New Beginnings Ch 11

Story by Redarian_Foxhood on SoFurry

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#11 of New Beginnings

The Sunnyside tournament is about to begin

New Beginnings Ch 11 (Sunnyside Tournament)

(The Sunnyside Tournament where the top 5 trainers get to choose a Pokémon rare to the Kazan region is about to begin. Will Alyssa make it to the top 5? Read on to find out. This chapter has some masturbation and oral sex as well as hinting at combining these two plotlines I have going on. Hope you enjoy!)

Vael, Eevee, and Purrloin emerge from the hovercraft fully cleaned up, though with a minor scent of sex still on them. They garner a few glances from nearby Pokémon, but the humans seem oblivious. Vael smiles at the ones who glance his way, blushing, but after a wink or two from Eevee they tend to avert their gaze. "Wow Eevee, there's just something about you that makes other Pokémon not seem to care about what happened. This might have to be investigated later."

Eevee just looks up to him and tilts her head, saying her name in that cute way of hers as she talks to him, but Purrloin just purrs and brushes against her affectionately.

He glances around, noting just how full the town is. "Wow...there's hardly any room to move through crowds. Hop up on my shoulders and help me look for Mothim."

Purrloin barely manages to avoid an inattentive passerby and hisses as Vael frowns before both of them nod and jump up into his open arms, using them as climbing posts to hop onto his shoulders.

Once they're settled comfortably, he starts pushing his way through the crowds as he makes his way towards the town's center since that was the best place to look around. Once there, he jumps up onto the higher ground of the marble fountain after asking someone else to move.

Eevee notices them first as she spots Mothim on the roof of a nearby house next to the Pokémon center. She grabs his head between her paws and points it towards the others.

"Well done Eevee!" He could hardly hear his own voice over the sounds of everybody talking, but jumps down and pushes his way through the crowds anyway, finally stopping in front of Lizana, Houndoom, and Zorua.

She looks at him and grins. "Ah there you are! Come on down Mothim! Let's go inside!"

Vael looked confused. "Inside? But this is someone's house." When Lizana giggled and dragged him inside anyway, he could do nothing more than tag along, but pulled his hand away when they stopped in front of an attractive woman who looked to be in the prime of her life. Her long, wavy brunette hair slung over one shoulder, contrasting perfectly with the sunflower dress she wore, designed with the colors of autumn that flowed smoothly down to her ankles. It was similar in fashion to the one Alyssa always wore and he blushed a bit, thinking about how pretty this lady looked. "Um...sorry if we're intruding ma'am."

The woman smiled and walked around behind them, ushering them further into the house. "Oh such a gentleman. Alyssa certainly wasn't kidding when she said you were a really nice guy. Think nothing of it. You aren't intruding at all. I want my daughter to get all the support she can from her friends."

Vael's eyes grew much larger. "D-daughter? I didn't know we were in her home." He blushed, remembering how attractive he had thought this woman was and now that he thought about it, he could see Alyssa's image in this pretty female. Alyssa was going to be quite a looker when she got older.

Alyssa's mother giggled and gave him a hug, including Eevee and Purrloin in the gesture too. "I do see why she finds you attractive. You are a good looking young man. I trust you've been taking good care of my dear Alyssa?"

"O-of course!" He stuttered out, returning the hug and actually enjoying it. She was very motherly and it reminded him of his own parents. "Neither I nor any of my Pokémon want to see her hurt."

Eevee and Purrloin both nodded in agreement and the motherly matron nodded. "Good! In that case, I got the perfect view. The tournament takes place on a makeshift field in front of the Pokémon center and since that's right next door; I have setup some chairs on the roof. Just head through the attic upstairs and you'll see a ladder leading to the roof. Hurry up now. The preliminary rounds are going to begin soon and the battles will be quick and non-stop. I have some cookies baking and I'll bring them up to you in a bit. Now shoo!"

Without any more encouragement, the party took the directions given and headed towards the attic. He stopped by Alyssa's room and barely caught glimpses of hanging posters detailing all sorts of beauty contests and a bookshelf full of guides about Pokémon care before Lizana dragged him away again, leading them through the attic and up onto the roof.

