Where All the Bones are Buried P2

Story by HolidayPup on SoFurry

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#2 of Where All the Bones are Buried

This part has been crucial because in it I had to try to show the change in Balto's relationship with Steele and vice versa. Really wanted it to swing but be believable at least somewhat. While there is yiff I hope that this story is indeed a story and that I haven't left behind the characters just because I wanted to see them have sex. Hope you all enjoy reading ;)


In agonizing moderation snow whirled around us, complemented by hail that felt like stones on our backs. We were pelted hard, battered and bruised, stung and bombarded by a cacophony of sound. We staggered through it two creatures clinging to the hope that somehow we'd get through this, that somehow we would be able to escape this alive. Each step forward Balto tensed up, his body going rigid against my own- a soft whine barely discernable on the wind came from him and again I cursed the circumstances we faced...and that we faced them together.

If somehow we did miraculously find somewhere to ride out the storm I had absolutely no idea how I would go about putting into words the feelings that were hidden inside for my would be enemy.

Upon further reflection I didn't even understand them myself.

Maybe being on my own and losing everything that had mattered to me had gone to my head, striped me of rational thought and reason. It made absolutely no sense that I was beginning to feel something akin to love for the wolfdog.


I wanted to bite some sense into myself!

Something was wrong! Damn right! Parts of me wanted to take my chance there and then, turn on the halfbreed cur and tear into his throat! It would be all too easy! But then came my guilt...

It was crushing and overwhelming. It was alive, squeezing my heart and soul with so much intensity that I could barely breath. I hated myself for contemplating Balto's end! Infact I wanted nothing more than to grovel, beg him to forgive me, present my throat to him and let justice be done. I knew that there was no chance that we could be friends after the medicine run....I had no prayer of forgiveness. Who would want to be my friend anyway...let alone someone who I had dealt so harshly with? It was nothing but a fantasy that I couldn't dare hope to grasp.

We stumbled on like this for what seemed like hours until I was jerked from my rever as Balto spoke.

"Steele, I think up ahead I can see a slope, cliffs maybe. Keep your eyes peeled for a cave where we can get out of this" he growled weakly.

"One step ahead of ya mutt" I replied testily even though I really had been doing no such thing. At this point I felt more terrible than I had ever felt in my life.

My eyes wandered along the looming peaks dotted sparsely with trees that stuck out much the same as ribs from some wounded animal. A faint scent on the wind carried itself along my nostrils though I couldn't quite pin down what it belonged to. It seemed faint but even so it caused my hackles to bristle a bit as I scanned this new terrain for signs of salvation.

Thankfully I didn't need to look long.

After a moment our questing eyes fell on a wide enclave, cut back and straight through the towering cliffside. Fortunately it was set in the lee of the storm and as we approached it yawned wide and dark before us, offering shelter of a sort. Truthfully I had hoped for a more enclosed cave to take refuge in as it probably would've been easier to stay warm that way. Balto grunted thankfully at my side as we slipped inside before flopping down on the cool stone.

We both shivered rolling around and trying to conserve warmth but it was hard seperate as we were. Automatically both of us had each taken a wall as far away from the other as possible- our deep rooted rivalry clear and influencing our stubbornness. I lay on my side and tried to pretend that I couldn't hear him shivering, couldn't hear his weak and labored breathing grating on my feelings. What was I doing? Was it so easy to revert back to what I loathed about myself? Had I so quickly forgotten that we needed each other to survive? Whatever the case I couldn't comprehend why I so easily returned to how I had felt about Balto before. He was great, somehow he'd arrived at what I had always wanted to be. And he hadn't meant to, from the very beginning he hadn't wanted more than the most base forms of understanding-acceptance.

He had tried to fit in and I hadn't allowed it.

Now as he lay paws clasped tightly to his chest huddled in a corner halfway inside of the cave, whining pitifully my heart felt a warm for the mutt. His paws scuffled along the floor and then and there I knew that I had to make the first move. I had to be the one to try to right my wrongs.

Darkness came and I could tell that Balto was asleep.

His breathing had settled a bit even though his body still shook with the cold. I eased up along my wall and padded over on silent paws. His eyes fluttered as he twitched his muzzle tense and drawn. His ears were pinned flat, jerking slightly as the wind howled outside and blew in the night chill

Gingerly I settled down with my front facing his back and then as carefully as I possibly could I slid along the wall until I was pressed up against him.

He was absolutely freezing!

Pushing back everything that rose up inside of me that told me to not care I placed a paw along his chest-pulling him into my body. Twitching he sighed softly and unknowingly rolled against me. I lay spooning him there and gradually the cold wasn't as stabbing. Soon I was warm and he had ceased shivering although I soon realised that his ears were crisp and dripping with the snow that remained on them.

I began licking them, easing my tongue along their more furry ridges as well as the more leather like insides.

This elicited another deep breath from him that was tinged slightly with...a moan..?

In that moment I didn't have any more doubts. My heart somehow melted and felt a flame, alive and beating with such force that my head throbbed in a pleasant way that made me shiver. The skin beneath my pelt was heated with this feeling- all of the hate and uncertainty washed away somehow.

