Testimony of a Killer- Chapter 5

Story by Ragdoll on SoFurry


Disclaimer and Authors' Notes: This is a joint written fic. Yes, it's under one author's sn, but it's a joint effort. 50/50 credit. Please leave a review. Also, let it be known up front that this is to be a very dark fic. Death, blood and gore, non con, etc will all be featured at some point or another in the fic. Also, this is NC-17 for slash m/m loving, mpreg or male pregnancy, and furry themes. Don't whine if our fic gives you nightmares. Now, the yummy wet dreams and fantasies, you can blame us for. Your authors are Darth Lotean(Darth Mara on Yiffstar) and Ragdoll, respectively. Now then, on with the show.


Testimony of a Killer

Chapter Five

By: Ragdoll


Aeryn lingered in the kitchen until he felt that he ought to go off to bed, having trouble keeping his sweet baby blues open. Sighing, he bid Mel good night and wandered off into the bedroom, frowning slightly. He shut the door behind him, but made no move to lay down on the bed. Instead, he stood with his back against the door, listening closely, and trying to sort through the million or so thoughts running through his mind.

When he heard Mel's soft snoring, he assumed he had fallen asleep, and finally allowed himself to relax some. He had been expecting Mel to come to him wanting sex, but it didn't seem that he was interested in such just yet. Aeryn sighed, feeling a bit put out at Mel's not seeking him out, but also oddly relieved. The thought of his first time scared him. It would hurt, no matter his stature, but being as small as he was, he worried the pain would be too much for him. Still he knew he'd let someone have him eventually. If not Mel, then who? Shaking his head, he slowly stripped out of his clothes, folding them neatly and setting them atop a dresser.

Nude, he wandered around the room for a moment. It wasn't very large, but was well kept, and seemed oddly comforting. It felt safe, which he hadn't expected. He had thought the very room would frighten him, but his thoughts were elsewhere, and he was no longer bothered by his surroundings. He ran his little paws down his chest and stomach, sighing softly, and almost laughing at himself. He was exhausted and should be trying to sleep. Yet, he was pacing the room, nude, and petting himself, his thoughts on the fur that slept out on the couch in the other room.

'Get a grip, Aer... He's not interested, and you need sleep...' he thought to himself, but he couldn't get Mel off his mind, kept remembering how he had seemed aroused earlier, and wondered what would have happened if he had made a move on him then. Still, it wasn't his nature to be so forward or outgoing. He was too shy for such things, though he did fantasize about it often. If he walked out there now, nude and hard, and woke Mel, what would happen?

Shaking off the thoughts, he finally climbed into bed, sprawling out some on his back and staring up at the ceiling. Should he leave tomorrow? Should he just try to forget how Mel made him feel and go home? He felt that he was a burden, was nothing more than trouble. Why did Mel trouble himself with helping him? But... maybe he was interested in him... Maybe he saw him hurt and laid out on the pavement and felt compelled to help... Should he make a move on him tomorrow, or turn away? Could Mel be the one he'd longed for all his life?

"Stop it, Aeryn... You're a fool. Don't mistake his compassion for love... he just wanted to help. Don't try to see what's not there... He's a friend. Be content with that..."

He shook his head again, letting his eyes drift closed. "Now I'm talking to myself." He muttered. "How can one fur get me so bent out of shape? Why can't I get him off my mind? And dammit, why do I wear my heart on my sleeve? I'll just get it broken again... You're an idiot, Aeryn. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and just go home tomorrow...Get back to your would be life."

But, he had been told and been taught that he was nothing, a nobody. Even as a published author, even with his wealth, and his beauty, he felt he was no one and not worth all the trouble Mel had gone through to help him. He felt he ought to just return to his life and not bother Mel again after this one night, but he knew he didn't have the will power to leave. Not when he felt in his heart that Mel might be his one and only. He'd leave only if Mel asked him to. He truly didn't want to go, but knew eventually Mel would want to be rid of him.

"Just go to sleep, Aer. Stop thinking of him. You'll break your own cursed heart if you don't stop this."

Finally, he rolled onto his side, drawing the sheet up to his waist and trying to sleep. He knew it would take him a long time to find rest tonight. He was alone, without his mother's pillow which he usually cuddled in the dark of night, and was nearly painfully aroused and in need. Still, sleep eventually did claim him, after nearly an hour of laying there in the soft bed, fighting with himself and his thoughts.

His dreams were both pleasant and troubled. Painful memories one moment; his father's cold words, the rape attempts, the years on the streets, the nights alone. Then, sweet dreams the next; Mel above him, within him, love shining in his eyes. A gentle kiss in the midst of a moonlit midnight. They cuddled close together in this very bed, Aeryn's head resting on Mel's chest, hearing his heartbeat, while Mel's paw stroked his bare back. Some dreams do come true. If only...

