Drakos Return and Goodbye

Story by Drakowolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Drako's War

Drako's Return and Goodbye

A flash of Green light, a face of a white wolf, the feeling of pain and sorrow, and the feeling of everything you know leaving you. This was all that existed in Drako's heart and memory before he had run into the oddest pack he had ever seen. Only nine months ago Drako had awoken in a large forest to find himself without any recollection of who he was or where he came from. Later he ran into two fox's Trixey and Kent who later introduced him to two black and white wolves called Luna and Luke.

He had told them that he couldn't remember anything but his name and after some time went by they decided to help him get his memories back. Once a dragon had helped them out of the valley they all lived in Drako and the other's had run into Demona, a lone white wolf and red eye's that ended up telling them about a place called Drako's peak over the sea. That night Drako had mated with her and from that day on they were like glue.

Drako had tried his best to hide his mating with Demona as they traveled but now he didn't know how he could. A fox named Ti had shown up saying he had known Drako. Drako had tried his best to remember things from what the fox told him but it never worked. Now he was looking out into the woods where only moments ago his friend Luke had ran off saying he had mated Luna Luke's mate.

"Explain yourself Demona and tell me what you mean when you say you know why Luke thought I was mating Drako." said Luna in her dominating voice. She was a larger female with soft beautiful black and white fur. She could get any wolf she wanted but she had settled for the Squirrel Luke instead even if now he was a wolf thanks to the magical Dragon.

Demona looked at the other wolf with pitiful eyes and said "Drako and I have been mating for some time now but we didn't want you to know."

"Why wouldn't you just tell us?" said Trixey walking up to Demona with a sad look

"After I saw how much Luna disliked her I didn't want Luna to say she wouldn't travel with me anymore. I don't know why but I feel connected with her. Not as a mate but like she is family." Said Drako getting to his paws and walking up to the rest of the pack

"Well she isn't Drako?" said Ti in his funny accent "You're from around here you know and according to you your family died years ago." Said Ti

"Does that mean we are near Drako's peak?" said Drako

"Some would think you are but we are on the outer rim of the Great land of Yellowstone. This is where you got your name from and where I was told to look for you by the god of war himself." Said Ti

"What are you talking about?" said Luna her face filled with anger and sadness at the same time

"Never mind I'll tell you later but for now we should be getting off to Drako's Peak." Said Ti

"I won't leave without Luke." Said Luna

"I know you don't want to leave him but we must. Drako's peak is about another week from here and it is the best way to get Drako's memories back. Luke will be able to find his way to it once he calms down but I know if we try to find him he will only try and fight us again." Said Ti

"How do you know?" said Luna her eyes filling with tears

Ti was about to speak when out of nowhere a voice echoed through the woods "Drako Wolf and his friends your pack mate Luke is on his way to Drako's peak right now. You better hurry or he'll kill everyone."

"Who are you?" yelled Drako

"You're enemy." Was all the voice said

Luna's eye's filled with more tears and she said "Ti we need to get to this Drako's Peak at once so please tell me is there a faster way to get to it?"

"If we had Sheba's power of transportation then yes but without it no." said Ti

"What do you mean power?" Said Kent

"Power you know like what Miss Luna used on me to save my life." Said Ti

"That's impossible." Said Demona

"It isn't, Drako has it and so does Luna. Drako's is strange and as I have been told he can absorbed any power he come in contact with and use it as his own." Said Ti then a wonderful smile came to his face as he said "Drako you were transported by Sheba that means you could use that power to bring us to Drako's peak."

Drako let a small laugh pass his lips as he said "I think you're still sick Ti I can't use powers."

Trixey stepped up to them both and said "But you did talk to that human on the ship and Luna did do something strange to make Ti better. Why not give it a try?"

"I see no other way and if we are to stop my mate then we will need to get there before Luke." Said Luna her tears stopping

Drako closed his eyes and said "I can't remember any of this and I don't believe in power's." but in truth Drako had remembered something. A flash of green light and the face of the white wolf with blood around her. It was the one thing he could still remember from his past even if he couldn't recall what her name was.