In that moment Balto was my wolfdog and I was the happiest guy alive just laying there next to him, providing my warmth and basking in his.

It was sappy and pathetic and wonderful.

Up close I found myself admiring his lean body, each bit of him packed with muscle which allowed for no excess fat. In the darkness his pelt was bathed in a dark blue haze tinged with silver. After a while we both had stopped shaking, our conserved heat keeping the cold at bay.

Somehow I knew that if I could I'd have to somehow manage to move away in the morning so that he wouldn't catch me. I blushed at the thought and snorted to myself. What was wrong with me?

I'd fooled around a few times with the guys on the team, Kaltag, Nikki, Kylem and even the runt Star I'd at one time explored with. It was just something between us guys that didn't mean much at all. Fooling around was just a casual way to keep all of us happy, satisfied and warm. Infact some of those past experiences I viewed with irritation, wondering what had possessed me to go through with some of them. I was alpha dog out to impress the bitches, win Jenna, bust a nut and sire as many litters of puppies that I could in town before I was long gone and forgotten! That was my calling in life aside from being the best lead dog ever!

That was the Steele that I knew myself to be, not this pathetic softy who all of a sudden was fostering some very very gay feelings for a mutt, for a dog that had wolf blood coursing through his veins.

At this point I wasn't 100 % sure if I'd always had these feelings in me or if all of a sudden I'd snapped, I didn't know why all of a sudden my eyes were drawn to Balto's haunches, to his tail-my thoughts contemplating what lay underneath. I didn't understand how my reaction to him near me caused different things than it used to......

All I knew for sure and wanted more than anything else in the world was for him to somehow be able to forgive me.

I hated admitting it to myself but it was nearly unbearable to have him hate me, intolerable that there still remained a rift between us. If nothing else I had to make things right before the storm abated and before we went our separate ways. I just had to!

Sleep didn't come easy for me that night. Wasn't until early early dawn that I finally was able to drift off and forget my troubles. I remember leaning my chin gently on the back of his scruff, his soft fur along my throat, my chest and my belly. My forepaw rested dangling over his side as I allowed my eyelids to droop and then fall closed. Hoping not to disturb him my breathing patterns automatically synced with his and once again I felt close to him, intimate without actually being able to go all of the way.

My mind still shunned away from that thought even though it caused a warm fluttering feeling in the pit of my gut. Oh how I wished he would claim my ass!

Before drifting off I decided that maybe I would just remain like I was, close to him and use his reaction to know whether or not I actually had a chance to mend things. Most definitely he would push me away and demand some sort of explanation as to why I was invading his space, or perhaps he would take it as just me doing nothing more than keeping us both temperately comfortable. I didn't really care, so long as I could spend the last few remaining hours gently nestled up against him....


Going out into the wild without stopping to fill my stomach wasn't one of the best ideas I'd ever had especially after my 'exertions' with Kaltag. Heading after Steele and not knowing how far he intended to go was even worse.

I was somewhat used to meager meals, eating anything I could from time to time to stay alive. I was completely accustomed to waiting and going a few days without anything in my belly to keep me going. Probably was why I was so scrawny with hunger eating any fat reserves that I had...

Needless to say that the first days trailing Steele weren't bad at all. I ran and actually gained ground by the looks of the tracks and the scent left behind. Both grew stronger as I followed them. Every once in a while I would halt and take a respite while crunching on some snow as I way to keep myself hydrated. It dropped my body temperature true but it aided my hunger. I wasn't as warm after this as I could've been which was okay-that is until the storm hit. When it finally did I wandered on and became weaker...I wished that I had stayed in Nome and forgotten about Steele, forgotten about him altogether and just settled for how things had been.

Why did I always feel the need to overcomplicate things for myself?

Up until that point it had been a good thing but in this instance I wasn't entirely sure that it was..

Worry rose like bile in my throat and I began to run forward, cutting my way through the wind as it tried to pull me off of my paws.

The snow became deeper and I soon found myself leaping through it, white swirling in neverending tyrades, dark gray sky above descending so that I wasn't able to see a paw length in front of me. I had been lost before as to where I was headed following Steele and now I wasn't even able to do that.

His tracks were long since obscured, covered by new snow. My last hope for staying on his trail was scent, but the wind was too strong and I couldn't tell where it lay.

On and on I went until I could run no longer.

Shakily I gave one last final attempt to fight the wind which finally flung me down just along a clump of snow that lay hiked up ready to greet me and receive me into it's frigid grasp. I lay panting and shivering as it fell down on me and around me and cold became the only thing in my world. Then darkness....


Suffice it to say that I could hardly believe my luck when all of a sudden I registered a voice and attempted opening my eyes to find that there was light again. It surged and pulsed and I gasped, my lungs stinging and my airway parched. There was a shape hovering over me, a shadow that at first was unclear. Then as my eyes adapted to the temporary light I was able to recognize who it was that had saved me and uncovered me-Steele.

