Session No. 13

Story by bsaxagent on SoFurry

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#13 of Sessions

Disclaimers and stuff:

Gage is me!

Crisp is FriskeCrisps!

Don't read if you aren't 18, or if you despise M/M relations.

I hope you enjoy reading, and as always, constructive feedback is appreciated.

"Sir, may I see your ID?" The tall brown mare at the front desk asked as I walked through the glass doors to the recreation center.

"Give me a moment," I said, rummaging through my pockets, pulling out my wallet. I grabbed my old school ID and handed it to her. She scanned in the bar code, and the computer beeped, allowing me entry.

"Have a good day, sir!" she said with a rather cheery voice, winking at me in the process. I nodded and ignored her subtle advance, pocketing my wallet and card.

Since my gym was closed for the week due to very much needed renovations, I was forced to go back to school for my workouts. This meant I was surrounded by mostly immature dickheads who thought that powerlifting their way through their workouts and screaming with every lift was considered manly. Fortunately, today was cardio, so I was glad I wasn't going to be in the weight room. Instead, I'd be out on the track surrounding the football field.

My university was rather unusual. They dissolved the football team about ten years ago, but kept the stadium as a multi-function sports arena. It was also open to all current and former students, regardless of graduation year. It was rather kind of them; after all, we spent so much money on tuition that this was a nice way to give back.

It was wonderful outside. It was only seventy-some-odd degrees, which made it great running weather for me. I set my water bottle down, folded my towel in my pocket, and gently began stretching my legs. I looked out on to the field. A group of fraternity brothers were playing soccer at one end, while at the other, various females were participating in yoga. Others were playing Frisbee, and some members of the track and field team were out training, already making preparations for the spring.

I watched as they ran around the track, pacing themselves while still trying to outdo each other. One husky seemed to be in the lead, almost always a consistent ten to twelve feet in front of the others. He only slacked a bit during the turns, but he made up for it in the straight sections of the track. He wasn't a bad looking guy either, so he definitely caught my attention a bit. I resumed stretching and walked onto the track, making sure I wasn't in the way of the track team before starting to jog.

I have a habit of letting my mind wander as I run since cardio is only so interesting, especially with my attention span. I still had a piece to finish for the Symphony's string quartet, but it was pretty close to being done. I just had to finish the fourth movement, edit the score and parts, and then onto rehearsals. Rehearsals for a new piece are always tedious since you usually don't have anything to reference beyond the composer's imagination. My concern, since I would be present during rehearsals, was that they actually looked at the parts before they begin rehearsing. I've found that even with professionals, some are arrogant enough to not practice everything they are playing, which is rather unfortunate. Only time would tell if that is the case, however.

I heard rapid footsteps behind me and I quickly moved to one side. The husky that was out running the rest of the track team jogged past me, giving me a courtesy nod before returning his focus on the track. Not long after, the rest of the team jogged past me, shoes stamping by as they continued with their training. I resumed my position in the middle of the track once the last one passed me. I got a decent look at the speedy husky as he bounded around the curve of the track. He definitely had a runner's body, but he definitely wasn't skinny. He was certainly well toned, and he probably played other sports to keep his muscle tone up. Lithe and supple, yet sturdy enough to not be considered frail; he certainly had a good build.

As I entered the curve of the track, he was long gone, so I couldn't get more of a detailed look at him, which was slightly unfortunate. But I would get the chance to make haphazard glances towards him once he sped around the track again.

I made about ten more laps before calling it a day. Though I did get to see the speedy husky as he passed me, the team stopped their training before I started to head towards the locker room. I had worked up a light sweat, so I figured I'd take a quick shower while I was here. Thankfully, it was relatively empty inside the tiled shower room, giving me some privacy. I could hear only one other shower running, and judging by the steam that coated one of the mirrors, he'd been here for a while. I placed my gym bag on a bench and stripped out of my slightly damp clothes. I quickly wrapped a towel around my waist for decency purposes, and headed to an open stall with my body wash.

