What Once Was... Ch 16

Story by RCtheFox on SoFurry

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#17 of Origins

Continuing the saga into R.C.'s young life.

*********WARNING!!! This story is intended for MATURE and RESPONSIBLE ADULTS ONLY*********

"So...what do you think?" Joey asks.

"Well..." R.C. starts to speak. "...it's...unique?" He looks at the fennec is on the bed. He is outfitted in a short mini skirt and a tight fitting tank top. "I'm honestly, uh, not sure what to think? I guess it's cute?"

Joey giggles, "Silly fox, I brought this over to wear for ya, I'm gonna wear it tonight!"

R.C. tilts his head in confusion, "Wait...you're cross-dressing for the rave? I thought that was done at Pegagus normally for drag night?"

"No, well this is the first time I'm trying this so heh, what you think honestly?" Joey asks while lying on his side in a pin-up position.

R.C. starts to look him up and down, somewhat becoming aroused by the sight. He starts to breathe harder. "Well, I kinda find it quite cute. I never knew girls clothes would be worn by a guy, heh." The fox starts to blush again as Joey gets up approaching the fox. He then hugs the bigger fox. R.C. returns the embrace and then leans forward for a kiss. The two start to make out in the bedroom for a moment as R.C. runs his paws along the fennec's back to toy with his skirt. R.C. then lifts it and squeezes Joey's rump firmly as he feels his tail start to wag back and forth hitting his paw. The two continue to lock lips for a while sharing their love for each other.

Moments later, the two break their embrace. R.C. then grabs his UFO pants and a t-shirt for tonight. "R.C., you should consider trying this one time."

"I might, we shall see, ok?" R.C. replies hesitantly as he gets dressed for the evening. R.C. then stands watching his boyfriend head downstairs. He then grabs his wallet and supplies then heads down as well. R.C. then tilts his head.

"You ok there?" Joey looks back.

"Yeah...I'm ok." R.C. says. In his mind, he's questioning the fennec's outfit and sort of afraid to go out with him like that. He then starts to look around trying to distract himself from looking at his boyfriend. Also in his mind, he's aware they're going to have to go out into the public. He starts to wonder about the teasing that could go on.

"You seem a bit out of it, foxy." Joey says concerned. "Do you not like my outfit?"

R.C. becomes nervous trying not to say anything that could be negative towards Joey. He knows he likes the outfit, but fears the ridicule he anticipates from others when they head out later. He shakes his head and sits on the couch to check his phone texts out. Joey sits next to him and leans on the bigger fox peeking around his shoulder. "What ya doing?" Joey asks.

"Just clearing my texts and stuff." R.C. replies while deleting older messages on his Nokia. R.C. sighs a bit looking at the time as it only shows 5:00pm. "Time seems to be going a bit slow." He adds as he sends a text to a few friends asking if they're coming tonight.

"Oooo, I'm getting hungry again. We should go eat before it starts later." Joey says while he continues to lean on the bigger fox attempting to snuggle him. R.C. slowly reacts feeling a bit calmer. Joey then gets up and grabs his bag as he heads to the bathroom. "I'll be back in a bit."

"Ok" R.C. nods and sets his phone down. He looks up at the mantle across the room at the photos displayed, one of his most recent school photo last year where he wore a business suit just to be different. Next to that, he looks at his parents wedding photo. In his mind he wonders about his future and if he'll ever be married? He then thinks about if it is possible to be married to another male. He looks next to his at his grandparents continuing down to the end. He then stands up and walks to the mantle where is parent's wedding photo is located. He stares at it looking at his mother and his father and despite the obvious differences in his color and appearance from them, he feels one day that will be him up there, but not sure who will be next to him. Slowly, he sees the picture change as his parents in the image become blurry. He stares at it more focusing on the hands being held; he then slowly moves his eyes up and looks at the faces. R.C. gasps loudly as he sees himself next to his boyfriend. He closes his eyes and opens them back up to see his parents on the picture. He thinks to himself, "This is getting weird, maybe he could be the one?" He then backs away from the mantle just as his fennec boyfriend comes back in wearing pants and a small shirt.

"Well, you changed?" R.C. asks boggled at his appearance.

"Yeah, I kinda felt you were not ready for that." Joey tells the confused fox.

"I guess I was kind of shocked." R.C. says.

"I'll be honest. I never tried it myself before today. Kind of like the feeling somewhat." Joey blushes as he tells R.C. his story about his cross dressing moment.

"Well, I guess if it suits you do it?" R.C. says trying to come up with something nice to say.

The fennec goes to his back and puts away his clothes. "Well, I'm still trying it out. Maybe at one of the parties I'll try it out again."

"Heh, you'll have that crowd of girls around you again." R.C. informs Joey.

"Oh shit yeah, I can't stand some of them! They're all grabby and quite annoying." Joey displays his anger. "They never leave anyone alone once they get with them."

"To me, it seems like they wanna bang whomever or worse, get them to do something of their desire." R.C. quips. "I can't stand that! They always try to get around me, ewww!"

