How to Hold Infinity

Story by KnucklePuppy on SoFurry

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How To Hold Infinity

After a long absence full of happy moments, my big brother came back home to his family of tigers. We were shocked to have him back really, because he was doing so well. He had a job, a car that he apparently stuffed his large frame into, and was even going to school. He had left before, to join up with another person (which we found out he doesn't like) that shared his dream of fighting and fighting games, and decided to make their own as their minds and commonalities piqued each others' interests.

But all things change with time, and he was back home. 26 years old, back with his parents!


My big bro and I were always close. We barely argued, he got along famously. He was cool to me all the way through our years. When his genes picked up and his muscles grew in, he attracted girls like an orange and black magnet. He was handsome, coordinated, and fast to top it all off. He got along with everyone he knew. Not to say he was a stick in the mud (or had one up his big butt), not at all. He got in trouble because of his wild side. He loved to do crazier things, trying to top his last prank or stunt. But he always pulled it off, and managed a lesser sentence.

Soon after he got back, he started to build himself back up, subtly. We (he and I) convinced our father to let him return to the family Martial school as Assistant instructor. He could make a small living for himself that way, because dad would have to pay the wages of the position. Everything was gravy.

*** ***

3:14 am

"Hello? Okay, we gotta be quiet.."

I opened one eye as I layed in bed with big bro. I was on my side, turned away from him so I could draw some warmth from his big body. I put my back against his side and stretched out and drifted off.

"Yeah...Yeah, I like that.. Yeah? YEAH!"

My eye popped open as the bed began to rock. My other eye opened, but I couldn't bring myself to move. If I freaked out it would spoil his moments between he and his girl. He switched his phone to his other hand and kept up with his left, purring deep, deeeep into the bed. I admit, at that moment I fell into a purring fit. His bedrocking and our purring immediatel-

I fell off the bed. I hit my head on the corner of my nightstand, crying out in surprise and pain. Big bro looked at me in shock as he realized the situation he was in.

"Hello? Aw man, my little bro slipped off the bed.. What? Idunno, I guess I knocked him off!... He's ALWAYS been in bed! ...WHAT? ....WHAT THE HELL DOES 'WE GOTTA BE QUIET' MEAN? Hey, baby, wait, I'm sorry! ...You've gotta be kidding me! Hello? HELLO?"

I rubbed my forehead and big bro sat up, hunched over. I got a look at him with the light from outside the window. He had thrown his boxers; I could see where they were piled up. He had his part of this gigantic blanket we shared bunched up over his crotch, and the air was heavy with musk.

"Sorry to wake you up little bro.. Sorry ya had to hear that too.." he said apologetically.

"Sounds like she was pretty pissed."

"She thought, I guess, that I was letting you listen to our phone call. She flew off the handle pretty far..." he said. Then I felt bad. I should've left when I thought about it the first time...

"I'm gonna let you have the room..looks like you could use some time alone to think." I said with a short groan as I rubbed my head.

I turned to leave, disheartened by my awesome older bro's strife. When I made it as far as the door he stopped me.

"Wait, wait wait! ...I don't wanna kick you out. You can stay! Please!"

I froze for a second, then my heart took off in a fierce, roaring surge as I realized what my big bro wanted. Asd right after that, I felt bestowed with an honor of legends.

I hung my head a bit, grinning as I got back in bed..and snuggled my huge bro's side. He put his massive left arm around my shoulders and our purring synced into a rumble that put me in a trance, enthralled by the undeniable security he gave me.

Then the bed began to rock again.

"Aw, aw yeah, holy shit yes!" he said breathlessly as he put his bulging right arm to work, stroking his thick and stubby dick with a baseball grip. It was a straight five inches or so, but it looked like he could throatfuck a walrus with it. His strokes were more like twisting motions as he drew more and more pre into his palm and around his fingers. I was impressed. Even though mine was longer, his sodacan-cock seemed to fit him. Bro held me close to his side.