I turned the water on, and let myself relax under the warm spray for a moment before washing up. Even though it was going to be a quick wash, I couldn't help but idly probe my sheath. The tip of my black shaft poked out, eager to be played with. I purred contently as I gently fondled my balls; it had been a day or two since I last played myself, so I was pretty eager to get home and entertain myself there. Naturally, I'd have to wait after the concert to really work myself up, but it was worth the wait. Smirking as I let my balls hang free, I stepped away from the shower and lathered some of the unscented body wash across my fur before rinsing it off.

My shaft was only semi-hard, but I still had to make sure it was decently covered before stepping out of the shower stall. The other occupant was just finishing up since the water in his stall just stopped. I walked over to my gym bag, and quickly changed into my extra set of clothes after drying off. I heard the splatter of wet feet walk by, and looked up to see the speedy husky from earlier walk through the archway separating the locker room from the shower area wearing only a towel. I nodded to him and he blushed slightly, walking towards me, avoiding eye contact.

I pulled out my new shoes, a pair of red Converse All-Stars. They weren't typical of my fashion, but due to a recommendation from a friend, I was keen to try them out for a month or two. They were relatively comfortable; I just wasn't used to having the shoe coming up so high around my ankle. I tied both shoes and looked up, noticing a pair of grey feet that had stopped near my spot on the bench.

"Can I help you?" I asked as I looked up at the speedy husky. The guy was pretty handsome, still retaining his young looks while still having a mature frame supporting his toned body. Green eyes nervously avoided my gaze, and a paw scratched the back of his neck.

"I, uh...sorry," he stuttered, not really sure what to say. I haphazardly glanced down, finding a tent in his towel.

"Do you need help with that?" I asked nonchalantly, gesturing towards his apparent arousal.

"What? Oh, god, I'm sorry!" he blushed, paws instinctively covering his groin.

I couldn't help but laugh a bit. I didn't mean it in a malicious way, but it was such a forwardly embarrassing situation for the guy.

"I take it you like what you see?" I winked, trying to alleviate the situation a little. He blushed even more as I stretched out my legs.

"Your shoes...they're hot..." he mumbled, erection still present within his towel.

I froze.

Wait, my shoes?

"Excuse me?" I asked, perhaps with a bit too much disbelief because he blushed again. " think my shoes are hot?"

He nodded.

"Heh, I know foot fetishes exist, but a footwear fetish? That's new," I laughed again.

"Yeah, I's kind of silly, isn't it..." The husky nervously laughed with me.

"No, it's not silly. There's nothing wrong with being turned on by shoes, though it certainly is unique," I smiled again, trying to dispel any negative vibes that he might be receiving from me.

"But the big question is: what are you going to do about that?" I gestured towards the moderate lump in the towel.

"Uh, well, I...don't know?" he blushed again, a genuine sense of uncertainty in his voice. I sighed.

"Yu really don't know, and you're how old? There are two ways. You either jack off," I explained, making a very obvious stroking motion, "Or you have sex."

"Well, I know how to do the first one...but the second..." he stuttered again.

"Are you a virgin?" I asked, and immediately wished I had used a different tone; I asked as if being a virgin was a bad thing.

"...Yes," he blushed a deeper shade of red, clearly embarrassed by what he thought was a fault. I gave him a soft look.

"There's nothing wrong with that," I assured him.

"Would...would you like to do something about that?" I asked after a slight awkward moment. For the first time since our kind of awkward and haphazard meeting, he looked at me in the eye. There was hope, apprehension, lingering arousal, and slight confusion, all of it swarming around his brain leading to one question: Should I take this opportunity?

"It's fine if you don't. I'd just hate to leave you high and dry without some form of relief," I smiled. The husky blushed, still contemplating his predicament. His cock was still hard, and I wanted to reach out and touch it, but that'd possibly ruin the situation. His furrowed his brow for a moment.