"Heh, you're quite desirable you fox!" Joey laughs.

"If you say so." R.C. asks. "But it's like they wanna just take you for a ride and then leave you for the next victim. Ewww."

"Haha maybe I'd let them take you away foxy." Joey teases the bigger fox.

"Oh hell no dude!" R.C. replies back angrily.

"Calm down, was just joking." Joey pokes at the fox calming him down. "So would you want to do one of them if you didn't have to deal with their crap?"

"Well, probably." R.C. blushes. "But not one ounce of their crap, they're so annoying!"

"Would you pick them over me?" Joey asks moving closer to the fox.

R.C. blushes more, "n..n...No!" He stammers, "I mean why would I? I'm your boyfriend and stuff, yeah." R.C. realizes he just called him his boyfriend.

"Well, that's a good foxie of mine, hehe" Joey replies and gives the bigger fox a tight hug. The two embrace for a moment together tightly running their paws over each other's backs. They break the hug and give each other a quick kiss then stare at each other smiling warmly. "R.C.? How do you feel about me?"

R.C. looks back into Joey's eyes, takes a deep breath. He looks back feeling a bit nervous. He then grabs Joey's paws and holds them tightly. He blushes then looks downward to the held paws, then starts to speak, "Well...uh heh, I uh..." He stammers more looking around a little trying to distract himself. "I think...I uh, I'm in love with you." He then releases his paws and sits down in the couch covering his face.

Joey stands there shocked as he watches his fox sit down and start to cry. He quickly comes over and sits next to his fox giving him a tight hug. "R.C. I really appreciate that. I also love you, too." R.C. looks over blushing deeply shaking a little from the recent exchange of feelings. The fox in his mind thinks about his relationship, still slightly on edge realizing that it is not a straight relationship with a female that he has been accustomed to. Those feelings of discomfort keep the fox from his desires to want to take his fennec down and make out with him on the couch right there. His mind starts to wonder more about the consequences should anyone find out about his relationship he desires with his current boyfriend. As Joey hugs him tighter murring, R.C. slowly starts to overcome his self-doubt and slowly returns the hug. The two finally get back into their groove holding each other tightly as the warm feelings return to R.C.'s mind making him feel more inclined to divulge in his desires.

The two continue their embrace which helps the bigger fox regain his confidence. After a few moments, they release each other and look at each other. R.C. looks deep into his lover's eyes until his phone starts to ring. R.C. becomes lightly agitated and answers it. It is his mother calling to check up on things. "Yeah?"

The fox walks around the dining room talking to his mother listening and agreeing to most of the conversation as she makes sure things are going good while they're away. The conversation lasts not much longer than 5 min with the fox returning back to the room looking quite happy. He looks at the time, which shows 6:00 PM. "Well, you ready? Let's go eat!"

"Alright!!!" Joey exclaims jumping rapidly as he follows the fox to the door ready to head out. The two make their way to and in to the car taking off for the city. They head towards the Southside following the river road to avoid the main highways in case of traffic. Moments and miles later, they find parking along the road, and that so happens to be right outside their restaurant of choice, Tom's Diner.

The two walk in and take a seat close to the bar stools taking a look at the menus. R.C. thinks about getting his usual breakfast meal, Joey contemplates some of the Greek specialty dishes as he over hears the Greek staff speaking in their native tongue out loud. After the waiter comes by and takes their order, Joey reaches his paw across the table grabbing R.C.'s as he was looking at the wall. The fox becomes lightly startled and looks back at Joey. Joey smiles back. R.C. smiles weakly and folds his hand out to hold the paw. He notices a couple on the other side of the restaurant glancing over at the two every so often. This starts to make R.C. a little uneasy as the straight couple appears to mimic their actions of holding paws. He starts to look back and Joey lightly loosening his grip.

"You ok?" Joey asks.

"Yeah. I'm ok, just hungry yeah." R.C. replies back feeling a little nervous inside.

"Awww ok. You just seem a little off." Joey replies noticing R.C.'s paws losing grip and lightly shaking.

R.C. nods and pulls his paws back, he then looks over at the waiter who brings their drinks and thanks him kindly. R.C. then takes a big swig of the tea he ordered drinking the entire serving in one setting. He then sets the cup down loudly. He looks out the corner of his eye to his right at the couple who immediately look back to their tables. He then smirks lightly knowing he has their attention. He then looks directly at his boyfriend who is happily drinking his beverage and smiles at him. Joey looks up with a little smirk and sets his drink down. R.C. then quickly leans in and gives him a quick kiss while keeping that couple just in his sight as he notices them looking over. He's unable to determine the expression on their faces as he continues to hold his muzzle on his boyfriends for a couple seconds. The feeling of excitement from the public kiss with another male sets his heart racing. R.C. then leans back into his seat and looks at Joey breathing a little hard.

"Foxy?" Joey asks.

"Yeah?" R.C. replies while giggling lightly.

"You really surprise me sometimes." The fennec replies, "and I really like it!"