All Eevee and Purrloin could do was hang onto his shoulders for life, even causing them both to dig their claws in a bit. Lizana was actually quite strong. It must be from all the rough housing she does with Zorua and Houndoom.

Despite Vael's momentary winces of pain when the claws dug into his shoulders, they were on the roof in short order and it seemed just in time too. The view they had from above was indeed quite impressive. From this vantage, they saw the entire field. Standing on the outside of the field were numerous trainers and each and every one of them had a single pokeball in their hands. Even Alyssa's Poochyena was nowhere to be found near her. "What's wrong?"

Lizana spoke up, still looking at the impressive field as she did so. It looked like a basketball court if nothing else, except instead of baskets there were merely half-circles painted on the floor where the trainers were to stand. "It's customary for the tournament to begin with no Pokémon visible. It prevents any of the later trainers to gain an unfair advantage by gauging a trainer's Pokémon. Naturally, you sign up with the Pokémon you intend to use to begin with and are unable to deviate from that choice. However, the less time an opponent's Pokémon is visible, the less time its abilities can be gauged."

"Wow...I never would have guessed that someone could identify how a Pokémon and its trainer fight with battles so quickly."

She nodded. "It's possible. Many powerful trainers actually use this as a sort of lightning round to test their wits and ability to remember an opponent's fighting style. Don't be surprised if a Pokémon is called back to its pokeball the moment a victor is decided. Additionally, while you might expect a trainer to keep fighting until defeated that is not the case. The longer a trainer stays battling, the more challengers start to be able to predict her moves. So to further prevent any advantages, the lineups of fighters change so the winner doesn't keep fighting and the judges even plan the trainers to use every other Pokémon type before they can fight again."

Vael blinked as he looked to Lizana. "So if Alyssa uses a dark type, they will go through every other type that is available before going back to her?" When she nodded, he continued. "So then, she does actually rest between rounds."

Lizana shook her head. "Only to an extent. The victor is unable to heal their Pokémon between fights and the gap between battling gets smaller and smaller as trainers are defeated. Think of it as sprinting back and forth between two points and resting the same amount of time it took you to complete the sprint, but the distance, and therefore, the rest between the sprints gets shorter and shorter.

"So by the end of it, you're practically passing out from the exertion. Wow...that is intense."

She looked to Vael and smiled. "Exactly! It's also why I show up every year they do this. Even my adrenaline starts to pump as I watch the matches.'s about to begin. Pay attention Vael."

The crowd of onlookers, including the trainers, goes quiet as Nurse Joy comes out of the Pokémon center with the judge and a Redheaded female riding a Rapidash with an Arcanine by her side. By the time the judge raises his arms, the entire square is dead silent. "It is my pleasure to officiate the Sunnyside Tournament once again. Every other year, we of the Kazan League eagerly show up to see the future challengers of the league as they compete in the tournament. And this year, I am also proud to welcome none other than the Kazan Champion herself, Kelly of Serendipity Isles, where the champion and elite four reside."

Vael gasped. "The champion is a female?"

Lizana nodded, giving a little whistle herself. "And quite the looker on top of being a fire type user it seems."

"But why would she reveal what type of user she is. Now people can plan a way to defeat her around the fire types. Not only are Rapidash and Arcanine fire, but they're pure fire type, not even part anything else."

Lizana rolled her eyes. "I seriously doubt that she is a sole fire user, and I also bet that she has some tricks up her sleeves for fire weakness. Keep in mind that both of them share the exact same weaknesses. So as long as she has a trick to counter it, it will work with both of them."

Vael chuckled. "I guess you're right." He looked to Eevee and Purrloin who just shrugged at him and just redirected their gazes to Kelly who suddenly started to speak. Her voice sent his nerves to shaking. Not only did she sound mature despite her petite figure, but she spoke with confidence and a tone that demanded both respect and attention. He found it very intimidating.

