Sheepish (Pundamentals 2)

Story by Tristan Black Wolf on SoFurry

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A second entry into the Pundamental contest. I hope it won't hurt ewe too much.

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I had never seen the young ram so upset before. We would often meet for coffee at the little café just down the block from my office, particularly after his weekly therapy session. He was very open about his desire for change, to better himself, and had sought professional help to assist him on his journey. He was often frustrated with his progress, but today he seemed somewhere between livid and completely disillusioned.

"Franklin," I said, hugging him close in greeting, "what on earth is wrong?"

"I don't think I'm gonna make it, Alan," he told me, almost crying. I felt my long ears twitch in concern. "It's all just too much! No one's gonna help me make it!"

"Quiet now," I petted his soft wooliness gently. "C'mon, our usual table's available; let's get some coffee and carrot cake."

"You and your carrot cake," he snorted, not quite laughing.

"I'm a bunny; deal with it. Besides, they make it good here." We ordered, took our snacks to our table; I sat next to him rather than across from him, in order to give him a shoulder to lean on. "Now, tell me what's going on."

"I've tried everything, Alan. Everywhere. I want to be free, an independent thinker, trying new things, being bold and creative on my own. But everyone tells me I should just go do what the herd does, what we're told to do, following along like always. My parents, my pastor, my teachers... they all tell me the same thing. Go back to the herd."

I nodded. "And that's why you went to find a therapist, yes. I support you in that idea."

"Well, my therapist doesn't. Even he's told me to give up what he calls a silly dream. Oh, Alan, I might as well just end it all! There's no hope for me to be independent! Even my therapist has told me to get flocked!"