his paws suddenly turned me against the lockers so that my face was pressing against the metal. His paws slid down my struggling arms, overpowering me rather quickly and stopping at my wrists, pulling them together so that only one paw could grip them both, rendering me helpless. I could hear another malevolent chuckle as Chris' remaining paw gripped the waistband of my speedos, making my heart nearly stop, and yanked it down until it was just above my thighs, leaving my rudder as the last thing covering my rear end and letting my sheath and balls hang completely free.

By now, I knew exactly what he wanted, and I started to struggle harder, but the paw holding my wrists yanked them up, creating a searing pain in my shoulders that quickly stopped my struggling. I could feel tears in my eyes as I began to realize that there was absolutely nothing I could do. I could feel his paw on my rudder, yanking it up to leave me completely open, and I shut my eyes, no longer wanting to see the metal of the lockers I was being pressed against. The first of my tears began to fall when I felt the tip of his length press against my tail hole, and I could only brace myself when he quickly began to push in, making me gasp loudly at the sudden intrusion, but the further he went, the more I stretched, and the more tears fell from my eyes.

"Aww, what's the matter bitch?" Crooned Chris in a mocking tone. "Does it hurt? I sure hope it does." Of course, I couldn't respond for fear of him making it worse, though I apparently didn't have to wait long for that. I could feel him buried about halfway inside me, and with absolutely no warning, Chris' hips thrusted forward, shoving the rest of his already painfully large member the rest of the way into me and eliciting a loud cry of pain, which almost instantly got cut off when a fist slammed into my jaw, smashing it into the lockers. "Shut up, bitch," came Chris' dangerous growl. I was reduced to mere whimpers as more tears fell from my tightly shut eyes, and I couldn't stop them. I could feel shame already burning inside me like a hot brand, and I just wanted to die right there, but I knew I couldn't. I had to endure the pain and humiliation of Chris just taking me right there in the locker room of all places.

After only a few seconds, Chris began to quickly rock his hips, giving me absolutely no slack, especially when he quickly picked up speed, making me clench my jaw from the pain arcing through my body. Chris seemed to really get into it, because his hips continued to pick up speed until they were slamming against mine. With every thrust, I could feel his knot smack against my tail hole, and I knew what was coming, but I could do absolutely nothing about it. I could feel Chris' hot breath against my neck, and he let out a soft grunt before suddenly biting down on my neck, though not hard enough to pierce my skin. Still, I gasped with the sudden pain, feeling Chris thrust into me several more vicious times before one, final thrust sent another fresh wave of searing pain through me as his knot rather suddenly entered me. I could feel him still roughly humping as he climaxed deep inside of me, leaving several moments of us both panting hard, though all I could do was keep myself from bursting into tears again right there while he filled me.

Finally, after what felt like endless minutes to me, Chris finally pressed both paws to the back of my waist, and he very casually yanked his length out of me, making me gasp in sudden pain as the presence inside of me disappeared all at once, and I found that I had to lean against the lockers to remain standing.

"Thanks for the good time, slut," Whispered Chris in my ear before he stepped away, and soon, I could hear his pawsteps stepping away from me. The entirety of what had just happened finally hit me, and I couldn't stop myself from bursting into tears, sliding down the lockers until I was sitting on the ground and hugging my knees to my chest as I cried, alone on the ground of the locker room. All I could think of was how I was going to tell Cody, but no...there was no way I was going to be able to tell him. This thought hit me like a wall, and my paws covered my eyes as I cried a little harder, my thoughts all fading away until the only thing that remained was an overwhelming feeling of shame.