Love at First... Swipe?

Story by Redrazrtalon on SoFurry

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"Guards," a high pitched shriek emits down the quiet street of Lupaldo's rich district, "to arms!"

"Catch the assassin!"

A dark shape bolts down the deserted street, in tow men brandishing swords. The cougar couldn't help but smile at himself.

"Assassin," he said to himself, "I could only be so lucky as to be considered that after tonight's blunder."

His carelessness nearly cost him his life and his objective tonight. Some assassin, but still the man is dead now. Albeit not as graceful as was originally planned, but then again a dagger in the gut is much more fun then poison in the night.

The cougar ducked down an alley, rounding a corner and tripped over a soft object slouching up against the wall. The assassin ducked into a roll, pulling out his twin daggers as he turned to face his new opponent.

"Hey, hic... Watch where yur hic... goin."

He sighed in relief.

Just a drunken lapine.

The cougar sheathed his blades and leaned against the wall to catch his breath.

"All you had to do was stick him with the dart and walk away, but nooo," he whispered to himself, "you had to take back the amulet first." Still the prospect of retrieving his stolen amulet and gutting the thief responsible made the satisfying death throws all worth it... he hoped.

With his breath caught he stood again only to buckle to his knees with a gasp. He placed his paw to his side and drew it away from the pain, blood dripping from his fingers.

"Damn it all."

The guard must have nicked him pretty good. He needed to find a safe haven to heal and rest if he was going to make it out of his blunder alive. As he stood again with a wince, the world swam and he realized that he better find shelter soon.

"Where did he go?!"

"Shit, you two down that alley and you two follow me!"

The lead voice cursing as he started down the alley way the assassin was in. The assassin snarled as he began running away from the direction the voices were coming from. But that just put him out in the middle of a side street now. The cougar looked left and right, left having furs with torches running this way and that. Lefts no good, right another deserted street with closed linen and silk shops lining both sides of the street.

Not much cover here.

"Hey watch where you..."

The voice of the drunken hare cut off with the sound of a sword slicing through flesh. The scent of blood and the gurgled screams of terror bringing the assassin out of his assessment and he bolted right down the empty street, searching for a vacant space to hide. His knees started to buckle as he staggered down the dark street. He needed to find a safe haven now or there was going to be a vacant spot in the guild.

"Psst," A peculiar smell wafting from a nearby shack caught his nose as a figure bathed in a flickering light beckoned him from the doorway, "come on."

The assassin looked back at the guards going door to door looking for him as the torch light swam in his vision.

What choice did he have?

The cougar ran towards the hovel and ducked into the doorway, tripping over his cloak and landing face first on the floor. He fought to remain conscious with every ounce of will power he could muster, but the loss of blood was too much and darkness claimed him.


The mercenary shut the door and latched it quickly. The jaguar turned placing her back against the door as she looked down at the unconscious assassin. His body was draped in a black cloak that covered everything including his head.

She sighed.

"Are you okay?" She says as she reached down and pulled back the hood of his cloak revealing the triangular ears of a felis. She tilted her head and leaned down close and smelled his scent. The jaguar pulled back quickly and snorted her head swimming.

"A male... damn," she cursed, shaking her head clear. Just what she needed now another sex crazed male around her. The jaguar was in heat and had rented the small hovel so that she could get away from the other members of her mercenary band. She sighed and took a deep breath to clear her head.

She blinked as the strange scent of copper reached her nostrils and she looked down at him lying there unmoving. She quickly kneeled over him and turned him over with a grunt, pulling her paw away covered in blood. She wrinkled her nose in disgust and looked down at him, stunned momentarily.

