Leer of the Dragon

Story by Fedack on SoFurry

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Here is a bit of an ongoing roleplay between me and Joshua Gearspring

It is a lightly formatted roleplay, there will be errors, there will be typos and sometimes it might be hard to follow, but it is quite the hot session~ Enjoy reading and don't mind leaving feedback ^^

Rai spread his wings and smirked, flying into the air and making circles around the feline to announce his presence before diving down and landing on the piers behind him. He made a few steps forward, his mischievous and slightly vengeful stare surely to make the male spine shiver. "Hello there, cat" He hissed out between his teeth, his red eyes locked on him.

The man's brown eyes glanced at the dragon for a moment before returning their gaze to the sea. "Hello dragon." He sighed as he observed some seagulls making noises and gathering up ahead on some rock formations. "And if it even matters to you, the name is Teagan Braniver." He drew his blade and looked at it for a moment, holding it up as he offered a prayer to Isira.

Rai rolled his eyes as he saw the blade and he approached the feline, raising a paw and with a large grin placed that paw on the scruff of his neck. "Oh don't give me that, I won't kill you." He might half kill him... but... its still not dead. "Are you ready, Teagan Braniver?" He asked, in a serious way, kinda to reflect how this male thought he was going to his doom by giving a prayer to his goddess. Not much waiting for his answer, he pulled him into his arm, carrying him like a lady with one paw under his legs and the other under his shoulders before flying toward the manor.

He sheathed his sword once the prayer was finished. The sunlight reflected in the water glimmered brighter than ever in response. "As ready as I can make myself..." The leopard felt amazed at how easily the dragon was able to pick him up. He bit his lower lip at the treatment of being carried like some princess from a legend. "How much choice do I have in the matter? And what are you planning to do?"

Taking the man in his arms Rai could feel the scent of intoxication of some hard-hitting alcohol on the man's breath.

Rai was displeased at the scent that he smelled and had no intention of fucking somebody intoxicated. As they landed on the balcony of his room, he entered and placed him down on the ground. He held a paw on his scruff and another one in front of his muzzle and pulled away. What came with his paw was all the alcohol from his blood surging from his muzzle, cleansing him from his intoxication. He then threw it on the side, amazed at the amount there was. "None of that... I want the one that made the deal, not a shadow of himself." He growled and stared down in the feline eyes. "I told you didn't I? You will be my bitch." He raised a paw and scratched behind the feline ears. "So, get rid of those clothes you're wearing lest you want them ripped off your body." As he said that he walked toward the bed and sat on the edge of it, staring at the male intently, his red eyes peering.

Teagan roared out in pain as the burning alcohol was filtered and drawn out of his body, the painful shock so strong it placed him in a state of shock for most the dragon's talk. Still intent on defying the dragon by stone-walling him, he kept a neutral and emotionless face as he took off his belt, tunic and pants. Underneath he revealed the body of a warrior, a physique balanced between muscle and athleticism, covered in various light scars. The tip peeking out of his sheath told of a stark black cock.

Rai let the shock pass and looked at him, eyeing his body. He was taking an interest in sleek mortals like him, they tended to be well shaped without being beef and that was something he liked, still feeling those curves under his paws. He gave the male a grin and got up again, walking toward him and going to rub a paw against his body, stroking his stomach and then making a turn around him, sliding his paw as he turned and feeling his curves. He was eyeing him and devouring him with his red eyes. He then stopped behind the male, rubbing his sides gently and growling dominantly next to his ear. "Have you ever been on the receiving end, mortal?" He asked, his tone changing... He was now mischievous but also, had a certain feral aura to him which would radiate and make him very hard to challenge. "Raise your tail and keep it up, understand that for me right now... you are a female in heat and I will treat you as such." He was just behind him, his voice resonating in the female body as it was deep and strong. His clawed paws rubbing his sides, almost wrapping around his body as he felt him in such a carnal way.

