The malamute #2
The malamute #2 make sure you read #1 first ''what?!''
The Malamute #1
A young black and white malamute names ian sleep soundly in the small cabin of his owner.
The other two malamutes took their places. harper wasted no time in pressing his surprisingly large cock into krone's finely toned ass.
"-of your breed, \*\*\*malamute\*\*\*, to be taken for experimentation. so welcome aboard \*\*\*malamute-one\*\*\*, your tests will begin now!" walter blinked. what the hell did he just watch?
Balto's choice aftermath pt.1
Husky, without any guide of panting malamute, started pampering his pointer which quickly found a way to get inside jenna's muzzle thanks to malamute's unexpected thrust.
Puppy Needs His Bone
The malamute nodded his head, sticking his tongue out the mask as he began sniffing along connor's tent.
The malamute snapped another picture. just as her eyes closed on impact. the malamute knew what was going on... but the pictures told a different story entirely.
Scrap: Bad Puppy
The malamute turned and took his helmet off the handlebar. "i _am_ going for it." kyle spoke the words softly, with a slight edge that made the malamute pause, then turn back slowly.
The Meeting
A black and white malamute, he was walking along behind a significantly older malamute with similar fur color and markings; obviously, the dog's father.
Product Testing
The malamute barked and bucked his hips as his sensitive shaft was gulped again, pushing the tapered tip into rex's throat.
A Visit to the Chiropractor
The otter was at the mercy of the older malamute's force, his whims, his everything.
The Overlook Bar
The raccoon shook his head, pointing at a massive malamute that was standing at the counter, "he said he wanted to cover it." the malamute gave a nod before walking away from the counter.