Rise of The Shadow Wolf Knight: Chapter 1

Story by Katsumi Ferryhill on SoFurry

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Chapter 1The Start of a New

Beginning                "Beep,

beep, beep!!!!!" The alarms sounded inside of his suit as I turned my head just

in time to see the missile streaking towards me as I was running across the

way, towards the next hunk of cover to try and pull back. As I raised my arm by

instinct, I heard the blast and my screens went black as the blast engulfed me.                "Shit,

damage report Kitty!" I asked wondering why I wasn't feeling any impact from

the blast. Had it landed short, blown up prematurely, I don't know all that I

do know is that I was still alive and standing I just couldn't figure out why I

wasn't feeling any pain and was still alive.  While waiting for Kitty to respond the suit

slowly started powering down fully. It had started with the screen and now was

slowly starting to spread to the point my suit had no power.                As

seconds seemed like minutes, I waited and waited till finally I heard a beep as

things started powering back up. "Systems reporting normal, an unknown glitch

forced emergency restart and restore of system protocols to prior combat

status, due to possible position in conflict zones all restrictions have been

removed. I am Kitty nice to see you again Darelan."                Blinking

a little, I didn't know what was going on the last I knew I was nearly blown up

and now I am surrounded by some weird looking race. "Kitty what's the GPS and

combat report, and while you're at it get my visuals back online its pitch

black in here." As I started testing the joints to see if everything was back

online, Kitty had quickly responded."Error unable to connect to satellite,

connection unavailable, internal files read impossible for last known position

and time. Uplink module is reading perfect condition. Fix unknown system,

visual systems will be coming online in ten seconds."As the gears, joints, and

circuits sounded off from powering up, my screen started powering on and that's

when I was met with one hell of a surprise from my viewing screen as it came

back online"                We were

surrounded by several hundred men, in the middle of a group of tents, with some

packing armor others cloth like clothing, and every one of them packing a sword

while a few drew back their bows. "Kitty.... Where the fuck are we???" I looked

left and right and all around seeing us surrounded and then towards the horizon

I seen another set of tents off in the distant that seem similar to the ones we

were by only difference was the banners. "I don't know, based on current

weapons and what looks like armor, it looks like we are in some kind of mid

evil era." Look around more and more the idea of escape was becoming less and

less likely. "Darelan from the looks of it a battle maybe breaking out here

soon, there is a line of sword man marching in formation towards this camp with

a line standing to block them.                 "Recommendations

Kitty?", "Unknown Darelan, at current standings we can easily wipe out one of

the two armies but it will leave us without ammo for the second." Thinking I

was sure what to do nor did I know what each army would do towards us the

current one only seemed to be defensive against us and that's when I noticed a

woman slowly approaching use with a fully prepped escort. "Darelan unknown

target approaching, from bio scanners this one seems to be female." "I know

kitty I'm seeing here now and what is their species? While you are at it review

the statuses of each army." While I watched the new female and the group around

us, Kitty scanned the field constantly and finally started showing me the statics

while reading them out. "Based on first scans the approaching arm appears to be

at least 5000 strong if not more. Currently we are only able to view the

approaching army threw forward sensors. If you like we can launch the drones.

As for the race it's currently unknown. No data can be found in my files about

meeting any kind of race like this."                Moments

after Kitty had finally stop talking the female finally stopped at the front of

the line of the soldiers that surrounded us, and began to look us over while

speaking. "Hallo

mein Name ist Katsumi, der Kommandeur des 1. Bataillons

des 7. Legion, Vampir der Nacht, und die Prinzessin von Tod meiner Feinde.

Ich bin der König und Dame der rechten Hand und Verteidiger der Herrlichkeit Reich der Orion. Ich

habe euch hier zusammengerufen,

um meine Armee in der

Verteidigung diese große Nation und

um Sie, um die Annäherung

Armee zerstören helfen.."                I continued

to admire her some and her beauty as she spoke not realizing till a few moments

after she started talking that the translator wasn't doing its job. "Kitty is

the translator on and working? All I'm getting is what sounds like gibberish to

me the system is decrypting it." "Sorry Dar the system is having the same issue

with the language barrier as we are with trying to figure out who these people

are. Also the drones are powered up and ready for launch though I recommend we

be care full, our power supply is getting near the danger area. I would

normally say we need to deploy the solar units but it seems we might have to

defend ourselves and until we get back in contact with command it wouldn't be

wise to risk them." "Alright launch them and get me a full read out as soon as

you can because we may have to act in just a few more seconds."                 Just as