"Today we are gathered here to watch trainers test the limits of their ability and stamina. The battle will be intense and fast-paced. But remember this, win or lose there is always room for improvement. Never give up and always continue to grow stronger and stronger with each battle and encounter you face." Kelly raised her hand towards the pier, where Vael had failed to notice the gigantic monitor that stood in front of the gates that led pointed to a ship docked there. It was currently turned on and Kelly's image was showing live on it. The sound was so in sync with her voice that he would never have guessed that was the reason her voice carried so far over the square. "The top five trainers will be able to board that ship and choose from a number of Pokémon rare to this region before we make our way back to the Serendipity Isles. Before we begin, I turn the floor over to Nurse Joy."

Despite her image on the monitor, Vael had no reason to watch it, close enough to the source of the feed that it wasn't necessary. Though he did look around and see other camera crews posted on balconies from numerous houses. "Remember that even though the winner of each match may not heal their Pokémon, this does not stop the loser from doing so. Pokémon are vital to our lifestyles and should be treated and handled with care. Every Pokémon entered was given a full checkup to ensure prior health was befitting this challenging event. That being said, I retain the right to fully treat any and all Pokémon that appear too hurt to press on, win or lose. This means that I have the ability to pull you out of the competition, so that means that trainers shouldn't press their Pokémon to do more than they can handle. Good luck to all."

When Nurse Joy stepped back, Kelly spoke up from atop her Rapidash. "I officially declare the Sunnyside OPEN!!"

Rapidash reared up on its hind legs and Arcanine spouted out a flamethrower so hot and powerful that Vael could feel the heat from all the way over where he was. Purrloin and Eevee both jumped down behind him and Mothim flew all the way down around the house in surprise. Vael had to cover his face too, but Houndoom seemed to just close his eyes and soak up the heat. "Such intensity!"

Lizana stared at Kelly awestruck. "What a woman! Definitely deserving the title of champion. A battle with her against any of the elite four is bound to be quite a match." She smiled. "Oh look, Alyssa's about to start!"

Vael and his Pokémon immediately returned their gaze to the field where Alyssa was standing across from a young flame haired young man. When the judge called the battle to begin, they both immediately called out their Pokémon. It was Alyssa's Poochyena against a chimchar. They were both on the giant screen but he only had eyes for her right below them. "Come on Alyssa! You can do it!" There were numerous other types of cheers and chants going on and some people even appeared to be gambling on the side as an alley full of young men were taking bets and money was being handed out.

Lizana looked thoughtfully on as she watched Poochyena make the first attack. "That's right girl, take an early offensive to see how the opponent reacts.

The young man's chimchar dodged and took a swipe at Poochyena, but he managed to avoid the strike, causing Vael to cheer. "It looks like the training on the way here helped. Poochyena mixed good offense with excellent defense, using the attack to make it difficult to strike back. And even Alyssa and Poochyena both seem to be more confident in their battling."

Lizana smiled. "I had a heart to heart with her and Poochyena and she got much more determined to succeed."

He glanced at her. "Really? What did you talk to them about to get them so fired up?"

"Never you mind that." She giggled. "Let's just say that she is pumped to give it her all."

He gave her a suspicious look, but before he could speak anymore on the subject a wave of cheers filled the stadium below. He quickly looked down and noticed Alyssa already calling Poochyena back to his pokeball while the flame-haired young man had a defeated look as he stood over his fainted Chimchar. Cursing his misfortune at not seeing Alyssa pull in her first victory, he vowed to pay full attention to the rest of the matches.

Alyssa did indeed have some time to recuperate between battles, but as Lizana described the breaks became shorter and shorter and by the time the final 10 contestants were determined, she and Poochyena were both sweating and breathing heavily. In one of the spare pokecenter rooms with some privacy, she was finally able to talk to Poochyena without any distractions.

