Session No. 9

Story by bsaxagent on SoFurry

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#9 of Sessions

Disclaimers and stuff:

Don't read if you're underage and tell me. Don't read and tell me I'm evil or something if you don't like M/M. Don't read and tell me I'm illiterate just becuase I typed something wrong (yes, I do make mistakes).

Kane belongs to Kane Shadow Wolf, Gage the executive man-whore belongs to me.

Looking for a (free!) Session with Gage? Check out my recent journal (even though it's two weeks old)!

Thanks for reading and stuff, feedback is always appreciated!

The gym was awfully crowded today. Usually when I work out in the early evening, there might be three or four more patrons inside the small gym, but there was at least eight tonight. This was good for business and whatnot, but that also meant I had to share my machines and benches. Not that I minded, it just gets a little uncomfortable when you realize you're lifting in someone else's sweat.

Metallic clangs and various static from multiple personal music players accompanied my workout, in addition to the all 90's radio station that played at a dim volume overhead. Today was chest day for me, which meant it was chest day number six for the facility. I had already completed half of my workout already, and was headed to the bench press, which meant that I probably had to wait as all three benches were probably full. With luck, I caught one of the bench press stations open, and quickly took it before a queue started. I loaded the bar with two 45 pound plates, and proceeded with my warm up set. My plan was three sets after the warm up, adding weight until I reached 275 pounds, which was about forty pounds less than my maximum lift. Kellen would usually spot for me for that, but since he was out of town, it would be very difficult for him to do so.

With a slight heave, I pushed the bar off of the rack and gently lowered it until it was about six inches away from my chest. I pushed up with ease, but there was just enough resistance to get the blood flowing to my pecs, even though they already had a good pump.

Twelve reps later, I set the bar on the rack and loaded it with two more 45 plates, making the weight 225 pounds. I laid myself down on the bench once more. My paws gripped the bar and pushed it off of the rack, letting the weight settle in my paws before slowly lowering it. The additional weight was easily felt as my muscles strained from the pressure. It was a moderate weight for me, though my muscles were showing signs of fatigue since this exercise was late in my workout. My pecs flexed as I pushed the weight up until it reached an arm's length away from my body. I repeated this motion until I completed twelve more reps, and placed the bar on the rack, the plates clanging together as I did so. I got up, and headed to the water fountain to refill my water bottle. On my way back, I noticed that someone had taken the bench I was working on. The muscular black wolf was almost effortlessly lifting the weights I had loaded, almost if he was doing a warm up set of his own. I walked up to him as he finished, the metal plates clanging one more as his placed the bar on the rack.

"Oh, you were here?" he asked, rubbing his towel in his black hair. His bangs were highlighted with red hair, a nice contrast to the rest of his black furred body; only his muzzle differed in color in that it was white. He was a rather handsome young guy, maybe only about 20 years old at the oldest. His grey tank-top strained over his chest, giving a clear outline of his abs and chest, where a necklace in the shape of a wolf's head hung. He was pretty muscular, but definitely not on the bulky side.

"Yeah, I don't mind sharing though. What's your name? I haven't seen you around," I asked, loading the bar to 275 pounds. "Mine's Gage."

"Kane; I just moved here last week for college," he explained as he got off of the bench and quickly wiped it down.

"What for?"

"Art. I'm into animation, storyboard stuff, the selling of art, all of that fun stuff," he explained as he stood upright. Kane was only slightly taller than me, but he was pretty damn ripped for an artist. His painfully white shorts caught my eye for a moment, and I noted he was probably pretty damn hung for an artist as well.

"Nice. I graduated not too long ago for music composition, but I work with the local symphony orchestra right now. I don't play anything well, though," I laughed as I laid down on the bench. Kane hung around, waiting for me to finish my set. I completed about ten reps this time, each one making my chest burn from the added strain. When the bar noisily hit the rack, Kane removed the 25 pound plate and replaced it with another 45 pound plate.