He was dressed in full body armor, black leather that was pulled so tight she could see the well defined muscles of his chest and abdomen, a black cloth pulled up over his muzzle hiding his teeth and nose. The armor was held together by four leather straps on either side of him and on his shoulders, a cloth mess underneath the straps, wrinkled from the strain the straps had as they pulled the front and back pieces together. Two belts crossed were over his chest containing small, silver throwing knives. Fastened around his waist were two more belts holding the greaves and cuirass together. Twin slightly curved daggers were fastened along the belts along with a few pouches. His arms were covered in the same leather material and fastened tightly in the same way as his chest; two obsidian bracers connected his gloves to the cuirass. His greaves were tightened with the same leather straps running up and down both sides of his legs, the dark mesh glistening with sweat in the light of the fire. He wore similar obsidian anklets to hold his boots to his greaves.

Fortunately the jaguar only needed to remove the top part of his armor. She quickly unfastened the straps along his sides and arms, removed the bracers, unbuckled the belts and pulled the cuirass over his head when she noticed twin slightly curved long swords attached to the belts with the throwing knives. He groaned and wiggled as she pulled the cuirass off; even though his wound was now exposed she couldn't properly clean it on the floor. She dragged his body over to her bed and after a few tries she managed to heave the unconscious assassin onto the sheets. He winced and growled as the mercenary dropped him onto the bed.

She quickly hurried over to her table and grabbed a bottle of wine. She hurried back to his side uncorking the bottle and took a quick swig before pouring the contents over the wound, he winced and hissed as the wine washed away the blood and cleaned the wound. The wound was not as bad as she thought it was going to be, it was a couple of inches up from his waist and more of a lacerated tear, as if he had been stabbed and he pulled to the side instead of away from the blade. She had seen enough wounds on the battle field to recognize a pike end when she saw it. The mercenary started to tear up the linen sheets around him building a make-shift poultice and placing it over the wound. She tore longer strips and tied them around his body to hold the poultice in place.

With the bleeding stopped she leaned back and drew her arm over her forehead, wiping the sweat that had formed from the exertion. She stood up and looked him down from head to toe. He was beautiful; this male was perfectly sculpted, not too muscular but not scrawny either. His muscles displayed a perfect balance to them that the jaguar found very attractive. Not like those twins that were always running around showing off their overly muscled bodies while chasing every skirt in the city. She cringed when she thought of them, placing a paw over her left bosom where the older of the twins had scratched her when she had refused him. They were both a model of masculinity, always looking for their next domination.

She scoffed and looked back down at the now peacefully sleeping male as she ran her fingers over his ears and head. She looked down observing his abdomen and greaves, the bulge in between his legs quite tantalizing. Maybe she should undo his greaves and... look to make sure he didn't suffer a wound along...

No. She couldn't afford to think like that. The jaguar was a mercenary and didn't have time for petty things like lust. But, oh how she wanted it. She sighed and managed to wrench her eyes away from his body long enough that she could walk away and look closer at his gear that she had left lying on the floor.

It was indeed black leather and the inside was covered in the black mesh like material. It reminded her of chain mail but it was more flexible, she searched for a hole where the wound was but she couldn't find one. She shrugged and placed the cuirass and weapon belts in the corner. She stood up and swooned as the rich scent of the male cougar flooded her nostrils. The bed was immersed in enough alcohol that she couldn't smell him much before, but now that she was away from him and moving his gear around his musky scent was overwhelming.

"Oh my, I must be even more tired than I thought."

The jaguar looked over towards the bed and sighed. Now that her bed was full she would have to sleep on the floor. The mercenary walked over to poke the fireplace when she noticed his cloak lying on the floor. She picked it up and noticed that the blood that was on it seemed to have been absorbed into the fabric and the scent was no longer noticeable, at least not over the sweet scent of cougar. She smiled and inhaled the assassin's delicious scent, wrapping the cloak around her as she walked over to his armor and lay down next to it. She inhaled his rich scent one more time before pulling his cloak over her head, closing her eyes and drifting of into a deep dream filled sleep of her dream cat taking her into his arms.


It was all around him, that heavenly scent, the same scent that radiated around him before he passed out. It pulled at his insides, creating a burning, longing sensation in his gut. His groin was throbbing, his sheath bulging against his leather greaves. He couldn't tell where it was coming from; it was as if a heavenly spirit was hovering around him embracing him in this beautiful, warm smell. His member pressed against his armor painfully. He inhaled deeply, taking in this lovely smell that aroused him so and moaned as he clutched the sheets around him.


