Shadowrun: Hiding Out and Winding Down

Story by Blahblahtson on SoFurry

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An ork and an elf on the lam after a run hide out together and decide to take time to wind down afterward, burning all of that excess energy.

Fuck, this was a long night.

Our data theft turned out to be a cover up, our cover up turned out to be a double cross, and now the Yak has hunters out looking for our hoops. The five of us decided to head our separate ways to make it more difficult for them to find us until we find a buyer for our paydata.

Well, four out of five of us decided that was a good idea.

Arwen tagged with me, despite my protests. Knowing her, she wouldn't stop unless I agreed. She was the stubborn type, and I knew that she would eventually get her way. Sometimes I don't know whether to choke her or kiss her.

She's beautiful in that exotic way elves almost always seem to be, even with the scars on her face from a grenade that almost killed her. (Not that I could judge her appearance, being an ork and all) Shrapnel buried its way under her skin on her left side, thankfully without enough force to penetrate her skull. Even so, it managed to turn her cyber eye into scrap, and did enough damage to her face and neck that she started to bleed quickly. She was out for some time after that, under my care until she recovered. She had been thankful ever since, even though she had saved my hoop more times than I could repay.

I knew the place we were going. It was a pod hotel with a back entrance not watched by the one-time and management that didn't ask questions. She at least agreed that we go in separately and buy pods away from each other, her on a women's floor and me on the men's instead of together on a co-ed or family floor.

After a meal of soy ramen from the vending machines, I decided I should try and take a shower and wash the grime and blood of the night. I may spend my time in the gutters of this city, but that's no excuse to smell like it. I'll have to see if I can get my clothes washed anywhere, seeing as I didn't have time to pack.

I bought a towel and robe and stripped out of my clothes in my pod before donning the robe. I looked where a pair of bullets punched my armor. It was repairable, and the only personal damage being bruises from the higher caliber rounds. Not too bad given the circumstances.

I was alone in the shower room, but it was never a bad idea to go armed. I know, "why would a mage need a gun when he has magic!" No, fuck you, I like guns.

My gun stayed within quick reach as I hung up my robe and towel outside my stall. It remained within quick reach once I was in. I allowed myself to enjoy the hot water and the momentary breather, but I couldn't wind down enough to let my guard down. I strained my ears to hear over the shower every time I heard something that didn't sound like the shower, and checked for my gun more than once.

When they came (Whomever "they" may have been), my attention turned from the shower to the door. Footsteps. One set, but that was all I needed to worry. They were slow and light, with a single drain in the middle of the room there was enough water on the floor to allow me to hear the light patter of each step. I didn't recall grabbing the gun or forcing my back to the corner, just the steps that made their way to my stall all the way at the end. I aimed my gun at the door, silent as started putting pressure on the trigger, when-

"Calm your tits, Gulag." A familiar voice called. "You must suck at hide and seek."

I chuckled and eased my trigger finger. "The women's floor has its own showers, Arwen."

"Doesn't have you, though." She opened the door a crack, showing the scarred side of her face. She got herself another cyber eye since the grenade took the last one. It wasn't one of those laser-eyes they like to show on trids, the ones that are solid steel and glow red. No, it looked fairly normal, save for the faintest hint of servos focusing the pupils to light. Also, despite the scars, bio and cyber tech did well to repair a lot of the damage "A girl could get pretty lonely on her own."

I sighed and put my gun back on the toiletry ledge. "I told you, we stay apart until we get a new buyer. The fact we're staying at the same place is risky enough."

She let out a playful giggle and leaned against the door frame. I knew she was naked behind the door the way she leaned and showed off her bare arm up to her shoulder. "If you were truly concerned, you would've made me sleep in the truck, or dumped me here and run off somewhere else."

"True, but-"

"And besides, I don't think I could exactly wind down after tonight." That giggle came again, but this time it was lower, more sultry. "I need another... outlet."

I chuckled and turned to face her. Her eyes went down to my cock. God damn, she has a one-tracked mind. "You couldn't 'outlet' yourself? You had a bullet in your leg a few hours ago."

"You forget how magic works," she replied. "Besides, it was a graze at best. See?" She opened the door a bit more and stuck her left leg in. She has amazing legs, and much like her face the scars included don't distract me. In truth, only the fresh scar stood out, the rest were small and barely noticeable.