"Damn, you workout a lot?" I asked. He was pretty strong for a young guy, already able to lift 315 pounds.

"Well, I get stressed really easily, and I'd workout whenever I was stressed so...I guess I do," he laughed as he rubbed the back of his thick neck. "Do you mind spotting me though? I mean, yeah I can lift this, but safety first, you know..."

"Of course," I nodded and took my position behind the bench. Kane's thick paws gripped the bar as I did so, and he prepped himself for the lift. He inhaled and exhaled before gritting his teeth and pushing upwards, lifting the bar off of the rack. I followed the bar with my paws as he almost effortlessly lowered it. The only strain he showed was in his face due to his gritted teeth. His chest practically swelled with power as he pushed up, the twin mounds flexing in the process. I could see thin veins rise to the surface of his fur as the bar reached the apex of the lift. It was all very arousing in a way, watching the well trained muscles work below me...

I shook my head, and returned to concentrating on my original task. My cock gave only a slight throb before I took control of myself which was fortunate for both of us; I didn't want an erection in public, and he probably didn't want a cock in his face, distracting him from his workout.

I followed the bar through the rest of his set of six reps. With a loud clang, the bar was placed back on the rack. I moved to the side and began removing the added plate.

"What are you doing?" Kane asked, sitting up.

"Well, I was only going to do one more set of 275," I explained.

"You can do fine with this weight, I'll spot you, don't worry," he reassured me as he stood up, wiping down the bench. Well, if he was offering, I might as well do it, I suppose.

I laid myself down once more, and gripped the bar. Gazing upwards slightly, I noted the bulge in his white shorts, a color that didn't hide it well. I could almost see the outline of his large balls, each one looking comfortably nestled in his undergarments.

"Hey, you going to lift or are you going to just stare at the bar all day?" Kane asked in a joking tone.

"Sorry," I shook my head again and focused on the bar. With a grunt, I pushed. My chest protested against the weight, almost wanting to let it drop right there. I held fast, forcing my arms and chest to keep the weight steady as I slowly lowered it. I stopped about six inches above my chest and pushed up; the resistance made my muscles strain as they flexed, making me grit my teeth.

"One," Kane counted above me, his own paws following the bar as it moved. I lowered it again, feeling the weight settle as I reached the trough. I pushed up again, and my muscles started to complain.


The bar lowered slowly, stopped, and then it rose again, my arms starting to shake slightly.


Three more. That's all I had left. All I had to do was push the bar up, and-


My muscles were screaming at this point, but I ignored them. I wasn't going to let this guy be able to beat me at this; if he could do six, I could do six. My chest ached, but I pushed through.


One arms were really shaking now, and I could feel my chest quiver as I slowly let the bar down. With a mighty heave, I pushed it up one final time. I got about halfway before my arms gave out. Kane caught the bar, and gently guided it to the rack, allowing me to do some of the work needed. I let out a big breath, and wiped the sweat from my face.

"Alright, I got one more set. Keep the weight," Kane commented as he walked around the side of the bench. I wiped the bench down and took my position as spotter once more. Kane grabbed the bar, pushed it off of the rack, and lowered it slowly. Even though he may have been stronger than me, his endurance wasn't as great. This was the end of my workout, so it was expected that I struggled a bit on my last set. Kane gritted his teeth and arched his back as he pushed, making his ass come off of the bench. I watched his hips rise, the outline of his sheath and balls becoming slightly more pronounced-was that the tip of his cock?

'Oh damn,' I thought, watching the outline of a pointed tip crawl slowly towards his waistband. I looked down at him. His eyes were closed in concentration as he pushed the bar to its peak before lowering it again. I glanced back at his crotch, watching the pointed tip reach the edge of his waistband and push through a bit, obviously meeting some resistance.

"Fuck..." he muttered underneath me. I guided the bar up as he pushed, trying not to be distracted by the growing bulge in both of our shorts.

