Odd Dog (part 1)

Story by Fenryx on SoFurry

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#1 of Odd Dog

Odd Dog

A black car with tainted windows pulls up to a run down motel on some forgotten backwater. Its main occupants a rather massive black man accompanied by a strange looking white man get out. The black man, known on the street as "Shadow Panther", glares directly at his more outlandishly dressed partner, "Jester Grim" as he is known both for his loud and often amusing attire and because of the sheer efficiency for which he does his job. Shadow is bald with solid black and steel in his attire from the leather trench coat he wears to his choice of shade that he constantly wears. Jester is rather weird looking, purple hair, green eyes and tiger striped skin and while he wears a black duster like his companion, the collar glows with neon lights of green and purple in a checkerboard pattern. Beneath that duster (which is armored as many a gang banger has found out the hard way) is a Kevlar mesh shirt that partially displays his skin underneath including his ring pierced nipples. Urban camouflage cargo pants protect his legs until they get to his big old boots.

"Jester, get our package out of the trunk." Shadow growls before walking to the main office before abruptly turning back to utter: "And no playing with the merchandise. We do not need the guff from our client."

"Gotcha, Shadow." Jester says with a dejected sigh.

Jester takes a body bag out of the trunk and secures the car. By the time all is said and done Shadow comes back out of the office and motions for Jester to meet him at the door of their room. With a hand on Jester's butt, Shadow opens the room. A holographic television springs to life as Jester puts the body bag on the bed. The 3-D image is that of a hooded man in Judge's robes. Apparently the machine functions as a video phone as well as the ninja judge calls out to them.

"I do hope there is the correct body in that bag, boys." The Judge commands in a sinister tone.

"Open up the bag and show the man!" Shadow orders. "I am not touching no bitches, Jester. You can play the field all you like; just make sure your ass is available when I want it!"

"Right, Shadow," Jester says as he opens the bag to bring out the sedated body of a young Japanese girl without a stitch of clothing and tied up so completely that she could not move even if she wanted to.

"I see you used the skill chip I gave you, excellent." The Judge says with sinister satisfaction. "Now I want you both to strip for me. It's time for the next phase of the job."

"Shall I bring her around?" Jester asks with a self satisfied smirk as Shadow growls in a darkly suspicious tone of voice. "What next phase is this?"

"Simple, Shadow Panther," The Judge says in a darkly mirthful tone of voice before continuing with: "This is part of a snuff film. After Jester has his fun, you get to kill her."

The girls begins to come around, shaking her head slowly and letting her sight adjust to the light in the room. "Where am I?" She asks. "Who are you?"

The Judge laughs in a decidedly sinister fashion. "I see the nanites in your system have been upgraded recently, Miss Yuriko Osakai. But there is only so much they can do to you. You have defied the will of your betters for too long. Now you will be made an example of."

"Sato? Sato Gozabura, is that you?" Yuriko questions angrily. "I thought you had more honor than this. I wouldn't fuck you so you hire thugs to rape me?"

"You can assume whomever you wish." The Judge says snidely before darkly chuckling at a joke only he perceives. "The bottom line is that the Corporation gave you the nanites and training to serve us. You signed a life long contract. Now you attempt to freelance and act against company interests. This is something we cannot allow."

"I refuse to be a wage slave, Sato!" Yuriko yells. "I am not some corporation whore you can command to do your bidding."

"Silence!" The Judge commands. "Let the execution commence!"

Yuriko is gagged by Shadow who then "warms up" Jester. Jester worships Shadow's huge member with his mouth. Licking and suckling at Shadow's scrotum; Jester deep throats his partner. Naked the Judge and Yuriko can see that Shadow Panther has replaced all four limbs with metal. Jester has ring piercings on his nipples and a quartet of roller ball studs around the base of his own cock. As hard as she tries to conceal it, Yuriko is excited by the gay show she is seeing. Jester and Shadow exchange knowing glances before Jester shoves his phallus, which is now fully erect, into Yuriko's pussy as he begins to lick at her tits. Yuriko closes her eyes and moans in spite of herself. When she opens her eyes again, Shadow is fucking Jester, his long dong penetrating Jester's tiger striped butt. The sight amuses and disgusts Yuriko even as she is sure Sato is getting off on it. A mental image of him jerking off almost takes away from the pleasure she is feeling. Only the din of sirens ruins the mood as Jester cums too soon.

