Samantha and the Goblins (Part 1)

Story by Samantha Vixen on SoFurry

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[I'm a derp. I should have thought about cutting my stories into pieces sooner. Been spending all this time trying to write something big and struggling with inspiration. Should have jsut posted the bit part a long time ago, maybe your reactions will encourage me to write more]

[Anyway, this story contains some extreme kinks. Recommend you only read if you have a strong stomach and like filthy fun. Literally, not figuratively.]

Samantha found herself in a very desperate situation. She had recently reached the rank of high priestess at the temple she worked at, a shrine to the goddess of lust. She was now permitted to be a head of a temple herself. Unfortunately, all the temples on lust on her continent were already head, and even had people lined up to replace them. She was told though there were free temples over on the continent of Iradin, across the ocean. Time was of the essence though as it might not be long before someone over there took the spot themselves, there was no way to claim it in advance.

Journey on a ship was off the table, as that could take many, many months. That only left her with one option really. She'd have to get aboard a goblin balloon. The greedy beasts were loath to share their technology, essentially running a monopoly on air travel. She hated the thought too, the creatures were known for being untrustworthy, thieving, filthy little things. This promotion was irresistible to the vixen though, so she gave in.

She went to the docks where the thing was moored. The body of the craft was a boat, though it a large inflated balloon. The vixen gasped and clenched her muzzle as the smell of the ship hit her like a wall. She had almost forgotten on top of all the other unredeeming features of the goblins that they also did not believe in hygiene, and along with it never cleaned their ship either. As a result her powerful canine nose picked it up even at this distance, and over the smell of dead fish the docks always held.

Still she pressed on, making her way to the ship. She forced out a smile to the goblin that was standing near the boarding plank as she approached him. Every step of the way there the smell had gotten worse and worse, but now close to the goblin it was clear to tell he smelled even worse than the surroundings himself. Making things worse is she could tell the worse of it radiated out from under the ruined, dank, moldy lion cloth that made up the extent of his clothing.

She yearned to run from here as fast as she could but she kept her cool, forcing out her words "Hello, I was hoping to secure travel aboard your vessel."

The words fell on all but deaf ears as the goblin was stunned by the vixen's appearance. Though his kind was generally short anyway, this vixen seemed rather tall for her species and gender, nearing on six feet he guessed. He only came up to her waist and he was one of the taller ones. Though the vixen was clad in luxurious purple robes, her body was so incredibly curvy it seemed like they could hardly contain her assets. Her massive breasts rivaled her head in size, desperately wide hips hinting at her fertility. Despite such large assets she was miraculously fit and tone everywhere else. His eyes were fixated on her huge chest, which every step on her way there had jiggled heavily.

"Wha?" It asked in its shrill voice.

The vixen crossed her arms as if to cover herself, though it only served to perk her hefty chest up. "I said I need a ride." She said more simply. Though the goblins were clever when it came to swindling and good business plans, they were pretty dumb when it came to most else.

"Oh yes, you do." It said in its creepy voice, licking its rotten teeth. "Well, where you need go little fox?"

The vixen blushed a little as he called her a little fox. She was like a giant compared to him, he was like a four year old to her and he was calling her little? "Uh, to Iradin. Ideally the port of Zitera if you can. I need to get there fast too, it's urgent."

The goblin nodded, having to fight with every fiber of his being to turn his sight from her and grab a stack of papers next to them. He looked through them before pulling one out and handing it to her along with a pen. "Ok. Dis is express travel to Iradin contract, sign please."

The vixen cocked an eye at the paper, growing suspicious of him as she took it and started to read it over. It was hand written by the goblins themselves it seemed as it was extremely hard to make out the letters. "Why do I need to sign a contract?" She asked.

"Cause we travel we up high. Make sure you know risks. Makes sure we get in trouble if you fall. But best cause you won't have to pay till later."

Reading it over, she did not see anything wrong with it. It said she would have to pay eleven gold later. She signed it and gave it back to him. "Ok, how long till we leave? And how long till we get there?"

The goblin grinned and seized the paper in his grubby claws. "We leave now! And take maybe four days. Go on board so we go!"

Samantha blinked, "What? Already?" She asked a little nervous.

The goblin nodded again, "Yes! Pretty vixen say in hurry. Pretty vixen sign express papers. We go go go!"

She blushed a little at being called pretty, she was not oblivious, she knew it was true. She was one of the finest examples of female her species had to offer. Her nation engaged in selective breeding, the outcome of many, many generations of artificial selection to result in such a gorgeous example of pure bred red fox. It was what got her through the ranks at a temple to the goddess of lust so fast, as beauty was one of the most important factors priestess' were judged on.

