Chapter III

Story by Drake_The_Traveller on SoFurry

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He's the the next chapter, please enjoy!

The Crusader Saga Chapter IIISir Warren awoke a few hours later feeling like a chunk of forging iron that had been hammered into a shield. When he managed to force his heavy eyelids open he was greeted with a disaster laid out before him. His new room was thrashed. The bed was in disarray, all the drawers from the dressers were tossed about haphazardly, his armor and weapons were scattered across the whole room, and the big mirror was shattered into a thousand pieces. With a groan he voiced all his thoughts with one word said aloud. "Shit." It seemed that he had a particularly violent episode this time. Luckily no one had heard his torment or if they had they didn't investigate. Thankful for that small bit of good news he tiredly climbed out of the destroyed bed and took a whole hour to clean and fix his quarters. Once all his belongings were put away he gathered the separated components of his armor and put it on the armor stand in the corner of the room. Then he placed his weapons and shield next to it. His next objective was to pick up all the shards of glass littering the floor in front of the mirrors frame. When that was done he put it all in the only container he could find, his travel bag. The bag was emptied of all the things it had contained and he put it to the side of the door with its new temporary job as a waste bin.Just as he was finishing there was a nock on the door. Still disorientated he did not realize he was only wearing his leather pants. So in that state of undress he opened the door to greet a vaguely familiar red furred vixen. "Hello miss to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" He asked. "Good afternoon Sir Warren, the queen desires your presence." The Vixen said incredibly flustered, and it took him a minute to piece together the reason why. When it came to him he turned a surprisingly deep shade of red."I'm sorry milady I did not notice my state of dress give me but a moment." He said hurriedly closing the door and going to the now cleaned up dresser to put on his dress clothes with his emblem since there was no need to wear his armor today. He chose the ones he wore whenever he went to those annoying social functions like balls and ceremonies they should suffice for today. He also belted his dirk to his waist in case he would need it. If there was anything he learned from his years of knighthood it was to always carry a weapon he then grabbed his cloak and returned to the door.Meanwhile Valerie was thinking about what she had just been accidentally exposed to. These humans lacked hair all over their bodies it would seem, which in turn actually helped to better define their muscles, and he was certainly well muscled she thought with a blush. Yet the most captivating thing was the appalling scars covering his torso. She wondered where they had all come from. Many looked as of they were made by claws or even fangs! They also had that faded look that meant they were old. Valerie sheepishly thought of his chest she had a bizarre need to feel his furless skin.At that time the door opened to reveal Sir Warren in a striking black outfit with a surcoat depicting a shield with crossed swords in gold and blue trimming and with his black cloak around his shoulders. She noticed that he was still wearing boots although they were not plated just regular old leather, humans must need footwear more then we do she concluded. She also spied a strange long jagged blade attached to his waist. It was for some odd reason entirely black and it's back was a nasty line of sharp metal hooks that looked like teeth. She eyed it warily. Her intense studying was interrupted when the man coughed softly to get her attention."So the queen wishes to see me?" He repeated her announcement.Focusing she pushed down her inner examination and nodded with a smile. "Yes, please would you follow me."She turned around and began to walk down the hallway. Being the shy fur that she was she did not want to start a conversation but something the servants were talking about made her speak out. "So sir knight did you hear any strange noises while you recovered from your journey?" Valerie didn't see him stumble before recovering but she did hear the change in pace with her long fennec ears."No I didn't." He said just a little to quickly to be normal."I was just checking." She said but filed away that little tidbit of information."I'm sorry to say I didn't catch your name." Warren said Embarrassedly. He probably said this to draw her mind away from her inquiries. She decided to let the subject drop."That's alright." She said understandingly "the others and I didn't talk so you wouldn't have known, the names Valerie."They had finally reached the door to the throne room and he opened the door with a flourish for her gesturing for her to go first."Okay then Valerie it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Warren said warmly and with a deep bow holding the door open wide."As it is for me to make yours Sir Warren." she giggled as she stepped past him and into the large room. As she walked in Valerie noticed that all the other ladies were already sitting down in their selected seats watching as the pair made way to the throne. The queen was smiling at them with her paws in her lap atop her spotted feline tail.Sir Warren was trailing behind Valerie and was busy admiring the non-opulent decor of the vast chamber. It was only modestly decorated having only a few house banners displaying a rearing red dragon in a field of white, and a single beautiful blue rug running from the throne to the main door. It was a refreshing change to the grossly grandiose trappings of his kingdom's courts. His contemplation of the variations in court architecture and design was halted when the queen decided to speak. "Welcome Sir Warren I hope you rested well." She remarked.Even though it was anything but well it he didn't want to concern her and the others with his condition. "yes milady it was.... Relaxing." He finally put forth as a suitable upbeat answer."That's good, and call me Galadria I prefer that to milady or my