The leopard felt tingles move through his body, he could only think of them as nervousness, as loathing, as the pure essence of every negative emotion he had ever experienced thus far. His muzzle and short whiskers twitched as the dragon called him a woman, he revealed his sharp pearly whites, holding back a growl as much as he could. He did not wish to tell what his sexual history was either. "Calling me mortal..." He grumbled to himself. "You'll meet your end someday as well." His tone struggled to stay emotionless. He stared at the dragon for a moment, then slowly raised his tail in a mechanical fashion, as if it didn't mean anything.

Rai growled as his question was not answered and made his presence a bit more known, pressing his chest against the feline back. Imagine having that predator... that beast behind you, leering at you from your blind spot... his gaze on you, intent. Imagine that this beast could crush you in an instant and knowing what it want... that it want you, that it want to take you, dominate you... using you as its plaything. That sense of dread mixed with anticipation... that lurking terror but also... this tingle that maybe, just maybe it deserves you succumbing to it. That strong being, rubbing its paws on your curves, sending shivers down your back by its mere gaze and presence. That growl and warm breath right next to your ear and that voice, deep and powerful, requesting, demanding... dominant and full of intent. You do not desire such a thing, you don't want it, you fight it... but deep down, it's pulling at you. Deep down its compelling your primal instincts, that a more dominant male, a more powerful creature desire you and is taking you as his, at this moment. Its heart beating against your back, loud and strong enough for you to hear. IT speaks to you, again... breathing and growling. "I asked you a question, female." Rai said, wording that last word carefully, his breath falling onto your ear and neck. "Have you ever been on the receiving side of things..." It growled, vibrations coming from its chest resonating into your ear. Demanding, demeaning... shaking and quacking you with that terror and that desire.

The images in Teagan's head of the monstrosity behind him filled him with new sensations, a sense of danger, far more palpable, cutting right into his body like the very claws that rested on his statuesque body. His brows furrowed, rationalizing in his head that just giving that little information would appease the dragon, make him loosen the leash a bit. "...no. I have not taken it." Presuming that lying was just going to worsen things, he told the truth. Throughout his life, he had been the predator, the one that pierced into the softer men and females with his black barbed cock. He emptied his mind, those thoughts of the dragon's barbaric desire were hypnotic, he would never fall into such a trap.

Rai growled again, licking his own lips and then very slowly, the leopard neck, dragging his tongue against it then giving a gentle nibble. "That is fine... It makes taking you all the more valuable, female." He said as he then pulled the feline a bit more against him. Rai growled dominantly, lustfully into his hear. His musk starting to raise in the air and the poor prey would feel something sliding against his lower back. A thick and warm sensation. It was obvious what it was, it kept up, increasingly large, making its presence more and more known. The massive length would dig into the soft fur of his back as it took the space it needed, throbbing. The dragon seemed to ignore it, the heavy musk almost intoxicating. Rai paw stroked more of the feline sides before one moved on his stomach then slid up, trailing into his fur with its sharp claws and going to grab his neck. He pushed the feline head up and back so that he could peer into his eyes from behind, his red eyes locking into his. It was then that for the first time, their gaze would truly meet. His red, draconic vertical iris blazing in the male sight, peering straight into his soul. The predatory gaze having some sort of magic to it, strong, intently, dominant and oh so hypnotic. The dragon breath, casting on his muzzle as he was forced to gaze alongside, feeling that throbbing length on his back. "Do you accept your fate, as my female..." He muttered, a deep voice resonating as he kept his gaze locked.

The gargantuan length spread its warmth over the poor lieutenant's back, making his tail shiver against it in a little involuntary dance. He thought of the most hateful memories he could conjure up, thought of pain and discomfort, yet the more he resisted the more he was starting to acknowledge the dragon's power. "N-no... I-I can't..." His deep brown eyes were locked with the red irises, filling his emptied mind with nothing but that fiery redness. He blushed. No! It was a trick, had to be, he could not be feeling anything but disgust for this manipulative, hopeless... rotten... arrogant... sexy beast. "I want to decide my own fate!" He shouted out, closing his eyes to the dragon. Then the thought sunk into him, the deal only required him to be the bitch for that night alone. Just... one night. It couldn't be so bad, could it? "I-I'll bear that fate for tonight..."

