Unexpected Changes

Story by Nar on SoFurry

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"Unexpected Changes"

(M/M oral)

By Narilva Greymantle

email: [email protected]

Temp webpage: http://www.livejournal.com/users/narilva_okada/

Thomas heard a distant beeping, starting first as a mildly annoying tone, but slowly growing to a piercing scream in his ears. He opened his eyes and smashed his alarm clock, missing the snooze button on the first try, but eventually hitting his mark. He groaned and sat up painfully, the muscles in his back still killing him. He groped around his nightstand and found a bottle of presciption painkillers, his tired eyes scanning the label. May cause drowsiness. Do not take with alchohol. Take one for pain as needed every four hours. He flipped the childproof lid off and shook the pills out onto his open paw, dumping them back except for one. He dropped the bottle back onto his table and popped the slightly hallucinagenic painkiller into his mouth, swallowing hard to get it moving. Thomas moaned in disappointment; he was expecting the pain to be gone by the morning, but nothing had happened.

Good thing I have these painkillers. He thought as he rolled out of bed.

Thomas stretched and winced as his muscles contracted uncomfortably. He mentally cursed himself for allowing the pain to build up so much and hoped the pill he had taken would kick in soon. He admired his body in the mirror. Years of working out "just enough" had given him the firm body he had always wanted that complimented his night-black panther body perfectly. He kept his hair trimmed at shoulder length, left in its natural jet color for the past week. He looked at his eyes, and the watery blueness stared back. However dark and mysterious his body may have labeled him with, his eyes broke the illusion and instead gave one of soft innocence.

The panther played with his hair, trying to decide what color he should dye it. It was the weekend, and with no school, it was time for some fun. He mentally painted his hair different shades, but finally decided on a bright blue. He walked over to his bathroom, not bothering with clothes since his parents were gone for the day. The endorphines started to kick in and the pain dissappeared from his back, making the panther purr in happiness. He turned on the cold water in the sink and thought about what he'd do tonight.

I think I'll try Gigi's. He thought as he splashed water on his face then shivering at the sudden cold. He twirled the faucet off with a quick spin of his wrist.

Thomas reached around his neck, realizing that he had forgotten to put on his signature necklace. He padded back to his room and opened the large jewlry box he kept it in, lifting the heavy silver collar-like necklace from its home. The craftsmanship was like nothing he had ever seen, just under a quarter inch thick of solid silver, two inches wide at it's trianular base and inlaid with a thin layer of saffires in a broad square in the center of the triangle. The entire "collar" was connected together into what resembled the neck jewlry worn by the Egyptian god Anubis, causing his friends at his school to dub it the Temple Collar. The panther loved the necklace and wore it everyday without stop. It also helped him get noticed when his body wasn't enough.

He clipped the necklace on and felt its familiar weight bear down on his body, but adjusted to it easily as he looked through his closet for some clean clothes. The panther felt his stomach tighten and quickly selected a pair of loose cigar coloured shorts and a loose white shirt emblazoned with the images of a growing vine that wrapped around his chest to wear as he wandered into the kitchen to get some food. He smiled to himself as he thought about the fun that he would have picking up girls tonight. Maybe his weekend wouldn't be so bad after all, back pain be damned.

~ ~

Thomas parked his car in the usual spot he always did, near the back door so as not to be noticed by the front bouncer. He quickly locked the doors and ran around the back where he always gained access to the 21 and over club and rapped on the door. After a slight pause, the door opened slightly and a fierce eyed panther stood in the dim light. He looked suspiciously on the black feline, then realized who it was and smiled.

"Oh, hi Thomas! C'mon in." The backdoor bouncer said, opening the door wide to allow his friend inside.

"Thanks Midirn. What would I do without you?" Thomas said as he stepped inside, his bright blue hair shining in the overhead flourecent lights.

"Probally never get a girl." The panther laughed, giving his friend a smack on the back. "Aw, get the hell out of here and go have fun. Just don't get drunk or my ass is grass."

"Gotcha. Thanks again." Thomas said as he ran towards the door that led into the roaring music of Gigi's, the best hangout for anyone with enough finesse to have fun at.

Lights danced everywhere, at first confusing the teenage fur, but eventually his eyes adjusted and he moved across the floor to the corner where he usually sat. He eyed the different girls on the dance floor, but most of them seemed to be mated to their dancing partners, and those who weren't didn't catch his eye. He stretched his back and groaned as the pain returned, then doubled over, falling onto the dance floor. He tried to cry out, but the sheer amount of pain running stabbing his muscles was too much. The panther went unnoticed in his suffering under the loud house music and mass of dancing bodies and he felt as if he was going to pass out from the pain.