This hadn't been the way that I imaged I'd face him again.

I could barely move, I was helpless!

Fear enveloped me as I saw him and my mind thought of ways that I could somehow defend against him. I knew he was going to attack me, try to take vengeance for what had happened.

Last I had seen of him had been when he had fallen off of the cliff trying to pull me with him.

Realization pumped through me as I came to and admitted the truth. There was nothing that I could do, he could and probably would easily overpower me if I fought back. He wanted to string it out and make my pain last as long as it possibly could if I knew him.

I urged him to get on with it, even offering him my throat to speed things along. He sniffed me and I cringed waiting for him to bite down and end my life. I felt him get into position, leaning down, his nose touching itself to my chin as his jaws parted. I closed my eyes and felt him rasp his tongue over me.

He licked me....

I shivered letting out my breath, surprised that he hadn't taken the chance right off. I would've thought that it was just his way of mocking me one last time except that somehow his touch had been different, hesitant as if he were holding himself back.

Then he was right next to my ear-his panting breath tickling the downy fur inside.

"No, I'm not going to kill you. I wish you weren't here. It's bad enough that I had to leave everything behind. I understand how I wronged you and in some ways....in a lot of ways I wish I could take back all of the things I put you through. But I can't..."

Each word hit me like hard packed ice. I couldn't believe it...it was too strange and it didn't ring true with how this dog had been since day one. He didn't let things go and I had always had to fight him for everything.

"Isn't this what you've wanted since we met?You hate me because of Jenna because I don't have a pedigree" I snapped.

"That's only part of it wolfdog" he tried to assure me although I could tell that he was running short of patience by his use of one of his mocking nicknames for me. Still this was the most sincere that I had ever seen him. I wanted to believe him...wanted to give him a chance. But after everything he'd done could I?

I stared back at him, looking for anything that would give me more of a clue, anything that was out of place-a sign that he was playing me or trying to get me to lower my guard. Nothing....

"I thought that was most of it" I challenged unflinchingly.

"Yeah well I can't explain the rest Balto, in fact I don't know that I ever will" he sneered. "Besides you wouldn't understand."

Try as I might I could tell that he wasn't going to budge nor explain himself and as far as I was concerned he could remain stubborn. He offered to help me after I agreed that I would at least stick with him...

As we talked the storm was rising again in tempest and I shivered, praying that by the end of it I still would be standing. I got up only to fall back into the snow. I tensed and growled when I felt teeth in my scruff until I became aware that Steele was actually trying to help me!

After my initial shock I welcomed his strength and the partial warmth that I felt as we trudged on in search of a place to escape the elements. It went by in a blur and a majority of it I felt detached as if this whole series of events were happening to someone else and I watched it all outside of it.

One thing that kept me trapped within myself was the pain and the throbbing piercing wind. My paws pulled me forward while my mind wandered aimlessly. Moving felt forced. Time crawled slowly along and finally at some point we neared a smaller range of cliffs. I made some comatose comment about looking for a cave or something to that effect and soon we had settled in one.

The relief of being away from the wind was mindnumbing!

I slid down and lay pressed up against one of the walls shivering. Steele did much the same-keeping his distance from me which I had anticipated anyway. It was typical. However I wasn't so sure that there wasn't a relief to being alone, having time to recuperate and perhaps be ready for him if and when he decided to reevaluate his position with me.

There I was with Jenna under the foundations of the hospital, the air heavy with her scent and the hint of medications from above. It was alright and mostly covered up in the earthy odors beneath and around us. The likeness of the Northern lights cast it's glow-really just the light shining through the floor panels and hitting a bunch of broken bottles in such a way that they gave off a myriad of colors.

She gasped and turned to look at them.

"The Northern lights! Ah! Balto! You're right, it's beautiful!"

I could tell that this was the moment that I had been waiting for since that first time I had met her. Jenna was focused on the lights but I all could see was her, the way they danced along the fringes of her body and twinkled in her light brown eyes. Maybe if I made my move she would let it slide, maybe I shouldn't do or say anything and just enjoy this moment with her. However I felt no matter how hopeless my chances were that I couldn't live with myself if I didn't at least try.

"Yeah" I intoned as she turned her head halfway to meet my admiring gaze. Just as she did and our eyes looked I added; "beautiful..."

The way I said it I was sure that my meaning was clear, that she had understood and yet she didn't turn and leave. She didn't get angry or turn me down.

Instead her head dipped and her eyes swam as she looked at me.

We were drawing closer and I could feel her breath and then we kissed.

It was tasteless and wet and it was all that I had ever wanted. Where we were didn't matter, what the world said about us seemed meaningless. There was only her and me together locked in the oldest embrace that time had seen again and again throughout the ages across the stars and countless lifetimes before us. She moved into me and I found myself pressed against one of the wooden supports. We were both hungry and yet gentle with each other, savoring this chance.

Jenna's scent permeated the air around me and I knew without a doubt that finally she was mine...

"Oh Jenna!"