The dragon kept staring straight into his eyes and he breathed out, rolling his waist. He moved his wings around him, trapping him in his strong and firm embrace. "Oh no... you are my female forever... You felt my anger earlier, if it was not for that deal, you would have died." He moved a paw in the front and slid it against his crotch, tracing his claws gently on his stomach after. "Resign yourself... Do you feel that.." His cock throbbed.. its powerful presence, lurking onto the male back, showing its mightiness. This predatory aura surrounding the dragon and creeping onto the male. That deep voice more and more resonating into the feline mind. With a bit of illusion, he amplified the feline sense of smell and he could feel the dragon strong, intoxicating... dominant... powerful... bestial... ferocious and oh so wonderful musk, that call to submission. "You are... my female." He said, in an hypnotic and deep voice, yet again resonating. Never, he left the gaze of the feline, his eyes inches away, his breath constant. His deep and dangerous growl resonating through the feline... through the female..."Your body desire it, your body understand it... it understand that you are... tell me..." He growled out. His monstrous member pulsing with eat, now fully hard and forever present against his back.

Every sense was being warped around the feline, making him feel as helpless as a mere kitten, clinging for some sort of anchor, some form of dominant force to rely on. "Forever?" Why couldn't he just shrug it off like before? Where did his bravado from the barracks go? Why? Shaking his head violently, he wanted to deny it, but like the dragon said, his body knew something his mind didn't. The long 8 inch cock pulsating between his legs was proof enough. The musk invaded him, the rumbling voice thundered inside him like the power of a stormy night, sweeping him off somewhere else. Teagan felt fear. Was he not himself anymore? "What will happen to me?" Being someone's female, forever, he couldn't even imagine what form of life it would entail. He found that his hips were moving along with Rai's, pushing against the god-like cock.

Rai growled and held the male chin as he tried to shake his head and kept eye contact. He chuckled at his question and kept on with the same deep voice. "Your life will remain mostly the same... I will go away but come back sometimes... for you... While i am around you, you are my female..." Dragons were often like that, moving from one place to the other and taking conquests that they occasionally visited. He completely ignored hte feline cock, he was a female after all and this was not to be touched... He continued the movement of his waist, feeling the reply and shuddering in delight at the pleasure of the fur rubbing against his massive shaft, leaving precum to coat the pelt of the leopard. "Can't you feel your pussy begging for that, quivering in anticipation, throbbing... this same thing you are greedily rubbing against... tell me, what have pussies... tell me what are you?" He continued, of the same tone.

The kitty's tail wagged impatiently, that outrageous length had done nothing but sat on his back for all this time. To have something there, to know what it was to be used for, and to have to wait, it was drilling a nail through the soldier's mind. His hips kept rubbing up against it, circling around just a bit, though he was not sure how seductive he could make his movements, having no experience on the bottom. "I can live as usual?" A light of hope was dashed into his eyes, making life return to his body. "I... a-aah..." His strong agile legs shivered, the power of the male behind him felt so heavy. "F-females have pussies. I am a... female..." He gritted his teeth, almost wanting to bite of his hedonistic tongue, such a big part of him wanted to take back those words. But it had been done. His tail carefully teased with Rai's strong chest, as if teasing him. "P-please, just... just stop making me wait!"