"Whoo!" She panted between breaths. "We...finally...made 10. It's only gonna get harder as we finish up. I've had to keep you in your pokeball as per customary, but the final 10 now get their own rooms to chat with their Pokémon before matches." When he nodded, she continued. "So here's what we're looking at. The top ten Pokémon types are fairy, fighting, poison, rock, electric, psychic, bug, dragon and another dark type, including us. That's three of them that put us at a major disadvantage and only two of them that give us an advantage. It's going to be tough." She took a drink of water from a bottle and then offered him some, holding it tilted so the water slowly drained out into his open mouth. Once finished she stood up and then looked outside, listening when their names were called over the speaker. "We're up again already boy. Let's do this."

Both contestants walked out of the pokecenter with their Pokémon. It would appear their first matchup would be with the bug type contestant, which made both of them nervous and the other pair happy. "Already one of the types we're weak against." She sighed, but cheered up as she heard Vael yell excitedly amidst the crowd, from his vantage point on her rooftop. She looked up and smiled. "Well...we'll just have to play defensively."

Her opponent chuckled. "It won't do you any good. My calculations have determined that beedrill is going to have a field day with you."

Both she and Poochyena frowned at the overconfident young man in glasses. "Well...we'll just see about that won't we?" She scoffed at him and then they both headed to their end of the field. "He's been using the Twinneedle poison combo then focusing energy to finish off with fury attack. So if we reduce his accuracy with your sand attack it will give us a small advantage. If we win this we're automatically part of the top 5 cause the other opponents have to have a loser too. Let's do our best."

Their Pokémon went to the center of the field and a silence fell over the crowd as these battles are generally the most intense. The judge raised his hand and called for the battle to begin. As soon as it did, her opponent immediately went on the offensive. "Go with Twinneedle Beedrill!"

Alyssa smiled. "As expected! Poochyena...use Sand Attack now!"

As the beedrill closed in, Poochyena turned around and kicked up some sand from out of nowhere, causing the beedrill's aim to fall off and cover its eyes. He ducked under the attack and avoided the both blows.

The man in glasses frowned. "A minor setback merely delaying the inevitable. Beedrill...use Focus Energy."

Alyssa called it out another Sand Attack and as the beedrill landed and spread its twin drill pincers to power up, more sand flew in its face. It sliced through the sand and charged in as its owner called out for a Fury Attack.

Remembering Purrloin's Fury Swipe during the training, she called out. "Dodge them Poochyena!"

As practiced on the hovercraft, Poochyena fluidly tried to move between each strike, but beedrill was both taller and heavier than Purrloin, and so he hadn't expected one of the swings to come from above, hitting him squarely on top of the head, which sent him toppling down with the ferocity of the blow.

"No Poochyena!" She wanted to go in to help him as that blow looked as painful as the one Purrloin had endured, but she remembered what Vael had said and stayed her ground. "Get up! I know you can do this Poochyena!"

The judge started to raise his arm to declare the match over, but Poochyena began to stir, causing him to lower his arm and watch.

"That's it boy! I have faith in you." She was practically in tears, but she continued to encourage him.

Her overwhelming concern for him filled Poochyena's heart with joy and he started to stand up, suddenly glowing with a bright white light. That light grew brighter and larger in size as Poochyena's shadow also grew. The light suddenly shattered around Poochyena's form and revealed his evolved form of Mightyena.

"Oh Mightyena...I knew you had it in you. Now give me a Howl!"

Mightyena gave a mighty howl that spread across the battlefield and sent shivers down Vael's spine. Of course, it had the opposite effect on Eevee and Purrloin, the former looking impressed and the latter looking dreamily at the new evolved form of Poochyena. He also felt a little wetness from the side of his shoulder that Purrloin had been roosting on. Apparently, she thought Mightyena was even more of a hunk now than before and it was exciting her.

The young man in glasses growled. "Doesn't matter. Go in and finish it with another Twinneedle Beedrill!"

Alyssa smiled. "You look simply amazing Mightyena! So go in there with Tackle and show everybody just how amazing you are!"

The beedrill charged onward, but Mightyena went straight into the fray. As the bug's drills drove towards him, he managed to artfully dodge them by ducking below the two extremities and then he used his momentum from the charge to propel his body upwards and straight into the bee's chest with enough force to literally send it flying the opposite direction where it did not get up.