"...Yes," he confirmed, nervously looking at me almost as if I was going to tease him for his response.

"Very well then," I grinned. "What's your name?"


"Mine's Gage. Now, my place is a bit far, but do you have a room on campus?" I asked.

"Yeah, but why can't we do it here?" He asked hesitantly.

"Well, there's a larger chance of being seen in here, and we wouldn't want that," I chuckled. He nodded in agreement.

"Well, uh, let me change first. I can't walk around campus in a towel," he laughed nervously as he walked around the corner. I heard him rummage through a locker for a second, pulling out a gym bag which fell onto the wooden bench with a soft thud. A zipper, rustling of fabrics, and the sound of feet being forced into leather shoes followed next, and soon, Crisp was ready to go.

"I'll follow," I held the locker room door open for him, making a courteous bow as we exited. We talked a bit as we walked. I reminisced about my times at the university as an undergrad, which helped him warm up to me a bit. He was still undecided on his major, but since he was a freshman, it mattered little right now. Track training was apparently going well for him; he was very good during his high school career, so it was natural that it would carry over into the university.

"Well, here we are," Crisp held a door open for me leading to one of the upperclassmen dorms.

"How you get one of these rooms?" I asked, walking through the familiar entry way. I had been here a couple of times, and it remained structurally unchanged.

"I had the last room; the freshman dorms filled up before my orientation," he blushed again. "I live in a single, so I got quite lucky."

"That you did...perfect for us," I grinned, following him to the third floor. We silently headed down a corridor and made a left turn, and finally arrived at a door with his name on it.

"Welcome to my room," he said as he opened the door. The room was small, which was expected, but certainly well kempt despite the size and the amount of stuff he had. There was a hint of worn leather as well, and glancing underneath the bed, I found several pairs of shoes and shoelaces.

"So...what now?" Crisp asked once I shut the door behind us.

"Well that depends. What do want to do?" I shrugged, formulating a few ideas in my mind.

"I don't really know; I've never done this kind of thing before," Crisp admitted, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well, it usually starts with kissing, then some striping, then touching each other in various places, and then we get to oral and/or anal sex," I casually stated. "I'll guide you, but you have to tell me what you want."

"Okay...can we kiss first? I'm sorry if I'm terrible," e blushed again, almost hesitant to ask.

"No need to apologize. We all start somewhere," I smiled, guiding his chin towards mine. I gave him a soft kiss on the lips. He let out a soft gasp before slowly opening his mouth. I took advantage of the opening and kissed him again, softly probing his teeth with my tongue. He went with my motions and opened his mouth, allowing me to explore a bit. He pushed lightly against my chest, and I pulled off of the kiss.

"You might want to use your nose," I smiled as he tried to recover his breath. "Care to try again?"

He nodded, and I leaned in again. Knowing what to expect this time, he allowed me entry, and my tongue explored his mouth once more. He inhaled through his nose, and began to bump his tongue against my own in response. I led the dance, but he was quickly adapting to the patterns. It certainly made me happy to see him progress in such a little amount of time.

As we continued to kiss, one of my paws traveled under the hem of his shirt, feeling his toned back as I pressed his body into mine. Mimicking me, one of his paws also traveled under my shirt, though his path was much clumsier. I gently worked my way up, pulling out of the kiss to take his shirt off. He was still slightly dazed from the experience, and all I could do was smile. He probably wasn't going to get a kiss like that from anyone else anytime soon. I grinned at him as he shook his head slightly.

"Wow...holy shit," he breathed.

"It only gets more interesting and hopefully better from here," I winked. "Depends on what you're into, of course."

"But, I don't-" I quickly silenced him with another kiss.

"I know you don't. I'll be as thorough as I can, though I won't get to every possible action that could be sexually stimulating. I think we will start off with the basics, though," I smiled, giving his nipple as small pinch.