"All right, Scumbags," a voice outside amplified by a megaphone yells with great vehemence. "This is Fugumaki Security! Release the girl, now!"

Shadow taps the side of his head. "Black Beauty; bitch 'em out!"

Explosions rock the room as their ride's remote weapon systems come on-line. Then they come through the door. Shadow Panther snaps and starts to tear into the guards. With his partner in full cyber pychosis, Jester sighs and frees the girl with an order for her to hide. Once she is safe, Jester extends long, thin blades from his forearms and goes to try and calm Shadow down by hacking his way to the cyborg's "off switch". Shadow is so fare gone he sees no friends, only enemies. With a powerful backhand he sends Jester sprawling. "That tears it!" Jester growls: "Playtime is no officially over!" Neon orange swords activate in Jester's hands as he dances around his former lover. After Jester cuts Panther out from his cyber limbs the security guards pump the body with so much lead that the fact that the cyber criminal is snuffed is pretty much a foregone conclusion as a cute blue haired amazon places the barrel of her shotgun on Shadow's forehead and pulls the trigger to give the floor that special red paint.

"Bag the body!" She orders as turns the gun on Jester. "As for you, freak, I'm only going to ask once: where is she!?"

"Calm down, Raisa," Yuriko's voice commands as she emerges from hiding. "I'm fine. We have bigger fish to fry. But do bring the mutant; he's on our list of acquisitions that Doctor Fumaki compiled. She wants to run some tests on him; among other things."

"Well, he does have psychic ability, Yuri," Raisa says. "I'd be careful if I were you. Do you need clothing?"

"Eventually, but I'm assuming you brought a collections van?" Yuriko asks before she sees it. "Great, I'm going to need a gurney for him," one is rolled out and Jester is secured on to it. Raisa roughly fondles Jester's genitals before remarking: "Nice set, I want them for my collection."

"Hands off, Raisa, we need him intact." Yuriko growls as she escorts him into the van before she gives her a lusty wink. "Playing with it is fine as long as you leave it attached."

On the ride over, Yuriko initiates the vaunted "Sixty-Nine" position; something to which Jester readily ascedes and buries his face in her pussy to begin his portion of the sex act. When he is hard enough the research assistant rides him to climax. Yuriko kisses Jester passionately while laying on top of him. It is then that she notices the red light blinking in the darkness. Sighing she nuzzles Jester as she feels them make their way to the lab. Along the way, Doctor Fumaki calls using her lab's video phone.

"How does he feel?" Amy Fumaki asks of her subordinate as a plug comes loose in the compartment of the van where the pair is laying naked for the slightly older woman's amusement. It dangles in front of Yuriko as Fumaki commands: "Plug in so we can gather some meaningful data."

"Yes, Doctor," Yuriko says as she obediently slides the plug into a jack on her back before she makes sure the recording devices installed within her are working. "Commencing extraction exercise now, Amy?"

Hearing the question at the end of her last transmission, Dr. Fumaki responds with: "Yes, Yuri, what is it?" She asks this as she monitors her instruments and the video screen as she sits on a vibrator.

"How far am I towards getting my ovaries back?" Yuriko asks as she rides Jester. "I think I might want to breed with this one."

"I'll look into it, Yuri," Amy promises with a wide smile. "But for now just focus on getting some of his semen so we can analyze it. His DNA will be a fascinating read, I'm sure."

Yuri cries out in pleasure as Jester groans to Amy's and Raisa's (who is watching from another monitor) amusement. "Very good, Yuri," Amy praises, "I'm getting some great data!"

