Swan Song

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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Legal stuff: Not intended for those under the age of 18. Gary is © to me and Faithry is © to herself. I am not responsible for any medical fees incurred by damage done to your wrists if you find this story to be too hot. Enjoy.

Gary sat up with a jerk, having fallen asleep at his desk. The male swan blinked and looked around the room before his tired eyes settled onto his monitor His sudden jerk had moved the mouse enough for the desktop to exit sleep mode and the number in the bottom corner told him a horrifying story. "Fuck, I overslept!" Standing up in a rush, his chair rattled away from the desk as the still half-asleep male rushed into his bathroom. He had been up half the night working on some paperwork that he really shouldn't have even had outside of the office period. As he hurried to the bathroom, he slammed his thigh into the corner of a cabinet. Hopping down the hall and rubbing his thigh furiously, he made it into the bathroom.

Not having time for a full shower, he settled for trying to groom his feathers as best he could in the least amount of time needed. Grabbing a specially designed brush he started to work his feathers to get them somewhat in order. As he tended to his feathers, his other hand went to work smearing some paste onto his beak brush and turning on the water. Shoving it under the faucet, he held it there for a moment then slipped it into his beak and began to scrub furiously. Dropping his feather brush down, he worked on scrubbing his beak before rinsing and spitting. Rushing to his bedroom, he grabbed a clean shirt and pants, taking off the tee shirt and jeans from the night before.

A couple minutes later, he was hopping out of his bedroom and pulling on specially designed shoes for his webbed feet. He hated wearing the damn things, but his boss firmly believed that if someone was going to work for him then they had better be wearing shoes. Checking his desktop, his eyes widened in panic. The files he had been working on had been corrupted so he lost the data. Checking his laptop, he breathed a little sigh when he saw that some of his work was still safe there. Shutting it down, he stuffed the computer into its case then began to pack the files into the front. Within a minute, he was out the door and racing towards the elevator. Of course as luck would have it, today was one of the days that the old lift was out of order. Grumbling to himself, he ran towards the stairs and began to scurry down them. All the way down the stairs, he could be heard chanting 'crap' as he tried to get downstairs without breaking his neck.

Rushing out onto the street, the white-feathered male tried to make his way through the crowd towards the bus stop. However his luck seemed like it wasn't going to let him get off that easy. The second he reached the stop and tried to move towards the door, the bus pulled away. Clenching his beak to keep from shouting a curse, he turned and started down the street. It was only a couple dozen blocks to his office, so he should be able to make it there fairly quickly. Huffing, he wound his way through the crowded sidewalk traffic. As he walked, he wondered if the sidewalks were ever empty since there always seemed to be a rush of people walking along them.

He was so engrossed in trying to get to his work, that he didn't notice the group of people moving in step with him till it was too late. Hands grabbed his briefcase as more slipped into his pockets. It mere seconds, his laptop with all the work it held, his wallet with all his credit cards and ID cards, and even his cell phone were gone. This time he did curse, leaning against a brick wall. He hadn't so much as caught a glimpse of the people that attacked him and had no clue which way they headed. Peeling himself off the wall, he continued his trek towards the office building. They were bound to have everything backed up there, as well as a phone where he could call the police and other things about his lost wallet.

"What do you mean you lost those files!" Needless to say his boss wasn't happy. Gary had managed to get to work only a half-hour late and the guard let him past once he heard about the robbery. "Do you realize how much those files are worth to us?" Sitting there in the office, he knew better than to ask that question. "Tell me what made you think that you could just waltz out of here with any of our files."

Gary cleared his throat; "I was a little behind on the numbers and wanted to get in some extra work last night." He looked up at his wolf boss as he said that last part, seeing only a cold gaze.

The wolf grunted, "Your desk is being cleared out as we speak, security will escort you off the premise." The swan's heart stopped at those words. But his boss wasn't done yet, "You will not get a letter of recommendation from me, and if anyone calls for a reference I will make sure to mention this event to them. Now get out of my office." Standing up, he walked out of the office, his hand drooping as he headed towards his little cubicle. Security was already there, holding a box with all his personal belongings. They handed him the box and then followed the poor male out of the office as he made the walk of shame. He was lead out of the building and left on the sidewalk. Looking down at the box, he let out a low sigh and turned, starting the long walk back to his apartment.

Walking down the street, he knew he'd have to start looking for a new job the second he walked into his apartment. The end of the month was coming fast and he only had so much money saved up in his bank account. He might be able to last three months without a job, more if he cut back on little luxuries like real food. He really didn't feel like going back to his apartment at the moment so instead he just let his feet carry him whereever they wanted to go. Stuffing his hands into his pocket, the cob wandered through the streets of the city. He knew eventually he'd have to get back to his apartment and start to hunt for a job, but he just didn't feel the motivation to do anything at the moment. The sound of a car slamming on its brakes made him look up. Some bears wearing suits and dark sunglasses lurched from a van and rushed him. Gary didn't even have time to yell as one sprayed something into his face. The swan started to cough as his eyes watered. The last thing he remembered was the world tilting to the side suddenly before everything went dark.