"Oh!" he gasped, paws instantly going to the nub.

"Heh, you like that?" I asked, giving it another gentle pinch. He gasped again, and I gently pushed him down on his bed. His questioning look quickly turned into wonder as I took off my shirt. I grinned slightly as I watch his eyes wonder across my muscled body. I let him stare, making the smaller muscles of my body flex as I tossed my shirt aside. I look an extra-large breath, letting my body swell with air before exhaling, purposefully flexing my abs for the dazed husky before leaning down once more, taking a hardened nipple in my mouth.

He let out a raspy groan as my tongue swirled around the hardened nub. He wasn't used to the sensitivity, so I had to keep him somewhat steady as I attended to his nipple, but his paws were running along the back of my head, encouraging me to go on. I reached out to the other nipple and pinched it, making him recoil from the sensitivity.

"Ok, ok, stop," he moaned, almost giggling from the tickling sensation as he leaned back onto the bed. I kissed his sternum and lightly kissed southward. He shivered as I reached his naval, where I dipped my tongue into his belly button before arriving at the waistband of his shorts. I gently kissed the bulge in his shorts before slowly pulling the waistband away from his hips.

He blushed as soon as the shorts were discarded onto the floor. Seeing as how he liked shoes based on earlier observations, I kept those on. A healthy bulge rested in his underwear, eager to escape the confines of its cotton prison. I gently rubbed where the tip was, only to discover a mushroom shaped head rather than a pointed canine tip.

"Humanoid?" I asked, still caressing the straining shaft. He slowly nodded, letting out a slight gasp as I gently squeezed the soft glans. It had been a while since I've gotten to play with such a dick, and even without a knot to play with, I was still looking forward to it. A wet spot formed in the center of the bulge, a sure sign of Crisp's arousal. I grinned at him and gave him a final grope before stepping back. He let out a small groan of frustration.

"I'd like to get undressed a bit first," I winked, tantalizingly pulling down my shorts. Crisp gasp as he saw the distended bulge in my undergarments. The cotton fabric tightly covered my erect shaft, leaving only the color to the imagination.

"I'm...I'm not going to have to take that, am I?" Crisp gulped.

"Not if you don't want to. I'm pretty versatile, so I don't mind you fucking me," I shrugged. He blushed at the notion.

I bent down again and kissed the wet spot of his bulge once more before reaching up and pulling the waistband away, gently tugging it down. His pink cock sprung free as it was released, a nice bead of pre still at the tip. Even though it was a fairly average six inches long, the human shaped dick was still ripe with hormones. It looked to be painfully erect as the veins pulsed slightly, making the shaft throb slightly.

"What was the last time you jacked off?" I asked, giving the tip an experimental lick which made the husky shudder.

"Not-Not since I got here," he moaned, face flushed with arousal.

"Damn, pent up husky," I chuckled, giving his shaft a light stroke. He shivered again, and I lapped at the tip, slurping up the excess pre that had formed there. His dick may not have been canid, but his plumbing certainly was as another bead of pre quickly formed at the tip once more. I lapped that bead up as well, drawing my rough tongue slowly over the head of his shaft before gently sucking on the tip. Crisp let out a heated moan. I glanced up and he was cross-eyed with pleasure. I grinned to myself, partially ignoring the husky's strangled cries. One of his paws gripped my head almost painfully, but I could forgive that. He was enjoying himself, and I was amused by his writhing, even though I was just sucking on the tip.

"Ughn..." he moaned as I slowly slid down the shaft. My tongue swirled along the underside as I gently bobbed, making him grab my head even harder. It was certainly a delight to make him squirm, but I didn't want from him to blow his load too soon. I gently pulled off of his dick, and caressed his balls, much to his dismay. He grunted as my other paw caressed his side, giving him some time to calm down a bit.

