Earning His Place

Story by zanian on SoFurry

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Commission for Martell (FA)

Another day, another dollar; it was an old saying that could have seemed too optimistic for these times, but for some, it was still a good proverb. If one worked hard enough, he would be able to succeed in a moderate fashion in this economy; there was no point in hopping to strike big or to get a name out there, for those that challenged it would be crushed under the weight of their own expectations.

Martell was one of them; working in an office, he considered lucky to be there. Not that the employment was challenging or interesting, but it was enough to pay for his bill, for the moment. It was possible that in the future it would be insufficient, but he didn't want to think that sort of thing; he had his life in front of him and he wanted to live before worrying about these little elements.

Being a two tailed tanuki, he considered himself lucky that he didn't face ridicule because of his unusual appearance; it was common practice that someone with multiple tails would have people trying to pull them or laughing at his expense. The people that surrounded him were not caring about that aspect of him, for they seemed to pay little to no attention to this part of him.

Maybe the people enjoyed looking at him; who could blame them? With his yellow fur, finished with red tips at the ears and the tail, he was a sight to behold, one that could inspire all sorts of thoughts into people. The people at the office could see his charms, could be the target of his seduction, but there was something too easy in that scenario...

A part of him wanted to experience excitement, to see what life could offer; he wasn't sure how he could experience that, but he knew that it would be outside the cubicle, somewhere that his colleagues wouldn't dare go in the first place. It would be pleasant to brave his own inhibition, to go to places that could be a minor threat to his security, for a short while.

Maybe it was an idiotic impulse, one he shouldn't listen to, but he had the impression that it could improve his life if he followed the idea that lurked in his mind. His mind was set; the next day, he would venture in the less reputable areas, seeking enjoyment and memories that could make his life better.

The next day, he prepared himself mentally for the journey that he would face; it wouldn't be a difficult one, but it would be a way for him to break the routine, so it could always remain a challenge that could frighten him a bit.

The day at the office seemed endless; although he had work to do and files to finish, he couldn't concentrate, making him wonder why he bothered coming here in the first place. Between tapping his desk with a pen and turning some documents, he wasn't able to produce anything of value. Perhaps he could take the rest of the day off, so he could have more time for the quest he had in mind. It's not like his supervisor would write him off for his first offense; there was always a little indulgence for those with a clean slate and a perfect record, after all. But he had to come up with a good excuse, when they would ask him about it; a white lie could save him from a reprimand...

``Are you alright? You seem out there, as if something big was about to happen in your life'' said a voice behind him, one that wasn't unfamiliar to him. Turning his head around, he saw one of his coworkers behind him.

It was Soria, the accountant of the office; it was her job to make sure that nothing would bust the budget, although he wondered how she managed to pass the days without being crushed under the boredom and the routine. Perhaps she had a way to make her days more interesting, or had a captivating social life; either way, she was a model that could have inspired him, but it was a bit too late for that, though. He had a plan in mind and it was enough for him, for now; however, he knew that she had a secret, one that would be worth learning about in the future...

``Oh, you know, the usual; in stuck in a routine, but this time, I didn't find an easy way to escape it. I just can't stop thinking about the possibilities; maybe I am doing the right thing, maybe I am being a fool'' he told the feline, as he watched her tail swat the floor for a moment, wondering if he should gaze upon her, to give himself something to soothe his mind for a moment.

He would have to be careful, though; the black furred feline could take offense as his wandering eyes. It would be quite a pain to explain that he wanted to cheer himself up by observing her curves and her beautiful body. Although he was a bit ashamed of his practice, he had to admit that it was hard to resist...

``Oh? What did you have in mind?'' she asked him, as she looked as some of the documents that were scattered on his desk, as if there was a file that could be important for her. While doing so, he couldn't stop himself from staring more at her; maybe she knew and she was toying with him, but it was an element that was beyond his control, unless he would be bold enough to ask her about it. However, it would ruin the office atmosphere if he would dare do such a thing.