The dragon took his time, not at all interested in rushing and wanting to make the feline wait and torment him... her. He growled and and kept staring into his eyes, making sure that all the boy could see was them, those rubys, peering into him. "From now on... what are you?" He said as he moved slowly toward the bed, speaking in an hypnotic and deep voice. "I will call you what in public?" He asked, growling dominantly, his voice getting a bit louder and his musk increasing in strength, his cock digging into hsi back as he made broader rotations with his waist. He was implanting suggestions into him but also, training his mind and body... he was working his charms. He was causing him to need... to desire... to crave. That strong soldier... would be his female, no matter the moment. "You can't touch that cock of yours because you have what now?" He continued, walking slowly toward the bed, not noticing that he was continuing to raise the feline senses. "As my female... you need to call me master when you speak to me or of me... are we clear?" He paused waiting a moment to get an answer, always keeping her in the same deadlock, grinding against her, letting her feel his throbbing and warm monstrous length that would soon be in her. "So who am I to you and what are you?" He waited for that answer again, grunting and now having covered his back with his precum. "A female tail is always high near her master... so when i see you... what will you do with your tail?" He said, growling and staring, peering into his eyes.

Demand after demand, why did this dragon desire so much he... she wondered. The eyes were fueling his mind with a lustful red, painting his world in a veil of carnal cravings. Part of him still cared, still wanted to hang onto his pride, but an increasingly loud voice in him was ringing out, and that voice was saying: "Yes master..." His tail straightened itself up, standing almost straight up. His hands began to move, not to his cock, for that was not where he was going to receive pleasure anymore. He spread his thick strong cheeks apart, revealing his tight unused tail-hole to Rai. "T-this is my pussy..." The words somehow felt wrong on his tongue, but he no longer knew what was right nor wrong. "And this is what I'll give my master whenever I see him."

Rai was almost there... was almost at the place where the feline would completely sink in that new reality... that new fate. "That's right... so what happens if you are in the middle of a battle and I approach you... what will happen to your tail? How ill you call me... in front of your men... what are you... where I am near you." His free paw moved to her ass, grabbing one of her butt cheek and his claw pressed aginst her pussy, pushing lightly in, teasing it. He kept grinding against her, the cock if possibing having grown a bit bigger from all the teasing, heavy, warm and oh so dangerous, oh so dominant on her back... molding in her curves and following it. "What are you, to whom... forever... what is your due place and where is that tail supposed to be around your master." With that his cock throbbed and he growled, opening his muzzle a bit to show the darkness of his throat and his strong fangs. His musk empowering, each of his touches sending shivers along her body

The musk, the warmth, the touch and the voice, it was sending the feline into a forced state of heat. His body shivered as that mouth-watering cock came nearer to entering him... what was he thinking? Getting dreamy eyes for such a basic need, did he look just like the people he had dominated in the past? Was he just as cute? Just as keen on the eyes? Could it be that he felt... empowered... desired? "You are my master!" She shouted it out, tired of the build-up, tired of waiting, tired of denying himself the undeniable power of the dragon. "That's what I'll call you, in front of my men, in front of the world..." His tail had put itself in a permanent lifted position. Pre-cum was overflowing from his rod, all thanks to Rai. "I want you right now, please, give it to me master!"

Rai grinned and decided to push it just a bit more, feeling her get quite impatient and needy. "What will happen to that tail of yours? When i get near? Tell me... What will happen to your pussy?" He asked.

"I-it's going to lift up for you master." The leopard gritted his teeth, feeling the new sensation of a strong cock pushing at his pucker. "And it will take you inside~"

"Yes... but it's going to get wet... it's going to quiver right?" Rai said as the rest was a suggestion for his body, not for him. "Your female body will get warm and needy.... in heat right away right? What will happen to your pussy and your body?" He wanted to make her repeat, to make sure it sinks in.

"Wet... quiver..." The suggestions were drilling themselves into his mind, associating themselves with the feeling of thick pre-cum covering his tailhole. His body trembled. "Warm and needy~" He turned his head to look back over his shoulder, his defiant expression had turned oh so much softer and warmer. "I'll be... you bitch forever."

The Dragon knew that state was temporary, the next time the male wouldn't be as needy and obedient as that, but for now that he had given him a bit of a brainwash he would enjoy it. "Then... Bend over that bed... spread your legs and start to beg me to take your pussy." He let go of the feline and took a step back, his cock faling down under the weight as he took the step back, leaving the back of the male.