The judge raised his arm. "The winner is Alyssa and Mightyena!"

Both of the trainers dashed in to their Pokémon, but Alyssa was the excited one as she nearly tackled Mightyena herself in her eagerness to hug the hound, now a fair amount larger than before. He licked her and sent her into giggling fits, but they were both ushered off the field by the judge, who had already summoned the next two trainers.

Since the battling was over, nurse joy tended to Mightyena, making sure he was nice and charged, before Alyssa was able to take him back into the privacy of the room they had used just minutes before.

She once more hugged the hound, huggling the beast closer to her form. "You are so incredibly sexy. I guess we won't be able to carry you in my jacket anymore...but just having you walking by my side will be enough. I can't wait to explore this body of yours." She whispered lustily into his ears, and even reached under his belly to stroke the larger sheath of his, immediately making the beast hard. "I know you're recharged now, so since we're done fighting for now, let's say we explore right away and relieve that stress of battling hmm?" She eagerly inhaled his musky scent as her stroking of his shaft turned him on. If anything, his musk was stronger than before and even drove her to greater heights of excitement, immediately making her wet between the legs. She was glad she had decided to stop wearing panties since they'd be soaked by now just from smelling his sexy pheromones.

Mightyena understood exactly what she meant, of course, so he leaned in to nuzzle her breasts, making Alyssa moan as his tongue stretched out to brush the perky nubs of her nipples through her dress.

She then pulled away and lied down on the bed to hike up her dress, lifting her ass to slide it up her body and expose her glistening slit before the beast.

The dark type growled approvingly and moved to stand so that his muzzle was right in front of her pussy. He also moved his body so that his hindquarters were closer to her face, and although she was not close enough to take his cock into her mouth, it gave her easy access to stroke it.

Alyssa eagerly grasped the cock between both her hands. The tool was a dark red in comparison to his grey and black fur, and it was deliciously warm to the touch. When he responded by positively by driving his muzzle down into her soaked snatch she gasped and arched up, starting to masturbate the sexy hound, pumping the shaft teasingly within her grip as she spread her legs wider to give Mightyena easier access to the folds of her dripping pussy.

He repositioned his forelegs between her spread legs and started to use them to spread her even wider. His larger and longer tongue penetrated further into her folds than before and her own sent was starting to make him even more excited, his shaft starting to drip pre onto her exposed belly.

Alyssa moaned as she felt the depth of his protruding tongue and took a moment's respite from pumping his shaft to fully slip out of her dress, grateful to have the ease of a pullover. Mightyena never ceased eating her out, so she moaned and rocked her hips against his muzzle, making the task a bit difficult, but when she finally managed to remove the dress, she merely tossed it away to prevent the mess she was sure to cover herself with by masturbating him, now fully naked.

Mightyena had slowed down his oral ministrations as she had removed her hands and took off the dress, but made it a point to tease her as she did so, driving her crazy with lust as he teased just the nub of her clit. However, once her dress was off, she immediately gripped his raging hard on and jacked him off with both hands, using the fingers of one hand to tease his tip while the other caressed his balls. He whimpered in pleasure and started to thrust into her hand, increasing his speed to rapidly flick across the whole of her slit before curling his tongue and pressing his muzzle into her sex.

She was already close just from how skilled he was working that tongue on hers and she rapidly started to focus on jacking him fully with one hand, continuously stroking his balls in an effort to speed up that climax. He responded in kind and started to thrust harder into her hands, driving his tongue as far as he could into her pussy, now using his paws to press against her lips and spread them in an effort to increase her pleasure.

With both his paws and his tongue, she finally cried out in pleasure and bucked her hips wildly against his muzzle as she reached her climax, using the wetness of his pre to rapidly stroke his shaft in an effort to make him orgasm as well.

It proved to be a successful technique and in the middle of drinking the delicious honey of her orgasm, he finally gave a low howl of excitement and came hard, releasing jet after jet of his musky seed all over her belly and chest.