"Drako at least give it a try." Said Ti

Drako opened his eyes and looked at all his friends looking lovingly at him and he said "Fine I'll try."

Luna walked up to him and licked his cheek then saying "Thanks Drako."

"Do you know what I have to do Ti?" said Drako

The little fox giggled and said "Sorry no clue."

"Thought so..." said Drako then he closed his eyes and thought about the only thing he could remember. The image of the wolf filled his mind and for some reason so did anger. He pushed it away and put the word Drako's Peak in his mind. At first nothing happened but after some time passed he could feel something like a river of energy. Drako let his mind fill with the energy and once it was he opened his eyes looking at all his friends. The power rushed out and Drako's eye's turned green. A flash of green light and they all vanished.

Another flash of light aluminates up the oncoming night sky as they all appeared in a flash not far from a large stone formation. Drako fell to his belly for a moment as his body felt weak.

They all stepped back from Drako as Kent said in a worried voice "What happened."

Ti giggled and said "Drako just remembered some of his power and if you look way out there you can see his home."

Luna's eye's fell on the large formation with a look of dread in her heart as she said "It's a big formation."

"And a great forties and home." Said Ti his eye's watering as he thought of his mate

"It seems strange to be here so easily." Said Demona

"I know it took me some time to get used to it too." Said Ti looking at the white wolf

"I'd love to stay and chat but could we get up to the formation before the night gets any darker." Said Luna her memory thinking back to her dream of Luke attacking the large formation with an army of demon's

"Yes we should be off there are some wolves that would like to see you Drako." said Ti

With that the six of them walked off toward Drako's Peak. Ti led the way his steps getting a little bouncy as they worked their way closer to the formation. Ti remembered everything about his death and how long it had been since he had last seen Bain. All he wanted to do was rap his face in Bain's soft fur.

They came out onto a large open aria devoid of life or vegetation. Luna looked at it with an open mouth just like Kent, Trixey, Drako, and Demona and she said "What happened here."

Ti smiled and said "When you found me I was the living dead. I don't say that because of how I looked but because it was true. When I was killed here my mate lost control of his powers that had been dormant in him for years and this is the result. I will tell you of it all later for now let's get inside."

"How do we get in? I don't see an entrance." Said Kent

"True but if you follow the path that leads around the formation you can find an entrance at the middle of It." said Ti

They started off again but once they had come within fifty feet of Drako's Peak a voice yelled out "Stop who goes there."

Ti giggled and said "Tella it's me Ti."

A young white wolf came out from the other side of the formation and said "That can't be Ti's dead..." but she stopped when she laid eyes on him and the gray wolf behind him. She took a step forward and yelled "Daddy." And she ran up to Drako almost tackling him.

Drako pushed her off and said "I'm sorry but who are you."

Luna, Demona, Kent, and Trixey all looked at one another and whispered "Daddy?"

"Dad it's me Tella." Said Tella

Ti walked up to her and said "I know it's hard to believe this Tella but he doesn't remember anything."

"What but why and I don't understand Ti you died." Said Tella

"I did and it's a long story so follow us up so we could talk and I can tell everyone what's happening." Said Ti "We should speak to your mother first of all she will be so happy once she hears about Drako."

Demona's eye's filled with tears as she said "Her mother, then you mean to say Drako's has a mate?"

Ti looked at Demona and understanding filled his face as he said "He does and her name is Ariel."

Tears filled Demona's eyes as she said "I had no idea."

Drako walked up to her putting a paw on her shoulder and said "Neither did I but if it is true then we should both go and explain what happened."

Demona pulled away and said "I couldn't I've done a bad thing."

Luna walked up to her and said "Demona I may not be on good terms with you but I know that you have to do this. I know you care for Drako but if this turns out bad for you then you may stay with us ok."