queen." She ordered not forcefully but more playful."If that is your wish Galadria.""It is, I also wanted to ask you if you wished to take a tour of the city with myself and my ladies-in-waiting?" She asked hopefully tail twitching in her lap in anticipation of his answer. Strangely the other women also seemed to be on the edge of their seats waiting for his respone, especially the skunkette Cassandra, who he talked to earlier before who was responsible for triggering his little....episode. Warren noticed that she looked troubled and wondered why, she couldn't know, could she?"I would be delighted too." He finally concluded after only seconds of internal debate."Splendid!" Galadria mewled her little pink nose twitching rapidly. Now we can get to know each other better! Without a doubt it will be a nice excursion into the city where we can show you all the amazing places!" She exclaimed but not before giving a subtle glare to Lunaria who still looked chastised and was holding her thin tail to her chest.That's when a male voice absolutely dripping with authority came from behind Warren. "My queen I have expressed to you many times my concerns about you walking through the city without suitable escort."Warren turned to put a face to this new voice and was surprised to see a very large armored brown bear barely an inch smaller then himself he must have walked into the chamber from the main doors as Warren had not seen him enter. At his appearance the girls seemed to look like they had just been discovered planning to sneak out."Ah lord commander Brighton it is good to see you." Galadria said innocently fiddling with her tail. She acted like a child who had been caught with a paw in the cookie jar. "I know how many times you've said that but we have a knight now I'm sure he can keep us safe." She said defensively.At this the big bear turned to Warren and have him a studiously appraising look with a piercing brown eye the other was covered by a patch, the two veteran warriors examined each other closely. Shining blue eyes to deep brown one, and after a short amount of time he gave a satisfied nod. "This one does indeed look capable."He addressed Warren directly. "Do you swear to put forth the lives of the queen and her ladies before yourself?""I'd give my life if that's what's asked sir." Warren replied confidently and without hesitation. "Being my new rulers it is my sole duty to protect them and this kingdom.""Good." The bear said turning to Galadria "alright you can go, but I want an additional two guards to go with you." "That can be arranged." She replied happy that the bear had finally been placated. This was the first time he let them go without a overwhelming amount of protection. Maybe now they could actually see the sights without a dozen guards breathing down their neck. "See that it is." He said sternly. He then addressed Warren once more. "When you are done touring the city find me we have much to discuss." And with that he twisted back around to the door on his heels with a sharp clang of armored boots, and walked out of the room.The women all let out a collective exhale of relief. "I for one would like to set out immediately." The pantheress Jett announced."I agree." Lunaria said sounding much less gruffer them usual. The other girls voiced similar thoughts.So with Galadria as leader they left the throne room with Warren walking alongside the group as they slowly meandered towards the castle's gate conversing happily. He noticed that Cassandra stayed particularly close to him, not to close but still closer then what was considered proper. After awhile she began to speak."Excuse me, Sir Warren." She said and was cut of suddenly."Please just call me Warren." He asked her before turning to look at her.She found herself gazing into his blue eyes and became a little discombobulated. "Uh...okay uh Warren I just wanted to apologize for what I said earlier.""What?" He asked confusedly"When I was talking about family I didn't know that...uh...well you know." She said a little ruffled not quite sure how to say it.His expression soured in understanding and muttered darkly drawing all of the others attention with the menacing change in his voice. "let me guess Mathias told you?"Distressed that this was not going as planned she hurriedly tried to explain herself. "Yes well he told me he has to keep it a secret but I ordered him too and....well he did." "......I see." He said quietly "if you'll excuse me miladies," he said emotionlessly to all of them. "I will see you all at the gate." He then quickened his pace and swiftly vanished down the corridor with a flap of his retreating black cloak.Galadria looked at Cassandra confusedly "What did you do?" The other girls looked confused as well.Cassandra unwillingly began to explain. "Well earlier today when I was showing him to his room Mathias who was in my arms woke up. I started to play with him like I usually do and it made Warren laugh.""Then why was he upset?" Valerie asked quizzically with one of her long ears folded down, which was a nervous tick she developed before she came to the castle."Well he said that we were a funny pair and I asked if he never played with his family." Cassandra then looked down in shame. "I then told Warren that was bad parenting. He became withdrawn and rushed into his room. I was confused until Mathias spoke up."By this time the other girls intently listened to Cassandra's tale. "Mathias told me that his family was slaughtered by monsters when he was three." Galadria and the others gasped with their paws covering their mouths in surprise. "Hearing this I was horrified at my earlier comment and sought out to rectify my mistake." She concluded.The other women were equally mortified at this newly discovered revelation. This time time it was Maria who spoke "that is most terrible, but why would he hide that from us?" The most thoughtful of them asked."I don't know Maria." The pantheress Jett answered "but I would like to find out."Still contemplative but wanting to see the city and talk to Warren Galadria guided their thoughts back on to the original focus. "In any case ladies all our question can be answered later, now let's go down to the gate were he is no doubt waiting."

