Xavier's First Time

Story by Thumpah on SoFurry

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"Well big wolf, what do you want to do?" asked Zach again.

"Um.. I don't really know. Did you have something in mind?" asked Xavier.

"Oh come now wolfy, you can't tell me that you don't have a clue what I'm thinking." said Zach.

"You mean sex right?" asked Xavier in an unintentionally blunt way.

"Well since you put it so bluntly, yeah, thats what's on my mind. Are you up to that my sexy wolfy?"

"Um... well the thing is, I'm a virgin and I don't want to look like an idiot. I mean you probably have some experience, but I'm totally new to this."

"Oh yum, a virgin." said Zach. "Don't worry wolf, I will walk you through it. Believe me though, once we get started, it will all be instinct. So then, let's get started." said Zach happily.

Xavier had that scared shitless and excited look on his face that made him look as though he had just gotten a boner in public. What was he going to do. If he did what he wanted, wouldn't that make him officially gay. He didn't know if he should give into his feeling or not.

"Oh fuck it, why not. Might as well have some fun while I still can." Xavier said in an obviously nervous voice he was trying to make sound macho.

"Let's get started then." Zach said as he quickly moved towards Xavier's jeans zipper.

The fox started by slowly lowering Xavier's zipper so that the wolf could feel each click as it went down. This was really starting to get the blood flowing for the both of them. Once the zipper was all the way down, Zach ripped the jeans down and was greeted by the Wolf's boxers with a slight raise in them.

"Oh, I have an idea on what that is" Zach said in a lustful and slutty voice.

Xavier was in a kind of trance. Never in his life had someone else been this close, this intimate with him. The fox quickly stood up and removed his own pants, throwing them aside in the room. He wasn't wearing any underwear, and the sight of the small fox cock poking from it's sheath was a delight for Xavier. Zach then went back to the wolf and ran his claws all the way down Xavier's chest and all the way down to his waist where he removed the boxers to reveal tip of Xavier's cock.

"I'm going to have so much fun with you wolfy." said Zach.

He continued to move his hands down to Xavier's sheath and rub his fingers at the forming knot inside it. He kept popping it between this thumb and index finger, causing Xavier to cringe in pleasure.

"Oh Jesus Christ Zach. That feels so damn good." Xavier said in a half moan.

"You have no idea how good it's going to get wolf. I have a lot more tricks up my sleeve." The knot had started to form quite well inside the sheath before Zach reached behind it and popped it from its furry pocket. The thick red shaft quickly stood to attention before the fox's eyes.

"AH, god that feels so good. You really do know what your doing don't you" said Xavier.

The fox didn't respond. He was too concentrated on the task at hand. Zach rubbed his cold nose all up and down the 8 inch, red, pulsing rod. The cold slippery sensation was absolute bliss for Xavier.

"Maybe we should get into a better position wolfy. I want this to be really good for your first time. Come sit on the bed so I can really work your cock."

Xavier complied and walked across his room and to his bed, his cock bobbing back and forth with every step. No sooner did the wolf sit down, then the fox was right back on his prize. Zach started by flicking at the tip of the wolf cock. Teasing it with his wet tongue. He kept at it for what seemed like an eternity before he started to slowly work the tip of the rod into his warm, waiting maw. Slowly moving further down the shaft he started to really get a rhythm going. He slowly bobbed his head up and down on the upper half, loving every red, delicious inch of the cock.

"Ah....oh.....holy shit, that is amazing!" was all that Xavier could get out being so aroused by the slick warmth of the fox's muzzle. After a little messing around, Zach finally moved his muzzle all the way down the thick cock. This instantly caused Xavier's cock to jump in the fox's maw. This is what the wolf wanted. Even though he had worried about what this would mean, he couldn't care less. The feeling and the lust he felt overpowered every inhibition he had ever had. Zach continued to work the cock in his maw, going up and down and tugging at Xavier's fuzzy grey sack. The feeling of arousal was so overpowering to Xavier, all he wanted was to take the fox and mount him, to claim him as his own. Nothing had ever made him feel so primal. Suddenly, there was a slight pressure against his tail hole. Zach was slowly working his finger inside the wolf. This being Xavier's first time having anything up there, it caused him an immense amount of pleasure mixed with a small amount of pain that subsided quickly. Xavier could do nothing but moan with every stroke of the fox's mouth. His claws were beginning to rip holes in his sheets. Finally he couldn't take it anymore. "That's it, I can't take this for much longer. I don't want to cum from just a blow job. Let's step this up a bit foxy." said Xavier in a very demanding voice.

"Well well, you've come out of your shell quite quickly big wolf." replied Zach. " I can't wait to see what you have planned for me."

The pair decided that it was time to move on to more serious sex. It was time for Xavier to take the fox as his own.

"Ok Zach, move up on the bed and we'll get this started."

"Oh, I like it when you get like this wolfy. Come on, take what you want."