Aeryn was a bit of a paradox, confusing and complex, and yet there was a side of him that was ever so simple and basic. He wanted what nearly everyone wishes for; love. Happily ever after, a family, and a warm body to cuddle against every night. He was a good kid, but the problem was that a kid was exactly what he was, in some ways. He still slept with a security blanket, as it were. He didn't have to take care of his bills on his own. He had an accountant do it for him. He didn't even clean his own home. He had a maid service come in twice a week. The only responsibilities he had involved his writing. He was required to attend a meeting once every 3 months, but he never really participated in the meeting anyway. All he had to do was sit, listen, and sign whatever they handed him. And he was required to submit a new novel for publishing every six months. Beyond that, he didn't have anything else that he had to worry about.

Still, he had had a rough life, in a lot of ways. Perhaps not as much as Melichai, but he'd still suffered. His time on the streets had been painful; long nights of nearly freezing to death for lack of good clothes, having to fight off joes that assumed he was a hooker, and running from police when he'd been forced to steal food to survive. On top of this, to have no one, family or otherwise, to depend on wore him down. He learned quickly that he had only himself, and he managed to find his way through hard experience. It had been a good stroke of luck that allowed him to find the publishing company he now worked for. He had been wandering, trying to find a decent place to bed down that night, when he'd spotted the office. Thankfully, the receptionist had been good enough to overlook his appearance, and took the small journal he handed her, telling him to come back in a week. Sure enough, they had chosen to publish the story contained in the journal, and he was to go every 2 weeks to meet with them and finally once a month to collect the money they owed him. At first, he had to be paid in cash, which was rather difficult for the company, but they managed.

Now, he owned a huge home and was living the good life, as far as anyone could see. It was a lie, a front put out there to convince everyone that he was happy, but so far, no one knew that. He smiled when he met with his manager, even if he hated the man, and when he would go shopping, or anywhere, he was always perky, almost to the point of being sickening. It was only in the silence of his bedroom at night that he let the tears come, cursing himself for being so weak and foolish. He hated that he hadn't finished school, but it truly wasn't his fault. He could afford to go to college now, if he wanted to, but what college would accept him? He hadn't even completed grade school. So, he relied on his writing, so called smut according to some, to pay the bills. He knew he could be so much more if he put his mind to it, but he didn't have the drive for it. He had a beautiful singing voice, and could likely get a recording deal very easily if he tried, but he didn't want the notoriety. It was bad enough that he had been on television already. He had been interviewed and filmed to within an inch of his life. He'd rather hide away, unknown, but his manager had advised him that it was best that he let people see him, that they use his looks. He'd even done print for a short time, under his manager's label, promoting the clothing line. He hated it, and it only lasted a month.

His life should be perfect and without worry, but money can't buy happiness. Still, he managed, and in truth, it could be much much worse. He knew from experience how hard life could be. He'd seen people on the streets commit suicide because it was all too much. He'd heard screams in the dark of the nights, from some poor soul being murdered, raped, or beaten; sometimes all at the same time. He had been lucky in that sense. He survived, nearly unscathed, and with his precious virginity intact.

Now he lay in a warm bed, in a safe haven, but it wasn't his own home that he hid in. Instead, he rested and healed in the home of someone he'd only just met, someone who had been compassionate and kind, and saved him from unspeakable pain. He could have been hit again, kidnapped, or used if he'd been left there on the street. While he had suspected Mel to be lying in some things, he hadn't caught on yet that it was Mel that hit him. In time, he'd realize, but not yet. For now, he was oblivious.

And, he was falling in love, even if he was afraid to admit it. He knew he needed to leave, or risk dragging Mel down with him. Though, he couldn't help feeling that Mel would be the one to save his life, would be the one that made him decide he didn't need to die at 19. Only time would tell.

He woke with a start in the wee hours of the morning, swallowing a scream that threatened to spill forth. What woke him, he couldn't be sure. He knew only that the dream had been a terrible one. Dark and disturbing, it had left him shaking in fear. Gathering his thoughts as best he could, he slipped out of the bed and crept silently as possible from the bedroom. He was still nude, but had decided he didn't care, not expecting Mel to wake. He snuck out into the kitchen and fetched a small glass of ice water, hoping to calm himself. Sitting at the table, he sipped the water, and pushed away the lingering fear as much as he could. He was safe here, he told himself. No harm would come to him under Mel's watch... right?