He sat up quickly opening his eyes with a start, quickly scanning his surroundings.

Where was he?

The cougar placed a paw on his forehead, clamping his eyes shut as his head throbbed from the sudden change in elevation. He pulled himself completely upright and winced, laying a paw over his now dressed wound.

Dressed wound?

Someone had cleaned and dressed his wound. He pulled his paw away from the dressing inhaling the bitter taste of cheap wine. He grimaced and wiped his paw on the sheets. Cheap wine was one of his least favorite things in existence, leaving the mind dull and a foul taste on his tongue.

The assassin shook his head and glanced around the room looking for the occupant that had saved him. A cupboard sat in the corner next to a table with two chairs sitting around it; on the table were a set of plate and chain mail armor. His cuirass and weapons belts were leaning up against the wall, his cloak thrown over what appeared to be a pile of clothes. A short sword was leaning up against a small fireplace opposite the door next to his cloak. The fireplace providing the only light in the small shack, the fire now burned down into a pile of embers. There was a window next to the table's side of the door that let in the silent moonlight. The sounds of the searching guards now long out of range of the small one room hovel.

Oh, the scent was burning his nose, every time he drew in breath his member would pulse, painfully against his greaves. He sighed not seeing anyone around; he loosened his greaves and unbuckled his anklets, sliding completely out of the rest of his armor. He dropped the loose greaves on the floor next to the bed and he lay back down, taking a few deep breaths as the air around him cooled his sweat covered body, his cathood slowly sliding up out of his sheath. He propped himself up on his right elbow, looking at the dressed wound on his left side.

Not bad, whoever had dressed it knew what they were doing.

He chuckled at the last time he had to dress a wound. That had been fun with arrows flying everywhere and nothing but a small boulder to hide him and the other two assassins he was with.

The cougar shook his head and chanted a simple healing spell, completely healing the wound. It will likely scar but that's the price one pays for being careless.

He sneered at that and sighed, sitting up on his knees. Nothing he could do about it now.

With grace befitting his profession he leapt off the bed making hardly a sound as he hit the floor and walked over to the table, looking for his pouches. He looked over at the wall and found them still hanging on his belts. The assassin quickly searched his pouches, finding his amulet, water skin and a bit of dried jerky. The latter he promptly shoved in his mouth and chewed on while he replaced the leather thong around for his amulet.

He sat down in the chair next to the door and let the amulet twirl in the air, its two black and white, teardrop shaped, half circles swirling around one another. The one never fully overtaking the other, inside the broadest end of each was the opposite color. Two loops adorned either end of the amulet allowing either the black or the white end to be on top of the other, currently the black on top.

He shook his head as his vision began to cloud up, the arousing scent he had smelled before was particularly strong on this side of the room. His maleness, now completely hard, had slid out of his loincloth and was pulsing there in front of him. He sighed and tilted his head trying to decide if he should relieve himself or... a moaning sound brought him out of his thoughts.

He dropped the amulet onto the table, jumped out of the chair, his loincloth slipping down his legs, knocking the chair to the floor, and spun around searching the far corners for the origin of the sound. He heard a gasp behind him and turned in time to see his cloak flying at him. He dove to the side and rolled into a crouching position as he turned toward his assailant.

A sword slashed down where he was just standing and quickly changed direction arcing for his head. He tilted his head back, feeling the tip of the blade skim past his neck as he stood up, pulling himself into a defensive stance. The assailant swung again, only this time aiming a lot lower than his head. The assassin drove his hips back just in time before losing his proud title of ‘male', the assailant didn't stop but drove the sword forward in a thrust. The cougar deftly deflected the blade to the side and grabbed his attackers arm as he flipped the assailant onto the bed.