It was a silly thing to whisper as we caught our breath. I buried myself in her fur, drinking everything-passion and desire rising inside of me like a primal beast begging to be sated.

My eyes shot open....

In the distance I could hear a wild tempest of air blowing at an alarming rate but I was safe from it. I was warm even though by rights I should've been freezing. Even now the cold was held at bay and on the borders of what I could feel. It was early morning with pinpricks of stars still populating the sky. They glimmered faintly as color streamed back into the heavens. The moon was fading and for the first time in forever I felt like howling at it.

Only then did my groggy mind register Steele. He was making soft noises not really grunts and growls or anything that I would've seen coming from the likes of him. Rather he was emitting soft sighs that washed over me and surprised me almost as much as the fact that we were pressed so closely together. He had me cradled in his forelegs, his chest pressed into the small of my back while his jaw rested gently against the top of my shoulder, his cheek pressed up against mine. Each inhale and exhale tossed the fur along my face and if I turned my gaze to it's limits I could just make out his nose twitching at the very edge of my peripheral vision.

This dawning fact-that I was this close with the worst enemy in my life was almost as disquieting as the cold had been. Most appalling of all however was the fact that one side of my haunches was wet and slick with something and every once in a while the malamute would thrust slightly, poking me with something hard and slick and sticky-and I knew exactly what it was!

Shuddering with loathing I could only stay as I was as the full weight of what was happening to me took it's time to sink in.

Steele...was...humping me...in his sleep.....

Perhaps he didn't mean to. In fact he probably had no idea what he was doing but that still didn't make me feel any better about my current predicament.

Maybe he would stop soon.

I hoped he would!

Gasping I felt him push against me again...slowly and meticulously rubbing every inch of his cock along the fur, gliding along my fur as another sigh escaped his throat reverberating along my face and through my entire being.

On the one hand I seriously was tempted to jump up and snap him into wakefulness-dive right into the middle of him and show him how much I wanted to gain revenge without any strings attached. Nothing would bring me justice better for all of the resentment that still lived and existed between us for no reason other than the fact that I wasn't entirely 100% purebred dog!

Then as I lay there listening to him apart of me that I didn't know existed marveled at how wet he was making my backside and...adored this unexpected turn of events. It was in it's own way enduring that he had at some point crawled over and tried to keep me warm and even more so that without meaning to he was now exacting his lust upon me unknowingly and harmlessly. I couldn't help but feel amusement as he stopped, his breath coming in uneven spurts. His paws pulled me closer and without warning he started licking the side of my face that was closest to him.

A hot tingle raced down my spine and my paws pricked as he took to grooming me all while still conked out.

My fur felt heated and on fire much like it had when I had first contemplated doing things with Kaltag except it was stronger....no! I couldn't....couldn't understand why I felt like this...

Then I caught my breath as another thought crashed into my reality.

What had Steele said earlier?

He had said that he had something to tell me and had hinted at another reason why he had hated me or at least why he had done some of the things that he had in order to, maybe keep it a secret?

Kaltag had been embarrassed and mortified at the thought of anyone else finding out about our escapade that night in the boiler room. He'd made me promise him that I would keep it to myself (as if I would spread the knowledge around Nome that I had blown Kaltag!) On top of that he'd said that I wasn't the first dog that he'd played around with. If so.....

Steeles resonating voice grumbled mid lick and I couldn't stand it anymore. I turned over, sweeping his paws aside and staring into his face, assuming that he was indeed awake and trying to throw me for a loop. But his eyes were closed although my sudden movement had disrupted his sleep.

For a moment he flinched, his whole body in the shock just before waking up. Then his eyes slid open and he looked at me quizzically and then down to his raging red penis, throbbing and dripping with proof-marking him as unmistakably guilty. His face fell as his gaze dart down to it and then back up to my non-plussed and accusing stare.

It was a first for me to see him look truly dejected, his ears drooping against his head and his face drawn with worry as if the worst thing that could possibly happen had crushed him down beneath it, without mercy or pity.

"Balto...I...I'm sorry..."

"I know" I stated not knowing how I felt about it and about him.

"I didn't mean to....damnit! Of all the....!"

He didn't finish. He simply dislodged his limbs from mine, stood swiftly and quick as a flash stormed out of the cave, turning so that his face was invisible to me as he left.

For a moment or two I was baffled by his sudden departure. Then I cursed softly and tried to stand up, faltering as my limbs protested the sudden jump start into movement after the brief bit of relaxation. I was cold again, the feeling seeping inside of me sharply and for the first time I knew what was going on and I had finally figured out what Steele had been holding back!

Perhaps I was right or....way way off the mark but I had to know!

Forcing my rebelling body to walk I staggered after Steele, out into the night and into the worst of the cold. Snow graced wind hurt my eyes and a whine escaped me as I searched wildly for any sign of him. Thankfully he hadn't chosen to wander that far off.

He was hunched up and shaking, his black and white pelt flapping about as if at any moment it would be torn from his body. Sighing with relief I made my way over to him and nudged into his side with my nose.