At this Xavier spread the fox's cheeks and peered at the waiting tail hole before him. He quickly grabbed some lube from his closet. He had only ever used it for beating off, but this, this was what it was meant for. He squirted out a sizable glob onto his paw and applied the cold gel to the fox's ass, causing a very gleeful moan from the him. Xavier finally stood, heart racing, behind the fox, ready to enter.

"Well wolfy, are you ready?"

"Do you really have to ask? What about you?"

" Oh come now big wolf, I've been waiting for this since I met you in the lunch room today."

At this, he knew that this was the time to go for it. He slowly moved forward, lining up his cock with the waiting tail-hole before him. Slowly, he pushed until the tip was in. Then realizing how great it felt, he continued, inch by inch, to insert his rod into the fox's waiting ass. Every few seconds Zach would let out a "Murr" or an "Oh god", loving every minute of the act. Finally Xavier had inserted his cock all the way to the knot and stopped for a second to enjoy the warmth.

"Are you sure your ready Zach?" asked Xavier.

"Yes! Just fuck me now you big wolf!" said Zach in an almost begging manner.

Xavier started to withdraw his cock from Zach. The feeling of Zach's ass pulling at his cock was so great that Xavier just never wanted to leave. Leaving the warmth of his fox was almost agony, he quickly pushed back in, moving the fox forward on the bed. Now that he knew what he was doing, Xavier slowly built up his pace. He began slowly but worked up to really pump at the fox's ass. Like a piston, he was pumping in and out of the fox's ass, shaking the entire room with his thrusts. The sound of Xavier's bumping into the fox was extremely loud and for a second, he wondered if they might get caught. That was quickly replaced by the feeling of a close approaching orgasm. He continued to pound the fox's ass mercilessly. As his climax approached, he grabbed the fox with his arms into a bear hug. He pulled the fox close to him and bit at the tender flesh of the fox's neck.

"I'm gonna tie you so good foxy." Xavier whispered into the fox's ears.

Shortly after that the fox realized how little time he had left. He began to pump away at his own cock, trying to time it just right with every pump of the wolf cock inside of him. Suddenly, the wolf began to hump with unbelievable speed.

The fox was yelling "Oh Christ, yes, fuck me hard you big stud! Fuck I want it baby, just pound me."

With that last comment Xavier couldn't hold back anymore. H quickly entered the fox for the last time, forcing his knot into the fox, sticking himself all the way to the hilt of the warmth of his fox lover. Immediately after that Xavier released jet after jet of warm wolf cum into the fox's ass. All he cold do was close his eyes and think about how great it felt. The fox was in unbearable pleasure. He pumped even faster at his cock, wanting to cum at the same time as the large wolf inside of him. Finally, the fox let out a moan mixed with a silent scream and shot rope after rope of thick seed all over the sheets of the bed.

The two were tied and panting with exhaustion. Neither could speak for at least 10 minutes. Finally, the wolf's knot had shrunken down to a size that he could remove from the fox's warm tail hole. As soon as he did a torrent of cum flowed from his hole down his leg and onto the floor.

Panting Zach whispered "How was that for a first time wolfy?"

"It was the best thing that I have ever felt before." said Xavier. "But I still have something that I want to do Zach. I still want to know what cock tastes like."

At that Xavier turned the fox over so that he was facing up to him. He grabbed the 6 inch fox cock and started to jerk it to get it completely hard again. Xavier loved the feeling of the fox's thick pink cock sliding up and down in his hands, slick with his own cum.

"Oh wolf, I didn't think that you would ever do something like this." Zach said.

Xavier didn't care, all he wanted was to make the fox cum, and to get a taste of the sweet fox seed. As soon as the fox cock was up to full hardness, he engulfed it into his muzzle. He bobbed up and down quickly, not wanting to take long to bring the fox to climax. He decided to try a few of the tricks that Zach had used on him. He tugged at the Fox's small, orange sack, loving the sensation of the pulsating cock in his mouth. The taste of the sweet pre on his tongue was driving him mad. He wanted the fox to let loose in his mouth and let him reap the reward of his hard work. He continued to work the cock, sniffing in the smell of arousal into his snout. The masculine scent, the manly musk filled the air. The aroma of arousal drove him mad with desire. Shortly after the fox's arms straightened out and his claws ripped into the bed he was on. His jaw opened to show all his teeth. The fox bit down hard as a hard wave of orgasmic pleasure flowed through ever part of his body. Then, Xavier got what he wanted. The fox let loose jet after delicious jet of hot cum into Xavier's waiting muzzle. At first he didn't even swallow. He just let it sit in his mouth and savored it. The taste was what he expected. Salty, but warm and delicious. Slowly he gulped down the warm treat and moved his mouth from the red fox rod. As he did, a small dribble of cum began to fall down his chin. Zach quickly sat up and licked it from his muzzle.

"Well, now that thats out of the way, what do you want to try now?" Asked Zach as he stood up and put his arms around the wolf's neck, and moved in close to him.

"Oh foxy, you have no idea."