* * *

He had some strange and horrible dreams. First he'd been robbed, then fired, and then attacked by some strange people that looked like government agents. Then the dream changed and he was sailing in a boat without a care in the world. Slowly, he woke up and let out a low groan. The first thing he noticed was the sound of water lapping against something near his head and the sensation of rocking. The second thing was much more of a concern; he couldn't move his body. Opening his eyes, the cob began to blink rapidly to clear his vision.

His heart began to race when he saw that his beak had been secured with several straps, silencing any cries he might have voiced. Turning his head to the side, he saw that his arms were strapped to the bed he was on. There were straps across his biceps and another at his wrists. Looking down his body, he could see that he was nude with more straps across his chest and belly. He couldn't lift his head too far though. When he tried, something dug into his neck, probably another strap. He tried wiggling, but the straps went right through the mattress and down into the frame. After struggling a few minutes, he let his head fall back onto the pillow and panted through his nostrils.

A low creaking noise caught his attention, making him turn his head to see what made it. A door across the room was swinging open slowly. His heart hammered in his chest as his mind raced to try and figure out what would be coming through the door. He remembered those people that had grabbed him, a fragment of memory coming back to him. When they hit him with the gas he had lost control of his body and began to pass out. With amazing speed, they grabbed him before he hit the ground and had him in the back of the van. His mind had been trying to fight the gas and he vaguely recalled hearing something about him being exactly what was ordered. His eyes went wide as he jerked in the bonds harder. Oh God, they were gonna sell him as a slave or rape him. He'd heard enough stories on the news and things to know that slavery still existed in the underground and that people sometimes are grabbed off the street and then brainwashed. Was that what was going to happen to him? Was he going to be nothing more than a mindless slave to some twisted perverted person? Could this day get any....

The door opened fully to reveal a drop-dead gorgeous pen, the female swan smiling at him as she walked into the room and shut the door behind her. "Good, you are awake, that means I don't have to wake you up." She was wearing a gown that could have been a robe or a dress, he wasn't sure what. Just the sight of her lovely form was enough to cause his loins to begin stirring. She let out a low coo; "Well it appears that someone is happy to see me." He blushed at her, but didn't look away as she reached up and undid a clasp on the dress. The fine fabric slipped down her body like water rolling across glass. The beautiful swan seemed to glide across the floor as she approached him. She had the proportions and curves in all the right places. Her body was identical to his in coloration and it looked like she was about the same height at him. In fact, she could almost be his twin except that her tail feathers were much longer than his were.

Stepping next to the twin-sized bed, she easily swung a leg over his body and then sat down on his belly. He blushed more as he felt her tail feathers resting against his crotch. Her hands gripped his arms and began to feel them as she crooned to herself, "Decent muscle tone, you take good care of yourself." As Gary lay there, feeling her hands pressing against parts of his torso, he began to wonder if he was going to be a slave. If this female was going to be his owner, he might not mind it at all. Closing his eyes, he leaned his head back as he felt his cock pressing against the soft down on her rump. Her hand reached out to cup his beak, making him open his eyes. She cooed as her hand rubbed against his chin and throat, "I am Faithry, and you now belong to me."

He blinked a little, but since he couldn't argue about the point at the moment, he simply watched as she turned her head to look at his member. Her croon told him that she was pleased with what she saw. The length bore a pointed tip that thickened as it went down to his base. At its bottom, it was about two inches across and the length curved up just a little. That wasn't the tapered length's main attraction though. Starting at the base of his cock, he had two rows of bumps that spiraled up from his base. The two rows started on opposite sides of his shaft and did one full revolution as they climbed the seven-inch length.

Faithry let out a low murr as she ran a fingernail over his cock slowly, making the male under her shiver. It had been so long since he had any attention down there that didn't come from his own hands. He felt her shift and the sound of a drawer under the bed being slid open. He couldn't see what she was doing since her body blocked his view of most anything from his waist down. After a moment, she sat up and he felt something cool dripping onto his cock. Her hand smeared the lube around his pole, making Gary lay his head down and moan. One of her hands curled around his base and started to slide up and down his length, coating it in the slick lubricant. Her other one slipped down and began to rub his feathered swan sac. "Mmm, yes these are nice and plump."

He couldn't understand why she was talking about how plump his balls were, but he wasn't going to argue since she was masturbating him. Her grip was light, letting his cock slip through her fingers easily as her hand moved up and down. His eyes drifted closed as his breath puffed out of his nostrils, just savoring the sensation of being pleasured like this. Her grip tightened around his meat a little and stroked it faster. The cob let out a low groan as his pre dribbled onto her fingers as she jerked him. Those little bumps on his cock made an interesting sensation as they rubbed over her fingers and were pressed into his shaft just a little.

He writhed under her as the pen's hand slid up and down his shaft faster, letting out little noises. He wished his beak wasn't bound so he could ask what was going on, try to talk to her, or even just call out in pleasure. His hips rocked as much as they could, bucking into her hand. She crooned at him, "That's it, let me see what you can do." Having a sexy swan female on top of his body, jerking him off, and telling him to bust a nut. There was only one thing he could do in a situation like this. His body trembled and jerked as he felt his gut tighten up, a sure sign he was about to erupt. Something cool slipped over his cock, but he really didn't notice as the mind-numbing pleasure associated with an orgasm swept through his body. He could feel his sac pulsing and tensing as his cock twitched, spurting his cream for Faithry.