she had finished talking my shoulder pads clicked and open up with a loud pop

that caused everybody around us to jump baring their swords towards us while

some archers lost their nerves causing them to lose handle on their arrows and

sent them flying towards us, causing alarms in my suit to sound off with the

incoming missiles which just bounced off the metal casing of my suit, bringing a

sickening look to their face.                 Chuckling

some, I sighed, "Kitty this is going to be a long day." "But Dar hasn't it already

been a long day? Also by the way the drones are in the air and are reviewing

the area so far from what scanners can see the two armies have yet to fully

clash they are staying 500 yards apart but based on first looks I would expect

that this group is outnumbered 500 to 1 already if not more." "Well then so

your saying currently we are on the losing side from the looks of it, well

based on what I see if the other side's tech is no higher than theirs, then we

wouldn't have much trouble getting away right now. But we are going to have to

fight some time and I have no clue we're we are so any thoughts?"                "Well

up front if we went by battle strength I would say we should put a few well

placed grenades on the weaker army and just finish them off. That way should we

have to fight the other one; we could use the rifle and maybe scare them." "Ok

well that is a possibility Kitty but can we try to keep the grenades in

reserve? I don't want to use them unless we have to." "Well Dar we could do

what you like to do most and help out what appears to be the underdog, and take

on the larger army first, we may be able to conserve ammo with the latest data

I received from the drones however we don't have much time left before they

start to clash and I don't expect this side to last too long before falling or

retreating." "Heh well you know me to tell. Well let's get to it before they

have a heart attack, I'm guess they have never seen anything like us before,

most likely think we some kind of demon and after a few rounds they will really

think that. So while I make my way to the front I want you to calculate the

best trajectories possible to take out as many of them as possible, I don't

want to use the last of the rounds if we don't have to. While you figure that

out, I'm going to have some fun seeing what these people around us are going to

do."                That's

when I noticed a small path had opened up towards the front line, in the group

of men around me, and so I slowly making my way forward. "These people must

really be shitting themselves thinking we're some kind of devil or angel." My

hand coming to rest on the handle, I yanked back the slide making sure I had a

round chamber and watching the other one fly out. While the round was loaded I

went step by step towards the front line, until I was at a decent run. With a

clank, clank, clank along the ground I made my way forward jumping over men

that were scattering out of my way. Most likely scared shitless from a huge

hulk of metal they had just seen.                Soon

enough we neared the front in time to see the other line start to charge

forward. "Quick round trajectory." "Impossible without hitting what we call

allies grenade trajectory ready." Just as quickly as quickly as the cross hairs

showed up for the direction of fire I stopped with a loud report, the grenade

went flying while everybody around of us hit the dirt with a yell and the other

side stopping in their tracks. However that was their biggest mistake as they

soon quickly found out.                The

grenade sailed through the air with easy, and as it quickly descended it made

its impact in the middle of the front loud and with a loud explosion a massive

hole in the middle of the line appeared while body parts, blood, and metal flew

in all directions wounding and killing more and more as the shrapnel spread

out. With that I quickly changed back pressing the rifle into my shoulder as I

started sending out rounds in repeated succession. Each round easily hitting

more and more people directly in the neck, popping heads off as the rounds

pierced the old fashion body armor. With the weak armor and vital neck points

being hit and most everybody in a line, dropping ten or more with a single

round was easy to do. I sent round, after round, after round down the line

towards the enemy. I didn't stop till I had finished the last of my current

clip leaving me with the other 5 in my pack. As I reached back and drew another

clip from the pack and loaded it into my rifle reading for another possible

attack.                Minutes

seemed like hours as I looked down at the enemy watching for any movement other

than the scared looks of the enemies' faces. "What do you think Kitty? They

going to run or keep coming?" "Don't know based on what I can tell, I would be

surprised if they decided to keep pushing after such a small massacre they

should know they don't stand a chance." "That is true Kitty however this seems

to be a completely different culture so we don't know if they think rationally

or thought." At that moment their answers were made as the remainder of the

enemy started turning around and running.                We continued

to watch for several minutes waiting to see what the enemy was going to do,

even after what had become our new friends, had retired to their tents. Until

we were sure they wouldn't attempt anther push. "Hmm well as much as I would

like to make a push we need to conserve power, especially with the sun

dropping. Keep the drones in the air as long as possible; I want to be sure

that they won't come again." "Sure thing Dar, once power reaches crit. I'll

return them to the shoulder docking bay. Shall we return to our new friends?"

"More like our new family in a since we don't know where we are, nor where our

friends might be even if we're on the same planet as them." With a final sigh

of relief about the day possible being over, I made my way towards the small

camp and possible the start of my new life.