Eventually, he returned to the bedroom, having left the now empty glass sitting in the kitchen sink. Again, it was a long while before sleep claimed him, but when it did, he didn't wake again until nearly an hour after Mel had left for the day. His dreams this time were blessedly peaceful and pleasant, and all focused on he and Mel.

When he finally woke for the day, he was oddly worried to find the house empty. His hero had gone out, and he wasn't sure when he'd return. A brief letter had been left for him, making it clear he had free roam of the house, within reason. He felt that if he'd left a letter like this, it would be awhile before he got back. Should he wait for him, or should he try to find a way home? Where was home from here anyway?

No, he decided. He would stay. He didn't have the heart to just leave without a word. The letter seemed to say that Mel wanted him to stay, that he wanted to see and speak with him, and that he expected him to be there when he got back. How could he just leave, when he finally felt he was wanted somewhere?

So, he busied himself with a bit of cleaning, at first, straightening up the kitchen some from last night, and making the bed. He had put his little jean short shorts back on, but wore nothing else, as he went about the light house work. It kept his mind off things, and he was thankful for that, but no sooner had he finished with his cleaning, then his thoughts went back to Mel. Before long, he was lost in need again, nearly painfully hard. He needed to do something to get rid of the tension.

Finding a few pieces of paper and a pen, he began to write. The story was short but sweet, and very hot. He wrote from his point of view, with him sprawled out under Mel, filled by him, nearly screaming in pleasure every time his hard cock found his sweet spot. "Harder" he would beg him, and before long the story had evolved into steamy, almost violent fucking. It was perfect. When he'd finished the story, he felt much better. He folded up the sheets of paper, and tucked them under the pillow on the bed, thinking they'd not be found there.

*BEGIN STORY* I groaned, long and loud, fighting the urge that welled up inside me. I needed him. Needed him more than I ever thought I could. I was achingly hard, member throbbing in my little jean shorts. It's not like me to make a move on anyone, but I had to. I wanted him inside me, and would do just about anything to achieve my goal. Now, how to seduce him? A thought came to mind, and I smirked. This will be perfect.

I stripped out of my shorts, taking a moment to grip my cock, arching my back and gasping softly in pleasure. Oh, how he would hate me for this. Smirking to myself, I made my way out to the couch where he slept, licking my lips nervously. This could backfire, but I had to try. Kneeling down beside the couch, I leant forward without hesitation and kissed his closed lips. He stirred, moaning some, but didn't wake. So, I deepened the kiss, flicking my tongue over his lips until they opened, then twisting my tongue with his own. When he began to return the kiss, I had to conclude that he was awake. Smiling, I broke the kiss, letting my eyes meet his. He looked suspicious, squinting at me for a long moment, before he returned the smile slightly.

Pleased, I crawled up on the couch to lay over him, eyes still locked with his. "I want you..." I told him, kissing him again. This time, he took the lead, kissing me passionately and letting his paws wander down to my ass. I moaned into the kiss, arching my back and pushing back against his paws some. "Mmm..." I whimpered, loving how he touched me, how he kissed me.

I was scared, it being my first time, but before long, I offered myself to him, body and soul. He seemed more than happy to take me up on my offer, and before long he was inside me, taking me gently, even lovingly. It hurt at first, but slowly I adjusted, and in moments, I was begging him, "Harder, faster, more..." He complied all too happily, thrusting into me hard enough to rock the bed under us. We had moved to the bedroom when I begged it of him. I wouldn't have my first time on a couch, no matter how tempting it may seem. The bed creaked and groaned beneath us, but the sounds were drowned out by our own. Mel was moaning and growling almost predatorily and I had begun to scream, writhing under him. I couldn't believe how hot this all was, how overwhelming, how perfect.

There wasn't a doubt in my mind that we'd both be sore tomorrow. It wasn't quite how I had pictured my first time, but I wasn't complaining in the least. This was heaven. Steamy, sweaty heaven. He was so deep within me, so hard, and I could only breathlessly call his name and clutch at him, wrapping my slender legs about him in the midst of our passion. Gods, but he was strong. I knew he could just as soon snap my neck with one hand, as comfort me with the other, and it was a turn on more than I could ever describe.

My need grew to an almost unbearable level, and I could feel my orgasm building and building. The intensity of it almost scared me, and somehow I just knew I'd black out on him. Sure enough, a few more solid thrusts against my sweet spot brought me, body jerking and cock throbbing between us as I spilled, crying his name and setting my claws into his shoulders without meaning to. In the back of my mind, I was able to register him letting go, his cum spilling deep within me, but stars began to dance in my vision, and just as I had suspected, I blacked out, body going limp under him.