``A night out in places I never went before; I'm not sure which one yet, but I'll find one'' he told her, as he tried to focus back on his work, unable to find his rhythm back. He had to continue pretending to work, until it would be the time for him to leave; he couldn't leave now, for the sun was still high in the sky and the bars were empty as this time. He had to bide his time, until the moment would be favorable for his activities.

She looked at him for a moment, without saying anything, as if what he told her wasn't out too surprising, although it was brand new for him. Maybe he could ask her for some advice, when it would be done with; it could be an experience he would want to relive once again...

``Well, best of luck with... this little adventure of yours; I hope you will be able to learn something, or at least adventure out of your comfort zone, although I have the impression that you won't push too far'' she told him, as she went back to work, muttering something to herself that he was unable to hear. Perhaps it was best that he didn't hear it; after all, some secrets were better left alone...

As the work day came to its end, he turned off his computer and placed away his files; he would come back to them tomorrow, but for now, he had better things to do, actions that would make a difference in his life, although there was a chance that this was a fool's quest, one that wouldn't change anything in his perception of reality nor the world surrounding him.

As he left the office, he wondered what Soria was mumbling about; although he didn't want to care about it, he was still curious about it, as if it could be important. But he had more important matters to attend, for now; he had to find a decent club or bar to pass the evening in there.

Still thinking about the choice he had to make, he wandered in the street, trying to find a decent place where he could eat something, before moving on with his quest. Looking around, he was unable to a restaurant to fill his fancy; he wanted a fast but fancy place, a combination that sounded good in his head, but was of little value in the real world.

All he could was either fast food or expensive but slow food; he wanted to hurry, to have time to enjoy his adventure. Deciding on the course of his fate, he chose speed over quality; there was no point in losing time in a quality meal, when he wanted to have a better time elsewhere. He would to bite the bullet and endure the ordeal, so the evening would be his to enjoy, until he would have to go back home, so he would be ready for the next day of work.

It was a fast, yet forgettable meal; it had less in common with a dining experience but more with a choking down one, as he cared little about the flavors and the texture. It had to be practical and easy to handle, while he was scurrying the town, in search of the location of his dreams. Would he be able to find it, or would it end up in failure, forcing him to retreat back to his house and forge a lie, so he could pretend that his quest was not for naught?

He turned in circles for what seemed to be hours, although the clock could have informed him that only a mere hour passed; treacherous as the device was, at least it was useful, for the time being, for it calmed him down. However, it would also give him a false sense of security, for he would believe that he had enough time to achieve anything, while time would run out of his sight, plotting his demise...

As he was about to turn on the radio, so he could change his mind from the incessant search, he spotted what seemed to be a little bar; although it wasn't flashy or impressive, it would do the trick. He needed to find a place where he could experiment and test his limits, until the night would lead him back to his own place. Being limited in time was a tragedy, but he had to deal with it, until he would be comfortable with the element he was exploring; if it would be a success, then he would be able to plan in the future...

Getting out of his vehicle, he spotted the entrance of the bar; it was a bit dark and dated looking, but it had its charms, making his choices an attractive one. He had to push forward, one that he wouldn't regret in the future; what would be the point in creating dark and painful memories, after all? Unless he was seeking to brand certain places as negative for the rest of his life...

Squeaking on it hinges, the door resisted a moment when he tried to open it; forcing a bit, he was welcomed with a strange smell. It wasn't unpleasing, as he was expecting it to be, but it wasn't one he was used to in the first place. Perhaps this was part of the experience; it wasn't just about getting drunk and hitting on people. It was also about being in new places, having new sensations and being comfortable in situations that never occurred before.

Staying at the entrance for a moment, he tried to determine was what this strange smell; could it be the alcohol? Or could a mixture of cleaning products that would give this mysterious aroma? Whatever it was, it wasn't unpleasant at all; perhaps he could learn to love it, with time, although he wasn't sure that he wanted such a thing to happen.