"You okay down there buddy?" he asked as he snuggled me a little more and I slipped my briefs down my slimmer frame and let them hang free from one paw. I soon fell into a good rhythm, giving my stiff cock a smack. Bro chuckled as he did the same right after and I blushed, enamored with him.

"You're so cool.." he said.

"No, YOU'RE the shit!"

"Haha, look who's grown up?"

"Yeah, you don't know WHAT'S been goin on since you left!"

"I know what's goin on now.." he said, and he whipped his left arm free, swiping it down my body and wrapping his left hand around my dick. I melted as bro then began to stroke us both up and down. My body went completely limp and bro stroked hard, his hand doin exactly what it needed to to make me give it up, my dick flexed strong and held it for my older brother.

"Little bro's got a big dick!" he said, and followed with a squeeze that took me to the edge.

"Bro..Jakke, you're gonna make me bust! I'm gonna..!" I said breathlessly, and I could see him smirk as he squeezed once, twice, then a final time as I bucked into his well-fitted paw, and coated his arm with streaks of my smelly cum. I layed there, utterly exhausted, and my thoughts drifted to my generous idol. Jakke kept up with his stroking and I gulped a mouthful of air down before I threw myself onto his thick legs. It took my eyes a mere second to readjust, and I found his stubby dick pointing between my eyes. Then I saw his eyes, bright and eager as I guess we had the same thoughts in mind.

I eased his paw away and slipped the first couple of tough inches into my mouth, and big bro purred with a paw on his face. His dick throbbed in agreement on my tongue, and I began to taste his maleness a little at a time. His hand left his face and found my back, and rubbed it evenly as I took more into my maw.

"Ahh, ahh, my little bro's so cool..." he said.

I had never tasted another guy's cock before, but blowing my brother seemed the best way to start. And although I didn't have plans to go stuffing my muzzle into other guys' crotches, HIS was a must. He tasted like he smelled, and he smelled like I always knew him to be: strong.

I bobbed lower and I could hear him hiss as he bucked into my mouth slowly.

"Geez, oh man yeah, so good.. You're so hot little guy.." he said and blood found its way to my cheeks to make me blush since my mouth was stretched over his dick so snugly. He bucked deeper but just as gently so I didn't gag.

-I pushed down all the way, my lips meeting the barrier of his fuzzy, trimmed sheath. His dick drooled more pre as I serviced the hunk I was glad to know personally.

"So good Jaga, that feels so good.. How's my little bro better with his tongue than my girl??" he asked with the world's biggest grin on his face. It made me work harder though; any woman that turns down my big bro deserves to be alone.

I pulled free just for a second, and the tip of my tongue found his huge balls, drawn up tight as if he was a paper's width from spewing. Jakke giggled.

"Hehe, that tickles! Ho, hohoho hey!" he said as our eyes met.

He had the sweetest expression I've ever seen on his handsome mug, with gentle eyes and a smile that could melt a glacier.

"I love you big bro."

"I love you too little bro!"

I slipped him back into my mouth and sped up, rubbing my tongue against his cock with tiring pressure. My mouth was sore, but Jakke deserved the world. And I was determined to give him what he deserved from me.

"Oh, oh? Wha-what? What? WHAT?" he babbled, and the spines on my tongue found the barbs on his cock. They connected and he went crazy.


I tugged and rubbed my tongue against his dickspikes and I felt him shudder like jell-o, the paw on my back trembling hard. I suddenly had a devilish idea. I attacked his barbs hard with my tongue...then immediately withdrew. I sat still and watched him, and his reaction was priceless.

"Wh-what the hell dude!? Did I choke you? Do I taste bad? What's wrong!?" he asked, with his eyes on me like spotlights. I looked at his cock, dizzy on his musk, and saw every vein it possessed, like a mass of hoses bound together.

"Please don't stop bro... Please don't stop.." he pleaded, ruffling my head with a gentle paw that eased me back down his shaft, then guided my head up and down. Jakke was in control this time.