Demona's red eye's looked at Luna with wonder at the other wolfs kindness as she sniffed "Thanks."

Tella walked up to Drako and Ti and she said "I'm sorry to tell you this Ti and dad but I don't think mother will be able to make it."

"What do you mean, when I last saw her she was getting better." Said Ti

"I'm afraid that Talon has done more to her. Father could you please come and see her I know if you do she may get better." Said Tella

Drako didn't know what to do when he didn't even know who this Ariel was then he felt a paw on his shoulder and he looked to see Demona. She smiled up at him and said "Come on Drako even if this doesn't end up like we had planed I'll still stay by your side until I can no longer do so."

"Thank you my love." Whispered Drako and with that he instructed Tella to show him the way to Ariel

It took some time for them to work their way up the path to the entrance and even longer to get passed all the animals that kept saying they knew Drako. He found it strange to run into so many that knew him that he didn't know. It almost brought tears to his eyes when he thought about it. Yet still with every face he still couldn't remember a thing.

When they had entered the last cavern to Ariel's cave a pure white wolf with Red eye's just like Demona's walked in front of them all. She looked at Drako and said "Drako I'm glad to see you're ok."

"I'm sorry but I don't..." started Drako but Sheba cut him off

"I know you don't remember me but you will soon and all I ask is for your forgiveness." Said Sheba

"For what." Said Drako

"You'll see now walk in the cave and say hello to your mate. She doesn't have much time left and she would love to see you before she goes." Said Sheba

Drako walked passed her wondering what she meant. The others didn't follow him, giving him some time to talk with Ariel before they introduced themselves. Drako entered the cave and his eyes fell on a gray wolf that was young but looked sick. Her body was skinner than it should have been and her fur was starting to turn white like she had many years on her.

She looked up at him and said in a disbelieving voice "Drako you've come home." Her dark blue eye's lock with Drako's and in that instant something happened.

The eye's seemed to pull at him and his mind exploded sending images sounds and feeling to him. Drako closed his eyes at the on slot of memories filled him. He saw his mother and father watching the sun rise, he saw his father Toga leaving him, He saw his pack being chased down and killed by humans, he saw his mate getting kicked and shot by the humans, he saw Ariel on the top of the hill she had first come over when they met, he saw the first time they mated, he saw the time he met Bain, He saw the time he met Ti, he saw his pups when they had just been born, he saw what he had done with Sheba or Sheila, He saw his family grow and his pups too, he saw his fight with Sheba using Sheila's body, and then he saw the wolfess look at him and use her power to transport him away from his family. Everything came together and Drako then knew what he was and who he was.

Pain and hurt filled his voice as he said "Ariel it's been a long time. I lost my self but seeing you has given me back who I am."

Ariel tried to stand but all she could do was wince and say "I'm sorry you had to return to find me this way my love."

"Tell me what happened while I was gone." Said Drako Tears filling his eye's

Ariel smiled at him and told him everything that had been going on and Drako did the same or he did until he got to the part about Demona. Ariel looked at him and said "Did you find a mate as you traveled the land Drako?"

Drako wanted to lie to her but he said "I did."

"It seems that you had been helped by the gods in some ways. I always knew I was to week for you. At least this time you didn't know what you were doing. It seems that you had been watched over by the gods. I am about to part from this world so they made sure you would have someone to be at your side." Said Ariel her voice growing weaker

Drako's eyes filled with tears and he said "You can't leave me not now that I have come so far. You're not too weak for me Ariel you are strong. I met a wolf that I believe has healing power she could fix this."

Ariel smiled and said "No...it's my time...Drako all I wanted was to see you again...but could you do me one last favor before I go?"

"Anything my love..." said Drako starting to sob

"Can I meet her please..."

Drako closed his eyes and said "Demon would you come in please."

She did so slowly walking up next to Drako looking at the dying wolfess and all she could say was "Hi my names Demona."