Looking around, he wondered what he should do next; there were tables, booths and a few seats near the bar. Although he wanted to try something new, he also wanted to give himself a chance, so he decided to head for one of the booths, hoping that he would be able to muster enough courage to act later in the evening.

For now, he would contemplate the choices of drinks that were presented to him; he could go fancy and ask for a cocktail, or just go for a plain beer. It didn't matter much, in the end, but he didn't know if the people would have a different opinion of him based on this choice.

Undecided and uncaring about potential consequences of his actions, he decided to order a small pitcher, as a way to start the evening in a good way. From there, he would just need to build a little confidence to talk to someone... or get drunk enough to do it; at a certain stage, there was little difference between them.

Taking a sip, he looked around again, only to hear the door opened; seems like someone was joining the fray, an element that could prove fascinating. Perhaps he could even salute that person, in hopes that some sort of exchange would take place after.

Looking toward the bar, he wondered who it could be; he was sure that it was a stranger but still, there was still a chance that it could be one that he met in the street, making the observation much more interesting.

However, as he watched the person approaching the bar, he couldn't believe his eyes; was it pure luck that she was here, or did she follow him? Perhaps it was just his mind playing tricks on him, but he couldn't indulge himself in such an easy escape; perhaps he could approach the bar and ask a few questions, to see if his vision was corrected, or if it was just the work of his fevered imagination.

But he was so comfortable at his place and his beer wasn't finished; it would be a pity to leave so soon a seat that he worked so hard to claim in the first place. It would be a pity to lose it all for a mere hallucination, a figment of his fantasies coming to ruin his day. Perhaps he could order another beer and make the trouble go away; they say that the truth can be found in wine, but what could be in the bottom of a beer bottle?

It was Soria from work; he knew that she was a rather social person, but to see her here, at the same place as he was made him wonder if she followed him. Although it would make some sense, the more he thought about it, the more he realized that it was nonsense; why would she follow him in the first place? She wasn't a stalker or an obsessed fan of his work; perhaps he needed to calm down on the paranoia...

``Martell, is that you? What a surprise to see you in this little joint; I expected you to aim for something fancier, a location that would have made a better impression on you. But again, what do I know? Perhaps this is the best place to start your journey'' she told him, as she took her drink and sat down near him.

He stayed quiet for a moment, unsure of what to tell her; she was beautiful and nothing was on his mind. Perhaps he could try to tell her how he felt; if it was a failure, he could always blame the alcohol and pretend that nothing ever happened, although it would be a bit uneasy for the next few days at the office.

``You know, this place is boring; I know a better location, where you could experiment something even better'' she told him, as she finished her drink, placing the glass in front of her while she smiled at him.

The offer, as confusing as it was, was also tempting; this establishment was not bad, but lacked charm and luster. Although he wanted to give himself some time to think about it, he couldn't refuse the offer she presented to him; what could happen anyway, except a pleasant evening?

``You know, I am going to accept your offer; I'm sure that you know much more in this domain than I could ever imagine'' he told her, as he went to the bar, determined on paying the bill for his drink, leaving her alone, unable to see that she was grinning. Perhaps it would have made him turn around and reconsider his move, but this was a good day, one that could permit anything... and she was going to make sure he was going to remember it...

The road was short, surprising him; he expected it to be longer, or filled with detours. And yet, there they were, in front of a house. Perhaps she forgot something at her place, which was understandable; after all, nobody was perfect and it permitted him to see a bit of the city at the same time.

``Why don't you come inside? It would be nice to take a break before we head back to the bar'' she told him, as she waved to him from the doorstep. The invitation was nice and he was indeed in need of a break; perhaps she knew more about him than he expected...

As he entered, she pointed at a sofa, which seemed rather comfortable; without hesitating, he sat on it, wondering what was going to happen next. She was in control of the evening, after all and he trusted her knowledge of the surroundings to make it the best day of his life.