After a few minutes, his dick stopped throbbing, almost softening somewhat, before I resumed. I took the whole shaft this time, which made his body curl up. His hips thrust into my face, making my nose grind in his pubic fur. I held my head there, waiting for him to adjust to the erotically foreign stimulation. Once his body relaxed, I began to bob my head, making sure to take my time as we were in no rush.

Crisp's hips lightly rolled into my bobs. Despite no previous sexual experience, I was impressed that his rhythm was pretty well balanced. I mean, he wasn't doing anything complex, but his timing with the rolls was pretty spot on. It certainly allowed me to do less work with my mouth. I purred deeply, making him moan as vibrations surrounded his cock. A nice spurt of pre splashed into my mouth, and I quickly swallowed it before continuing my ministrations on his cock. I noticed his balls starting to pull up, and thinking quickly, I reached underneath the mattress and grabbed onto a shoestring.

"Fuck...I'm gonna..." Crisp breathed, voice hoarse with arousal. I immediately went to work, tying the shoestring tightly around his cock and balls, halting the orgasm.

"Wha...?" He asked, face slightly contorted with confusion and denied pleasure.

"No you're not," I grinned, breathing on his throbbing shaft. He whined in frustration, ears drooping a bit. "Here's a thought to keep in mind if someone is giving you a blowjob. You're not in control. Your balls are in my paws."

That realization made him groan.

"Now, I'm not doing this out of malice, mind you, but I do like to see you squirm," I winked, lightly ghosting my fingers along his throbbing shaft which had become angry with the trapped blood. He shuddered, and a small strand of pre leaked out of his tip. I breathed on the shaft again, watching the veins pulse as he shivered, aching for release. It was a lot of fun to keep him on edge like this, but unfortunately, I had places to be. I did have a concert to attend tonight, after all.

Crisp's body had calmed down once more. He was still flush, but his breathing was returning to a steady rhythm. I gently gripped his drooling shaft, and lightly lapped at the tip once more before plunging forward. With a startled cry from the husky, I engulfed his entire cock. I instantly went to work bobbing my head, tongue running along the underside of his cock, fondling his balls, rubbing his thighs...I did everything I could to heighten his stimulation levels to ensure that his orgasm was intense. I knew it already was going to be decently sized considering the semester had started almost two months ago.

Crisp let out a strangled moan as his breathing became instantly erratic. I watched his abs flex, eyes scrunch, and brow furrow all before he let out another loud moan. I untied the shoelace, and watched his body react accordingly.

"Fuck..." he breathed, hips bucking into my mouth as he came. A thick rope of cum launched into the back of my throat. I instantly swallowed and another shot replaced it. I pulled off of his dick just in time to see three more ropes of the same volume spurt out, splatting onto his pubic fur. The rest oozed out, leaking down his shaft before joining the rest of his cumshot.

"Very nice, very nice....Care to go for another round?" I grinned, giving his still throbbing cock a nice long stroke, noting that it hadn't softened in the slightest.

"Ughhnnn...." He moaned again, taking a sharp breath. "What...what do you want to do?"

"Well, you are going to fuck me," I grinned, standing up and purposefully showing off my bulge by giving it a hefty grope.

"Shouldn't it be the other way around?" Crisp asked with slight confusion.

"By porn standards, yeah, I do have the bigger dick after all. But since we aren't in one, and this is your first time (which makes it all about you), you get the pleasure of fucking me," I explained.

"But I don't know what to do," Crisp shrugged with a look of concern on his face.

"I'll guide you through it. First though, I have to get naked," I grinned, teasing pulling the waistband of my undergarments away from my body before letting the gracefully fall to the ground, allowing my shaft to bob free in the open air.

"Wow....h-how big is it?" Crisp gasped.

"Eleven solid inches of flesh from base to tip," I flaunted, gently giving my length a slow stroke to emphasize its size and girth. My balls gently swung underneath my shaft, gently throbbing from arousal. Crisp was still staring in awe as I moved towards him, my shaft bouncing slightly with every step until I sat next to him on his bed. He stared at my dick, an amazed look on his face. It did look rather impressive since it was almost twice as long as his, pulsing and throbbing with need. I watch as he hesitantly raised a paw, reaching for the mighty shaft.