"One more..." he grunted, slowly lowering it again. With a great heave, he pushed up as I held on to the bar, letting him do most of the work as he did for me. The bar gave a great clang onto the rack, acting as a final bell for a competition. His arms flopped down in exhaustion.

"God damn..." he breathed before looking at me with his soft blue eyes. "Thanks for your help, I'm beat."

"Me too; that was my last set for the night," I patted him on the back, feeling the hardened muscles that covered his shoulder blade. I grabbed my water bottle and took another swig. My cock had softened somewhat, but he certainly got me riled up with that display. I went to the fountain to fill my bottle up once more as Kane headed out of the weight room and into the main lobby. I thought for a moment about his pointed cock slowly spilling over the waistband of his shorts as he flexed though hard muscles...

"Ah!" I yelled as the bottle over filled, spilling ice cold water onto my paw. I shook it and wiped it on my shorts, and capped the bottle. I gently tossed it into the air caught it, and then exited the room.

The smell of the shower room filled my nostrils as I walked down the hallway leading from the lobby to the changing area. There a slightly faded smell of musk and some chlorine; not as potent as a pool would be, but still present enough to be easily identified. As I opened the door, I heard running water from the sink. Glancing over, I found that Kane was brushing his teeth shirtless. I watched as the smaller muscles in his shoulders and back flexed from the scrubbing motions he was making. He hadn't seen me yet, so I stared a little longer. My cock gave a small throb, tenting my shorts slightly as it emerged from my sheath.

"Well, are you going to sit there and stare, or are you going to change clothes?" Kane asked with a slight grin on his face, mouth frothy with foam as he turned his head.

"Can't I do both?" I asked, opening my locker and grabbing my bag. Kane laughed.

"Shit, I'd do the same for you," he admitted, spitting out the foam and washing his mouth out.

"I noticed," I grinned, turning around after pocketing my keys, wallet, and phone.

"Oh, you saw that?" Kane blushed a little as he turned around, rubbing the back of his neck again.

"How could I not? It was right in front of my face for a bit."

"I can't help it," Kane shrugged.

"I can." I folded my arms, seeing he would take the invitation. He hesitated for a moment. I could see the mild conflict going on in his head-have this guy get your rocks off, or do it yourself when you get home.

"I haven't showered yet..."

"And?" He didn't have a response for that. "I have a shower large enough for two muscular guys at my place. Want to come with?"

"...Fine, just let me get dressed," he smiled, turning back to the sink.

I waited out in the lobby for him. He walked out of the changing room wearing a black Atari t-shirt with his white shorts. He followed me out to my car, and we were off. Our combined post-workout musk filled the car, though it wasn't offensive. It was actually quite pleasant in a way; definitely a nice musky combination of scents.

"Here we are," I stated as we reached our destination. I parked the car and unlocked my door.

"Nice place," Kane commented as he walked inside the beige colored living area.

"Feel free to take off your shoes, leave your bag on the ground, and what not, I'll meet you upstairs," I noted, slipping my own black shoes off. Kane began to untie his neon green shoes as I walked upstairs. As soon as I was in my room, I immediately began to strip. I tossed the sweaty clothes onto the floor, relishing the feeling of the fan cooling me off. Yeah, my car had A/C, but when it's over a hundred degrees outside and you've been sweating your balls off for a good hour, it matters very little.

I stepped into my bathroom, and turned the shower knob to a medium warm temperature. The glass shower was indeed large enough to fit at least three people in here. There was a bench that spanned the back wall which was built by me within the last year or so. The grey tiling from the shower was already in place, but fortunately it was easy to find matching tiles. I heard my bedroom door creak open and soft footpads on the carpet.

"You might as well leave your clothes on the floor," I called as I tested the water temperature. I thought to myself about how to approach this situation; obviously we were going to have sex, but how was always the important question. I stepped back from the shower and felt warm arms embrace me from behind. I leaned back in the hug, not expecting such an intimate entrance from him. I turned my head to look at his face, only to be passionately kissed on the lips.