``You know, bars are so bland these days; I know a better way to make your day memorable'' he heard, as she came back in the living room and sat near him. Before he was able to say anything, she sat on his knees, facing him, making sure that he wouldn't be able to move.

``What are you doing? Aren't we supposed..mmhh'' he tried to say, but was silenced when she embraced him, before placing her hand on his lower stomach. Although he was shocked at this sort of initiative, he didn't want to protest it; it was indeed superior to any bar scene...

Grinning, she moved away from him and walked toward a room, inviting him with a hand gesture. From there, he was facing a choice that some could have qualified as difficult; he could either follow her or leave, pretending that it never happened. But what sort of fool would let such an opportunity slip in the first place?

Not willing to let hesitation ruin that moment, he followed in the room, wondering what would happen next; he knew her from the office, but he had no idea what she liked or loved. This would be an interesting and pleasant way to learn more about her.

The room he entered was bigger than he thought; perhaps the person who constructed this house wanted to project the illusion that it was smaller than it appeared. However, this wasn't the element that he cared the most about; there she was, waiting for him in the said room, lying on the bed, waiting for him to come closer. Containing a bed, a wardrobe made out of rosewood, a sandalwood cupboard and few other pieces of furniture. The subtle scent of the sandalwood was still hanging in the air as he looked at the bed.

He was surprised to see her without the same clothes on; instead of the white blouse and blue skirt she was wearing that day, she was wearing an elegant black leather corset, complemented with a small black undergarment. It was a contrast to what he was used to; from the cute co-worker, there stood a sexy model, one that could fill his mind with all sorts of fantasies.

``What are you waiting for, handsome? Do you want me to take them off for you?'' she told him, as he stood there, still dressed in front of her. The invitation was clear and he didn't want to disappoint her, not with the promise of pleasure in front of him. It would be shame that he would be unable to perform at such a crucial moment...

Tossing his shirt and jeans away, he stood in front of her in his underwear for a moment, determined on teasing her a bit before removing it. He couldn't give what she desired without a little wait... or a little fight. What would be the fun of it? He wanted to build the anticipation, the fantasies; if he would give her what she desired now, there was nothing of the sort that would happen...

``Oh, playing hard to get, are you? Don't worry, I'll take care of it'' she told him, as she got up from the bed, reaching him before he was able to do anything. There she was, behind him, making the move he wasn't able to do in the first place; perhaps he could learn from her, but again there was a place for all and his wasn't in dominating others...

Grabbing his last remaining piece of clothing, she was about to lower them when she decided to plunge a hand inside them. He gasped when he felt her hand grasping his member; he expected a gentle touch, one that would be delicate or at least slow, but it wasn't the case.

The grab was more of a tug, pulling his member for a moment before leaving it rest for a moment as she began stroking him; he could swear that he heard her mumble, as if there was something wrong...

``A little shy, aren't we? Come on, I know there must be more than that in here'' she said, as she removed her hand and grabbed the undergarment, pushing it down, exposing his body to her sight.

As soon as the clothing came off, she stopped; perhaps she had an idea, or something crossed her mind. Either there was something wrong with him or she wanted to produce a little suspense, before moving forward with the next action.

``Is that all you got? You have to be joking, boy; I want to be with a man tonight'' she told him, as she moved in front of him, lifting his member with a finger before letting it fall again. He knew that his shaft wasn't the biggest one around, but he never thought that he was that small; perhaps it was stress of the alcohol ruining his fun. Yes, it had to be those factors; it couldn't be anything else than that; he couldn't be small membered...

Bending in front of him, she grabbed his member again, stroking it for a moment, not as hard as the first time; the touch of her fingers on his shaft was marvelous and he could feel himself harden under her attention. This time, he wouldn't disappoint her, not with all the care she gave him.

``How disappointing; I expected you to be able to get a simple erection and yet, you are unable to do so. Perhaps I ask a bit too much from you'' she told him, as she pinched his member, making him wince.