Once the van gets to the lab, Yuri is exhausted. She is allowed to sleep next to Jester as he is interred in his cell. In the morning, Raisa tasers Jester's phallus into full erection so she can make an impression of it for her collection while still leaving the implement attached as Yuriko had previously remanded of her. She the plunges her taser into the joints where his legs joins the rest of the body before firing it on what seems to a half-awake Yuri to be its highest setting. Laughing as he jerks uncontrollably she then does the same to his armpits. His screams are the funniest thing to the Security Sergeant. Next she prepares a ridged strap-on and fucks the freak for her own amusement. Yuriko glares at Raisa but she knows this is not one of those times she actually has authority over the guard. Jamming her taser into Yuri's pussy, Raisa shocks the "freak fucker" to remind her as to who is in charge.

In the passing weeks this pattern becomes routine. While Raisa never has sex with Jester she does torture him mercilessly every chance she gets. Amy is often on hand to witness and even direct the abuse as makes notes on Jester's endurance. When it comes time for Raisa to be recertified the abuse turns up a few notches. Graded on her level of sadism and indifference to her charge's suffering, Raisa is determined to get the highest marks she has ever received. But the worst is her test to find "Escaped Prisoners". Jest and Yuriko are selected to simulate the prisoners.

The lab is situated in a kind of No Man's Land of devastation from some forgotten armed conflict. Jester and Yuriko are interred in metal coffins and dropped naked into the waste land. Unbeknownst to the higher ups, Raisa has the coffins filled with an experimental mutagenic ooze to make things more interesting. Nobody is sure what the results would be if this largely unstable compound comes into contact with human skin but Raisa really just wants to punish Yuri for ordering her around and spoiling her fun earlier. Jester she does this to on general principal to make the lives of mutants like him as miserable as she can possibly arrange. Her cruelty heightened during the preceding tests this final act of hate is about to come back and bite her in the butt.

Jester's already mutable DNA is effectively rewritten. No longer does he have even the general countenance of a human but is now a kind of wolf-man. Green fur covers his whole body with the tiger stripes reappearing in alternating black and orange coloration. His mane of hair turns purple as does the sclera of his eyes as the unnatural color engulfs his irises and pupae leaving his eyes a solidly glowing color of neon purple. Seeing his reflection in the dirty water of a drainage ditch, Jester smiles before throwing his head back to elicit a blood curdling howl.

Yuriko shudders when she hears the howl without realizing she is changed as well. Soft pink fur covers her body with black gloves and socks. Deep pink hair now flows down her back. It's by chance that she catches her own reflection which causes her to scream in sheer terror. After a moment she realizes something as bits of electronics lay busted around her; some of her internal feminine parts have regenerated.

"Yuriko?" Jester's voice inquires behind the newly created mutant vixen. "Is that you? I don't mean to offend, but it is an improvement."

"Jester?" Yuriko gasps. "You were the one who howled?" To which he just nods and she chuckles darkly. "I think we have a surprise for Raisa, Shall we spring it on her?"

"Sounds like a plan," Jester says with a sinister smirk. "But first we need to reinvent ourselves. Our old lives are dead. I name myself Fenrys OddDog."

Yuriko looks at her own rosy hued fur and smiles. "I think I'll take the name of Rose Kitsune or in proper Japanese word order: Kitsune Rose."

Rose notices a sparking wire, one of dozens of old modem lines the company keeps active to semi active for security purposes and simply because it would cost too much for them to be simply gotten rid of. Something inside of her clicks and the local computer matrix opens up. All of her pass codes are still valid, apparently no one ever thought she would be able to access the internal net and so they never told the artificial intelligence to disregard her avatar. To Fen she is just staring at a wall until he spot the discontinued modem line. Cyberkinesis is an ability he has heard about but never actually seen, and while he still cannot see what is happening he does know Rose is using it. His mind is getting ready to good Rose to test this when he catches a glimpse of some of Raisa's security team approaching.