The fox climbed on board, about to make her way over to the railing on the other edge of the ship, hoping to escape the stench she was now surrounded by. But the goblin grabbed her near the base of the robe. "Woah there. Stay away from railing on way up. Go there when we up high."

She was about to question why, but the goblin, who she was now assuming was the captain, started to shout order about in whatever language was native to them. She could not remember what it was called. Soon though the reason why he said stay close to the center of the boat was clear as it started to lurch and jump around under her, almost making her lose her footing on the grimy boards beneath her.

She looked up above it at the large balloon above her that was open on the underside. A huge chimney that stood in the place of the main mast started to belch and bellow hot black smoke up into the balloon. Sam thought the boat could not has smelled worse, but the chimney proved her wrong as it stunk like sulfur. Not to mention it made the deck warmer, loosening up the muck on deck and making the goblins sweat more. Under her robes and thick fox pelt the vixen was burning up too. The captain was staring at her, almost as if he knew she was thinking of stripping down. Without any other choice, the vixen started to pant heavily, unfortunately making her take in huge lungfuls of the smell around her.

It felt like ages in that inferno till the goblin ship finally reached its peak above the clouds. The chimney stopped pumping so aggressively so it would not ascend anymore and the vixen fled towards the railing, though she slowed to a creep as she saw just how far up they were. Fear seized her strongly, making her grip the railing in her paws desperately tight. She had never ridden on one of these before, she doubted much of her kind ever had. Still she preferred the fear of falling better that the smell and heat closer to the chimney. This high up the winds helped blow away the stench as well which was godsend.

A few hours had past when the goblin captain approached her again. "Enjoying the view?" He asked, keenly enjoying his own view of her backside.

"Yes." Sam lied, the view terrified her; though she refused to look back at the ugly goblin, somehow preferring the terror of the height more than to look at such a creature.

"Ah ok. Anyway, as contract said, it's later. Time to pay your Elven gold." He stated.

This was enough to make the vixen whirl around to face him, that's when she say he was with two other goblin and all of them were wielding nasty looking scimitars. "What?! You said I could pay later! I was going to go to a bank to pay you when we got there!" She scowled, "And did you just say Elven gold? The contract said eleven!"

The captain shrugged, acting as if it was all very clear. "Contract said you pay later. It's been few hours. It's later." He stated firmly, "Paper said eleven. Fox needs her eyes checked. Now pay up." He reached out a grimy hand to accept the gold he knew she did not have.

The vixen was outraged. So this was their dirty trick. She thought had paid enough attention to the contract. It had been so hard to read though, eleven and Elven looked so similar. Elven gold was extremely rare though, it cost millions of regular gold for one. "I don't have any gold on me, or any Elven gold at all!"

The goblin frowned angerly, it seemed he got a kick out of acting like he was in the right as much as he knew he was not. "Well, you signed a contract. If you can't pay then you get punished." He then shouted something in goblin language.

A goblin below deck pulled a level and the railing dropped down behind the vixen. Hearing it thunk into place the vixen looked behind her to see it gone. Her eyes widened in terror and she turned back to face the goblin captain. "No! Please don't!" She cried.

The goblin shook her head, "Sorry. No law in sky but our law. We push you off ledge." He stated as the guards started to close in on her, shaking their blade threateningly, forcing the vixen to back up till she was inches away from the side. "Well, I guess there is one way fox can pay off her debt."

Samantha was shaking and trembling with fear, her large tail flapping in the wind over the edge, threatening to unbalance her at any moment. "Please! Anything! I don't want to die!" At heart the vixen was egotistical and a coward, she'd do anything to not die.

The goblin grinned evilly, "Vixen pays off her debt as goblin sex slave."

The fox was not dumb, she knew that was what they wanted from her. Outside of gold, there was not much more the upper class fox was good for. She lowered her ears pitifully, looking down at the floor in shame. "Ok..." She said. She could not believe she had got herself in this mess. She should have just taken a boat instead. To have sex with one of these gut wrenchingly disgusting goblins was the most degrading this she could imagine.

The goblins started to cackle devilishly in glee as she gave in, the prospect of laying with such a gorgeous high class vixen beyond any of their wildest dreams. "Alright then bitch, prove it. Strip off all your clothes and throw them overboard!" He demanded.