``How do you expect to pleasure me with such a small dick? I wouldn't even be able to feel it when it would be inside of me'' she added, batting his member away before pinching it again, making him whimper.

Although the words were mean, he knew that she was right; he always knew that he was a bit below average, but to this point? It was to a degree he wanted to deny, to escape from, but he knew the truth was lying in front of him; he wouldn't be able to achieve anything tonight. It was better for him to leave, before she become impatient and bored with the teasing, for she had needs and desire he wasn't able to fulfill.

But he couldn't give up just now; although he wasn't equipped with what she sought, he could always pleasure her in another method, in another pattern that would be independent of his member.

There were ways for him to control the flow of the situation than he thought; he could improvise a few solutions, a few paths and show her that her criticism would be a thing of the past, for she wouldn't be able to remember why she cared about it in the first place.

``You are cute when you are trying to be intimidating, but with the member you have, you really think you would be able to do anything? Don't fool yourself boy; you can believe you can do anything, but you know deep down that is not the case...'' she told him, as she giggled, slapping his behind.

Hearing her, it was a blow to his ego, one that destroyed the image he tried to build around himself. His bravado was now gone; he expected the show he orchestrated to be enough for him to build around, but since it was now destroyed, his drive was reversed.

Trying to move away, he felt that she was holding him in place, which confused him; after all, wasn't he not a sufficient lover? Why did she want to keep him here? Perhaps she was not done yet with reminding him how he was unfit for the task...

``Did I tell you to leave? I don't remember doing such a thing, my small membered lover; although you are unable to provide what I desire, it will not stop the evening from going on. You see, there is more than one way to achieve this goal'' she told him, as she bended his member, making him whimpers once more.

The pain was brief and yet delicious; perhaps he wanted to be mistreated and dominated in such a way. The thoughts rumbled in his mind as he observed her walk away from him, approaching the cupboard. Hesitating a moment between it and the wardrobe, she opted for the first one and opened it, picking up an object from it before closing the drawer.

As she came back toward to him, he tried to look at it; it wasn't his fault that he was curious about the object in question. After all, it could be anything, even a limited time device that could be specially made just for her. All these speculations made him even more curious; he wanted to discover what it was, so his mind would be appeased, for a moment.

Before he was able to see anything, he felt a hand grab his balls and squeeze them a moment, making him close his eyes, wishing that it would end soon. The desired result acquired, the pressure stopped, letting him pant for a moment, as she stood in front of him, satisfied.

Who told you that you could look?'' she said, as she bended near him; he wasn't sure what was going to happen, but if he obeyed, than he was sure it would be good.No one, mistress'' he replied, as he turned his eyes from what she was doing, for she didn't give him permission to look at her action yet. His own reply surprised him, but it felt so natural that he didn't feel the need to correct himself; perhaps the facade he played when meeting her was unnecessary, for it wasn't fitted for the role he truly wanted to play.

Feeling her hands run on his member, there was also another thing he felt a strange, cold sensation as she grabbed his shaft and placed it inside it, before pushing it toward his loins. It didn't hurt at all, but he had the impression that for now on, he wouldn't be able to use his shaft, especially when he heard a clicking sound after all the operation were done on him.

``Now you can look'' she told, as he opened his eyes; in front of them a key was being dangled, as if it had an importance. Without trying to observe all the details of the key in question, he decided to look at his loin, to see what was causing the sensations he was feeling.

It was cold and heavy, as if he wearing metal on his loins; if it was the case, then he considered himself lucky that his genitals weren't crushed by the weight of such a possible apparatus that could be applied on him.

Looking down, he could observe a metallic reflection; focusing on it, he was able to observe what seemed to be a chastity device, which appeared to be placed on his genitals, to deny the pleasure from escaping him. Although he wondered why he had to wear it, he could understand the point behind it; pleasure was a luxury he had to work for and he was sure mistress would show him the way.