He used great care to keep an even, slow pace, fully bathing his cock in my drool. His hips were in perfect time with his guiding hand; each time he went balls-deep my eyes bulged. I soon found myself floating on his smell, a stink I remember catching whiffs of when we were both in highschool.

"Awwwwyeah, let big bro handle his load.." he said, and I responded by clasping our barbs together so they ripped free like velcro. I knew Jakke couldn't stand it. Each time he buried his cock in my mouth like the stud he was, my tongue would catch, snag and clasp against him. He went limp after that, and I seized control with hard slurps. Jakke thrashed around in place, his eyes filled with wonder and the deepest pleasure.

"Jaga, JAGA!" he roared, and I offered him a hand to squeeze while he reared off the bed, thrusting into my mouth and I snagged his cock one more time, dragging the heights of his pleasure out until..

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMPHHHHHHHHHHHHHHK!!" he roared, through a pillow he covered his mouth with. His dick throbbed like a tuning fork and released so many shots of his strong tasting cum I gave up counting. My mouth swelled like a balloon, and after he came so much it splurted from the corners of my mouth I began to swallow. Jakke was breathing hard, harder than I've ever seen him. His thick, oozey cum was everywhere my tongue could feel. It was definitely musky, MOST definitely strong...and I loved it. The taste, that I got him to cum in the first place, that it was my dear older bro's cock I sucked...

Jakke threw the pillow aside and took a deep breath. I took my time swallowing him clean, a little more time was spent licking his balls again, and when his trembling paw found my head I stopped.

"Tha...that's enough..." he said. He scooped me up in his arms and brought me to his chest, kissing my head sweetly.

"Hooooly shit that was good stuff.." he said, and I beamed. Well, as much as I could while I was cum drunk.

"Good night little bro... Thanks so much for that."

"Good night Jakke.. I and your girl work things out.."

"Screw..her... My little bro's.. so much better to..hang with... Better with his mouth too.." he panted, and I smiled as I put my head on his chest and drifted off.

***** ***** *****

9:20 a.m.

The alarm woke us from our slumber with a shrill cry, shattering our slice of paradise along with our piece of infinity.

I opened my eyes to see Jakke under the light from the morning sun. He looked well rested and ready for the day, but when he turned to look at the clock he panicked.

"AH CRAP, I'M LATE! I GOTTA GO, DAD'S GONNA BE PISSED!" he shouted, and it took me a second to remember why.

Today was Jakke's proficiency test, to see if he qualifies for the position of assistant instructor. I don't know how dad was gonna test him, but we didn't want to start off on the wrong foot.

Too late for that though..

Jakke scrambled out of bed, and I could see his striped form ripple with power as he fumbled around and picked up his boxers. He bent low and I could see his two-toned balls (and his morning chub) swing with his movements as he drew them up his legs. He turned to me and smiled, the waistband behind his sac. He pulled it forth with a wink, tossing his junk into a heavy sway before he concealed them under the fabric that I wished he would deal without.

"Help me find my gi bro!" he said, and I threw our dresser drawers open and fished through all of our clothes, jam-packed into the small spaces until I found it; white and worn with age. I tossed it to him, along with a fresh white belt since he wasn't allowed to wear any colors just yet. He put his pants on, then his jacket, and finished by tieing his belt tight. Then he took off, stopping for a second to turn to me with his arms out.

"C'mere.." he said, and I approached him bashfully. He snugged me in his arms, and I felt like no harm could come to me. He spoke into my headfur, soft words that made a world of difference to me.

"Thanks for last night. Helped me sleep grrreat!" he said softly, with soft paws that caressed me protectively. I didn't want to be anywhere else.

"You know dad's rules, while I'm being tested you can't be there. I bet the other students have to wait-"

"The faster you finish, the sooner he can let the students return to train! Get goin!" I said, with a flash of initiative. Jakke nodded, ruffled my head and let go to face the world. And our father. And as I watched him go, I eyed him with sweet, harmless envy as he rounded the corner. He's handsome, strong, he's a total ladykiller, he's got a fat dick AND he he shoots big loads. And I'm all the more glad to be who he calls family.