A large wet tongue sought entrance into my mouth, and I happily obliged. The thick muscle navigated around my mouth, mapping out whatever it could. As Kane kissed me, I felt one of his thick arms wrap around my waist, the large paw resting on top of my sheath, giving it a tender squeeze. I moaned into his mouth, allowing for his tongue to delve deeper inside for a moment before retracting itself so we could breathe. His fingers dipped inside of my sheath, teasing the now hardening flesh before gently wrapping around my large balls. I felt something blunt prod against the small of my back, and I arched back slightly, making him gasp.

"Oh fuck...." He moaned as his leaking cock rubbed against my spine in a very tender humping motion; the thick member was probably close to my own in length. His mouth returned to mine, his warm tongue seeking entrance once more. His right paw was still attached to my growing erection, while the left one wandered along my hard belly, mapping out the grooves of my abs.

I slowly walked forward into the shower, still being groped and kissed by Kane. The warm spray of the shower was inviting, but not as much as the wolf's intimate embrace. He took a breath and I turned around, looking down at his thickly muscled chest. I ran my paws down his front, taking my time to map his hard body. He raised his arms above his head, relishing in the feeling of my paws working him over as the warm water cascaded down his body. His veiny red shaft jutted out from his groin, leaking some slick pre, even though the excess was being washed away. I cupped his large egg sized balls and gave them a gentle tug before kissing his on the lips again. His large paw snaked its way in between our bodies and grabbed both shafts firmly, but gently. He slowly stroked our slick shafts as we continued to make out, enjoying the intimate moment we were creating. My hips lightly thrust against his body, making our shafts slide against each other in addition to his callused paw gliding along the tips, sending pulses of pleasure through our bodies. I pulled away from the kiss and stepped back into the spray of the shower.

"As much fun as this is, I do still plan on taking a shower," I smirked, opening the bottle of body wash. I squirted a large dollop into my paw, and planted it on Kane's chest. I rubbed around the large pecs, lather forming in between my fingers as I washed his fur. Kane flexed his muscles as I moved around, the muscles hardening deliciously under my fingertips. He reached behind me for a moment as squirted some on his paw before placing it on my chest as well. I slowly rolled my pecs as his calloused paws roamed my chest, dipping inside of the center groove, allowing for my muscles to temporarily squeeze around his fingers.

I moved down to his thick abs, scrubbing away as if his abdomen was a washboard. He flexed, making the eight squares of muscles pop under his skin. He twisted his torso around, showing off his contoured obliques. They rippled underneath my fingers, completely hardening as I passed by. He turned around and presented his back to me; the gorgeous span of muscles was now even more defined as the water smoothed the fur. I gently placed my paw on his back, felling the various ridges of muscles. He flexed his wide lats for me, making the various layers of muscle groups shift under his fur. I washed them thoroughly, making sure I got in all the little nooks and crannies before moving south.

I gently washed his tail, the long fuzzy appendage wagging endlessly as I gently stroked it before moving to his glutes. I gently rubbed the soft yet firm muscles in circles, making Kane moan lightly as he braced himself against the wall. Reaching under his tail, I found his pink star and gently cleaned it along with his taint. I reached forward a bit and lightly groped his balls, making him gasp.

After running water along his cheeks and his entrance, I leaned in again, and gently swirled my tongue around the rosebud. Kane gasped and let out a soft moan. I pushed forward a bit and his ring was easily spread around my invading muscle. Kane let out a groan as I rubbed his balls, making a spurt of pre fling against the wall.

With a groan of disappointment from Kane, I pulled away, and resumed washing his thick hamstrings and calves. Once I finished, I stood up. He turned to face me, and I leaned in for another kiss. My paws firmly gripped his cock as we kissed, the red spire of flesh gently bobbing up and down as the clear pre drizzled along the shaft before the spray of the shower diluted it and washed it away.