Warren was angry. Not at Mathias he was too young to actually keep it secret, that's where in lay the problem. 'Why did I tell him?' Warren struggled internally. 'Ive never told anyone willingly before so why tell some strange beast cub I only just met?' He debated to himself. The only saving grace was that his talk with Cassandra had for some reason not triggered another one of his episodes. He loathed the fact he would eventually have to tell the queen since it might impede his ability to protect. Still agonizing over his convoluted thoughts he walked into the courtyard that opened into the massive gates he had entered only hours before. He spotted two guards in light chainmail hauberks and steel skull caps each holding on to a short spear and round shield. They must have been the additional escorts as they seemed to have been waiting for his arrival. As soon as they spied Warren approach they slowly walked up to greet him. When they got closer he noticed that they were of the bear and fox race."Salutations sir knight!" The bear exclaimed jovially. "Uh...yeah...hello mister knight." The fox said timidly spear shaking softly in his grip.Clearly the bear was not afraid of the strange human as the fox was."Good morrow gentlemen I hope it finds you in good health." Warren said politely holding out a hand."It does indeed sir knight." The bear said shaking it firmly in his slightly larger paw, the fox refrained from shaking his hand."That's good to hear I take it you men are the additional protection?" Warren guessed as he brought his hand back to his side."Correct sir." The bear answered "hand picked by lord commander Brighton himself!" The bear proudly stated."Excellent."This time it was the shy fox who spoke quietly. "It is a great honor.""I'm sure it is......?" Warren said slowly.Understanding the unsaid question "Martin sir the names Martin." The fox said."And the names George." The bear added."Alright then George and Martin, As you are no doubt aware I am now responsible for the safety of the queen and her retainers." Warren said sternly."Aye we are" George confirmed."Good now listen closely to my instructions. You two will be walking behind them and your objective is to watch for any danger. I don't want potential assassins to slip in from behind. I will be close to the queen herself and will be looking for any unscrupulous activity." While he was talking he saw the queen and her ladies walk into the courtyard especially that nosy skunk. "stick to the plan and all will be well.""Yes sir!" They both shouted as they smacked their fists against their chests.

Galadria and her friends resumed walking after the short and informative talk with Cassandra about Warrens past, and found themselves at the gate in short order. Passing the two feline guards playing with dice in the gatehouse they found Warren talking with a bear and a fox he was wrapping up whatever he was conversing about. "Stick to the plan and all will be well.Both of the guards saluted and with a 'yes sir' moved to their positions behind the group. "Sir Warren!" Galadria called out waving happily tail swinging to and fro as she walked up to the tall man with the other women."Yes Galadria?" "I trust you are ready to see the sights?" She asked."I am." He confirmed."Splendid!" The gate opened up slowly with the groan of stressed chains and gears as the two felines in the gatehouse upon being ordered too, stopped playing and pulled the massive crank clockwise. When it was at the apex of its height the small party exited the castle and ventured forth into the city.Warren walked close to the queen as she began to talk about the city's history. "The city of Marketh was built over four hundred years ago by my ancestors. They fled the despotic kingdom of yirath and after leading the refuges to this place they were made into its kings and queens. They then ruled for centuries with compassion and strength. The last queen, my mother Liara passed away from a strange illness leaving me to guide our kingdom. Recently our ally the Belani have been skirmishing with Yirath and we have been helping them with supplies and weapons. Even though we have not given them any soldiers I fear that the yirathians may use that as an excuse to invade." While she was talking they walked through the busy streets. Warren noticed that outside his armor he only got a few strange looks. He found this much more pleasant then the earlier looks of terror and fear. Galadria was leading and they took a right into a huge marketplace full of stalls and vendors. The place was bursting with all manners of furs almost every race of animal Warren had ever seen were jostling around going about their daily lives."Tell me more about this Yirath." Warren was interested in this potential enemy."Valerie can tell you more she's in charge of our records." Galadria explained."Okay then Valerie what can you tell me about them?"She looked nervous with all the attention centered on her but she still spoke. "Yirath is a militaristic kingdom controlled by a kaiser and council. The people of that realm have almost no freedom and live in abject poverty. The only way to have a reliable source of food is to join the kaisers army. This makes Yirath the biggest military power. Although most of his men are ill equipped with inadequate materials. They still have an advantage in numbers. We have been lucky that they have not set their sights on Aralia." While he listened to Valerie talk Warren saw a flash of movement on the rooftop in front of the group. Wary he loosened the sheath containing his dirk. "But it's only a matter of time before they make some excuse to come here."Warren looked back to see George and Martin looking around with caution and vigilance. When Warren turned back around he heard the thwang of three crossbow bolts. Warren took a split second