An old story
\*tanuki court sur les toits de la ville\*... ouf je les ais semé " " tu penses ... "luc s'est glissé derrière tanuki " aaaahhh .... " tanuki sursaute tanuki sens quelque chose lui toucher l'épaule.
The tanuki reached down and grabbed crimson. he was quick for a tanuki! "afraid not." the tanuki grumbled. "too many people saying they're going to pay later, so you're going to be together forever with me, buddy boy."
Space: There and back again
The wolf questioned, his nose just centimeters from the tanukis, his eyes gazing fondly but sadly into his boyfriends eyes. the tanuki nodded and they both stood.
Character Profile: Tanuki
The man offered tanuki to come with him, with tanuki accepting joyously.
Raymond's Toy
A short story involving a tanuki and his toy. it was the tanuki's favorite new toy.
Tail of the Drunkbark Acorn Part 3
He was only pulled back when he saw another tanuki eyeing him a distance away. _s-sansaburo-mujina..._ his precious tanuki gave him an encouraging smile. as he did, more tanukis began to reveal themselves.
Seek and Sought
Shura watched as the tanuki set their staff against the tree but before they could ask what was happening, the tanuki began to strip.
Tail of the Drunkbark Acorn
He gave the smaller tanuki a smile "ehehehe~ oh sansaburo-mujina," he then would turn to the rest of his loyal tanukis, "my fellow mujinas! nestle down and i shall tell you the tale of a drunkbark acorn..."
Chance Encounter To Debauchery
"ah; tanuki", he shouted. "there's a tanuki on this planet?!" although his eyes couldn't be seen, korbin's expression was that of a questionable one to natsuru's words.
Five Star Review
Deep into the shuddering, jiggling tanuki's cleavage.
Tail of the Drunkbark Acorn Part 2
He didn't get to be the bottom for the legendary tanuki tonight, but it still brought him solace that the tanuki god finally found a partner...
Pleasure Doing Business
Though upon walking to the front counter, the tanuki was rather surprised. he leaned down to the receptionist typing on her computer. "pardon me, miss. i'd be more comfortable with a woman masseuse" the tanuki spoke politely.