Chapter 3 ©

Story by Alucard Faynor on SoFurry

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#3 of The fallen series


As he steps in the door, he gets tackled by Ren. "Whoa," Catches her, in his arms. "Your very kinky today, what's gotten into you?" He asks as he carries her into the house and closes the door with a brush of his right wing.

"You is what has gotten into me," Kisses him, as slides to the floor. "You hungry?" Backing away from him, and starts towards the kitchen.

Alucard follows, watching her swaying hips. "I'm up here," she says in a playful voice. "That's for later, I am taking it you are hungry. Making eggs and bacon, you want some?" She opens the door to the refrigerator, grabs the eggs and bacon.

"Why not, I could use some food." watches her as she bends over to pick up the pan. Lays head on counter, and closes eyes. He feels a hand touch his shoulder, he looks under his arm and see's Revenges legs.

"You feeling okay, you look sick." Revenge asked, with concern in her voice. " you should go to sleep, eat after you have rested."

Alucard nods and gets up, glides to a room and crashes onto a bed. Sleep over takes him as he falls, its warm embrace sucking him under. Next thing he knows he is walking down a beach the sun beating upon his red wings, warming then slightly. He looks up and see's a bird flying in lazy circles, around the sun.

Slight ripple in the water draws his attention, Alucard turns and looks at it when a sweet voice reaches his ear. "Alucard, come to me... come to my voice..." The seductive voice says distant sounding with a slight echo. "Come... You know you want to."

Alucard Sits up suddenly, back in his house and its pitch black. The voice still lingering in his head, "Alucard.... come to me..." It fading whisper sounds, he gets up and walks out of the door. Opens the bathroom door and starts the shower. Still being blood stained he sheds his close as the door closes with a small snap. The bathroom quickly filling with w thick veil of steam, he steps over the small rise of the shower stall into a walk in closet size shower with three nozzles. The moment the water hits him, it takes his breath away by the temperature. He doesn't care as he closes the door behind him, into darkness. He forgot to turn the light on, "great I'm not even gonna bother it," He thinks to himself.

Reaches into the darkness and grabs a bottle of shampoo, and squeezes some into his hand and lathers his hair up, When the door to the shower opens up. Ren outlined in the dim light steps in and closes the door. Perfectly blended in as her fur is black as night. "Need help, I'll be happy to wash you up," A seductive tone to her voice. Ren grabs Alucard and spins him around and Kisses him.

Alucard taken slightly aback, kisses her back. He pulls back suddenly, " No I can't do this, not now..." Hugging her, he says. "When the time is right, we will do this. I promise, but not now" Kisses her neck, and holds her while the water, soaks her fur. He pulls her deeper into the shower, deeper into the stream of hot water. "I do love you though," Deep voice reverberating off the showers walls.

Ren looks up into his blue, gold flecked eyes. "Alucard, I love you to. More then you could know," Buries her face into his chest, He blushes as they hold each other in the stream. Shampoo running down his arm's into her fur, and falls down to the floor.

After they leave the bathroom, both of them walk to the kitchen and begin making something to eat. After waiting a few minutes, "Hey lets go hunting, I haven't done that in a while... But something special. Not animal..." She steps back and thinks.

"Your needing blood," Alucard looks at her. "Lets go now, I know... A place we can go." He takes her hand, puts his hand around her waist.

"Alucard, thanks. Your really sweet." Ren says in a sweet voice. "What place do you have in mind?"

"I was thinking London, there is some people there that need to be taken out." He says with a thoughtful tone. "They are a couple of killers, it would help the city. I see no harm done." They two, walk out of the kitchen. Alucard opens the door and lets her walk threw, following right behind her.

"How are we going to get there?" She asks, but knowing how. She smile sat him, "though, I believe I already know how we are."

Alucard hugs her and opens his wings, gently leaps into the air. He kisses her and slowly ascends into the air, He takes them high into the air and dips his wings forward, starting the forward momentum that he needs. "You know how I like to travel with you."

In the distance a evil power watches them as they fly away, it cackles as it opens it misty black wings and takes flight silently after them. "I'm coming for you, Alucard. Your time has come..." The person/demon, floats on a immense black cloud, that causes lift in its wings. Its banks into some clouds and follows by the sense it has.

Alucard looks behind him and see's the black mass. "Watch behind us, look as though your hugging me with your face in my chest. But watch, there is something following us..." Alucard, strokes with his massive wings. The down draft moving clouds down a few feet. Around him, the clouds become heavy with unnatural rain.

Air becomes wet and heavy, coating his wings in water. Then the thunder booms around the two, cause their bones to tremble with each immense boom.

"Alucard, its getting closer." Ren says while in his arms. "What are you gonna do?"

Ren sinks into his arms and keeps watch, her heart if it were still beating would be fluttering. Her mind, racing with emotions she just smiles and hugs him. Alucard banks to the right and dips his wings dives.

"Its following, what ever it is. Its coming" Ren said, voice calm. "That weird, its floating on blackness."

Lightning strikes Alucard, folding his right wing. His wing electrified won't re-open. " Ren, when we get close to the ground jump, I can't land with you in my arms. You'll be safer doing it."

Ren looks at him and then at the ground rushing up to meet them. "Its dirt, you'll survive right?"

" Yes, I should..." He says and lets her go, standing her on his abs. " jump now, spring board off me, you need to slow down."

Doesn't want to do it, but has no choice. She leaps into the air, the force of her spring sends Alucard smacking the ground at 200 miles an hour. Her decent slowed by 80 percent she lands with a graceful bounce and runs over but is stopped by the demon.

"Yo will not touch him," The demon snarls. "He is going to die, one way or another."

Alucard gets up, arm hanging at a odd angle. He grabs it and pulls it back with a snap and it hangs right. "I'm going to what? I'm going to die, who says?" He says with a smirk on his face.

Demon turns around, "Your thinking to highly of yourself, there are people just as powerful as you."

"I think highly of myself?" Alucard takes shift off, rain begins to pour. "I'm going to die, then let me die fighting."

Out of the rain steps more of the demons kind, they surround Alucard. Every flash of lightning reveals their true look. The look of beast, Half man half wolf. Vampires Enemy, The Lycan. Not a normal Lycan, but a tainted Lycan.

"You have made a deal with the devil." Alucard smirks, as he flicks his hair and looks around him.

A flash of movement, Alucard gets hit and flies across the clearing. He lands on the ground with his right hand slides across the ground he grips and slams his feet into the dirt. Kicking off he attacks the tainted who attack.

When he does so, the whole of the group attack. "You will die under them, nothing will save you."

Ren flips over the one who stopped her, she drops onto the back of one and slams her fist into its spine, out of rage as it falls she pulls him out.

Alucard after grabbing her hand spinning out, wings open and a flash of light erupts from the demon who talked. It grabs its chest as it explodes outward. "Your joining him soon."

The demons start running away, Alucard watches with a grin on his face. "You all think its over after you run. But its not its only the beginning.

William Abbott ©