Chapter Eighteen: Forward Motion

Story by ScrambledCrackers on SoFurry

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#19 of Protecting Harmony Book 1: Pathfinding

Next chapter might take a while. I have a slew of new ponies to introduce and still working on their traits.

Fate was toying with me and Twilight. It had to be that. This stuff couldn't possibly happen to us with so much frequency to be normal. At least I hoped our normal wasn't normal.

A well and truly flabbergasted Celestia stammered, "B-but...said m-my name...t-to...c-come in...the d-door wasn't l-locked..." The pupils of her wide eyes had shrunken to pinpricks as she stared, frozen and at an absolute loss. She was blushing to the tips of her ears, which were flattened to her head, and halfway down her neck while her mane and tail had practically gone limp. Her wings wouldn't sit still. She'd made it all the way in the door and managed to close it before she realized what she'd walked in on.

I stared back at her with wide eyes, frozen in place with Twilight slumped over in front of me. Her head was half hanging off the bed and probably wearing one of her adorable satisfied and drooling expressions with her eyes closed. Had to have her eyes closed and not really hearing anything since she wasn't already freaking out. It was the mother of all wrong context moments for a statement ever as I kept trying to restart my brain on how to respond.

When my brain finally got around to the word 'FLEE!' with something to do about it, I teleported Twilight and I into the large bathroom of our castle suite and out of sight behind the closed door. This proved to be a terrible choice of sorts, as the wash of magic reacted with our physical state quite curiously and introduced us to a mutual magic-enhanced euphoria we wouldn't have expected.

Twilight's wings snapped out to their fullest as she wailed out something relative to 'Oh Celestia, YES!' before her whole body shuddered. I only dimly heard an equally embarrassed Celestia half-shout an apology before the front door slammed shut in her retreat.

Twilight didn't calm down for a while, quite oblivious as she spoke, "Oh my goodness...we need to do that again soon! Nnf...I'm still tingling! Wait, how did we wind up in the bathroom?"

She gave me a sated but hilariously confused look as I just broke down in laughter at the way our morning had started.


Poor Twilight was still blushing so furiously as we walked through the halls of the castle. She didn't take the news very well. When she first heard my recounting of what she didn't notice, what she said and who walked in on us as a result, and then heard her crying out in the throes of passion...well, she simply fainted on the spot after about three seconds to process it. At least she was quite relaxed when she got the news.

The two of us were still sporting a dual glow as we got to the dining room. We were both equally red for two reasons, though Twilight was far more on the embarrassment side by this point, with still-damp manes from a rapid cleanup so we could get to breakfast quickly. Although we were rather tempted to hide for the rest of the day, Twilight at least joined me in laughing at the absurdity for a bit.

As we walked into the room, she ducked her head and scurried off to have a private chat with her still blushing mentor. When she looked my way Luna had the biggest shit-eating grin I'd ever seen before she shooed her sister off towards her protege. Twilight begged me earlier to occupy the girls so she could talk to Celestia before anything else. I was still trying not to break into brief giggling fits at the whole thing, embarrassing as it was. Twilight slipped off to an unoccupied corner on the far side of the room with Celestia to have some private time.

When I finally focused on the girls though, I paused with a blink. They were all staring intently at me as I got closer. So intensely it was making me nervous before I caught the hints of worry they all bore.

I didn't know what to make of things as I stopped and looked at them all, "Uh, why are you all looking at me like that?"

Whatever I might have been able to expect, it wasn't seeing them all get misty eyed to varying degrees as they hopped out of chairs or otherwise rushed over as I knelt down, expecting some hugging but they practically tackled me. All of them were hugging me tight. I realized then I'd let the beans spill the night before and just sighed, hugging them back best I could in the midst of being swarmed and knocked on my rump, nearly all the way to my back.

After a time, the tight hugs mostly lessened and Rarity found her voice first, a dainty sniffle sounding, "Oh darling, I am at such a loss for words! Twilight shared a short explanation with us about the effects of the flux and what it's done before she left to chase after you. I am so terribly sorry for the situation you have been placed in!"

"Rarity, it's not--" I tried to respond as Dash cut me off.

"Holy hay, Vojin! I can't believe this! It's just totally unfair after you've been so awesome to hang with! I bet you'll come up with some awesome way to beat it like you took on those Timber wolves! I know you will!" Dash rushed out.

"Dash, it doesn't wor--" I tried again, only to find a yellow hoof touch my lips, blinking as I looked at Fluttershy.

She had a gentle smile on her face but her eyes shone with understanding even as she wordlessly conveyed it was best to just take things in for the moment. Curiously, she hardly had any sadness or tears in her eyes at all alongside the compassion.