When I woke, it felt like hours had passed, but in reality it had been only minutes. He lay beside me, body slick with sweat and eyes unfocussed. Apparently it had been as wonderful for him as it had for me. I shifted to try and cuddle close to him, but regretted the action for a brief moment. Pain welled up in me, but I couldn't help the slight giggle that came from me then, despite my wincing. It was worth it. Every moment, every bit of pain was worth it. Smiling, I kissed him gently and told him just that. "It was worth it... I love you..." I didn't expect him to return that affection, but I spoke from the heart all the same. Even if I got my heart broken, it was worth it. *END STORY*

He busied himself then with cooking a simple lunch. It wasn't much, really, but he thought it would be a nice surprise for Melichai. Since all there was in the house was chili, he made that, glad that this was something he knew how to make. How hard was chili? All he had to do really was heat it up, and add a little bit of salt and pepper he managed to find. He left the chili in a warming pot as he went off to bathe, stepping out of his shorts as he went. He folded them neatly and put them with his shirt in the bedroom, before making his way to the bathroom.

He ran a bath, as hot as he could stand it, and when the tub was full, he lowered his little body into the water, sighing in pleasure as he did so. This was one of his favorite things to do. He could and often would soak in a bath for hours, loving every moment of it. He washed up thoroughly, pleased to feel perfectly clean and pure again, then laid back against the back of the tub, letting his eyes drift closed. Like so many times before, he soon fell asleep there in the water, the door unlocked and slightly ajar, as he hadn't seen any reason to lock it or even close it completely. He was home alone, after all. But, he could sleep for hours in the tub. If Melichai hadn't seen him in his birthday suit last night, he would tonight, most likely. Aeryn wasn't likely to wake without a very good reason.

Unbeknownst to Aeryn, Mel had returned home some time later, and had begun to search for his little charge. Lost in his dreams, Aeryn didn't hear the bathroom door creak open, or Mel's breathless gasp. Mumbling to himself in the midst of his ever pleasant dreams, he shifted in the tub, revealing more of his slender body, and his obvious arousal. A whisper, barely audible, filled the still air in the small bathroom. "Mel..." For a moment, he seemed as if he'd wake, but he simply shifted again, a paw running down his chest to rest on his stomach, before he lost himself once more in the passion of his heated dream.

-Begin Dream-

"Mel... please... I need you..." he whispered, cuddling naked and ready against his lover there in his own bed. How they'd come to be at his own home, he did not know, but he loved it all the same. His bed was more than big enough for the both of them, and somewhere along the way, they'd both lost their clothing.

It had started simply enough. Aeryn had professed his growing love for Mel, and been daring enough to kiss him. From there, he'd no longer been in control. Mel had deepened the kiss, hugged him close enough so that Aeryn could feel his arousal, and he'd given in completely and gone terribly submissive.

They'd been in the rec room, oddly enough, and Mel had quickly swept him up and carried him off towards his own bedroom. Aeryn couldn't say when their clothes had become a hindrance, or when they'd been abandoned, but they'd both been nude when Mel had lain him down on the spacious bed, and he had quickly taken advantage of this, running his hands over Mel's body reverently and whimpering all the while.

Now, he could take it no longer. He needed to feel Mel within him, wanted to give himself completely to him; heart, body, and soul. He hadn't dared to let another get this close, hadn't ever felt safe enough to sacrifice his virginity to anyone, but with Mel, he felt it was right.

Mel smiled softly at him when he begged him so sweetly. He'd been expecting him to ask, if his expression were any indication. Moving over him, he kissed him deeply and passionately, driving his hips ever so gently against him. Aeryn gasped, breaking the kiss and arching his back sharply.

"Don't tease me..." he whispered, voice begging and body trembling. He wrapped his slender legs around Mel and all but clung to him, trying to encourage him to take him, and end this torture. Laughing, Mel ran a hand down his body, tweaking his right nipple on the way and making him jump and shudder. Finally, after what seemed like ages, his fingers found Aeryn's entrance, one slipping in slowly, gently.

There was no true pain at this, only slight discomfort, and yet Aeryn loved it, arching up under his touch and moaning. "Mel... please..." he panted, writhing ever so slightly and staring up at him with wide blue eyes. Mel smirked, looking ready to laugh yet again, and he added a second finger, making his little lover wince. He was trying to be gentle, and Aeryn was thankful for that, but when he pushed a third finger into him, he couldn't help a soft whimper of pain.

"Shh..." Mel tried to soothe him, moving his fingers slowly within him, seeking out that one sweet spot he knew he'd find. Sure enough, his fingers brushed against that very spot, and Aeryn jerked to the sensation, crying out. In his confused mind, he couldn't quite sort out if it was pleasure, or pain. All he knew was he loved it, and wanted more.