"Mine is Ariel it's nice to meet you." Said Ariel

"Listen I'm sorry about what happened with Drako and me but..." started Demona but she was cut off

"It's ok Demona...I know what happened to Drako's memories and all I wanted to say is Thank you for helping Drako out."

The others made their way into the cave too this included Ray, Riley, Luna, Trixey, Kent, and Amy. They all looked at what was happening as Drako said "Why did this have to happen?"

Ariel winced as pain ran through her body then she said "Drako and Demona I want you to stay by each other sides forever. I love Drako more than anything but my time has passed and I want him to be happy. Can you do that for me Demona?"

Tears filled Demona's eyes as she said "I can I promise but why are you so good about this."

"It's because I know I can't stay and I will be able to go in peace as long as I...know...Drako is ok..."

"No don't go Ariel, Luna use your power to help her." Said Drako crying out

Luna stepped forward but Ariel said "Don't... listen Drako...I told you no...now let me go...and to you Tella...and Ray...I...love you both...I'm sorry...I couldn't...stay longer...and...Drako...good...bye...my...my...l...love..." and with that Ariel took one last breath and her eyes went blank.

Drako yelled "Ariel." He run up to her letting his tears run down his muzzle as he tried to get her to wake. His howls filled the entire forest, Demona walked up to him placing a paw on his shoulder and he said "I finally remember everything and now I have lost a second mate. What do I do now?"

"You can do what she told you too. I still love you Drako and even after this I know you still love me. I will stand by your side forever I promise." Said Demona

Drako pushed his head into Demona's fur crying harder than ever. There was a sharp pain in his heart now. He had traveled so far not knowing who or what he was hoping he would find his way home and to his memories. Now he wished he had never found Drako's Peak. The pain of losing another mate was unbearable to him.

Ray walked up to his father with tears in his eye's too as he said "Father I'm happy you're home now. Mother missed you a lot but we all knew she wouldn't make it."

"Ray this is all my fault." Said Drako pulling his head out from Demona's fur

"No it's not Drako it's mine." Said Sheba walking up to him and looking down at Ariel

"You bitch why are you still alive." Said Drako remembering she was there

"Drako, calm yourself. I did die along with Sheila but I was given a second chance by Drako-Lupus. I'm here to help you take down my brother Talon." Said Sheba

Drako growled and yelled "If it wasn't for you and your demon power I would have never been sent away and Ariel would still be alive."

"I know what I did was wrong but if I had never sent you away then you would have never found your sister." Said Sheba

"What do you mean demon?" said Drako "I have no sister."

"Tell me Luna what was the name of your father?"

"Toga why?" said Luna looking at the white wolf

Drako remembered now what she had told him about her father as they traveled and Drako said "Was he large with black fur?"

"He was I told you that Drako." said Luna

Tears started to flow from his eyes and he said "So he left mother and me to start a new family."

Luna and the others looked at Drako with shocked looks. Sheba was the one that finally said "Drako you need rest, I will take care of Ariel's body for you."

"I wish I never came back." Yelled Drako and he ran passed the rest

Demona was about to chase after him but Luna stopped him and said "Don't. I need to talk to him. If he is truly my brother then he needs to hear what his father did from me only."

"I'm sorry miss but we know our father more than you do." Said Ray growling a bit at Luna

"Listen boy don't try to start a fight with Me." said Luna

"She is right Ray let her go and we will sit and find out what happened from the other three if they don't mind telling us." Said Sheba

"We don't. Luna go make sure Drako's ok." Said Trixey

Luna smiled at them and said "Do any of you know where he would go?"

Tella was the one that said "He would go to the top of the formation. Follow this cavern farther and it will take you there."

Luna ran off without another word and as she did Ti looked at them all and said "I know you all what to know why I'm alive and I would be happy to tell you but first may I find out where my mate is?"

Ray smiled and said "He's out hunting with someone right now. He should be back soon."