His body went limp as he panted, his eyes partially opened as he watched the female as she sat there on his chest. Her hand rubbed his sac some more as something wiggled against the base of his cock. "Oh my, you were a little backed up weren't you?" Smiling, she pulled a tube off his cock and held it up so she could look at it. There was a small pump on top of the tube that had a short hose hooked to the jar. The jar was almost full of his spunk, the white liquid swirling a little as she rolled it. "Yes, I think you will do very nicely." She smiled at him and stood up before drifting into a bathroom. He could hear her washing her hands before she came out and set the jar and cleaned tube down on a shelf. Picking up her dress, she pulled it back on as he watched. She smiled at him before picking up the jar and leaving the room and the bound male.

* * *

Gary wasn't sure how long he had laid there since he fell asleep soon after Faithry left the room. He must have dozed off into a deep sleep because the next thing he knew, he woke up suspended in the air. He was angled backwards a little, lying against a soft bench. Looking around, he could see that he was in a stall in front of a hall. His beak was still bound up tightly, silencing him. The AC kicked on and he shivered as the cool air blew over his exposed cock. Sitting up a little, he glanced down and saw that his fleshy pole was standing tall and firm, a ring around his base to keep him hard. Looking around, he couldn't tell much about the room he was in since the stall was set into a little alcove.

He dangled there for a few minutes before Faithry walked into the room and smiled at him; "Well nice to see you are awake again." He let out a muffled noise around the hose. "You're probably wondering where you are. Well you're on my island and you don't have to worry about anything now." She smiled and ran her fingers over his hard cock, making him shiver. "Its time for your first milking session, it might hurt at first but you'll get used to it pretty quickly." She got some lube from a small shelf inside the alcove before smoothing it over his cock. He let out a low groan and wondered what she meant by milking session. As he watched, she took a hose and began to work the end over his cock, making him honk through the gag. He watched as she slid the hose down to the base of his cock and let it nestle against the ring. Gary let out a soft croon as he watched her as Faithry as she loaded a jar into a receptacle. The jar was labeled 'Sample: Subject G-279 Day 1' which made him wonder what was going on here.

While he was distracted by reading the label, Faithry had picked up a metal dildo and was lubing it up. She pressed the cool metal against his tailhole, making him jerk as she wiggled it in. Gary's eyes wide as his rear was invaded by that rounded tip. He thrashed in his bonds as she pushed it deeper, the tool having several knobs on it. "Just relax, this is the worst of it." He could feel his eyes tearing up as this female took his back cherry. His breath came in short gasps as his rear burned with the sensation of being penetrated by that object.

He huffed as she released it and let it rest inside his rear. "There we go, now lets see what we can get from you." He watched as she smiled and flipped on a switch. The tube around his cock twitched and began to suck around his cock, making him jerk a little and moan. He heard the sound of another switch being thrown before that dildo in his ass began to vibrate and tremble inside his tailhole. His body jerked at the indescribably sensation as he huffed and writhed in the bonds. The pen just kept watching him as the male huffed into his bonds. Pleasure flashed and shot through his body as his prostate was stimulated directly by that insidious little device.

Gary's quick orgasm was unavoidable considering what she was doing to him. His hips jerked as he let out a muffled trumpeting noise as he erupted. The tube around his cock sucked his spooge up through the tube and dropped it into the jar. He felt the familiar joyful glow spread through his body as his orgasm overtook him. Normally that would be more than enough for the swan. But now, the hose kept sucking around his cock like an over-eager lover. His sensitive cock ached as the rubber ring at the base of the tube moved around his shaft a little as it kept suckling. He let out a little whimper and shifted as the vibe in his ass kept humming away. Faithry looked at the jar and cooed, "I know you can do better than that." The swan smiled as she reached up and tapped a little button.

His back arched as he cried out louder, the metal dildo shocking his prostate. He jerked and twitched as he hung there. His breath came in shorter gasps as his eyes rolled back, feeling that gland being constantly stimulated even after his first climax. He groaned as lights began to flash in front of his eyes as he huffed deep in his chest. Hi overloaded brain couldn't even tell what was happening to him as he got lost in a sea of pleasure. He let out a low noise that was part moan and part whimper as his body began to ache.

A pair of clicks snapped through his foggy brain. The cob slumped in the bonds and tried to catch his breath as he huffed and puffed. He felt so weak; he had never felt anything like that before. His arms and legs felt like overcooked noodles, ready to slide out of the bonds given half a chance. Gary's eyes fluttered open before his head rolled to the side. Faithry smiled and tapped the nearly full jar with a finger. "I knew you could handle it, someone will be in here to clean you up and feed you shortly." She pressed a button and the full jar was pulled into the wall then sent somewhere. He watched as she drifted from the room and shivered to himself as the tube slipped along his cock. Maybe it hadn't been such a bad day after all.