"Thanks, I try my best to sometimes." R.C. answers back. He then leans over and whispers, "I'm kinda motivated by that couple next to us, hehe."

Joey looks back, "R.C.! You're so...oh never mind." He then shakes his head.

R.C. sits back down and drops his grin feeling he did something wrong. He notices the couple across the room smile over. He doesn't know why they're smiling, but feels that it could be noticing he impressed them. Fortunately, for the two, the food arrives quickly. Both of them quickly eat while not talking to each other. R.C. finishes his meal and takes both checks to the register to pay. Joey protests, but doesn't follow him to the register, instead he sits down and watches his fox pay. R.C. pays with his bank card leaving the tip on the slip, then walks back to grab his keys. He beckons to his boyfriend to come with as the clock shows 7:30 PM.

In the car, they start to make their way to the 10th st bridge on their way to the club. In the car, Joey leans over and lightly rests on R.C.'s right paw as not to interfere with its operation of the car. Driving around the streets, the two look at each other every moment or so, mostly when stopped at the red lights which dot the path to the parking garage on 9th. They pull into the garage and grab a good parking spot on the lower level. They walk down the ramp to the exit, they notice Club Elite, R.C. gives it a weird look. "I really don't know why we're next to that strip club."

"Oh foxy, you should work there!" Joey pokes the fox making him giggle and buckle lightly.

"Dude, heh, they don't have male strippers!" R.C. replies back in between giggles. "I think it's only a gentlemen's strip club."

"Ah, there's a place where we should go." Joey winks at R.C. "That is if you like that sort of thing."

"We'll see heh." R.C. blushes.

As they walk to the crosswalk, Joey grabs the fox's paw and holds it tight. "Better hold hands when crossing the street, right?"

R.C. gets the sense of fear and nervousness as the fennec grabs his paw in order to cross the street. He complies, but looks around making sure no one else is looking. He starts to get a little paranoid, but then walks across the street still looking around a little.

"You ok? You seem bothered a bit?" The fennec asks, "You're shaking a little? Oh...you're not used to my paw."

R.C. nods and his paw is released. The two then walk to the door of the building making their way in and up the stairs. At the top, they're greeted by the door greeter, Jen, the tabby cat. "Hey R.C.! Good to see you again!" She then hugs him.

"Heh, like wise. So I'll cover this guy here." R.C. hands her $10 from his pocket.

"Ah ok! You're comped so you're ok." She takes the $10 and lets the two go in. She watches R.C. walk in while smiling. The two walk in to the main room and take a look around as the crew sets up the table. R.C. normally is the guy overseeing the operations, but since this is a rave run by another production company, he can only simply watch on. The two walk to the stage and say hi to Ron. Ron is a dragon about twice their age. He's been an active producer with his wife, Velvet, and frequently throws major events throughout the area, sometimes working with other teams. R.C. greets Ron, "Hey man!"

"Hey fox! Say, is that Starkid?" Ron asked.

"Yes, it is." R.C. replies back.

"Ah nice! Haven't seen you in a while there Starkid!" Ron extends his hand out to Joey.

Joey shakes it and then pulls R.C. to him, "We're now dating!" R.C. appears startled as Ron looks at the two nodding and giggling.

"Well that's very nice, R.C. I didn't expect you were that way?" Ron says to the confused fox.

"Well...yeah it's a new thing." R.C. replies trying to find words to speak.

"Ha, well whatever floats your boat, my wife and I will be here tonight, what's been going on with things on your side lately?" The dragon asks as he writes on his clipboard while looking up at the stage.

"Well, we're going to continue the monthly zodiac series and I just got hired at Laga as a tech assistant!" R.C. says excitedly.

"Dude, that's great! It's nice to have a person working at a key venue for us. You'll have an inside hand here." Ron says.

"Yeah, and I get to work on things I like to do!" R.C. replies back. Joey then hugs him tight causing the fox to blush!

"Haha you two!" Ron giggles. "Go have some fun, got a big night in the main stage room here and the usual chill room and the local room have a few new DJs coming into the rotation."

"Thanks Ron, will do." R.C. says as the two head up to the vendor room to grab a couch to sit on. R.C. starts to look over at his boyfriend still running thoughts in his mind. He feels quite nervous in his new relationship despite being in a comfortable location that he's accustomed to. Joey leans over and rests his head on R.C.'s shoulder. The bigger fox slowly wraps his left paw around the fennec's shoulder to snuggle him closer. The small snuggle gives R.C. a warm feeling that helps him calm down. He then leans his head back and looks up at the ceiling as they wait another 50 minutes until the rave will start.

The fox stares at the ceiling keeping his mind clear as he continues to snuggle the fennec close. Feeling a little rush, he leans up and looks to his left down at the fennec. He then pokes him, causing him to look up at the bigger fox. R.C. leans in for a quick kiss. Joey blushes at the surprise kiss and smiles back further curling up on the couch. R.C. then rests his lead to the left slightly on his own shoulder. He then closes his eyes while smiling warmly.