"Steele!" I had to shout over the gale to be heard. "Steele, it's okay! It was nothing more than an accident! Please come back inside with me! You'll freeze out here!"

"Yeah!? Well maybe that wouldn't be such a bad thing mutt!" he growled back. "Maybe that would actually be best for both of us!"

"You know that it wouldn't" I stated emphatically. "I need you! I'll freeze without you and you'll freeze without me! Forget what happened! I can! We'll talk about it in the morning, but now is not the time!"

"Oh don't I!? I'm nothing, I've got nothing, no one and nowhere to go!"

My head sunk as each word that left him rang true. I sat down next to him in defeat not really knowing how I could get through to him. Some of the same feelings and thoughts were coursing through my own mind. I still had no idea why I had trailed him or decided that I had to do this. Mostly I regretted coming after him and that I was now stuck and stranded with him until at the very least the storm let up. But I had decided to make the best of it.

I had realised that I didn't want Steele to die...I didn't know what I wanted for him anymore but I didn't want him to suffer because of the past. But how could I show him, prove that I was genuine?

After a silence that seemed to last ages I leaned my head along the fluff protruding from his neck unbidden, burying my nose in his thick fur. Even given our current situation I wasn't sure what I was doing nor how he would react. I just wanted him to let it go and pull out of this.

"Please, Steele, I don't care about the past. I've long since forgiven you for what you did. I will die without you now and I don't want you to throw your life away...Please will you come back inside? I want to talk about this with you and it doesn't have to be until you're ready. But don't....don't hurt yourself because of me..."

I could feel him stiffen as I said this and implored him, as I nuzzled into him. Then I felt him lean into me, his shelf of his chin nestled on top of my head. He sighed, his body shaking, all of the hopelessness being given a muted voice as to how he really felt.

"Oh...Okay, I won't" he agreed in a shaky voice though he stood rigidly, not making a move.

I shepherded him back into the cave as he stared blankly ahead, unreadable and far away.

Without so much as a comment he slid down along a wall, laying out on the floor and looking out into the blizzard, his sides heaving and falling back into a steady rhythmic repose.

This time it was I who made the move, flopping down behind him and resting my head along his well muscled shoulder. He didn't make a move to stop me. I felt terrible that I had somehow ended up causing this once proud dog so much inner conflict, such self loathing.

Thinking about it longer; he had really lost everything that had mattered to him. And even though perhaps he had done things to deserve it-it had all boiled down to me. He had lost it all because of me.

Easing a paw up I dropped it over his side in what I hoped he'd take as a friendly comforting gesture. I held it there in a relaxed manner although inside I was ready to withdraw my paw should he make a move. Nothing happened.

Slowly as the morning came and I was enveloped in much needed sleep I heard a sound issuing from the malamute and my tired mind couldn't decide if he was sniffing the air because he had picked up something or if he was actually crying....


I was screwed! I had been careless and stupid to let myself get so out of control! Playing it back in my mind it was downright unacceptable and it left a bad taste in my mouth as if I had betrayed myself all over again being such an arrogant ass! How lame was it that I had been humped him while I was in the middle of dream!? There I was only trying to keep him warm-only to wake up with him studying me and my bob and tackle throbbing mockingly between us. Could I help it that my feelings were becoming stronger? Maybe I had to because it was apparent that it was dangerous to let them go unchecked.

Never had I felt so foolish!

He had been repulsed by it, I knew he had!

Never had I wanted to crawl into a hole and bury myself from the world as much as in that moment. Without meaning to I'd exhibited the most intimate part of myself.....I was mortified.

Never had I wanted to just end it all as much as I did staring out into the snow. I couldn't bear to look him in the face much less answer the questions he might have.I could feel my emotions turning to stone inside of me.

I couldn't look at him!

I couldn't look at him!


Above all I was preparing myself for Balto to make a big deal out of this, to make fun of me. To tear me down and ridicule me for having something so stupid and inexcusable happen.

I waited for it, dreading each and every moment that dragged on like a lifetime before me as I forced myself to keep my eyes trained outside. Then he crushed my world and all of my beliefs by going the extra mile as with everything else. I felt his paw resting along my side as he hugged me, the proximity between us as well as this simple noble bit of expression from him on my behalf was unbearable.

I didn't deserve this....I almost wished that he had yelled at me.

Hot tears flooded my eyes and down my face, cascading down to spill and steam near my face as he held me close. I tried to suppress my body shaking with the sobs that wracked it although after a time I couldn't help but sniff, my cold nose running. Hopefully it hadn't betrayed me....

Pale morning as unforgiving as the pit of my stomach, as heavy and empty as my heart felt. The sun was a sickly orange that bathed the snow and made it sparkle like the diamonds I'd seen in the occasional collar worn by the riches pooches and bitches that happened to visit Nome. I hadn't really thought about how my owners would react given my running away nor how they'd feel. Before I really hadn't cared. Now however it was just one more thing that I felt bad about. Casting a glance around me I remembered last night seeing that Balto had left and that I lay alone within the cave. Couldn't blame him.