I reached over and down to her leg, rubbing my hand and fingers over her thigh as I rubbed my thumb over the scar on her inner thigh. She winced a little bit, but I knew she could take it. "Still raw?"

"Kinda," she admitted.

"Are you just gonna stand behind the door?" I asked, withdrawing my hand and putting both on my hips. "No need to be bashful. Seriously, I've seen you naked more than once."

She rolled her eyes and groaned before opening the door all the way. More scars over a hard body, rippled with muscle both natural and vat grown. She still had that elvish body, tall and slender all over, but I knew she was as strong as she was graceful. Tattoos covered her arms to her shoulders, mixed with a few here and there about her torso. Some were older than the scars and had lines running through them where new tissues grew in place of inked skin. Light brown nipples peaked her smallish breasts, the only scars there on her left mound from the grenade that almost killed her. Elves didn't grow much body hair anyways, so maintaining it all over wasn't too hard for her. It's probably an ork thing, but I generally preferred a little hair. Even so, I drank in the sight and approved. If my manhood wasn't hardening before, it was definitely getting there now.

I grinned and offered a hand to help her in. She accepted and shut the stall door behind her, biting her lip in that devious "I got you" way she does. My hands went to her waist and I pulled her close, kissing her deep and passionately as my hardening cock rubbed against her abs. I found myself back under the shower, water pouring over us as her hands rubbed the back of my shaven head and behind my back. She bit at my lip and tongue as my hands pulled up on her ass until she was on her tiptoes to keep up.

I pulled back huffing with my own arousal as she grinned up to me and lifted her leg up to my hip. My hand followed, rubbing from her ass to her knee as I continued the kiss a while longer. With a quick turn, she was against the wall with me smirking at her. "Want me to kiss your scar? Make it feel better?"

"There's a lot of places you can kiss, bog boy." She spanked me and said, "you can start with my ass if you're not gonna get on with it."

"I just might do that anyways." I went to my knees before her and lifted her injured leg over my shoulder. As my hand gripped her firm flesh, I leaned over and kissed the fresh wound. She winced again, but this time there was also a soft, whimpery moan. One hand held onto my head as both of mine rubbed her legs. My kisses trailed inward, teasing her thigh the rest of the way before placing a kiss on her mons. She gasped softly and pushed her hips forward, mashing my broad nose against her bare pelvis.

I lifted up on her thigh a bit more and lowered myself to level my mouth with her pussy. My tongue lapped over her lips a moment before pushing it inside. She was already wet, and not just from the water. Her taste made me moan against her folds as my tongue slipped about them, targeting the weak spots I knew she had. I sucked on swollen labia, then the other, before delving between them with a lick running from her hole to her clit. A heated moan blew out over her hard nub, earning an extra moan from her as she clawed at the wall behind her. I flicked about her clit for a moment before wrapping my lips around to give it a sucking.

As she was moaning in bliss, I lifted her other leg onto my other shoulder. I felt her calves and feet draped across my back as I ate more feverishly, rubbing my nose against her clit as my tongue slipped inside her. Her g-spot was easy to find once I knew where it was, and soon I had her squirming and fighting to keep quiet. As I ate, my left hand went down to stroke my cock. I rubbed slowly from base to tip and felt a river of pre-cum run over my fingers. It took everything to keep from finishing myself off, and even more to stop myself from finishing her.

She pouted when I stopped, until she saw just how hungry I was. "Enough appetizer for you?"

"Ready for the main course." I slipped her legs from my shoulders one at a time before standing up, pinning her against the shower wall for another quick bout of kissing before I said "Turn around for me, babe?"

She complied, her hands up on the wall as she turned around and bent over. "One hand rubbed her ass as I said, "You told me I could kiss your ass, so..." I dropped to one knee and finished with, "I'll take you up on the offer."

Before she could reply, I spanked her ass for her first strike. "You know I was joking, right."

"Yup." My fingers went inside her pussy, stretching open her wet cunt as I assaulted her g-spot again. She was done complaining then, as I used my other hand to pull her cheek to the side. Her pink star was winking at me as I leaned in and gave it a lick, making the tough elf girl squirm and almost give in the instant she felt it. I followed with a kiss, more licking, and another kiss as my fingers rubbed at her sweet spot. My free arm went around her waist, pulling her closer and keeping her from squirming as I eased my tongue tip inside her.