The one that surprised me most right then was Applejack though. She was hugging the tightest with her eyes squeezed shut at visible tears moments away from falling. All that came to mind for why was that she must have lost someone, rather somepony, before. Honestly, her hug was strong enough I hoped she wouldn't squeeze any tighter or I'd be struggling to breathe.

My own eyes misted a bit as I took in the emotion around me. I noticed Pinkie had what seemed to be the same sad smile as she briefly flashed at me last night at dinner. In all, the girls were trying to help in whatever way they could best think of. With all the wild swings of emotion in the past 24 hours I wasn't sure how much more I could take before I blew up or broke down.

About the same time the other girls pulled back, Applejack's tears began to fall as she still clung tightly to me. I sat up a bit more before I wrapped my arms around the farmer and held her just as tight. She only sniffled faintly in response.

Finding my voice, I spoke to AJ and the girls softly, "AJ...girls, I do appreciate the support. I really do. This is just the situation I'm in and yeah it stinks, but it doesn't really change anything tangible. I want to keep enjoying life like I have been. We all have some accepting to do but beyond that, let's just keep enjoying life. Two years is a pretty long time, really."

Fluttershy's gentle tones rang as clearly as they were quiet, "We'll be here for you the whole way. I've had to help my animal friends accept being sick and knowing they wouldn't get better a number of times. They're always happier when they focus on living. I'm glad you already see that. I won't let you face it by yourself. None of us will."

I returned her gentle smile with my own as she rested a hoof on my shoulder, my hand rubbing AJ's back a little, "I know you'll all be there. It's kinda weird for me since I only had one friend I could rely on back on Earth for this kind of thing. It's a nice weird though."

"Y'all don't deserve ta have this happen." Applejack said quietly, finally pulling back and looking me in the eye, her tears under control again, "Ah've been dreadin' the day Granny ain't around ever since Ma and Pa were taken away in the accident. Now with knowin' how long ya got, Ah...well, Ah ain't afraid ta admit Ah'm scared fer ya. Ain't right when y'all are still young as ya are, Vojin. It just ain't right."

Picking her hat off the floor next to me where it had fallen and setting it on her head, "I know. The Princesses wouldn't have said it if they weren't sure though, so I'll make the best of a difficult situation. I won't get sick the whole time, at least. We'll just make put a little more into living, alright ladies?"

My eyes looked around at each of them in turn, sharing a moment with them before I noticed Spike standing a short distance away with a look caught between sadness and frustration. I frowned when I noticed him fidgeting and wringing his hands a little.

After a moment, I decided to just get his direct attention, "How about you, Spike? I know it's a tough thing to process..."

" said you wouldn't leave. I believed you when you promised you wouldn't leave. Why did this have to happen?" Spike replied, starting to look like he was about to run, if I was reading him right.

A moment later, he did start to run for the door even as I caught his eyes growing wet. Not hesitating, I caught him in a levitation field and pulled him to me and caught him with one arm as I shot Luna a sharp glance where she'd been observing from, seeing her grimacing slightly as regret flashed across her eyes. Luna and her sister both regretted it enough, I wagered.

It was not a good time to say I didn't have any memory of promising something to Spike. Not something that important. Not with how he seemed to be taking it.

Giving Spike a squeeze as I held him close as he hid his face against my shoulder, I had a moment to consider before a memory stood out from years ago, "I know, young one. I know. Strong as you try to be, you're still pretty young and I know it's a tough thing to get your head around. I remember a time when my grandfather was in an accident when I was a kid. I almost bolted from the hospital because it hurt to see him hurt. My dad said something to me that day and I think you need to hear it yourself now."

A deep breath, then blowing out a sigh before I spoke, "Life isn't fair, but it's all you get. Bad things happen and sometimes it's out of your control, even when you make a promise. No matter what happens though, you always have the choice of how you take it. Stand and face the hardships. Stand together with those you value. Don't ever simply run from the challenges of life. You don't have to be perfect about it but running is never the right choice. If nothing else, stay for the sake of those you care about when they need you. You can try to make sense of it all later. After your loved ones know you're there for them."

He sniffled and hugged me tight as his small arms tried to wrap around me. After a few moments passed, he finally found his voice, "This just isn't fair..."

"I know." I said in response, giving him a squeeze as I looked around at the girls standing close by. The sadness and concern was plain as day on each of them. Even Rainbow Dash's usual emotional aloofness was practically non-existent.

Once I gave Spike enough time, I cleared my throat and nudged him back as I moved to a knee, "Alright now, that's enough moping from all of you. We have breakfast to eat and a long week ahead of us. As of right now, not one more word about it until we all take the train back to Ponyville. We have a lot to focus on and there's not really anything more we can say or do at this moment beyond cry about it and that simply isn't on my to do list today. Hurting is ok, but it's going to take a while remember. Two years is a pretty long time and I'm not going anywhere just yet."

Pinkie broke in then, "Okie dokie lokie! But I'm definitely gonna throw you a cheer up party when we get home though and I'm not taking no for an answer!"