He let out a slight moan as he finally grasped my shaft with his paw. His fingers barely touched as they encircled my shaft, and he gently stroked, feeling the heftiness of the pulsing rod of flesh.

"Fuck, it's big..." he groaned.

"Heh, wait till you see some horses," I chuckled. He blushed again, still gently stroking my shaft.

"But we will worry about them later. For now, your dick needs to be in my ass," I winked, giving him a playful shove. I gently maneuvered my body until I was on my back. He looked at me questioningly, almost uncertain of what to do.

"My ass won't fuck itself, you know..." I lifted my legs up, giving him a large hint.

"Oh, sorry, I uh..." he stuttered, nervously situating himself in between my legs with his paws on my knees.

"First, you need to lube me up. You're a leaky dog, so we won't need artificial lube," I explained to Crisp.

"How do I do that?" He asked.

"Rub the tip of your dick onto my hole. Pre is a natural lubricant," I rolled my eyes, still smiling.

"Oh...I didn't think of that," he blushed. If he wasn't so damn cute...I'd still him fuck me anyways.

He grabbed the base of his dick and hesitantly rubbed the tip lightly against my hole. I smiled as he let out a small moan as he smeared his pre along my entrance.

" that good enough?" he asked after a minute of spreading his pre around.

"It'll do," I winked. "Now for the fun part: You might want to grab the base again, and then use your hips to push your dick inside. It'll feel funny at first, just as a heads up."

Crisp blushed again at my instructions. He grabbed the base of his shaft, and slowly pushed in.

"Whoa!" He stumbled on his knees as he slipped inside. I chuckled a bit; apparently he thought my hole was going to be much more resistant. The tip of his cock grazed against my prostate, making me purr with pleasure as he bottomed out. I gently stroked my shaft as he adjusted himself, trying to get used to the stimulation of actually being inside of someone.

"How does it feel?" I asked, gently clenching my hole.

"Fuck, it feels hot...not as tight as I was expecting..." he moaned, hips bucking slightly.

"Heh, I've had my share of much larger dicks," I grinned. "But that doesn't mean I can't enjoy yours."

He groaned as I clenched my hole once again.

"Now, pull out and thrust back in. The goal is to establish a steady rhythm. You don't have to go fast or hard, but just feel your hips work. Once you get comfortable with that, you can speed up, go harder, slow down, etc."

Crisp nodded, and gently pulled out completely before sinking back inside. He let out a groan when his groin met my hips. As per my instructions, he pulled out again and established his rhythm. It was a little shaky at first, but as soon as he got past the fact that he was actually fucking someone, it was actually going pretty smooth. I kept stroking my cock, keep time with him as he led this dance. Again, despite his lack of experience, he was actually doing quite well, striking my prostate with each thrust.

He was so focused on establishing a rhythm that he didn't notice when I wrapped my legs behind him. He did notice when I pushed against his ass as he entered me, letting out a sharp gasp of surprise. He fell forward slightly, bracing himself on my hips.

"You can go faster at any time you'd like," I purred, hoping that he'd get the hint. "Don't think about it. Just go," I whispered, grinning at him. He nodded, and clumsily picked up the pace.

I continually purred as he struck my prostate harder and faster, causing pre to leak out from my tip at a steady pace. The added fluid made my strokes much easier, and I was moaning as well once Crisp stabilized his moderately fast pace.