Licking my chops I raised up and yawn, going into autopilot and pretty much repeating a routine that I'd taken part in daily since I could remember. Stretching was always the most gratifying part.

I strolled from the cave still dejected but feeling awake and happy that the storm had abated somewhat. The land lay still and vast and seemingly dead. Off in the distance, not too far away I could make out a lone silhouette trotting briskly in my direction something flapping in it's mouth.

It was Balto sure enough a wide grin plastered on his face. He looked carefree and acutely happy considering our predicament. To be honest I was surprised that he hadn't left right off now that conditions had improved.

Sitting down I shook my head in admiration greeting him with a smile, my fluffy slightly curled tail wagging inspite of the underlying feeling of dread that still clung to me.

"Do my eyes decieve me? Where on earth did you learn to fish Balto?"

He offered me a proud smirk before laying the fish down between us and leaning forward with his haunches raised in a play bow. Crossing his forelegs he tilted his head in a very sexy and devilish way, one of his ears flopping down as he panted, his own tail sweeping the snow.

"Not really a big deal. Comes from hanging out with Muk and Luk sometimes. They're two bears that love their uncle Boris."

"Uncle Boris?" I growled cocking my head to one side.

"Yeah he's the best, been with me probably longer than he ever thought he would" Balto replied.

"Ahhh! Okay...uncle Boris is the goose I've seen ya with before?"

"One and the same" he said chuckling heartily. "Oh and you can have all of that. I caught one for myself earlier so dig in!"

I stared at the fish and then back at him somewhat guilty before lowering my head and taking a bite out of it's side. The meat was a tad cold but it was still fresh and my hunger drove me to devour more before I looked up and said grudgingly; "Thanks..."

"No problem Steele."

In no time at all the fish was all but gone, the head laying in the snow and the bones picked clean. The mood between us was dragging out and I felt it building up as more time passed. With nothing to distracted us the time had finally come for us to square things once and for all. Balto was kind enough to get things rolling, lifting a hind leg and scratching the bushy scruff along his neck before shaking and turning all of his attention to me.

"Sooooo.....about last night and what you said yesterday...what did you want to tell me?"

I looked away.

He continued.

"I mean I know that I'm not the ideal sled dog blood wise but you've mentioned that that wasn't the only reason why the relationship between us has been rocky. I need to know why I was never good enough to help you or the team when so many lives depended on it. I have to before we part ways...."

"This whole thing is going to seem so stupid" I muttered turning my eyes slowly up to meet his. "If you didn't hate me before you probably will after I admit this to you wolfdog."

I waited hoping that something would happen, that a bolt of lightning would strike me before I could say more or that he would lose interest. However he nodded for me to continue.


"Most of the time I've called you wolfdog, lobo or mutt....in the beginning I'll admit that I did it mockingly-as a way to make fun of you... However for some time now it was my way of making up pet names for you....


"You came into my life and I lost everything, one by one every single thing that meant something to me was taken and everything I was good at you always seemed to pull off better. Somehow you were the dog I thought I was when in reality I feel short. It's hurt but I've gotten past that. I've gotten over everything accept one last thing...and I'm not sure that I can.."

Oh boy! Here came the bombshell that would have him probably snarling or laughing at me. I hated how ridiculous this was! Why had it come to this!? Could I have been any more of a moron! Thinking it and knowing it internally all of this time had felt right, it'd felt justified. Now it felt like a bad joke that was tearing me apart-with the punchline being my confused heart.

I'd never seen him like this. Balto was pensive and calm on the surface but I could tell that this spiel of mine had him well and truly puzzled. Those amber brown eyes drilled into me, the intense heat of them causing me to look away from them, look anywhere, at anything but into those deep mesmerizing depths.

"And what would that be?"

I licked my lips, my throat drier than it had been in a long time, butterflies in my stomach, my head dizzy and whirling with the enormity of what I was about to admit. Meeting his gaze was difficult, but I held my ground and gave him a helpless pleading look.


Silence that lasted forever, then his rich voice cut into it.


"Yes Balto you."

"What do you mean?"

I shook my head hating myself more and more each and every moment. This was becoming way more awkward then I had imaged it would be! I needed to make it more clear. Unmistakable so that he could judge me and be done with it. I was through being stuck on the chopping block waiting for my time to come. I was ready.

"I mean the one thing that I couldn't manage to get over this whole time was you. I had feelings for you the first time we met. Thoughtout everything I tried damn hard to distance myself from you, from the temptation to act on what I felt both because I thought you'd hate me and because if I had all of Nome would have judged me and stripped any chance I had at being the dog I could've been. If I had come clean I would have lost everything sooner, pitting myself against you at every turn gave me a chance, a hope while at the same time ensuring that my love for you wouldn't get in the way-that it wouldn't become a problem."

I took a breath and then almost in a whisper I finished-driving the final nail into my coffin so to speak.