Suddenly he felt strong arms pick him up off the floor and carry him away from the lights and action. Thomas cursed his luck. Great, the bouncer found me.

His eyes tried to see where he was being taken through a veil of tears and went wide when he saw he wasn't being carried towards the door. Instead the strong fur carried the suffering panther into a back room past several doors and finally into a fairly luxurious room covered with cushions and sofas. He gritted his teeth as the fur gently set him down and tried to straighten out, but found it impossible. He finally found his voice and screamed in pain. The fur who carried him in nealt down and tried to calm the writing panther. Thomas looked up in his vision to see a sleek looking wolf who he recognized as Logan, the owner of the club. The brown furred canine placed his hands on Thomas' chest, trying to get him to quiet down while he reached for a small bottle set on a table nearby. He opened the stubborn cap and dropped a pill onto his lap, then offered it to Thomas.

"Here, take this, it'll dull the pain." Logan whispered gently. Thomas' mouth opened as the pain continued to assault his back.

"AHH! What. . .is it?" He said between spasms. Logan turned the bottle so the panther could read it. "Wait, I take the same stuff."

Logan nodded and shook the pill around. "Then take one, you need the relief."

Thomas nodded. I don't care if its poison, as long as it dulls this damn pain. The black panther grabbed the pill from Logan with his teeth and swallowed it. Within minutes, he could feel those same familiar endorphines rushing into his system and the pain in his sore back dying away. He found the strength to straighten out and sit upright to face his savior. Logan had owned Gigi's for years, and regularly came down to the club to socialize. Wheat colored fur covered him from head to toe, with hardly a marking on him excepting his ears which were tipped with bright red highlights. Thomas sighed in relief and held his hand out in a greeting.

"Hi, I'm Thomas." He said, offering his paw. "Thanks for the painkiller."

Logan took the paw and smiled. "You're quite welcome. Name's Logan if you havn't heard it already. . ."

"Yeah, you own the place right?" Thomas asked. Logan released the pawshake and nodded.

"What's wrong with your back? You seemed to be ready to die out there on the dancefloor." Logan asked, standing up and replacing the painkillers on the table.

"Aw, I don't know. It's been like that for about a week now." Thomas groaned, feeling his back tighten up. Logan nodded and walked over to the panther, moving his hands aside.

"Here, let me help. I can usually work this stuff out."

Thomas felt a little nervous about the situation, but he knew something had to be done about his back sooner or later. He shuddered and took a deep breath. "All. . .right. . ."

Logan placed his hands on the small of Thomas' back, kneading the knotted muscles and soreness away. He felt the panther jump as his back loosened up, then continued, rubbing higher on his back. Thomas felt a little awkward sitting in a secluded room with another male, but decided that the massage was just too relaxing to give up. He swallowed his pride and let Logan continue.

The wolf made his way up to Thomas' neck, squeezing the painful knots of muscle there and smoothing them out. He admired the way the panther's black fur moved under his hands and his amazing build. He was also facinated by the Temple Collar, and stared at it curiosity as he smoothed out the last of knotted muscles in Thomas' back. The panther purred absentmindely, then caught himself; his back felt wonderful. All of a sudden he felt Logan's knee press into the middle of his back and the wolf hold onto his shoulders. He tried to turn around, getting a little scared.

"Don't worry Thomas, I'm just going to finish my work. Gotta pop your back as the last step. It won't hurt and you'll feel better afterwards." Logan cooed, trying to calm the panther.

Thomas took a deep breath. "Ok. GO!"

Logan pushed his knee hard into Thomas' back and a loud crack! was heard as the panther's back loosened up. The young feline yelped then purred loudly as he felt his back gain new life. He fell to the ground and stretched out, not feeling this good in months, then turning to see Logan leaning over him worriedly.

"Did it work?" The wolf asked, clearly worried for him. Thomas sighed and smiled.

"Oh, yeah! Havn't felt this good in a long time!" The panther exclaimed. Logan breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

"Glad to help." Logan said, and before he could stop himself, he leaned over and gave Thomas a quick kiss on the cheek.

The surprised feline yelped and jumped backwards in shock. Logan realized what he had just done and backed away from the panther.

"Oh god! I'm so sorry! I forgot you weren't. . .well, I didn't mean. . .I mean. . ." Logan stuttered, unable to piece the English language together in his embaressment.

Thomas panted in a half-angry, half-confused state. He tried to rip his mind away from what was happening and focus on what he was going to do. Logan's quick kiss made something inside him fall into (or out of) place and he struggled to piece together his feelings.