We reluctantly pulled away, and his paws immediately went to work on my own body, lathering up the body wash that still lingered on my chest. His paws traveled immediately south, wrapping around my cock. I purred as he gently stroked, teasing me with his light touch. He gently guided me backwards until I was sitting on the bench. Kneeling, he gently washed my abs, tracing over the grooves in the same manner as he did before we got into the shower. I arched my back as he got to my sides, reaching behind me to scrub the small of my back. His paws migrated beneath my ass and lifted it up, moving my body closer to me. I sunk against the now heated tile, waiting in anticipation for what he was going to do to me as the suds washed off of my cock.

His mouth gave a gentle lick along my tip, picking up the pre that had formed there. His leaned down lower still and lapped at my balls, picking each one up with his thick tongue. Shivers of pleasure went down my spine, and a spurt of pre shot out of my cock and landed on my chest. He slowly worked his way up my shaft, making me moan out loud as he finally reached the top and plunged down, engulfing most of my shaft.

"Fuck...!" I yelled as the sudden sensations from his hot and humid mouth swarmed my nervous system. His thick tongue swirled at the underside of my cock as he began bobbing his head at a moderate rate. My vision swam as he created a delicious vacuum for my cock. I lightly pumped into his mouth, eager to get deeper into his mouth. He willingly took it as it slipped in; I held his head steady as I began to lightly face fuck him. His paw caressed my thighs before working down towards my butt. A finger gently pressed against my taint, pressing against my prostate from the outside. I let out a loud moan as a large wave of pleasure engulfed my body. Kane started to bob again, picking up the pace as he firmly pushed against my sensitive spot. A second finger found its way back, pressing lightly against my tailhole which sent my nerves into overdrive.

"I'm close..." I breathed in warning. My balls were starting to churn, and the fingers barging at my pleasure pots weren't helping. Kane pulled off of my aching cock for a second to take a deep breath before plunging down once more and inserting the second finger in my hole, jabbing my prostate from the inside.

I moaned out as my orgasm unloaded in his awaiting mouth. Spurt upon spurt splashed at the back of his throat, easily draining down to his stomach. Kane showed no discomfort from this; rather, there was a look of partial bliss upon his face as my orgasm began to wane. My cock slipped out of his mouth, covered in saliva and cum. He took a couple of breaths before placing my legs on his shoulders and partially standing up. I slid back against the tile, aiding him in getting me in position for what was going to happen next. He leaned in for another kiss. I could taste my cum on his tongue as my lips parted for him. During that time, he positioned his leaking cock at my hole and slowly pushed it inside.

I moaned into Kane's mouth as the thick cock slowly and easily penetrated me. I melted into the thrust, my body sliding along the tile until his balls met the base of my tail. Once thy made contact, he gently pulled out, not taking any time for adjustments, and immediately pushed forward. The thick shaft spread my hole deliciously as it rubbed directly against my prostate, delving further into my depths making me shudder with pleasure. I rubbed my paws along Kane's hardened pecs and abs, feeling them flex with every minor movement he made as built his thrusts into a moderato tempo. Every so often he'd pause with his cock buried halfway inside of me and I could feel it flex for a few moments before he would continue pushing inside. My cock throbbed against my chest as it became fully erect once more. A soft bead of pre formed at the tip and Kane swiped the tip with his finger.

Kane picked up the pace, and I could feel the base of his cock start to swell as his knot began to form. The inflated piece of flesh made it more and more difficult for him to fully enter me at the pace he was going, but that didn't prevent him from trying. The swelling knot popped in and out of my hole until it was too large to enter without tying. Kane looked at me with wanting eyes and I gave him a nod. He thrust into me as hard as he could, the pressure from the knot making my hole stretch to uncomfortable levels. I pushed back a little bit as well and with a satisfying pop, it entered my body.