"Who is he with?" said Ti

"Don't worry but I won't tell you it's a surprise and I don't want to ruin it for him. For now let's find out what has been happening for the last few months." Said Ray

"After we take care of your mother Ray." Said Sheba walking up the lifeless form of Ariel a single tear running down her face and she whispered "I'm sorry."

Mean while Drako was sitting at the top of Drako's Peak right on the spot where Sheba had sent him away. His heart felt like it was being ripped in two different directions and he didn't know how to stop it. Why had the gods let this all happen to him? First he lost his pack, then he lost his memories, then when he gets them back he lost his mate again, and now he finds out that his father who had left him as a pup had left him for another pack.

"Drako." said Luna walking out from the large opening that lead back into Drako's Peak

"What do you want." Said Drako

"To talk with you."

"I don't want to talk."

"Listen to me Drako stop you poor me attitude and listen to what I have to say." Said Luna almost yelling at him

"Why should it?" said Drako getting to his feet and yelling too

"For your information you aren't the only one that lost a mate today. At least you still have someone to stay at your side when I have nothing. I could blame this all on you and Demona but I won't. All I ask in return is for you to listen to me." said Luna

Drako sat back down and said "I understand. Sorry"

Luna sat next to him and said "I know it may come to a shock to you that we are half brother and sister but Toga our father didn't come seeking a new mate. He told me once of when he met my mother. She had made him stay to protect our pack after he drove out a pack member that was trying to kill my mother. He told me once that he had a pack once that he had to leave to protect his family from what would happen later on. I never knew what he meant by it but now I do. He always seemed to know what was going on in people's minds and also what was to come. Maybe he had a power too and he could see the future, I think he saw you getting killed or something like that and he wanted to stop it."

"Because he left my mother died waiting for him to come back. I can never forgive him for that but I'm not angry he had you. If it wasn't for you your pack would have never been formed and I have no clue who would have saved me when I found myself in that valley." Said Drako

"After I used my power to save the life of Ti I started to wonder how we can do such things. Tell me what is your power really?" said Luna

Drako smiled and said "I'm not sure myself, I think that my body copies other's powers. It started when I first met Sheba and I could control things. At first I could only control humans and take the mind control off of others. Then it got stronger and I could control anyone, but it didn't stop there I think."

"It doesn't." said a voice from behind

Drako got to his paws and yelled "What do you want?" to Sheba who was standing behind them.

"Only to tell you the truth Drako. I will tell you what happened to make this all happen but first you should know this. Your powers are passed down from generation to generation, your own children Drako have gotten powers too and now that you have come in contact to them you too have them." Said Sheba and then she started to tell them a story of a time long passed. One of Sheila and what had happened to her during her life, it changed to Toga Sheila's brother and his life, She went on telling them everything not leaving anything out even her own evil acts. Then she told them the tail of how Talon and herself had been made and what their powers were.

Once she had finished Drako and Luna looked at one another and Drako said "This means that you are responsible for much death but you feel bad about it do to Sheila's power."

Sheba said "Sheila never used her power once in the entire time she lived on any one but me. I don't even think she knew of it thinking my power was her own. She had the power to bring the good out in anyone that had it. It was she that asked Drako-Lupus to go easy on me. All I want is to make up for my sins."

"Does this Talon have the same power as you Sheba?" asked Luna

"Most of them are but our special power. Mine is the power to transport anything I want but his is the power to take the powers from anyone he wants and make them his own." Said Sheba

"Like Drako's." said Luna

"No you see Drako copy's the powers of others, my brother needs to beat them in a fight first then take the power before he kills them. He likes this power a lot and it has granted him may other powers over the centuries but he wants Drako's power so that way he can take power without a fight. I also think he wants something from you too Luna that is why he took Luke from you." Said Sheba

"How do you know he has Luke?"

"I know my brother and you said Luke was on his way to kill us. My brother can control the minds of others too." Said Sheba

Drako looked at her and said "Is there any way to stop him from controlling Luke?"