The soldier's eyes danced up and down along with the cock as it dangled like a lush fruit. "Yes master~" He didn't have time for his own thoughts, those red irises had demanded him to lie on the bed and such was his fate. With his agile sprinter-legs set apart, he showed his boy-pussy to his master, tail raised to the skies like a flag declaring it someone's property. "Please master! Fill my pussy with your cock. Make me wet and warm with your body, make me into your woman~"

Rai growled and watched, moving behind her and angling his cock against her pussy. He pressed a bit, stretching the virgin hole very slowly before placing his paws on the feline waist. Grunting he then pulled and impaled to boyfemale on his massive rod. He pushed in, deep and strong, using gravity to help sink and he moaned as his cock stretched that virgin hole around. Under the spell of the dragon or not, this was bound to hurt, that virgin hole taking such a massive girth would be very pleasurable for the dragon but not so much for his female. "mmph, let's take care... of making that hole... nngh as lose as a normal pussy." He hissed out.

Still under the dragon's spell, even pain could not deter him from agreeing with Rai. "Aaah! Y-yes... master!" He took deep breaths, relaxed as much as he could, although with such a dominant force looming over him, it was not possible to clench a few times at the ferocity behind that cock. "M-make my pussy, aah!- fit for you master." His body trembled, legs almost giving out as his rump was made usable for the dragon. He did his best to push himself down on it, squirming from the agonizing burn inside his body. Rai's special acidic precum spread out on his insides, marking the kitty with a strong musk.

Rai growled and pulled the male back and forth. What then followed was three hours of endless rutting, pounding away at the female. The dragon was merciless and he would make that tailhole quite loose and fitting of his cock, pounding over and over again, growling and shaking the bed underneath, ramming his knot against the tailhole. The male stomach would fill with his precum and after a while, feeling a bit exhausted he would grab him and go on his back, then look up at him. "Ride me female..." He panted, his knot starting to dangerously threaten to enter. The male by now would easily be sliding in and out, the hole a bit bloodied due to some minor ripping but none the less, that hole was completely loose for him. "Are you happy to be my female?" He asked, on the verge of cumming, having purposedly delayed it.

The leopard was amazed, rather, dumb-founded by the dragon's inhuman stamina. It took a lot of time to get used to the pain, but once it faded away, even before that, he felt a strange new feeling. He could not describe it well, like a scratch he never knew was there, but in this instant he couldn't get enough of it.

For the three hours of relentless pounding it was unavoidable for the few servants to notice the shouts, groaning and Heavy lifting going on under their roof. Some of them even attempted to sneak peeks at the spectacle, one antelope being particularly guilty of it.

On top, feeling the knot knocking down his tight walls like a battering ram, Teagan was dizzy with excitement, wanting nothing more than to take it all in at last. "Yes master, I am so happy~" With a lewd smile he rocked his hips, taking it in deep, circling his hips to let it churn his slippery insides, doing all it took to please that dominant lord of his. "I couldn't be happier right now."

He finally growled loudly and slammed him down. Not knotting the male as he knew that this would break him, he unloaded his acidic load deep inside of him. His eyes rolled back and having held back for nearly two hours, there was just a flood of it. IT swelled the male stomach considerably, by at least three inches and he would feel full, warm and bloated. The dragon shuddered after and panted, opening an eye and looking at her. "Clean me off female." He completely ignored the peeking in and he felt a wave of jealousy from the door. He however didn't care, that servant was not in his place to feel such feeling.

The jealousy outside the door was mixed in with heated moans and desire, but the servant did not dare walk in his master in such a personal situation uninvited. He stroked himself, already mentally preparing to clean and gather any cum he could after the coast was clear.