She moaned loudly as she held onto his pulsing cock, feeling each jet push its way out of his cock and cover her in liquid warmth, until she finally collapsed from the exertion of her orgasm, legs trembling with how lewdly her legs were spread. When she felt his tongue giving her a bath to clean her up, she giggled and placed her hands into her mouth suckling what juice had soaked onto her hands and savoring each lick. "Mmmm...Delicious!"

She and Mightyena cleaned each other up fully before redressing and making their way out of the room, far more energized than before.

While they had been having their fun, the top five trainers were revealed to be the poison, dragon, fairy, rock, and her dark Mightyena. They were finally called out with the other four winners and Kelly was there to greet them. Her rapidash was nowhere to be found and only her arcanine remained by her side. "It is my pleasure to congratulate you five on successfully winning the tournament." Kelly then addressed the crowd. "Ladies and gentleman, this now concludes this year's Sunnyside Tournament. Thank you all for coming!"

Naturally, once the giant monitor turned off, everybody started thinning out and leaving, all talking in some form or fashion about the results. Vael got up and dashed down from the roof, making his way through the house and towards Alyssa and the others.

Kelly looked at the five winners and smiled. "Now that the formalities are over, let's get you aboard that ship. We realize that all these battles have tested both you and your Pokémon's stamina, so rather than define who gets to pick what creature by more battling we've already got a pre-established method. So follow me and I'll explain more on board the vessel.

Vael called out. "Hey wait up!"

Alyssa turned around at Vael's voice, but Kelly's arcanine was already charging in to intercept, putting itself between the victors and Vael.

Kelly halted and turned around to look at Vael. "What is it?"

This close, the champion seemed even more intimidating than before, and her tone indicated no beating around the bush, so Vael went straight to the point, speaking up quickly. "Alyssa is my traveling companion. I just wanted to congratulate her personally and talk to her."

Kelly looked over to Alyssa and she nodded and the champion's tone softened a bit. Arcanine relaxed and huffed, making his way back to his trainer. "Well come on then. While I can't let you pick a Pokémon, I don't mind if Alyssa has her friend by her side. How about you others?"

None of the other winners complained and each had come alone anyway so there were no other friends to wait on. Vael made his way to Alyssa and gave her a hug. "You were awesome back there. You too Pooch- I mean Mightyena."

Eevee hopped onto Alyssa's shoulder and gave her a friendly nuzzle on her cheeks as well, while Purrloin rubbed herself against Mightyena affectionately, as a cat would., while speaking obvious terms of endearment to the beast.

Alyssa giggled. "Alright you it. Let's get on this ship."

Kelly gave a small smile when she saw the affection being handed out. "How cute. I often remember the times Arcanine and I used to be able to be that way." She gave the fire type an affectionate pat. "But nowadays, it's always another challenger. So you'll have to forgive mine and his coldness at first.

Vael nodded, pulling back from Alyssa and rubbing the back of his head nervously. "Don't worry about it. I am in the process of challenging the gyms and getting cores to one day challenge you and the elite four, but there's no way I want to do that just yet. Eevee and I still have much to learn from each other. I don't even have a full team yet. It's just Eevee, Purrloin, and Mothim right now. So I can understand how difficult it must be for you."

Kelly grinned. "Well I appreciate it. I wish you the best of luck in your journey to reach the championship, but for now we must get these lucky people their prizes since we have to be off soon." On that note, she led everybody past the guards that he also hadn't noticed before over the hubbub of the tournament and onto the ship.

Once onboard the ship, Vael looked around. The place seemed like one giant ark. There were three levels of the ship, and each had a balcony that could be walked around, enabling someone to walk in a perfect oval to return to their starting point. There were elevators that were large enough to contain even a huge Pokémon like Torterra on two points of each floor. "This place is huge. I never imagined it could be this large inside here."

