The Second Lay of Christmas

Story by CanadianWusky on SoFurry

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#2 of Twleve Lays of Christmas

Connection issues made me miss yesterday's upload. Apologies

For the Second Lay of Christmas, my mate did suggest to me...a family dinner quickie~

The dinning room was filled with the pleasant buzz of lively conversation and laughter, interspersed with the clinking of plates and dishes. The cloth covered table was surrounded by two families; one of Corgis and one of tigers, both laughing and talking merrily under the warm atmosphere. At his spot in the table, Alec smiled shyly across at the tiger that was his best friend - and a bit more - Cole, who answered back with a grin of his own. Cole's family had been invited over for a holiday dinner with Alec's family, the two household's having become good friends ever since their sons had met during the current school year.

The short, slightly rounded Corgi had nearly bounced off the walls when his parents told him the family of tigers had accepted the invitation to come over. Alec knew that regardless of what happened, simply having Cole over around this time of year would make the night magical. Both families knew of their sons' orientation, and very wholly supportive of their lifestyle. If anything, it was the fact that both households were openly supportive of their gay sons that had allowed them to get along so well to the friendship they now enjoyed.

Alec blushed as his mom laughed out loud in her boisterous voice, paw raised with her wine glass to clink it against that of Cole's mother, the two matriarchs sharing stories about their holiday shopping. Down from them, the fathers were swapping their own tales of the horrors of decorating and hanging the house lights, putting on happy smiles when their wives raised their eyebrows, then chuckling to themselves as the women returned to their conversation. Dinner had been a small feast of the traditional dishes; turkey, potatoes and all that. Most plates had been emptied and refilled several times, leaving very little to clean up, but everyone was too busy enjoying the company and conversation to worry about tidying up.

Under the table, Alec's legs twitched as a familiar tail brushed against it, and the Corgi blushed fiercely, hoping it didn't show past his brown cheek fur. Across the table, Cole gave him one of those sexy grins, the same one that had snagged the little dog's heart on the first week of school. Alec felt more than his cheeks heat up at that, and he subtly adjusted himself in his chair. The tiger's grin only grew as he watched this, and causally sneaked a footpaw up to stroke the inside of the Corgi's thighs. The barely muffled squeak was well worth the risk of such an easily-discovered action at the dinner table.

As plates began to get gathered up, Alec swallowed his blush down and spoke up. "Mom? Would it be aright if Cole and I went upstairs?" His mother turned to him with a question in her eyes, and he went on. "I, er, have a present for him in my room. I'd like to give it to him before I forget."

"Alright, but don't be too long," his mother nodded. "We are all leaving to go down to the park for the sleigh rides in an hour."

Standing from the table and leading Cole towards the stairs, Alec called over his shoulder, "We'll be down in time, promise!" They trudged up the stairs and down the hallway to Alec's bedroom, travelling up the flight so fast they missed the knowing grins of their parents still down at the table.

Letting Cole into the room first, Alec closed the door as the tiger asked, "Did you really get me something, Alec? You didn't ha-mmph!"

The statement was cut off as Alec, after locking the door, pounced on the taller tiger and mashed their lips together. On unspoken queue, their tongues slid out to meet that of their partner's and began curling around each other, even as Cole stumbled backwards towards Alec's bed. The Corgi was pressed up tight against him as the tiger wrapped his arms around him, and his groin started to stiffen up as it rubbed against the slightly round belly of the smaller canine. Legs hitting the bed, Cole gave a soft 'whoa!' into their kiss as he tumbled backwards to land on the bed. Right away, Alec crawled up after him, straddling his hips without breaking the kiss for a second. The tiger purred and rumbled deep in his chest as they continued to make out, his paws trailing down Alec's back to grope at those round buns contained in his jeans.

Finally having to come up for air, Alec smiled as their noses remained touching. "Of course I got you something, silly," he giggled softly. "You think I wouldn't give my boyfriend something at Christmas?"

Cole chuckled, and poked the little black nose with a claw lightly. "But its not Christmas yet. Still a few more days to go."

"So you get it early," Alec huffed and shrugged. "Do you want it or not?"

The tiger smiled and kissed his Corgi once more, letting his purrs reverberate through their chests. "Sure. I just hope you didn't spend too much on me. You know that makes me feel bad."

"Oh, I didn't spend a dime," the canine grinned, sitting up on his legs even as he still straddled the larger tiger. Despite the five inches between them in height, and Cole's slightly more athletic frame, their bodies moulded almost perfectly together.

