another day at the office

Story by Shadowed Skunk on SoFurry

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This is my first story so any similarities in it are not intended Sasha and jake are © of shadowed skunk I hope you injoy the story. And if your under 18 blah blah blah get the hell out of here this story is not for lil kids! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The alarm go's off "good morning everyone out there and hello. Today we are calling for all the way up to 4 feet of snow wow! That's a lot better get your shovels ready cause its gonna be really sli...." WHAM!" A thin yet well toned male skunk slams his fist down on his alarm clock "damn it! Is it time fir work already?" he squints at the clock "shit! Im gonna be late again!" he runs down the stares somehow trying to get his paints on and brush his teeth at the same time ending up with him on the floor at the bottom of the stares. He twitches his tail and runs out the door hops in his piece of junk car and takes off for work. Only to have the damn thing break down leaving him stuck in the snow. So he calls a toe truck witch takes forever only to have a stupid hick tow truck driver stand in the cold and try to talk to him about his problems for a half hour."look" he reads the name tag of the driver "earl I really need to get to work ill talk to you later" the weasel truck driver gives him a dirty look and takes his car away. Then jake ends up standing in the snow waiting for the bus when it gets there hs hops on and sighs "ahhh warmth" he go's to sit and the only seat was next to a passed out drunk homeless badger. jake looked around the bus everyone was staring at him a retarted looking bunny was drooling on himself watching him sitting next to what looked to be his grandmother who was also staring at him and she snaps "what are you staring at!!" jake looks down at the floor "fuckin wired-o's" he thought only to find dried vomit on the bus floor from the passed out badger. he closes his eyes and shakes his head "im soo damn late." He finally makes it there and gathers his papers and walks through the door and into his office "I hate this job" he muttered to himself he looks up and see's sasha he just stares as the slender blue and white fox walks past him and smiles at him "hiya jake!" she said looking at him "when are you ever on time for work? The boss is gonna have your tail on his wall" she giggled. Jake's ears are pinned to his head as he sits in his little cubicle "damn it" he thought as he saw his boss marching over to bitch him out the big fat squirrel looked down at him with crumbs on his chin "YOU MORON IF YOUR LATE ONE MORE TIME IM GONNA SKIN YOUR ASS! BLAH BLAH YADDA YADDA YADDA!" Is all jake could hear from his overweight boss finally he walked away like he was someone important. As jake proceeded to flip him off "damn asshole" he thought, he worked through the day and it came time to go home he was happy that his day was over when his boss came back over and yelled over at him "hey smelly! You gotta work overtime tonight! We got blah blah blah got get finished by yack yack yack" jake sighed and went back to his cube and went back to typeing as the lights went out. "Great another damn wasted night in this shit hole" he growled. Suddenly he heard a soft voice reply to him "you think so too?" jake looks behind him only to see sasha and he smiles "yea this sucks I had plans tonight and now there fucked." he said raising a brow "how about you?" sasha sits on his desk beside him and crosses her legs and looks down at him "well I didn't really have any plans for tonight" she said twitching her tail. jake was watching her in that small tight skirt it looked as if she moved wrong it would tear ".... oh" he said looking over her, her small breasts fit her well as they moved with every breath she took. She giggles and playfully whaps him on the snout "what are you looking at?" jake looks around quickly as if searching for an excuse. She leans down and gives him a kiss on his nose "ya know its just us here tonight." she said. Jake's skin turned pale under his fur as his mind filled with all sorts of ideas. "Umm.. W...well I guess that means it will be q..quiet tonight. We will be able to get more work done I guess." sasha takes a paw under his chin and turns his head toward her and stares into his eyes her deep purple eyes shined as a smirk spreads across her face. "Honestly when I found out it was just gonna be us tonight I dident really plan on getting any work done tonight." she breathed in his ear. Jake tryed to play dumb "well what are you going to do tonight then?" sasha smiled more and slides off the desk and into his lap tracing a finger down his chest "well that all depends on you." she snickered, jakes ears perked up at hearing this realizing that her scent was rising in the air around them, sasha gave his member a squeeze through his pants and he gulped now fully aware of what she wanted to do, she leans over and whispers into his ear. "I want you to make me yours, come on jake no one is here tonight we have the place to ourselves." She slowly begins to unbutton her shirt as he watches her "wow good luck for once" he thought. He leans closer and nuzzles the silky soft fur between her breasts murring quietly. She plays with his hair a bit and then lifts his head and kissed him long and deeply her soft tongue slipping between his lips and exploring inside of his muzzle. She then pulls his shirt off of him and tosses it into another cubicle exposing his white chest and stomach. she begins leaving a trail of licks and nips down his neck and chest stopping at his belt and looks up at him grinning, as she unfastens his belt and pulls free his already hard member and she laughs a bit before licking a bead of pre from the tip of it and slideing her tongue along the length of him. He places his paws on her shoulders and murrs a bit louder as she suddenly takes his full length into her muzzle tightening her throat and beginning to bob her head up and down on him. he pulls at her hair slightly shutting his eyes and already feeling close to his climax as she began to bob her head faster tightening her throat more around him and murring causing it to vibrate he tosses his head back and growls as he fires his spunk down her throat as she swallows it hungrily not spilling a drop. She takes his member out of her muzzle and grins up at him "im not finished with you yet." she said standing up and slideing her tight skirt off and kicking it away she had no panties on "oh my god" jake thought watching her lean over his desk and raise her beautiful tail into the air showing him his prize her sex was already wet and dripping with her juices as jake is hit with yet another wave of her thick scent. He stands and gets up behind her placing his paws on her ass and pressing the tip of his member against the opening of her soft wet welcoming folds. He begins to slowly slide his length into her. She presses herself against him takeing him in all in at once she looks over her shoulder at him "now fill me jake you don't know how long I have waited for this." she moaned. He growled deeply as her juices covered him so warm and so tight he began to piston in to her pulling out half way only to jam his length back into her over and over slowly pushing harder and faster with every thrust as he could feel her soft velvety walls begin to contract and relax around him. He was not going to last long if she kept that up. She moans louder as it echoed in the office as he squeezed her breasts from behind she grit her teeth feeling him stretch her sex with his member as it pushed deeper and deeper into her folds causing her to moan louder and dig her claws into the desk leaving deep claw marks behind. Her heart was pounding in her chest causing her to gasp for breath with every thrust from him behind her. She howled as she climaxed her sex milking at his member as her juices splashed all over the insides of her legs and covering his member in her sweet nectar. This was too mutch he pulled at her hair makeing her cum even harder still her sex milking as him desperately as he tightened up and came again sending thick ropes of his hot cum into her folds she squealed happily feeling him cum with her as there juices mixed and dripped down onto the floor. She turns around and kisses him deeply before slowly gathering her clothing and getting dressed "so you got a ride home? I heard your car broke down today." jake shakes his head "no I don't that damn car pisses me off." she smiles at him " that's all right cause your staying with me tonight." He nodded as they went outside and drove to her place. Later the next day the fat asshole of a boss was looking over the security tapes from the night before. His jaw drops at the show that he was greeted with. As his face turned red he was really out to get jake now. The end??? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please leave comments cause im thinking about righting another thanks :)