"Don't worry. . .about it. . ." The panther muttered. Don't worry about it?! What the hell are you saying Thomas?! Take it back! You're not gay!

Logan looked up, surprised beyond belief. "You're not going to kick my ass?"

Thomas shook his head. "No, I'm not. But," He looked up in anger. "what the hell did you just do to me?"

Logan looked Thomas in the eyes meekly. "I. . .kissed you."

"When you did, I felt. . .I don't know what I felt, but I'm not gay!"

"All I did was. . ." Logan stated submissivly. Thomas jumped up from the floor and ran across the room, grabbing Logan's shirt and yanking him to his feet.

"What did. . .did. . .you. . ." Thomas stuttered, his vision suddenly enchanted by Logan's bright green eyes, which looked at his own in fear.

Without any input of his own, his mouth moved closer to Logan's and he gave the wolf a full tongue kiss. Logan gasped and cautiously returned the kiss, wondering what was wrong with the panther. Thomas opened his eyes wide and pushed Logan away from him, panting and feeling scared. The panther feel backwards onto a pile of pillows stacked in the corner and looked at Logan in shock.

"Did I just. . .?" He asked fearfully. Logan nodded silently. "No! I don't want to. . .!"

Logan cautiously padded over to Thomas and sat close to him. "No one's forcing you to do what you do, but if you don't want me to be here, I can leave."

The confused feline closed his eyes tightly. "No, don't leave. Please! But what the hell is wrong with me?!"

Logan approached the torn fur and gently hugged him. "Maybe you're not. . .well, completely straight. Maybe you're bisexual."

Thomas looked up in fear at Logan. "Bi?! I don't want to be a fairy!"

Logan winced inside at the harsh word. "Being bi or gay is not a bad way to live."

The panther opened his eyes in terror and looked at Logan. "Oh, god Logan, I can't feel anything right now but desire for males!"

The wolf took a chance and gently kissed Thomas' neck. "It's not so bad being gay. If that's what you feel. . .then give in."

Thomas sighed and looked at Logan's deep green eyes. "Give in?"

"Try out being gay for awhile. If you don't like it, then you're probally bi." Logan nuzzled Thomas' neck as he held his trembling body close.

"But. . ."

Logan silenced his mouth with a finger. "Try it. You may like what we have to offer."

Thomas eeped as Logan slowly leaned forward and kissed him deeply, his hands moving over his crotch and playing with the zipper of his shorts. The young, scared feline began to tremble uncontrollably as he felt himself become hard under his clothes, then cursing himself for coming to the club that day. Logan continued the kiss and gently unzipped the panther's shorts and slid them off along with his boxers, exposing his hard length to the air. The wolf felt himself become aroused by the long length of kitty cock twiching before his eyes and licked at the head of it, eager to taste his new treat. Thomas' eyes went wide as he saw Logan begin to suck on the tip of his cock, then broke out in a cold sweat as he felt his mind give way to his body. He reluctantly closed his eyes and leaned back, enjoying the blowjob he was recieveing despite the fact that it was from another male.

Logan continued his work on his new toy, mouthing about half of Thomas' length, hoping to make this the most enjoyable experience the panther would ever recieve. He quickly rid himself of his pants and underwear, letting his wolfcock stand in the open. Thomas moaned as he was suckled, humping slightly at the warm maw. Logan rammed down on the panther cock and deepthroated, sucking hard at the hot shaft in his throat. Thomas felt his body tingle a bit, then he came into the wolf's throat, shooting his seed down into Logan's stomach. Logan groaned and pumped at his own cock, quickly orgasming as well, aiming his jets of fluid to hit Thomas' tail and crotch. He moaned and sucked the last drops of semen from the gasping panther, swallowing hungrily then leaning up to kiss the feline.

Thomas' body had calmed somewhat, but he was still nervous. He shakily returned the kiss and held onto Logan tightly. The wolf petted the feline gently, knowing what he was feeling at that moment in time.

"Shh. You'll be all right." He whispered. Thomas whimpered.

"What if I really am gay?" He asked fearfully. Logan kissed his head.

"Then welcome to my private club, reserved especially for gays."

"Ya know. I'm not really 21." Thomas said into Logan's chest, feeling a little drowsy.

"I know sweetie, I know." Logan whispered, then looked down as Thomas fell asleep. He carefully laid them both down and closed his eyes. You'll find out what you are soon enough Thomas, then it won't matter what others think. He thought as he felt himself beginning to get sleepy. But I sure hope you turn out to be gay so I can snatch you up. He looked at the adorable panther's face and sighed.

"Nightie night kitty." He breathed, closing his own eyes.

~The End~