It was a beautiful piece of work, making him wonder where she procured it; it seemed too impressive to be a mere piece found in a normal shop, after all. But this wasn't the important point; she had the key to his release, the only way he would be able to able to reach an orgasm. What sort of devious, yet passionate plans did she have in mind? All he knew was that he had to obey...

Before he was able to ask a question, she placed a finger on his mouth while pressing the device for a moment, making him whimper once more. It was cold and reminded him that he was at her mercy, not that he was arguing against such a position. Although it was new, it felt natural, as if it was something he wanted to do for so long; perhaps he was too afraid to try out new things and this was just a way for him to free himself from this tendency...

``On the bed, now'' she commanded him, as she pointed at the furniture. Without hesitating, he climbed on it, exposing his rear to her for a moment, only to feel her hand slap it. To feel the sting of the clap on his behind was exhilarating, making him wish that she would do it again, but unless she would give him the order, he would have to wait for it.

``Good boy; you learn fast, but you could learn faster. Don't worry; I'll make sure that you will be able to do so... But for now, stay in position and wait for my return. If you move, I'll make sure to teach you the consequences of disobeying me'' she told him as she left the room, leaving him on the bed.

It wouldn't be too long; she couldn't leave him alone on this bed, waiting for her to come back. What would it give her anyway? She wouldn't be able to see him being dominated nor following her orders, after all...

And yet, he was wrong; he waited on the bed for a long moment, hoping that she would be back, but nothing happened. Perhaps it was some sort of test, to see if he was able to obey her command. If it was the case, then it would be easy; all he would have to was to stay in position and wait. What could possibly go wrong?

It was at this moment that he felt a cramp seize his left leg, forcing him to change position; it was too painful for him to stay in the same pose without moving. Breaking the command he received, he moved and sat on the edge of the bed, massaging his leg, hoping that it would go away before she would be back. Hearing a step, he took back his position, hoping that it would be enough to fool her; after all, she wouldn't be able to tell if he moved or not. It's not like she placed cameras or motion sensors on the bed to make sure he wouldn't be able to do anything without being detected.

``Did you hear what I told you? You were supposed to stay in position until I would be back and yet, you moved. And you trying to cover it by taking the same position; it seems like I will have to teach you not to deceive me'' she told him, as she entered the room, holding a box in her arms. Was she waiting near the entry of the door, until he would eventually give in to boredom and pressure, changing his stance? If it was the case, then perhaps he needed to rethink his approach a bit; after all, he wasn't obeying her if he was thinking about his own needs and desires...

Before he was able to say anything, she grabbed him, forcing him to lie on his stomach. He wondered why she wanted him to be in that position when suddenly he felt a hit on his rear once again.

This time, it wasn't a playful as the hit that he received when he climbed on the bed; it was a hard, open handed hit, delivered with force and precision. Each strike marked his flesh, the imprint of the palm appearing on his rear, making him bite his arm each time, for he was afraid that noises would anger the mistress even more. However, even if he knew that obeying the mistress was the way to go, there was a part of him that had the feeling that taunting her for a moment would be more pleasant than he could anticipate.

He had the impression that the hits were getting harder, but not faster, as she wanted to appreciate the moment; perhaps she wanted him to learn his rightful place, to learn that he couldn't deceive people without a consequence happening to him. Either way, although it was painful, he had to admit that it felt good, as if the pain was also pleasure. He needed to explore that matter, to see if it was the truth each time; perhaps it was the case in only this situation and not another one, although it could be possible that it would be the case every time. The pain was sweet, almost making him crave more, for he could feel that she wasn't there to hurt him, but just to teach him his rightful place.

Expecting another hit, he braced himself, only to feel nothing; the hit that was supposed to land on his rear stopped in midair, as she seemed satisfied with the state of his rear. Passing a hand on it, she could sense that the flesh was now sore from the spanking he received; perhaps now he would be able to learn the lesson he was supposed to remember, although she had the impression he was indeed a slow learner that needed several occasions to ingrain these notions deep within his mind.