"I could see in your eyes, in the way you held yourself and that in every aspect all you've ever wanted was Jenna when for me I didn't care about her. To be honest I just wanted to fuck her. It didn't matter in the end if she chose another dog because all I ever wanted was you... Impossible? Yes! Improbable and stupid? Yes! But it's the truth. I know I went too far but....it doesn't matter now. You know. All the more reason for you to hate me..."

I turned away as his expression became incredulous.

"You acted like you hated me this whole time when you actually felt.....like 'this'" he asked.

I could only nodded trying to hold my emotions at bay.

Silence again.

"How can I believe you Steele? All I have is your word against everything that I've experienced where you're concerned."

"I want to change, to prove it to you."

"How?" He demanded softly. I felt him close to me and realised that without me being aware he'd edged himself next to me. I turned nearly nose to nose with him shivering as I noticed details, his sleek rugged fur, his masculine chin, his narrowed muzzle and his ears splayed back in uncertainty.

"Anyway that I can" I rumbled my eyes watery.

What I did next I probably shouldn't have and I'm damn lucky that it didn't incite him to shred my feelings right there and then.

Leaning forward and dipping my head I tilted my muzzle to meet his and kissed him.

At first his eyes went wide and a growl of surprised came from deep within. However much to my relief he kissed back, leaning into me and allowing me to further explore him. My tongue met his in a strange and unexpected dance as we shared our saliva as well as our breath. It was tasteless aside from his scent which grew and kept growing until it was the only thing I was able to detect anymore. It was the most addicting thing I'd ever experienced and right then and then I felt so happy that I wept. It was light and not completely me falling apart but it meant alot to me. Infact it was what I had always wanted since seeing him.

At long last I was kissing the canine of my dreams and he was allowing me too.

After a few moments that I wished would last forever we pulled apart breathing hard and trying to catch our breath, a long string of drool connecting us as we closed in pressed our foreheads together, intoxicated and loving every minute. This time he initiated the kiss and I met him, clashing against him, pressing everything that made me male against him while he did the same for me. He shivered as we rolled sensually into new and dangerous territory and my muddled mind knew that I was complete. If I never saw Nome again I could go on happy. If this was the last day I lived and I knew with utter certainty that I would die tomorrow, I would die happy.

I was lost in him and I couldn't tell who was enjoying it more but it was beautiful. He was pure and I was jaded, he was eager...in fact we both were and that fact was more than I could've wished for.

We pulled apart a second time and I gave him a grin that I hoped was sly and sexy, that I hoped he'd be taken by.

We nuzzled into each other and I dragged my tongue along his right ear before whispering my lewd request at him.

"Mate me Balto. Fuck me like a wollff..."

I drew out the last word in the hopes that it would really get him going as I let myself fall back into the snow-placing the mutt above me a very surprised expression on his cute face.

"What....you want me to....um..."

He stuttered uncomprehendingly like an adorable puppy although I could see that he was excited. His wolf cock was sliding free of his sheath, already dripping with the sweet sap that preluded the main prize.

I inclined my head, my tongue sticking out in excitement as he looked down and noticed my own erection laying to one side on my chest. I flexed it for him a couple of times, my tapered tip bobbing and the rest of my turgid length wagging stiffly on display for him.

I could see the cogs in his head turning for a few and I thought that it was over. Perhaps I had gone to far, taken things along too quickly for him. But then he surprised me and shuffled his hips so that they were back farther. Looking around I searched until my eyes found the perfect solution. Lifting my rear end to the right a bit I found a bit of packed snow that was slightly raised up. My back fit snuggly into it and allowed me to more easily lift my ass to a higher and more reachable level for him.

"There we go Balto..."

He was panting fast, too excited to answer me I guess(quite the change from his pensive self before) his eyes were wide. Balto curiously sniffed my balls and under my tail until he found the off pink star of flesh underneath. My ass pulsed involuntarily as he leaned in and licked me, drawing his tongue along the small ring of muscle and up until he was lifting my balls with his tongue.

I whined shamelessly because he'd become my personal hero. Enthusiastically he delved into my anal canal with his wet appendage, sliding it along the creases inside, the levels of my muscles and within my most intimate caverns. I panted my cock growing more as I heard him chuckle and my mind was nearly blown by how sexy he could be in such a naughty situation. My asshole clamped down on him and he swirled around before pulling out sharply and making me gasp.

Then slowly, oh so slowly he hovered over me and drew his cock along my balls. The suspense was killing me and I whined meeting his eyes one last time before this was decided once and for all. His dick was pressed up against my pucker, the vortex spewing his excitement to ooze and merge with his saliva.

"Ready Steele?"

His voice was certain and he wanted this. I could tell.

Was this a dream? Was this really reality? I wasn't sure but I hoped that it was really happening.

"Whenever you are wolfdog! Pound me!"

I spread my legs and waited-in the end I didn't have to wait long at all.

Bracing his hind legs he inched forward his penis sinking steadily into my ass, pushing against my barrier and stretching me out. I shivered and bit back against the pain. To be safe I braced myself, digging my claws into the snow and praying that it would be enough.

No doubt about it! This was very real! Nothing in dreams could hurt so much or feel so right.