Feeling his insides expand with the dragon's sinful seeds, he couldn't take another moment of it. His body had not been broken by the knot, but the consistent orgasms he had had during the pounding was getting to him. Feeling light-headed, he came one last time, feeling his senses get dulled as the initial load settled in and leaked out of him. With a dazed and mesmerized look he came closer to the dragon's member, letting his tongue quench its thirst on the overflowing amounts of cum. "I'll make master clean~" Still doing his best to keep his tail high in the air, he lowered his head on the spire and sucked it clean of every drop of whiteness.

Rai panted and relaxed on his back as he was cleaned, his cock throbbing under the attention. His red eyes reached for the door and stared at the antelope. He raised a paw and gestured him to approach and pointed at all the cum on his chest. The dragon cock still radiating heat as it was cleaned, the cum still acidic and he seemed to forget the female for a moment.

Once he ahd both the boys cleaning him and once he was properly taken care of, he pulled one on each side of him and had their head rest on his chest. He wrapped a paw around them, pulling them close around their waist and shoved two fingers inside their tailhole to hook them. He then closed his eyes and fell asleep, knowing that tomorrow the leopard would still be under suggestion but not under the transe he was now and would probably be in a sore mood... even if he would follow the orders he had given him.

With his tiny tail wagging furiously with glee, Aaron approached and made his own place by his master's side, nuzzling into Rai's strong body and basking the two's afterglory. He made sure to offer to change the sheets first.

The night went on peacefully, the first one for Rai so far in this new world. No warning, just a long sleep surrounded by faithful subjects sleeping on each side of him. The morning came at long last, morning dew had attached itself to the window and tiny birds chirped in the distant forest.

The antelope and leopard, both accustomed to getting up early due to their work and life-styles, woke up and found themselves in the dragon's embrace. Aaron blushed and giggled as he nuzzled in for a few more minutes of cuddling. Teagan's eyes went wide as he felt the fingers hooked to his spotted rump. He let out a painful 'Meow!' and then regretted sounding so unmasculine. He attempted to sneak away.

The Dragon felt one of the two trying to sneak away and his paw latched onto a feline tail and pulled him back in into the embrace. "Stay." He said, in a deep voice as he continued to rest. He yawned and rested, placing a paw on the bottom of the feline back to try to see if he would raise his tail instinctually now that he was near him. "Do you remember yesterday, female?" He asked, of a stern yet soft tone, enjoying such a good night and white liking waking up surrounded by living people that didn't want to kill him.

The feline's eyes looked around in a panic, his tail suddenly Rising up as he was pulled closer to the dragon. Strangely enough, he felt his behind getting hot, and... wet? He didn't' understand it himself. "I remember... paaaarts of it." Somewhere in the middle of the multi-hour session of rutting, his memory got a bit foggy. "I'll stay master." He rested his head on Rai's chest, getting a teasing wink from the antelope sitting across it.

Rai rested in bed for a bit, moving his large paws to stroke the bottom of their back. He eventually hooked inside their tailhole again and after resting like that for an hour and a half and having them take care of his morning wood he got up and looked down at the Teaban. "You are now my female... but you can return to your family when i wish not of your company..." it was good probably for the poor feline since each time he would get near him, the feline would get completely hard, his tail would raise, his tailhole will throb and get moist. "Remember your place though when i get near." He looked down at the antelope. "Why are you not already doing your chores? Choo... go do your tasks... I need to get back to town." His gaze returned on the leopard. "I propose you get your clothes and get dressed... I will fly you back to the barrack."

Teagan bowed his head to his new master, understanding the situation, slowly getting a better grip on things. He pounced out of bed with his feline legs, picking up the clothes he had left on the floor the other day. His legs twitched mid-walk sometimes, still feeling the outline of the dragon inside him. "I'll remember... master." He led himself out of the mansion.

With an eep and a pout the antelope got up. "Um, master, I hate to bring this up now, but without any connections to the Hereldez family anymore, the servants here have no salery anymore..."

The leopard rushed back in and grabbed hold of the antelope's horns, pulling him out with him. "Come, show me the slaver document. I'll get you your freedom right now."


"The faster the better! Move!" The two leaped out of the room to do their business.