to realize he wouldn't have enough time to push the women out of the way and get himself clear of the attack. He quickly made his choice. "I personally believe th-" Valerie was interrupted when she was pushed violently to the ground along with Galadria Marie, Jett, Lunaria, and Cassandra. They were angry about being pushed down and looked to Warren to scold him when they gasped in horror. He was standing over them and they could see blood dripping down his once clean outfit and pooling into small puddles around his boots. Three crossbow bolts were impaling him. One in his left forearm and two in his chest. The noble knight fell to his knees and coughed up a large quantity of blood. He turned to George and Martin who had by then rushed to the queen and the other girls and were busy trying to get them to safety. "Get them out of here!" He growled with blood staining his mouth.Without hesitation they dragged the protesting women into a small tallow chandlers shop and took defensive positions inside. The marketplace was teeming with desperate citizens as they all tried to get as faraway from the danger as possible. Warren growled as he lifted his wounded body to its feet. "For the kaiser!" Warren heard a fanatical voice come from behind him and drew his dirk as fast as he could with his good arm. He was being rushed by a grubby looking wolf in a dirty outfit and cloak wielding a rusty shortsword. The wolf tried to bring the sword down and into his chest. With unconfined rage Warren roared startling his enemy and used the back of his dirk to catch the enemies blade. With a twist and a pull he yanked the astonished wolfs sword out of his paws, and without hesitation rammed the dirk up through the wolfs jaw and into his brain. The corpse immediately went limp. Casting it of his blade he heard another trio of shots and quickly rolled to the left ignoring the screaming protest of his chest and left arm. Three bolts hit the cobbled street where he had just been standing and the heads snapped from the force of the impact. Realizing the danger the archers portrayed Warren desperately tried to figure out how to reach them. Lucky for him the they were either stupid or out of bolts as they jumped off the roof and ran at him.In an attempt to surprise his attackers he instead of falling back rushed forward. Not expecting this the three wolves slowed down a bit but it was too late. Warren booted the closest one in the chest but not before plunging his dirk into the adjacent wolfs throat. Ripping it brutally sideways he sawed through his victims throat. Chocking on his own blood the wolf vainly tried to keep his neck closed with his paws but ultimately failed as he bled out. The third one had tried to flank Warren and stab him in the back but the injured knight was prepared. He moved to the right and the wolf ran past him. Warren stuck his boot out and tripped the wolf who landed on one of his deceased partners. Warren then focused on the first wolf who he had kicked to the floor and viciously stabbed him multiple times in the chest when he tried to get up. The last wolf had untangled himself from his companions body and when he noticed he was the only one left tried to run. Warren calmly readied his dirk as the wolf ran fearfully and threw it with great force where it pierced the fleeing wolfs heart and dropped him to the floor like a sack of bricks. The fight only lasted for a couple minutes but had felt like an hour to Warren. He limped to the runners corpse and pulled his blade from out of the wolfs back and wiped it on his cloak. Resheathing it Warren tiredly limped through the now empty streets back to the candlemakers. He walked past the stunned and awed faces of George, Martin, and the girls, and it looked like he was going to make to a chair but his legs finally gave out and he collapsed. He would have hit the floor if it hadn't been for Jett and Lunaria who rushed to his side. Galadria began to panic. "Is he going to be alright!" She exclaimed worriedly as she wrung her tail."I don't know he's lost allot of blood." Jett stated grimly as she held his right shoulder."What do we do!" Marie shouted.George then entered the conversation. "What we need to do is to get him to the healer at the castle.""How!" Lunaria growled in helpless anger."Simple ma'am you ladies will help him while me and Martin here will look out for more danger and clear the way." They looked worried but George knew that time was of the essence. "Please he's running out of time."They all nodded as they held on to his bleeding torso and tried to lead the semiconscious man out of the shop and back to the castle. Marie looked into his eyes and tried to keep him awake by talking to him. "It's okay Warren we'll get you to the healer."He looked delirious "so pretty." He mumbled quietly as he looked at the red panda. She blushed and looked away. "They're all pretty." He said to himself loud enough for all the women to hear. They exchanged looks as they heard him continually talk about their soft fur and other thing as he rambled to himself. With George and Martin clearing the way they made it to the castle with admirable speed."Open the damned gate!" George shouted to the two gate guards. Who upon seeing the wounded knight hastily left their game and cranked the door open. The group hurried inside. "Quick take him to healer!" He ordered the two feline guards who lifted Warren between themselves and carried him to the healers wing. The girls followed worriedly.

Warren was in a daze, he was constantly fading in and out of consciousness. He heard broken bits of panicked conversations. ".....quick we're losing him!"He's ......uch blood, we.....malcholom!"It's....late!"A single female voice pierced the veil of darkness "please don't die!" It whispered softly. He was then consumed by a blanket of darkness.