I had him!

He was actually there!

I whimpered and smirked at him, putting on a brave face as he feed me inch by inch until all but his knot was inside of my love tunnel. My cock spasmed and I moaned heedless of how embarrassingly loud it was. My hell this was heavenly!

He pulled out and clasped my sides as he pushed back inside with an audible slippery schlorp. It was music to my ears!

I relished everything; the full feeling inside of me as he claimed me repeatedly, the scent of his malehood oddly close in odor to that of puppies, soft and milky and pure. It reeked of the most personal part of Balto and me coalescing and mixing-becoming one. I panted and he moaned and growled, his precum sloshing around inside of me and pooling out along my tail.

Neither of us felt cold anymore...not by far! We were invincible as we made love (or at least while I made love and Balto took out his frustrations on my ass, basking in his ability to claim me.) He thrust faster and faster now, his cock pistoning in and out of my butt while he looked back towards the action as if he couldn't believe what was happening. One of his paws snaked down to peel back my sheath and massage my growing knot.

My god! This dog was a pro!

Wouldn't have guessed it under his smooth and gentle exterior but somehow he knew exactly which buttons to press in order to get the best results and reactions from me.

Kaltag perhaps...?

Maybe but even the chinook wasn't this considerate. Balto was humping me while adding pressure to my knot and to top it off, the fur along his belly and chest skated along my throbbing flesh. Each thrust offered us both mind numbing pleasure as well as squelching noises that permeated the air-adding to this series of moments that I would cherish forever. Balto still probably hated me but at least I was his for this....damn he was big!

He was throbbing erratically now and his breaths were deep and irregular. He growled, throwing his voice into a symphony of sounds that thrilled me. It was like he was singing some primal song just for me-tuneless and meaningless save for the most base and simple need to mate.

Balto was straining forward and my ass felt on fire as it tried to accommodate the nub at his base. It felt mammoth as it demanded entry and I shivered and shuddered gritting my teeth as after what seemed like forever my ass gave way before his conqueror and the wolfdog truly made me his.

A tide of my precum covered his paw as well as a good portion of my belly and sheath. I couldn't hold back anymore and as his dick speared my prostate with a vengeance (knot rubbing my insides aggressively), as that paw of his rubbed along the underside of my bulb, that silky fur rubbed me just right and his blissful face turned back into a grimace I lost it.

I can't remember who came first but I can remember that it was one of the most brutal and powerful feelings I've ever experienced! My balls tugged upward just as I felt Balto emptying his, doggy cum painting my insides and leaking out past his knot as I milked him for all he was worth. Then that feeling burst and my own cock danced, erupting, spraying thick creamy ropes into the air between us.

The first bit hit my neck followed by another that covered my face with jizz. Thankfully I was quick enough to close my eyes before it crashed into me although I almost was too gone to care. My body arched and we both howled together-Balto emitting the real thing while I whined along with him as much as I could.

That paw was pressed down on my knot at just the right angle to keep me going for a while, the veins feeling alive and fit to burst as my sustain orgasm came into the world and continued on. It was almost too much and I whimpered as I opened my eyes to see Balto smirking down at me.

My first thought was that he was about to come clean and really rub in how much of a bitch I was...how easy I had been or something along those lines.

Instead he was leaning down and then we were kissing again except this time something was different than before. Maybe this had changed this a bit between us...maybe he'd had a change of heart....

We were face to face and I was waiting breathless and covered in our combined mess when all at once he spoke-his words shaking me to my core.

"I love you Steele...."

I couldn't hold back how I felt as well as before and a single tear slid down one of my cheeks. My face turned up into a smile that I couldn't hide and I didn't think I wanted to anymore...

"I love you too Balto..."

We stayed like that, him inside of me, me engulfing him, gazing into each others eyes, silent and content. It was the pinnacle of my existence and past how fun it had been to have him fuck me it was without a doubt the most meaningful thing that had ever been said to me.

He loved me. A dog like him doesn't lie lightly. A dog like Balto means what he says and my heart melted. I wanted to continue showing how much I cared. How good I wanted to make him feel- I wanted to be there with him as much as I could be all while remaining as close as was possible. But suddenly the hair along the back of his neck stood on end. A growl rumbled in his throat on the verge of becoming a bark.

It wasn't like before.

It was a warning, one tinged with worry.

Questioningly I looked at him and then sniffed the air.

The blood in me ran cold!

It couldn't be! How could this be?

First it was the scent. Then a rumbling as the ground shook beneath us.

"Bears!" Balto snarled.

Before I could reply there was a roar that resounded all around us and caused me to clumsily get to my paws hiking up a leg over his body so that we stood back to back (or ass to ass) in a defensive position.

Angry white monoliths towered into view all around us, growling and lumbering. They were everywhere cutting off every route we could've used to escape. Claws of fear gripped my insides but I hunched over baring my teeth and holding myself confidently.

What did they want? Would they kill us? Most importantly of all how would we manage to get out of this?

As they closed in and the circle tightened around us I knew that soon we would find out.....