"Fuck..." Kane moaned as his orgasm triggered. His cock flexed hard multiple times within me, several shots of cum spraying along my insides. His face was filled with a euphoric bliss, tongue lolling out of his mouth. His abs contracted several times, the glorious 8-pack popping under his fur. More and more fluid shot inside of me as his orgasm raged on, cock spastically flailing as it finally began to subside.

With a great heave, he pulled out, knot and all. The warm spray from the shower soothed the slight ache my ass was feeling from the large knot suddenly exiting my body. Kane's cock was still throbbing, ready to go for another round. I stood up and we embraced each other again, feeling our hardened backsides as our chests rubbed together. Our cocks throbbed between us; mine was in need of a second release, drizzling both of our shafts with pre. Kane's hips grinded against my own, making his throbbing shaft glide effortlessly along my own. I reached between our bodies and slightly rubbed both tips, making us both shudder in pleasure from the light teasing motion.

"Fuck, man...I gotta have you..." Kane breathed after a good minute or two of our grinds and teases. His own cock was beginning to leak now, adding to the viscosity of our movements.

"How would you like me?" I asked.

"In my ass," he admitted, letting out a gasp as my claw lightly grazed the tip of his shaft.

"Oh? I thought you were a dominant guy."

"Well, I figured you deserved it-"

I cut him off by kissing him ferociously once more. I ground my hips into his, my cock poking at his stomach. As we pulled away, I gently turned him around. He took the cue, and braced himself on the tiled bench. He raised his wagging tail and looked over his shoulder as I grabbed his hips. I teased him by pressing against his hole with my barbed tip, but not hard enough to enter. I let my pre flow a little bit, smearing the natural lubricant around the tight star. Kane pushed back slightly, face flush with arousal.

The tip sunk in, easily penetrating his orifice. The wolf shivered beneath me as my barbs scraped against his innards, especially when I passed over his prostate. I paused halfway through and pulled back, letting those tantalizing barbs scrape along once more, making his hole clench around my thick cock as his own shaft flexed. Once only the tip remained inside, I pushed in again with a little more force until about nine out of eleven inches were inside. Kane grunted from the resistance, and I allowed him some time to relax. I rubbed my paw along his back, feeling the various hardened muscle groups that he had put so much effort into. My paw ran along his sides and eventually made their way onto his chest and stomach. He shivered with pleasure as the wandering paw made its way to his cock, giving it a gentle stroke.

With a nod from him, I was allowed to continue. I pulled out at a slightly faster pace than I had entered. I pushed inside with a little more gusto, pressing past the previous point of resistance and completely hilting inside of him. I let out a low groan from the immense heat surrounding my cock. His passage wasn't a vice grip, but it firmly gripped my cock enough to make me see stars from the pleasure. I could feel his body slowly adjust to my large member; his cock flexed rampantly, slapping his belly and flinging pre against the bench. I leaned into his body and slowly began to stroke his shaft. I slowly pulled out and pushed back in, using no more than five inches of my shaft to thrust into him.

I started a moderate pace to being with. It was enough to tease the hell out of the both of us, something that I've found that he enjoyed very much. The pool of pre that was slowly forming on the tiled floor was proof to that. I pressed gently on his spine, making him arch his back and move down to his elbows, still keeping him ass at a higher elevation. From here, I could thrust deeper inside of him, making him shudder as my barbs tickled his inner depths.

"More," he groaned as he hung his head down. I gripped his hips a little tighter and thrust hard, making his whole body move from the momentum. My shaft now glided in and out of his hole, aided by the copious amounts of pre I was producing. Kane stroked his cock in time with my thrusts, groaning every so often, especially when his prostate was prodded. My balls slapped against his, sending pinpricks of pleasure along my orbs. I picked up the tempo once more as the familiar pit of orgasm steadily approached. I laid my body on top of Kane's, feeling his jagged breaths as he continued to stroke his shaft. He turned his head slightly, and I looked into his lust filled eyes. We kissed again, though it wasn't a proper one. Our mouths were moving and our tongues collided, but we were too distracted by our approaching orgasms to make it aesthetically pleasing.