Mel didn't disappoint, continuing to brush that sensitive spot inside him, much to Aeryn's delight. He was writhing and whimpering in pleasure, and finally he knew he'd not last unless Mel stopped. Reaching up, he put one shaking hand on Mel's right shoulder, and he stopped, narrowing his eyes some as he looked at Aeryn under him, unsure why he'd want him to stop and suspicious.

"I can't... last if you ...don't stop, love..." Aeryn whispered, a blush creeping into his cheeks. He was embarrassed that he would seem so inexperienced and young, but he couldn't help it. Mel would put him over the edge if he continued. "I want you, Mel..." Aeryn all but begged. "Take me..."

And he did. How could he say no to such a sweet request, with Aeryn's lithe form hot under him and tight around his fingers. He pulled away gently before repositioning them both slightly. Aeryn had the common sense to prop a pillow under his hips to make the position a bit easier, though one might not expect a virgin to think of such a thing.

Mel shook his head at him slightly, seeming amused, and lifting Aeryn's lean legs gently. He pressed the tip of his thick cock against Aeryn's tailhole, and Aeryn couldn't help but tense up. He wanted this, more than anything, but fear welled up in him. He was so little, and he knew for a fact that Mel was very well hung. Rationally, he felt sure he'd tear. Irrationally, he couldn't help thinking he'd be split in twain.

Still, he slowly forced himself to relax, kissing Mel and trying not to be afraid of him. Mel cared for him, and he felt he'd be as gentle as possible. Surely enough though, when he felt Mel begin to push into him, and that tight ring of muscle forced, if gently, to accommodate his impressive girth, he couldn't help breaking the kiss and crying out.

He clung to Mel, panting softly and trying to calm himself, even as Mel tried to console him. He knew how it could hurt, it seemed, and understood that Aeryn was in pain, despite how he tried to be ever so considerate and merciful. "Calm down, love. You'll only make it worse..." he told him, and with a sigh, Aeryn tried to relax.

It took him a long moment before he was able to settle his raw nerves, but finally he looked Mel in the eyes and nodded, smiling ever so faintly at him, as if saying that he was alright. Mel again narrowed his eyes at him, as if not so sure, but he'd not stop now. He thrust into him slowly, until his full length was gripped within his lover's little body. He was wonderfully tight and hot around him, and they both groaned deeply, though for two different reasons.

The pain Aeryn was feeling again slowly began to fade away as Mel thrust in and out of him gently, hands on the back of Aeryn's slim thighs. The panda gave a breathy sigh and wrapped his legs around Mel again, leaning up to kiss him passionately and shuddering against him. Encouraged, Mel began to thrust harder and faster into him, groaning and kissing his pretty lover back heatedly.

Aeryn was whimpering and moaning almost helplessly, meeting Mel thrust for thrust, bucking back against him and clawing slightly at his upper arms, where he'd dared to rest his hands. Before long, he let his hands wander down over Mel's back, and finally to his sides, settling there and clenching ever so slightly when Mel's cock would brush against his sweet spot.

It wasn't long before he felt his orgasm building inside him, and he knew he wouldn't and couldn't last long at all. It seemed that Mel was the same, and he heard him gasp deeply only seconds before a fiery heat spread through him, filling him, as Mel came deep inside him.

It pushed him over the edge, and he screamed as he came between them, little claws digging into Mel's side ever so slightly, despite Aeryn's attempt to control himself. He shuddered and writhed for a long moment, before finally he seemed to come down off his high, slowly relaxing under him. Mel pulled out after a few moments, sighing deeply and settling beside him on the big bed.

Aeryn snuggled up to him, warm, relaxed, and just a bit overwhelmed by the many emotions running through him. He couldn't believe what had just happened, what they'd just shared. It was almost too much, the emotions in him almost too strong, and he couldn't help trembling even now as he lay against his lover, his head on his chest and a blanket drawn over them. They were in need of a shower, surely, but right now he had no desire whatsoever to move. This was heaven, here in his love's arms, safe and protected.

-End Dream-

It was his dream that accounted for the pleasant smile on Aeryn's soft lips, and his obvious arousal that lay hard and twitching against his stomach as he lay naked in the tub, the water cooling around him. He mumbled softly in his dreams, though just what he said seemed unclear. He moaned ever so softly as he shifted a bit in the tub, drawing even more attention to his throbbing dick. It would be only too obvious to anyone who saw him now that his dreams were anything but pure and innocent.

*End Chapter*