Slaps, moans, and grunts filled the room, though we were both trying to keep it so we didn't disturb the neighbors if they were in their rooms. The smell of our combined musk also filled the room, most of it from seminal fluids and sweat, and the other part was the shoes that lie under the husky's bed. Crisp was going to town on my ass. He picked up the pace again, and soon, his tongue was lolling a bit out of his mouth. Sensing how close he was to his own orgasm, I picked up the speed of my strokes so I didn't fall too far behind him. The husky leaned in closer, finding a new angle to penetrate me with. He was able to go a little deeper from here, the rim of his cock head rubbing hard against my prostate.

"Ughn...fuck...I don't think I'll be able last that much longer...sorry," he grunted through clenched teeth.

"Heh, you have no need to apologize. You've done well so far, kid. When you're ready to cum, go ahead," I grinned, tightening my hole around his cock. He yelped in response, still thrusting away even with the added resistance. My paw was moving at a much faster pace, and my balls were telling me it wouldn't be long before I came as well.

"Fuck!" he barked, thrusting hard into me one final time. I felt several splashes of warm cum launch inside of me, splashing along my tract. His face was contorted with a mix of pleasure and pain; his teeth were bared, eyes scrunched, and brow furrowed as he pumped the last of his cum inside of me. He let out a groan as he finished, panting a bit from the exertion.

"Very it's my turn," I grinned, giving my cock one final stroke before triggering my own orgasm. I let out a hiss of pleasure as I felt two ropes of cum launch out, splattering onto Crisp's face.

"Whoa!" he gasped in surprise, ducking out of the way from the remaining four or five ropes which landed on the mattress beside him.

"Sorry, should have warned you. I tend to be pretty messy," I grinned, amused by his reaction. I let out a large sigh as my orgasm subsided. I was pretty relaxed now, somewhat tired by my run, and now from my release...

"Did you enjoy yourself?" I asked, sitting up and smiling at the husky.

"I did," he smiled. "It certainly was...different from my paw," he laughed, blushing a bit.

"Yeah, it'll only get better from here. Now that you kind of know what you're doing on the basic level, you can starting messing around with positions, angles, speeds, and various other things to help get you and your future partner (or partners) off. Of course, practicing endurance will help too," I smiled, patting his thigh.

"How do I work on that?"

"Edging, having more sex, finding out how your body reacts at different levels of arousal....stuff like that," I shrugged. "I tend to focus on pleasing my partner rather than myself, but how to please someone varies from person to person. We didn't get into anything terribly kinky; I don't know if you'd like that stuff or not."

"Like what kind of stuff?"

"Well, a common kink is stuff like bondage. Being tied up, ball gags, leather getups, whips, chains, chastity devices...I don't really care for those sorts of things to be honest. I just like the intimacy with my partner. It's kind of boring for some, but I don't tell people what that should and shouldn't like," I laughed. Crisp twiddled his thumbs as he thought over what I had said.

"Oh, shit," I said, glancing at his alarm clock.


"I gotta go. I have to get home to change for work tonight," I explained, stretching as I stood up from his bed.

"Oh...." Crisp's expression drooped a bit.

"Here, take this," I said, pulling out my business card from my wallet.

"What is it?" he asked as he took it, looking over the information.

"If you ever want to hang out or something, just let me know and I'll try to schedule something. No, it doesn't have to be sex again. I do enjoy a good chat now and again," I smiled as I slipped on my undergarments.

"I see...Well, thanks for the good time," Crisp smiled.

"Heh, you did pretty good for your first time, as I said," I patted him on the shoulder. "But, I best be off. I hope you have a good day. Oh and, you might want to take another quick shower. You still got cum on your face," I winked, laughing a bit as he blushed and ran his paw along his face for traces of cum.

"See you around!" I said, closing the door behind me as I left the dorm room.

I whistled aimlessly as I walked through the hallways of the residence hall. It certainly was a good day; not just for me, but definitely for a sated husky. I kind of hoped he'd call me again; I wouldn't mind seeing how he bottomed. I grinned to myself at that thought...I'd have to take it nice and slow, but I still think he might enjoy that as well.

Of course, there really was only one way to find out, and that was to be in bed with him once more.