Giving Pinkie an exaggerated frown, I playfully grumped about it, "You shouldn't throw me a party over it, Pinkie. I'll be just fine without one."

She gave a small gasp as I tried to deny a party excuse, "No party?! Now I'm sure you're not feeling well! Everypony needs a party to prep themselves for having fun at parties or they'll get out of practice! No way I'm letting any of my friends get out of proper party practice! I'm stuffing you with cupcakes when we get home, just to be safe! This will have to tide you over until then...!"

She pulled a vanishing act and I blinked, suddenly feeling what could only be a party hat on my head. And a poofy pink pony giggling away as she dropped off my back before I stood up. Taking the hat off my head, I stared at the colorful cone for a moment before looking at her again in bewilderment. Finally, I let out an exasperated sigh as I still hadn't gotten any closer to figuring out how the heck Pinkie does what she does or how she so often knows the right thing to do to lighten someone's spirits like she just did mine. Strangely, I kept feeling like the answer was easy and straightforward, like it was right in front of me somehow.

It was so simple a gesture, yet it worked as some of the weight lifted. Giving an internal sigh, I felt my shoulders relax a bit and gave Pinkie a small smile of appreciation. She just winked with a grin.

All of us settled in at the table shortly after that. I noticed Twilight and Celestia standing together and whispering to each other as they watched us, coming to join us as everyone sat down.

Giving Twilight a nudge before we tucked into the food, I spoke softly into her ear, "Were you able to sort things out a little?"

She blushed slightly and nodded with a strained smile, voice low, "I think so. We...kind of...she asked that we put a soundproofing spell on the room whenever we stay at the castle from now on. She's glad we love each other but said she'll be unable to forget everything she saw and heard for a while. She even said she knew ponies used her name like that but hearing it from me was...well, she was tempted to ask me to only call her 'Princess' for the rest of the week, if that tells you anything. I also had explain why I seemed to tell her to enter. It wasn't an easy conversation..."

I smirked at that, "I can only imagine. Anything else to note before we dig in?"

Twilight thought for a moment, then hummed as she shot me a mischievous look, a hoof landing on my thigh under the table out of sight even as she blushed a little more, her expression turned slightly heated, "We're definitely teleporting again sometime."

Laughing quietly to myself, trying to hold it in as we settled into breakfast and wondering at the crazy stuff that happened this past day and a half. Part of me was hoping the summit would be a bit more quiet but I shied away from letting myself jinx anything. I had enough headaches.

Finally focusing on the food, I took note of the surprisingly varied spread. Eggs benedict, hard-boiled, soft-boiled, scrambled, omelettes and more. Quiches, breakfast pies, hash browns, what looked like mashed potatoes, a mound of daisies, and a multi-colored mound of rose petals I might actually try. Muffins, biscuits, donuts, croissants, special breads and over a dozen spreads. Various juices were mixed among teas, coffee and milk. Curiously, I noticed what had to be an attempt at vegan bacon, if my initial impression was right.

There was a lot of variety and far more than we'd eat. Twilight just elbowed me when I tried to serve her food for her, despite the small smile she gave me as she tended her plate. The sheer amount of food made me curious as I served up what interested me, and after a sampling of the vegan bacon only to find it was surprisingly close to the real thing, suggested all the girls try it while it was there. Dash seemed suddenly enamored with it after her first bite.

"This is a lot of food for just the lot of us, Celestia. Why such a massive spread?" I asked her after my plate was laden to my satisfaction.

She cleared her throat lightly, still faintly pinkened in the cheeks as she responded, "Well, I requested the kitchens go wild this morning and give us plenty of variety so we might get the week started well. In fact, this is not the only table being served in this manner. The visiting officials and dignitaries, both those attending the summit and those only for the civil review conference running concurrently, they all are enjoying something similar. Whenever Luna and I host important events it's something of a tradition to do an exceptionally large breakfast. What we are unable to eat will swiftly be packed up and delivered to places that might benefit, such as the hooful of orphanages in the city. I intentionally have so much prepared because it usually gives them more than a week of big breakfasts, courtesy of some preservation spells. We both wish we didn't need to have an excuse for it, as we'd like to do it more often. However, bureaucrats and testy nobles unfortunately find ways to use such things as vehicles for indulgence."

I had the impression Celestia and I needed a minute to chat alone at some point too, but that could be handled later. What Luna was going to add to that grin she'd been sporting earlier though, I was almost afraid to find out. Still, I nodded to Celestia, "I understand. I think I've mentioned how bad bureaucrats and politicians are on Earth. Not sure how exactly they compare, but at least you've got far less of a problem by contrast."