Kelly nodded. "That's correct. It was intended to be this large to house almost all types of Pokémon. It's even separated by environments, and there are also lower levels to the ship that remain under the surface of the water." She moves to a bucket with a lid. Sticking out of the lid are thick straws. When everybody is close to the bucket, she starts to explain. "What we have here is a bucket and as you can see these straws are sticking out of them. If you count them, there are enough sticks to cover every Pokémon type known in existence. As I said, rather than have a battle to determine who gets to choose what rare Pokémon first, we have you each draw a straw. The type you choose will be listed on the bottom of the straw when you remove it. This prevents you from arguing over who gets what. So except for Vael, I want each of you to choose a straw. Once you have chosen your straw, you will lift them out of the bucket as one. So find your straw you wish to have first."

Alyssa looks to Mightyena as she contemplates which one to grab and when he just shrugs, she makes her choice and when all five have a hold, Kelly nods and they all lift their straws out. When she reads the other end of the straw, it states simply 'Electric'.

Kelly nods. "And there you have it. The crew will guide each of you to the section of the ship that contains the type you chose."

As the crew comes forward to guide the other four members away, Alyssa and the others freeze mid-step and gasp. "Hey...what gives...I'm...I'm stuck. I can't move!"

Kelly frowns. "I don't understand it either."

Vael, just as frozen as the others tries to glance at the Pokémon and frowns when they're just as stuck as he is, but blinks in surprise when a small cream-colored Pokémon, barely larger than a foot tall appears in front of them. With large and round blue eyes, they are the only color other than the pointed ears that converge on the creature's forehead and form a red 'V'.

Kelly blinks. "I...never expected Victini to appear before us. This is my friend Victini, a legendary Pokémon and the reason we've been collecting Pokémon from across the globe. Why would you reveal yourself to these people?"

By now, the other four winners and crew are out of sight and only then does Victini release its hold on the party. He then approaches Eevee and pets her before moving to Mightyena and petting him too. A telepathic voice enters all their heads. "A couple of the progeny themselves. I never would have thought to run into them so soon."

Vael, free to move once more, gasped and looked confusingly from the creature to Eevee and Mightyena, who seemed just as confused. "You can talk? And what do you mean 'progeny'?"

Kelly also gasped, but not because of a talking Victini. "Are you certain, Victini? These two are part of that batch?"

Victini nodded. "I have never been more certain. And I am one of the few Pokémon who can speak, albeit telepathically." He looked to Alyssa and Vael, touching each of them in turn. "And yet....somehow you humans have the feel of the progeny too. I explained how it is I can communicate with please return the favor and explain to me how you can feel like the progeny."

As weird and confused as he was, Vael could do nothing except feel the warmth of Victini's touch. "I still don't understand what you mean."

Victini huffed in exasperation and his body started to glow, showing each of them a vision of a huge clutch of eggs, holding about 100 of them, and the shadow of a huge creature that seemed to be covering the eggs with some sort of liquid.

Vael couldn't help but feel a sort of warmth and affection coming from the huge shadow of the creature as it covered the eggs with that liquid.

The vision faded and Victini relaxed. "What I showed you was none other than a vision of Arceus himself fertilizing the eggs, of which these two were part of that batch." Victini once more stroked Eevee and Mightyena who were almost tearful as if that were a memory that had been locked away.

Alyssa blinked. "Fertilization?" She looked at Vael, who appeared lost in thought. "Could that be why they are so different compared to other Pokémon?"

Vael nodded. "It could be. But it still does not explain why they affect us and not...say...Lizana."

Victini floated right up in front of Vael's face, tilting his head curiously. "Could you please clarify what you mean? This is something that might have a huge impact on the future of the world, Pokémon and human alike."

Vael couldn't help but laugh. "I highly doubt it could have anything to do with world salvation, but it's quite a...personal tale I'd prefer not to share." He blushed a bit, but when neither Victini nor Kelly laughed, he frowned and looked to Alyssa, who shrugged, then to Eevee, who did the same thing. "I'm really going to get tired of explaining this, but here goes. I only ask that you do not hold it against either Alyssa or myself, and I won't let you take Eevee away if you do choose to take it the wrong way. She means too much to me."

Victini frowned in confusion, but when he looked to Eevee and saw her press her body defensively against Vael and saw Mightyena do the same thing to Alyssa, he nodded. "Very well...but start at the beginning."