She closed her eyes tight, fighting back tears as she untied her robes. Soon she freed herself from them and dropped them behind her, catching the wind and blowing away, never to be found again. She was beyond everything they had imagined lying underneath her robes. Her pelt was immaculate, silky soft. Her white fur was white as snow, her orange fur almost golden it was so bright - clearly she was used to taking two baths a day. Luxurious, scented ones by her smell which managed to cut through the wind and stink it was so lovely, though it was heavy and intoxicating do to her being in heat. Her small, onyx black nipples tightened and hardened exposed to the wind atop of her enormous orbs.

The goblins were stunned, her beauty beyond anything they had ever seen. The thought they would soon be fucking her beyond anything they had every hoped to accomplish in life. It took them a moment to recover, finally the captain screeched out, "Everyone below deck!" He grabbed the vixens paw and yanked her along.

He took her below deck, the height of the ceilings here short, clearly built just for goblins she had to hunch over quite a bit. But the captain slapped her on her wide ass, causing it to shake hypnotically. "On yer paws and knees bitch, like yer kind is meant to be." He demanded.

The words stung like knives to her. Her people were extremely proud; to the point they thought they were greater than all other races. The words degrading her even more than just the thought of fucking one of them did. Still she obeyed, slipping down onto her paws and knees, her larges breasts looking even more round and full in this position as gravity cupped them. Due to the low ceiling it was actually a little easier for her to move this way.

The room was large and dimly lit, near the center was more of the chimney, she guessed the actual furnace for it was one floor under. It was clear because it was desperately hot in here, heated from below by the furnace and from the middle by the chimney. There were no windows, nowhere for it to go. Making things worse the room was packed nearly wall to wall with goblins; apparently it took more of them to run the ship than she thought. It seemed to be a large shared bedroom as well as the flooring was covered into disgusting, moldy bedding, which if her nose was even functioning right anymore, also served as their toilets.

With the vixen in heat on her paws and knees, ready to be bred the goblins all started to drop their lion clothes. Though they were uncontrollably hard already in anticipation of rutting the gorgeous fox, Sam would be disappointed to see she was not even in for a good ride. The largest goblin cocks did not exceed four inches even. With their groins uncovered, the worse of the stench yet burst into the room, almost making the vixen pass out. She had anticipated it, but just had been praying beyond all hope it was not the case. Even a male of her own kind skipping a bath for just one day got rank; these goblins had not their entire lives and slept in their own waste.

Something was wrong though; chills ran down the fox's spine as she struggled in her next breath. It did not make her choke, or puke as it should have. She took in another deep breath and found it did not stink so much anymore. Instead it was all starting to smell intensely of male. The fact was the canine was in heat, a very intense one at that. All the selective breeding that had gotten her such great genes, had come along with a stronger than normal need to spread them. Her body did not care what she tried to breed with, as long as she tried. Slowly spreading her legs and hiking up her tail without realizing it.

Her captures being so enthralled in every detail of her body were quick to notice though. "Look at her!" On screeched out, "She's spreading herself for us! Bitch wants it!" He said to the cackling laughter of the rest of the goblins, making Sam blush in intense humiliation.

Finally it seemed the goblins could wait no longer and they all surged up around her. Her heart started to pound furiously as she was seized by fear of crowds and claustrophobia. It only lasted moments though as her body started to be groped and grasped at from all sides. It felt like every square inch of her body was being groped firmly by their grubby hands. Of course her nipples and cunt were prime real-estate, leaving much of the focus on her huge, perky rear, well-sculpted thighs, and her heavy hanging breasts. All of it was overly sensitive from being in heat, causing the vixen to whimper, realizing she could not stop herself before moaning and shaking in deep pleasure.

The goblins snickered and jeered at her diabolically. "Look at this slut! She gets off just from getting touched!" One declared.

"No!" Another one squeaked out, "Though bitch is anthro she's still just a dog! Doggies like petting!"

"All wrong!" Another shouted, "Her people all high and mighty. Love attention. Crave attention. We just feeding slut's ego!"

Sam was practically in tears. Not because she was being all but raped, and not because their taunting hurt her feelings - but because all of them were right. She had never been touched by more than two hands at once before and now there were so many hands groping and caressing her silky soft pelt she could not count them all. It had not just been her sexual areas either; they were already so covered in hands other goblins had resorted to massaging her back and her belly, even her tail. They had been wrong about one thing however; it was not enough to get her off though it had served to her dripping wet in arousal and spread her legs as wide as she could.

"Heheh look at greedy whore, she wants us so much." The captain teased. "No reason keep her waiting." The captain said before moving in front of the fox, kicking some of the other goblin out of the way so he could stand close to her face. The vixen's eyes widened in terror as she now saw up close exactly why he stunk so bad. "Suck my balls first slut. And if you dare ever spit a drop of anything out we'll beat you mercilessly." He threatened.