"If you beat him in a fight I think you could use your power to give Luke back his mind. Or you could come in contact with my brother and copy all of his powers then take Luke as your own then give him back his mind. Both are dangerous." Said Sheba

Drako smiled and said "Thank you Sheba."

"Does this mean you trust me?" said Sheba

"I do but only because my powers have gotten so strong that I know you would not lie to me for fear I would kill you again." Said Drako

"Thank you Drako and I promise I shall make this all up to you...both of you." Said Sheba looking at Luna too and then she left

"She looks a lot like Demona I find that strange." Said Luna

"Me too but for now let's worry about what is more importuned and that is to get Luke back. I promise sister that I will help you get your mate back even if he's a wolf or squirrel." Said Drako

"Thank you Drako but please don't say anything about what Luke was to anyone without asking him."

"I won't." said Drako

With that Luna got up again and walked off going to find Trixey and Kent and to get to know more about this land and her new family. Only a few moments after she left Demona walked up to Drako. She looked scared of him like he would yell at her for disturbing him.

Drako smiled and said "I don't bite."

"I know but I feel bad about the day's events."

"It's not your fault for the death of my mate or what happened with Luke, Demona." Said Drako licking her face

"I know but I feel bad about mating you when you had a mate." Said Demona

"I did too but after what Ariel said I'm happy I found you. I told you I would do anything for you Demona and I meant it. Something about you makes my heart flutter and my mind think of strange things. I did love Ariel yes but I love you too."

"So does that mean you want me to stay?" said Demona her eyes filling with tears

"I wouldn't have it any other way my love. I may remember who I am now but I didn't forget the feeling's I had for you the day we met." Said Drako

"My entire life I have been thrown from one pack to another without ever finding anyone that would love me like you have. They always seem to think I'm a demon do to my eyes and my name. Demona the demon they called me as a pup." Said Demona

Drako rubbed his head under hers letting his soft tongue run over her noise and face. She smiled and licked him back making Drako laugh a bit. Then an idea came to his head and he got up and pushed her down on to her back. Demona was about to say something but she was lost for words when Drako pushed his long tongue deep into her folds making her moan loudly. She closed her blood red eye's and started to pant as her swollen pussy stated to let out small amounts of juice.

Drako started to lap up at the flowing sex juice taking in as much as he could like he hadn't drunk in weeks. Demona put a paw on the back of Drako's head pushing it in deeper. Drako could hardly breathe but he let her do it anyway. Drako could feel his cock starting to grow fast pocking out of the thick furry sheath. Little shots of pre started to shoot out form the tip making a small puddle on the ground. Demona could smell the pre coming from Drako but at the moment she was enjoying herself so she ignored it.

After some time passed Demona started to pant harder and hump her hips up at Drako. With a loud moan then howl she climaxed hard into Drako's lapping muzzle. Drako drank down as much as he could closing his eyes and enjoying the sweet love juice. After she was done Drako moved his tongue up her belling making her giggle a bit as he moved closer to her head. Then he gave her a kiss a lot like a human would give there lover but still different.

As he kissed her Drako pushed his hips down pushing his hard cock into her warm folds. Demona moaned loudly pulling away from Drako as her back arched. Drako did the same trying to hold back a howl of love and pleasure. Once he was all the way in he held himself there for only a moment then he slowly pulled himself back out of her pussy until his tip almost came out then he rammed it back in. Demona let out a long howl that turned into a moan after five seconds. Drako started to hump his hips back and forth faster and faster.

Demona's tongue hung out as she panted hard coming on to another orgasm. Her juice flowed powerfully making Drako's way easy with ever spurt of her sex juice. The feeling of her hot juices and her tight pussy around his hard member made Drako loose his mind a bit as he started to hump harder. Drako could feel his knot popping in and out of her by now. Drako closed his eyes and pushed hard into her depths.

His body shuddered and he howled out along with Demona as Drako let his hot seed fill her. The orgasm lasted for a full minute making their back's arch and their eyes water. Once Drako was done he let his body fall down onto hers. He snuggled his face into her chest fur letting its warmth consume him as he passed out.