Within the corporations own computer network, the newly created Kitsune Rose gets to work. Using those same pass codes she had been trained to use against ground forces invading the compound she traps a squad closing in on their position she uses the company's state of the art machine guns to mow them down. Doctor Fumaki learns of this via a transmission from the dying men. She immediately radios Raisa to warn her. While the transmission does get through the static doesn't let much of the message to be heard before the good doctor finds that the device no longer actually works. Accessing hr work station, Amy makes a coded message to send but when she tries to send it, the computer's own security fails to recognize her as an authorized user. And then the tentacles attack. Bursting from the floor, the ceiling and the console they capture and hold the Doctor spread eagle before her clothes are shredded. Metallic tentacles violate her twin holes and grope her breasts in typical naughty tentacle fashion. The monitor she was using elevates itself so Amy can see it clearly, then tunes in to show Kitsune Rose in the attire of a lady ninja...Yuriko's avatar.

"Who are you?!" Fumaki demands to know. "What is going on here?"

The lady ninja chuckles darkly. "Come now, Amy, I would hope the little bath you had Raisa give Fen and me didn't alter my appearance THAT much." Then in cyberspace she holds a hand mirror to her face. "Hmmmm, I guess it did at that."

"Yuri?" Fumaki asks in an incredulous manner. "You're still alive? What did Raisa do to you? I didn't..."

"Spare me, Doctor," Rose fumes, "in any case the good little girl you counted on for so long is now dead! I am Kitsune Rose now. It's funny really, working here always made me question who I was: A Japanese girl born in America or an American girl with Japanese parents? Not that it really matters now."

"Yuri, we can..." Fumaki starts till Rose laughs in her face with a mocking tone as if she were entirely less than intelligent. "Fix me?" Rose asks sarcastically. "I don't need fixing. I am reinventing myself, Fumaki, as one of the SINless. I'm doing all this without a deck. The ooze has made me psychic like Jester was...and I guess he still is. I wonder if the ooze gave him any neat new powers?"

"Doctor Fumaki!" Raisa cries as she and her security force bursts in. "How did this happen?"

"Ah, Raisa," Rose says in an evil and sarcastic manner before Amy can speak. "Just the bitch I wanted to see." More metallic tentacles burst from the floor to capture her and her two female assistants among the ten man crew. Like Amy their clothing is shredded and are raped as the men enjoy the show. While her assistants writhe in pleasurable agony Raisa glares at the monitor. "Stop this now, Yuri!" She orders to which Rose just laughs. "You are in no position to be giving orders, Raisa and besides, Yuri is dead. You killed her. I am Kitsune Rose now. Enjoying yourselves, girls?"

"You bitch!" Raisa growls. "Where are you now? When I get free..." Rose starts laughing at Raisa, something that only incenses her further, but she is Rose's prisoner whether she likes it or not.

"When you get free?" Rose asks in a mocking tone. "You assume I'm going to let you go free. Well, maybe after Fen and I leave..."

Raisa looks to Amy. "When did this pathetic porn show begin?"

"Raisa, please!" Amy begs. "Don't provoke her! In her current mental state I'm not sure what she'll do."

"Pathetic porn show?" Rose asks in a sardonic manner. "Is that the best you can do?" Raucous laughter erupts in the room as Raisa begins to realize that the crazy girl she has been bullying for months has a real chance for revenge, and as this realization dawns on her, she begins to get very, very pale. "Now, where do you stash the condoms, Amy?" Fumaki goes pale from fright as Raisa gives her a look pleading with her that this is just some sick joke. That is until condoms flood the floor and the floor undulates to make sure the men have easy access to them. "You want a porn show, Raisa? I'LL GIVE YOU A FUCKING PORN SHOW!!!!" The tentacles change positions to open the mouths of the trapped women to allowing them to suck and lick but not bite as well as opening their thighs so the men can easily give them a good time. Raisa struggles with all of her might as Rose announces: "Here you go, boys. Four whores ripe for the fucking! Enjoy yourselves!"

And as the men take their careers in hand, Rose has this show broadcasted live to the video phones of certain executives, most of whom she knows are perverted enough, like Sato whom she gives access as a kind of thank you for getting all this started, to enjoy the show. Meanwhile Fenrys has stolen Raisa's pride and joy, an aerodyne souped up with all the toys of various spy shows and some armored clothing as well as proper armor that Fen just happened to find in their size. After picking up Rose, he takes the flying car to a safe house to hide out for a bit.