Without a word, she reached for the box, placing it on the bed behind him; although it made him curious once again, he knew that it wasn't a good idea to look at it, for he didn't possess permission yet to look at it.

Closing his eyes, he wondered what was going to happen; was it a toy she was going to use on him, another device that she wanted to place on him or something else? He had to be patient, for he didn't want to be punished... just yet, although it would be a tempting alternative...

He felt her hands surroundings his neck for a moment, as if she wanted to strangle him; there was a limit to what he was going to obey, but she knew more than him, after all. Relaxing himself, he decided to let her do what she had in mind; even if she would abuse him, then he would take it, for it was all part of the greater plan that was beyond his control.

To be used, abused or even more was starting to be quite arousing; there was something exciting about this situation, an element he couldn't place his finger on that made it a dream coming true. Perhaps it tapped deep into his need to be controlled or told what to do; although it seemed strange at first, he knew that embracing it could only make his life better with time.

However, he didn't feel any pressure, although he could feel something leathery around his neck; perhaps she was placing a collar around his neck, which could explain why he could still capture the faint aromas of leather emanating from it.

``I have to say that this collar suits you well; after all, what would a sub do without one?'' she asked him, not expecting an answer in return, as she attached a leash to it. Yanking it for a moment, nearly strangling him, she placed it on the bed, satisfied with the result; it would come in handy later, although she had to prepare another element before it would really be practical.

That little medal fits you like a charm'' she added, as he touched the collar, feeling something attached to it; it was a small piece of metal with the inscriptionsub`` on it. A title that was indeed worthy of him...

Looking at the box for a moment, she pondered the usage of the other item that was inside of it; should she use it, or should she show him another form of domination? There were so many possible ways...

Grabbing the object, she decided it would be better for him to face it, after all. Removing her undergarment and putting it away, she passed a finger on her loins for a moment, before grinning. She could see that he was still facing the other way, unable to see what was happening behind him.

Caressing the extensions for a moment, she plunged one of them inside of her, making sure it was well in place. She could feel the synthetic substance in her, but would it be able to fulfill the objective she had in mind? She decided to give it a few thrusts, before finishing, to see if it was to her standards; as it was stabbing the air, she was able to make the other end move in her, which was what she sought.

Attaching the straps on her sides, she pinched his rump, making him yelp in surprise, breaking his wait. He wasn't sure what he supposed to do next, for she didn't tell him what she desired, although he could always try to improvise a bit. However, why would he do such a thing? It felt so much better to just obey...

``Turn around'' she told him, as he was still facing the wall; he wondered what she wanted him to do, but there no purpose for him to resist such a simple order. Spinning around, he could see that the item he was curious about was in fact a strap-on.

Carved like a real member, with protuberances and veins sculpted in the material, it gave him the impression it was real, for a moment, although the color was an indicator that it was artificial. Of a pale green, it was also massive, making him wonder if he would be able to handle such a length and size, but only experience would tell him if he was able to do such a thing. Bigger than his member, he felt ashamed for a moment, for a mere toy was able to defeat him; when mimicry was able to surpass him...

See that? That's what a member should be, not like the one you possess'' she told, as she tapped his left cheek with the dildo.Now be a good boy and use that pretty maw of yours; show me how much you want it'' she said, as she rubbed the tip of the toy against his lips, sending him a clear message.

Opening his maw, he took in the toy, trying his best to reach the base but unable to do it; it was so long and large that each time he tried doing so, it was touching the back of his throat, making him gag in the process. Although it was the first time he was doing such a thing, he knew that he couldn't fail it, for he need to please the mistress; it was his purpose, his duty to do such a thing. There was no point for him to resist her order, for she was more of a male then he could ever be, after all.

As he tried to move his head away, she pushed it back on the dildo, making sure he would suck the toy. There was no flavors to it, except the inherent taste of plastic that inhabited the dildo; although he was grateful she didn't doused in a foul tasting substance, plastic wasn't the most appealing flavor either, but it wasn't unpleasant either.