Two hours later they both awoke finding themselves separated finally but still Drako was on top of Demona. She smiled at him and said "Thank you for loving me so much Drako."

"You don't have to thank me ever Demona. I will always stay by your side no madder what." Said Drako kissing her head

"What will you do about Ariel's death?" said Demona

"I'll let the pack take care of her body I don't think I could do it. I'll make sure to pay my respects as soon as I can. For now we need to get everything straightened out then we'll go on from there." Said Drako

"Drako, Demona I was told to let you know that Bain is on his way back." Said Tella walking up to them

"Thank you Tella." Said Drako getting to his paws and putting a paw on her shoulder "How are you feeling?"

"I miss her but we were ready for It." said Tella "Sheba has been helping me out with her death and with my powers."

Drako smiled and said "That's right what was your power and your brothers?"

"I have super strength and Ray can control time. He can't got through time but he can slow it down or stop it for a short time." Said Tella

"I figured as much I could feel the power growing in me when I saw the two of you. I'm so proud of both of you and how good you have been. Thanks for taking good care of the pack while I was gone." Said Drako

"Thanks Daddy but we'll catch up later your cousin wants to see you." Said Tella

"That's right we're related too." Said Drako turning to look at Demona "Are you ready to meet everyone?"

"I am." Said Demona getting to her paws

The three of them walked back through the twisting caverns until they reached the main cavern. Standing in the front of the pack was Bain on his belly crying hard as he nuzzled Ti. The two of them both lost in their love for one another. Drako walked up to the front of the pack but he didn't say anything letting the two be with one another for a short time.

It was Bain that broke off to say "Ti my love I'm happy to see you again but I need to tell you something."

"What's that?" said Ti his face looking a little concerned

"When you died I mated with a female that is now dead and now that your back I'd like to tell you that we finally have the one thing I thought we would never have. This is Sarah our daughter." Said Bain as a wolf pup walked up next to him

That was all that happened because right when she showed up a blast echoed outside. Within seconds everyone had run back into the cave as a loud voice boomed through the cave "Drako and his pack you have finally be reunited and now it's time for the war to start."

"Talon." Said Sheba

Drako looked at them all then Luna, Demona, Bain and himself moved outside and they all beheld something horrible. A large formation of demon like animals filled the two miles of dead space that lead up to Drako's Peak. Two wolves stood at the front of them. One was a large black wolf with blood red eye's like Demona's and Sheba's a bloody grin on his muzzle. The other was Luke but he didn't look like himself anymore. He had gotten larger, his black fur seemed darker, his white was now gray, his eye's had red slits, little flames flickered at the end of his ears, and his fangs were long and savage looking.

Luna remembered this from her dream and tears flowed as she yelled "Luke don't do this."

Talon walked up and said "Luna he is no longer your Luke but the general of my army. He only obeys me and it's all because of you."

"How could you do such a thing?" yelled Luna

"He wants you and Drako dead so I'm helping him. I have passed some of my own power onto him making him more powerful than Drako." said Talon filling the land with his demented laugh

Luna's tears fell hard and fast, Drako put a paw on her and said "It's ok we'll be able to save him. But for now we need to fight. Sheba we need fighters I want you to find some and try to make something that can stop him from getting in."

"Will do Drako." said Sheba running back inside

"Get your paw off her you filthy son of a bitch." Yelled Luke and without warning he attack leading the massive demon army toward the small pack of wolves. A look of hate, pain, and murder in his eyes...

Yes finally Drako is back with new friends and something interesting come up. Thank you for all your support of the combination Sonic Fox and I have put in to this story.

Drako, Demona, Ariel, Bain, Ti, Talon, Toga, Tella, Sheba, Amy, Ray, Riley, Sarah, and any others are mine except for

Luna, Trixey, Kent, and Luke are Sonic Fox's