With her hole nice and wet, I pulled away and stood up behind her. "No kissing after that," she complained.

"You were clean, no need to complain." I grinned and kissed her cheek, making her giggle and say, "Just keep going with your 'preparations.'"

I pulled my fingers from her slit and trailed them up over her taint to her back door, rubbing her wet ring with one finger before pushing it in. She moaned as I used her own juices as lube, easing it in bit by bit until I had to try and flatten my hand between her firm cheeks. I pulled out and added a second, pistoning them in and out slowly and stretching them to make sure she was good and stretched. Of course, my finger-to-cock ratio was a bit more than two, so I added my pointer finger, making a nice wedge that had her moaning and gripping as if it were the real thing.

As I got her ready, my free hand worked on her breasts. My hand was larger than either, so either my fingers or my palm worked depending on what I was focusing on. I kneaded her flesh in my palm, then pinched and teased with my fingers. My pointer and thumb tip rolled around her nipple as she moaned to my administrations. I licked along her neck and casually nibbled along her shoulder as both hands were put to work.

Once again I brought her to the brink, and once again I denied her. "Fucking asshole..." she growled.

"I will be." I went back to how I was before with one hand on her hip to hold her steady. My other hand gripped and stroked my cock, bringing more blood to my tip to make it easier. I pushed past her prepared ring, guiding it in slowly as she grunted. Once I was halfway in I pulled out and pushed back in, letting the water wet my cock and her hole as I went. Most of it got in this time, then more on the next thrust, and suddenly I was balls deep inside her, my nuts against her bare wet cunt.

I moaned, she moaned, and soon we were going. I kept it slow and gentle for a while, making sure she liked it with more teasing rubs to her breasts and another set of fingers in her pussy. Soon we had a decent pace going, my balls slapping against her snatch and hips against her rump. For all of her protesting earlier, as little as it was, she seemed to be enjoying her ass fucking. That rule about kissing also went out the window, as she turned back with a look on her face that was her "kiss me" look. As I chuckled, she gave me her "fuck you" look, so I obliged and kissed her. Lips locked, breaking only to moan breath, our voices were soon quieter than the sounds of flesh meeting flesh.

She couldn't keep her bliss contained anymore. Her face had reddened, I could feel her walls clenching harder, and it seemed like a chore to take in enough air in between moans and cries. Mine pleasure was equally hard to hide. I grunted and growled, trying my hardest to keep my orgasm at bay. Soon enough, I knew it was no use. She must have noticed, because she looked back and said, "Not inside!"

Of course, it was almost too late. I groaned as I pulled out, already slinging my first ropes inside her. The rest I spilled up her back and over her toned ass cheeks. The shower worked at cleaning off her back, but I could already see the remnants leaking out of her hole. As soon as my orgasm was through, I shoved my over-sensitive cock back inside. I groaned again as my shaft was surrounded by her hot tight asshole once more. I must have shot an extra shot or two as I went back to pounding her, making her cry out in bliss until she her her orgasm.

I couldn't take it and had to pull out, but my fingers remained inside to ride through her climax. Her cum pooled in my palm as I ground my fingers against her g-spot. As soon as she was through her orgasm, I pulled them out and tasted my prize on my fingers. "Mmm, tasty."

"You didn't... pull out in time... did you?" she asked. I shrugged and she shook her head.

"Hey, I tried," I muttered, rubbing my softening cock over her firm rump.

"At least help me clean up then."


After washing and drying off, we went back to our rooms with a final kiss. She gave me her room number In case I wanted to visit. Apparently she didn't get either a robe or a towel and made the trek completely nude. Not surprising, but I gave her my towel for the trip back. Once I made it back to my pod. A futon and a small TV, a little hotplate for those who want warm meals, and a sink. Honestly, not the worst place I've been, at least the futon could support two people. Even so, I couldn't get her out of my mind.

It wasn't fifteen minutes before I was at her pod, knocking at the door exposed save for the robe hanging from my shoulders. She opened the door and pulled me in, muttering, "Now who's being risky?" before the door shut behind us.