Holding his head and pulling the leash, so he would stay in place, she started thrusting, using his maw; he could feel the toy fill him for a moment, before it exited, leaving only the tip inside. Not waiting for an order, he decided to wrap his tongue around it, to caress it. Although it was massive, he wanted to try, to show that he was able to do it...

Before he was able to do so, she removed the dildo from his maw, caressing his cheek as he tried to lick the tip while it escaped his reach. Although he wasn't done yet, he knew that what was going to happen would be better...

``Turn around; it's time for you to feel what a real shaft is'' she told him, as he looked at her for a moment, before turning around, presenting himself to her, closing his eyes in the process. He knew what was going to happen next and was trying to brace himself for the sensations that were going to overwhelm him...

Facing the wall, he awaited for the strapon to fill him with its impressive size, but he felt nothing of the sort, as she started caressing his behind, pinching and caressing his still sensitive flesh. Perhaps she wanted to make him beg for him by teasing him, although there could be something else behind it...¸

He felt the dildo tease his entrance, prodding what he had to offer; he could feel the tip rub against his bruised flesh, making him whimper, as his body soon began craving to be penetrated by the toy, to be used by it, to feel her dominating him.

``Ready for a real member, boy?'' she told him, as she plunged the strapon in his rear, making him gasp. Although he knew that it was large, he didn't know that it was that large. Perhaps his senses were betraying him, for his maw was larger than his tail hole, after all.

He could feel each bump, each detail of the dildo rubbing against his flesh, as it pushed deep within him; squeezing his rump, he could feel it in all its glory, filling him a way he never thought possible.

It was a bit rough and painful at the start, but as she started thrusting, the pain soon faded, replaced by pleasure; he never thought it would be possible for him to be experiencing something that wonderful, and yet, there it was...

Pulling on the leash once more, she thrusted harder, making him yelp in the process; although it was rough, he had to admit it was what he wanted, no... needed. She was the mistress, the one that was in charge and he needed to obey her until the end...

Clenching his muscles, he tried to feel the toy more, for the sensation of the synthetic device in him was more than he could ever wish for. If only he would have experienced it before, so he would have been able to live such a wonderful experience...

As he was beginning to enjoy it, she stopped, making him wonder if he was performing well enough for her; already he was small membered, but to add another element on top of it would make it even more humiliating.

``Beg for it, little sub; I want to hear you scream for it'' she said, as she rubbed the tip of the dildo in his entrance, stopping each time he tried to impale himself on it. As he tried to grab the toy with his hand, she slapped it away, making his attempt futile; she was the onr in charge and was going to make sure he was going to obey her order.

Trying once more to rub against the dildo, only to be smacked by the mistress, he realized that there was only one thing he could do; even if it seemed a bit humiliating, he wanted to do it with a fervor that surprised him, making him wonder if this wasn't his destiny, after all. Perhaps he needed to be put in his place, dominated by those that held power, while he would obey them to the best of his abilities...

``Yes, take me mistress; take me, I need it so badly'' he yelled, as he felt the leash strangle him once more, making him wiggle his behind, wishing that she would take him with speed and strength, filling the lust that inhabited him.

Grinning, she plunged the dildo deep in his tail hole, making him wince, as she started pumping, making him wonder how long he would be able to stand it before his body would give in to the pleasure. Then, as the toy continued moving in him, he remembered that the device placed on his loins would stop this from happening, making him teeter on the edge of orgasm until she would decide to free him from it. He just hoped that she would be merciful and would give him the chance to live the pleasure too...

``Good boy, not resisting nor complaining. I though you would whine or beg me to stop... I hope you will enjoy the night, for I have no desire to stop until I am satisfied... I hope you will enjoy the denial'' she told him, as she began thrusting back into him, while he realized that he wouldn't be able to sit down tomorrow...