The cougar did a backwards summersault and landed on top of the attacker pinning him to the bed. The assassin beat the attacker's sword arm against the bed frame until he heard the sword clang on the floor. He leaned down close to the assailant's face with a snarl and stopped when he ended up staring into a beautiful pair of emerald green eyes.

He's a she.

The scent all around him that aroused him so was her.

She was the one who saved him. His nakedness must have scared her and so she attacked him. The assassin blushed realizing he was strattling her chest with his cathood pressed up against her stomach, leaking pre onto her small tunic.

He released her arms and leaned back, his ears laid back against his head as he stuttered and glanced around the room trying to regain his composer. Before he could utter a single syllable she had leaned up and cupped his face in her paws and kissed him.

He drew back thunderstruck when she broke the kiss and leaned back down against the bed.

She tasted so good.

He licked his lips and started to purr lightly as he leaned down and licked her nose trying to taste her again. She opened her muzzle and pulled him into another kiss. She tilted her muzzle slightly meshing with his as she kissed him passionately.

She couldn't resist him, he was so beautiful. The way he disarmed and immobilized her was so arousing she just couldn't help but kiss him and when he kissed her back it was heaven. He let his fingers slide over her muzzle and over her ears, which he caressed gently coxing a purr out of her that made his body tremble in delight. He slowly began to thrust into her stomach as she kissed him whimpering slightly at how good she tasted.

She giggled at the sensations on her stomach as she broke the kiss and looked up into his bright blue eyes. He couldn't be much older than her and yet he was running through the streets with guards chasing him calling him an assassin. He looked so perfect and he kissed so lovingly how could anyone so beautiful and gently be a cold hearted murderer. She tilted her head and looked down at his long member leaking on her tunic and giggled.

"You're leaking all over my clean tunic," she whispered as she lightly nibbled his ear.

He shuddered and arced his back at the sensation and looked down at her tunic.

"Then we'll just have to take it off then, wont we?"

She giggled and started to undo the lacings on her breeches as he pulled her tunic out of them. He chuckled and kissed her again as she started sliding her breeches down, she stopped when his legs got in the way and whimpered.

He quickly sat back and pulled her breeches all the way off and threw them on the floor. Before he could recover and come back to her, she leaned up and took the barbed head of his cathood into her muzzle, licking the tip. He gasped and moaned load, his purr growing loader. He leaned back against the wall behind the bed and shuddered, unable to move as the pleasurable sensations paralyzed him in ecstasy.

She moaned and purred loader as she cupped her lips over her teeth and pulled more of him inside of her muzzle, licking the tip and exploring the rest of him as she moved down until she was flush with his crotch. He let out a lustful growl and moaned his eyes clenched shut from the pleasure. She inhaled deeply, taking in the strongest part of his scent and moaned as she exhaled. The jaguar licked all over him and started bobbing up and down on him growing more aroused as he growled and moaned above her.

The sensations were overwhelming him and he began to buck into her muzzle uncontrollably. She moaned loader and pulled back off of him, holding his cathood by her tongue before letting it drop. She looked up into his eyes as he slowly opened them, his eyes filled with love and delight. Before he could kiss her she pulled her tunic over her head and threw it on the floor on top of her breeches. He smiled and pulled her close as he kissed her deeply and passionately, she wrapped her arms around him and returned the loving affection.

She laid her back down onto the bed as he broke the kiss and his tongue started to travel down her front, his paws sliding down her back, the claws lightly caressing her skin. His tongue ran over each of her nipples, eliciting a yelp of pleasure each time he caressed her. His tongue traveled over her left bosom when he noticed a very sensitive spot that made her wince and hiss. The cougar leaned back and looked at her bosom where five faint claw marks were, he looked back up at her.

"What's this?"

She whimpered and tears welled up in her eyes.

"One of the other males in my band of mercenaries did that when I refused him." She closed her eyes and sobbed.

The assassin hugged her close and leaned in to whisper in her ear. "It's okay... I'll take care of it."