I sighed loudly into his mouth as I came. Splashes upon splashes of cum were ejected deep inside his body as my cock twitched. Kane moaned loudly as his cock erupted underneath him, cum spraying along the bench in short bursts. I moaned as his ass clenched against my cock, intensifying my remaining blasts.

With a satisfied grunt, I slowly pulled out, and Kane flopped over and sat on the tile, breathing heavily as his cock throbbed, but still remained hard..

"You up for one more round?" I asked, pointing at my cock which was still hard and bobbing. Kane looked at me and raised his eyebrow.

"Not in my ass..." he laughed.

"Don't worry about that," I smiled warmly and straddled his lap. I guided his still hard cock under my hole and sat down, effectively taking him to the hilt. My own cock bobbed between us; my residual cum was quickly being washed away by the lukewarm spray, but a new steady stream of pre made my cock messy again. Once I rested on his sensitive knot, I rocked back and forth, making Kane whimper from the electrifying sensation. A splash of his pre splat inside of me, encouraging me to go further, despite the whimpers for the over sensitized wolf beneath me.

I latched my mouth onto Kane's, making up for the partial kisses from earlier. Our hard chests rubbed against each one another's as I gyrated my hips, sandwiching my cock in between. Kane's hips started to buck lightly as the sensitivity of his knot calmed down, jamming the swollen flesh against my already worn entrance. I inhaled deeply through my nose as I tried to concentrate on Kane's wet tongue dueling against my own, and relaxing enough to get his large knot inside of me again.

Kane picked his tempo, desperately trying to cram it inside of me once more. I moaned in the feverish kiss as my cock slid deliciously along the groove in the center of his pecs; the combination of pre and water in addition to the slightly course fur made my brain go dizzy from the sensations. I pushed down as he thrust up, and I felt my hole give just a little, but not enough for the whole thing to enter again. We tried again, our bodies colliding is bliss, but still no luck. We tried a third time, and-

Kane let out a loud howl as cum splattered my insides. The knot finally popped inside, triggering his orgasm. I let out a continuous moan as my own orgasm unleashed; my cock throbbed as cum ejected from my cock and struck Kane on the chin. I leaned back as I let the pleasure run its course through my body, limbs shaking from the pleasure. Kane's cock finally calmed down after sometime, just as my orgasm finished. I fell against the muscular wolf, breathing heavily. He wrapped his arms tight around me, our fired up bodies now being cooled by the cold spray of the shower.

After rewashing and cleaning off our own splattered juices, we stepped out of the cold shower. That part wasn't nearly as fun, but at least we were clean..

"My ass might be sore after that..." Kane said as he rubbed his ass after we got dressed and headed downstairs.

"Yeah? Did you get knotted twice?" I joked, punching him lightly in the shoulder. He smiled at me and gave me a sudden hug.

"Nope, but I got to spend time with a big sexy cat," he growled in me ear before releasing me.

"Yeah yeah," I smiled at him, planting one final kiss on his lips. "Oh, before you go, here's my card in case you want to spend time together again. It doesn't have to be sex either," I said as I pulled out my business card. After looking it over, he immediately pocketed it, giving me another big hug.

"Thanks man! Yeah, we can go for drinks or something!" he brightly smiled at me.

"But you're only 20, right? I'm not giving alcohol to minors," I laughed. "Lunch or something will do. I'm an easy guy to please in terms of company."

"Thanks again," Kane broke out into a large grin. "I guess I'll see you around!" he said as he exited the door.

I sighed as the door shut, thinking about how much fun we were going to have next time around...


I ran towards the door, opening it to find Kane walking across the street.

"Hey! You need a ride?" I shouted. I almost had forgotten that I drove him.

"Nah, I'm good! I live in the next block over!" he shouted back before continuing his way across the street.

Well, go figure.

I guess seeing him more often would be easier than I thought.