She took a sip of tea before giving me a sympathetic smile, "From what you have described, even accounting for bias from reasonable dislike, I must agree with you. One of the benefits of being long-lived is the tremendous experience that allows me catching the more aggravating ones early. It's something of an open secret that Luna and I often disrupt their plans at the best points to throw them into disarray. The hubris they tend to express, thinking we will miss things or don't even know is a touch entertaining and a bit of a balance against putting up with them. I wish more of the nobility were like Fancy Pants and his circle."

I gave a brief chuckle, "Well, I don't envy you the trials of all that. Not my arena. Speaking of Fancy Pants though, is he attending the civil review conference? I would like a chance to meet one of the nobility that deserves respect, as opposed to the asinine ones that try to demand it."

She smiled with a nod, "Yes, he is attending. I'll ask him to set some time aside to meet with you." Celestia glanced slyly at Rarity, mischief in her eyes, "And I do believe you would also enjoy an opportunity to meet with him again, Lady Rarity?"

For her part, Rarity's eyes widened as a rosy glow colored her cheeks as she stared at her plate, daintily finishing the food in her mouth and blushing brighter for being caught off guard so unexpectedly, giving a polite cough, "I...I must admit I would be thri...ahem, quite pleased to enjoy a cup of tea with a valued friend such as Lord Fancy Pants, your highness."

Celestia gave a gentle laugh while I managed to hold a quip about just what she'd enjoy with him after all the dancing around. Yesterday morning's almost blurted admission was enough on it's own. A glance at Twilight told me she was eyeing me suspiciously with a sly smirk. I gave her a playful nudge, marveling at just how deeply she and I were learning to understand each other without actually hearing the other's thoughts. As she saw I wasn't going to cause Rarity any extra embarrassment, she gave me a small smile. The glimmer in her eyes told me she would've laughed in spite of herself anyway. I felt like I'd be even more grateful for her in the coming days.

Breakfast carried on pleasantly, the usual banter and conversations going around. As she said earlier, once everyone was finished, the staff was quick about clearing the table of everything but the tea and coffee. For sake of freshness, I imagined there must be a flurry of activity in the kitchens going on.

Once the staff were out of the way and food had settled with a little more conversation, we rose to do whatever for the half hour or so before the summit was set to begin. The Princesses had some things to attend to before then.

A thought came to mind and I caught Luna's attention before they left, "Luna, it just occurred to me that the civil review conference is being headed by both yourself and Celestia, but you're also heading the Royal Summit at the same time. Seems like that isn't going to work. Some kind of trick or a lot of schedule balancing?"

Luna gave a soft laugh, "I can see how that might be somewhat confusing. As yourself and the Bearers are trusted, it would not hurt to spill something my sister and I tend to do in such conflicting situations. We are merely in both places at once. Specifically how that is, I will not divulge but I can tell you it is a kind of spell most mortals cannot use, let alone withstand. I believe it is easiest to call it a part of alicorn magic, though only my sister and I are capable."

"Interesting. Makes me think of a certain area of science on Earth. I'll have to talk to Twilight about it before it starts bugging me, see if there's any equivalents in Equestria. So far, while most things have been named the same or similar enough to recognize, others have been called something entirely different." I said, feeling thoughtful now.

"I have been following some of the things Twilight tells my sister and the letters we have shared with you also offer some glimpses of new ideas from your Earth-based sciences. I look forward to reviewing your journal of ideas. You did not bias too heavily towards weaponry and similar ideas from Earth, did you?" Luna inquired softly.

I shook my head briefly, "Not too much. Circumstances as they are, it was most of my focus but I still have a lot of things to write down. Even if the first volume is a bit biased, I have far more to go and dangerous things are easily less than half of them. I really hope it helps."

Luna nodded, "Ideas from another world, even if seemingly familiar to something of this one, may potentially inspire the unexpected. I must depart now. I will see you again soon, my friend."

After watching Luna and Celestia trot away, I turned to Twilight, fingers brushing through her mane absently, "As things are going to get started rather soon, shall we just go settle in? I'm starting to wonder if there's ever a point I'll stop feeling nervous, you know. All the other stuff and now I'm in a major meeting like this? I'm glad I have little to do but listen."

Twilight nuzzled my hand reassuringly, looking at me with a smile, "You'll be fine. We'll probably have to wait until after the summit ends today for you to officially meet my brother and Cadence, but I'm so excited to introduce you! Oh, and when you meet Cadence, don't be surprised if she tries to embarrass you. She's always told me she couldn't wait for me to find a stallion just so she could tease him and start squeezing him for something to tease me with. Which reminds me, please don't encourage her..."

Giving her a grin that belied the deeper tension we both knew was there, I escorted Twilight through the halls towards the room that had seen countless military meetings for countless reasons. As I understood it, unlike the ancient one out in the Everfree ruins, the war room in Canterlot castle was finally getting it's first actual meeting for it's ultimate purpose.

We had to prepare for war.