The mercenary opened her eyes and looked deep into his where determination burned with a fire that melted her soul. She fell into him in a passionate kiss and pulled him down on top of her, wrapping her arms around him.

"No," she says around the kiss, "I'll take care of it."

He places his paws on the side of her muzzles and caresses her cheek and ears. She moans and pulls him closer, her tail reaching out and wrapping around his. His ears flick back and he breaks the kiss and looks deep into her eyes. She leans up and licks his nose.


She pulls his hips down toward hers, rubbing his member on her sex.

"I want you... please."

His ears lay back and his eyes look away. "I... I've never..."

She placed a finger on the end of his muzzle.

"Neither have I..."

She reached up and cupped his chin and pulled him down into a firm kiss as he shifted himself behind her hips and rubbed his cathood along her sex. She gasped and threw her head back, moaning loudly and purring even loader.

The cougar matched the volume of her purr with his own as he slid the head of his barbed member against her sex. She moaned loader and bucked her hips forcing his tip inside of her. They both gasp and he bucks against her sliding in further as she lets out a yelp of pain and pleasure, tears welling in her eyes. He leans down and kisses her deeply as he pushes himself completely inside of her, locking his hips against hers.

She lets the tears run down her cheeks as the pain subsides leaving only a complete, filled feeling with him inside of her. She whimpers and moans as she grips the sides of his muzzle kissing him with more force.

He slowly slides out of her, feeling her clamp down on him as he does. He pants and moans as he slides out leaving the tip just inside of her, blood leaking around his maleness as he slides back into her with more force.

The jaguar yelps and grasps his shoulders as he pushes in and out, a moan escaping her muzzle every time his hips meet hers before parting again. Every breath she takes is of him, his rich musky scent filling her very soul as her arousal builds, her insides clamping down on him.

He whimpers and thrusts harder, a warm feeling building up inside him as his member reaches full hardness and the barbs at his tip bristle out rubbing every inch of her insides. He leans down and lightly bites down on her neck, sucking the sweat that has been building up from the exertion. His head swims in her delicious fur as her scent completely overwhelms him, the pressure building inside of him making him growl. He holds back as best as he can, trying to make this complete feeling of oneness last forever.

The jaguar's cries soon become a yowl of pure ecstasy as she is struck with a peak of pleasure that rivals any feeling that she has ever felt before. She digs her claws into his shoulders, drawing blood as she clamps down on him.

He growls into her neck, biting down hard as her orgasm pulls on his member and he thrusts in one final time as he releases all of his love and passion, her orgasm milking his cathood for all of his seed. They both collapsed in a heap of sweaty fur and pleasure, both panting and basking in the afterglow of their first mating. Neither had the strength to do anything but breathe, finally the cougar rolled onto his side pulling her with him as he moaned and kissed her passionately.

She opened her eyes and looked deeply into his loving sky blue eyes.

"Amazing..." was all she could say.

He smiled a warm smile before giggling and starting to pull out. She clamped down on him and whimpered.

"No... stay inside me longer."

He smiled warmly, reveling in the sparkle in her beautiful green eyes. He nods and pushes back in her.

She moans slightly as she leans over and licks at the bloody scratches she left on his shoulders, he winces slightly but smiles and nuzzles her chest as he starts to lick the puncture wounds he left on her neck.

He looks over at her and blushes.

"What?" she asks.

"I don't even know your name..." He bites down on his lower lip, his ears flicking back as he looks away in embarrassment.

Her ears and white chest fur take on a deep pink color as she blushes profusely before giggling.

"Armonay, my friends call me Monay though."

"Armonay... hmm I like that," he says with a smirk, "Kayos, my friends would call me Kay if I had any."

They both laugh at that and slowly look back into each others eyes, both radiating a love and completeness that they have never felt before.

Tears start to well up in their eyes as neither of them had realized just how empty and alone their lives had been without one another, until that moment. That loneliness, that indescribable emptiness was forever banished as they held each other closely. They kissed one final time before drifting off into a deep, exhausted sleep filled with nothing but each other.