Cole's orange ear flicked as he blinked in puzzlement at his Corgi's statement. "Uhh..."

Alec simply grinned wider, and ran a paw over the bulge in Cole's pants. "I decided to give you something we can both enjoy," he whispered, giving the bulge a soft but obvious squeeze.

A low moan escaped the tiger as his sheath was fondled by Alec. Before he could ask any further, Alec proceeded to unzip his jeans and tug them down, revealing the growing bulge in Cole's boxers. "A-Alec!" Cole hissed, despite his cock's excitement. "We gotta go soon!"

The Corgi simply smirked and leaned in to nuzzle that bulge, earning another low moan from his tiger. "Yeah...but I know just what you can do in an hour," he teased, giving the tip of the bulge a lick. As he playfully nuzzled Cole's growing arousal, he pulled his own jeans and underwear off, leaving him naked from the waist down. Between his legs, his modest five-and-a-half inch canine cock bobbed from his white furred sheath, already hard and leaking pre. Cole involuntarily licked his lips at the sight, his mind already thinking of how many times he had that delicious red rocket in his mouth over the past few months.

"Y-you sure?" the lean tiger whispered, his groin now starting to take over his rational thought. The feeling of Alec's tongue, even through the fabric of his boxers, was enough to cement his decision.

"Positive," the canine murred, giving the straining bulge on last lick before pulling back. Reaching over to his nightstand, he opened a drawer and pulled out a small bottle of lube, pouring some onto his paw before reaching back and swiping it under his tail. As he did this, Cole shuffled and squirmed out of is half-off pants as well as his boxers, growling in relief as his shaft was freed. His thick seven inch cock flopped against his firm stomach as it throbbed with blood. Watching Alec lube himself up, Cole shivered as he eagerly awaited the feel of that warm rump around his cock. "Ready?" Alec asked as he withdraw his fingers from his tailhole.

Cole simply nodded, and his Corgi crawled further up his body, straddling his hips as he positioned himself over Cole's throbbing cock. Alec squirted a bit more lube into his paw and reached back to stroke the tiger's thick shaft, coating it with a smear of lubricant as he rubbed his own bobbing member. All slicked up, Alec tossed the bottle aside and wriggled his ass backwards, holding Cole's thick spire up so that the tip was just pressing against his entrance. With a slow breath to ready himself, Alec leaned back slowly, groaning softly as the narrow head of Cole's cock pushed inside him. The tiger dropped his head back to the mattress as he felt the warmth of Alec's passage begin to sink around his shaft. "Nnghh....Alec...."

Pushing back a little more, the round Corgi moaned softly as the cock sliding into him quickly got thicker as the inches entered him. Thankfully, it was far from the first time he had this thick tiger meat inside him, otherwise the nearly three inch thick shaft would have made him squeal in pain. Heck...he _did_squeal when they did it for the first time. "Mmmmm~" Alec moaned as he sat back, more than half of Cole's shaft sliding into his well-adjusted rump. The tiger lost the battle in his twitching hips and jerked them upwards, hilting himself inside his pup with a groan and a muffled growl. "Ohh! Cole..."

Cole licked his lips as he looked up at Alec, the Corgi smiling with half-lidded eyes as he felt that thick tiger shaft filling him up. Orange and black paws wrapped around his thighs as Cole held him firmly, grinding up into that warm rump. "Ffuck..still so good, Alec," the big cat moaned, pulling his hips back a bit before pushing into his Corgi again. Alec murred and gave a few small bounces, making them both shiver and their cocks squirt a batch of fresh pre; Alec's over Cole's belly as the tiger's pumped up into Alec's rump.

Alec set the pace as he lifted himself nearly off Cole's cock before falling back down, letting out a small squeak as the thick shaft stretched and filled his passage. "" the Corgi whispered as Cole began to match his pace with small thrusts. Before too long, the pair were moving in tandem, driving Cole's barbed cock up and into that brown-furred butt with steady motions. A gentle wet slapping sound filled the room as pre and lube mixed inside the Corgi from his lover's hot shaft filling him over and over again.

Already, Cole felt his balls begin to gurgle as Alec flexed his ass muscles around his shaft, and he knew he wouldn't last long. The warmth of Alec's ass coupled with a rush of doing it while their families were just downstairs did nothing to help his stamina. "Oh god, Alec," Cole grunted, baring his teeth. "I-I'm getting close..."

"Mmmph....fuck me..." Alec moaned, rolling his hips harder as he felt the shaft inside him throb and pulse. His own cock twitched like mad and he felt his own balls tighten up. "O-oh gods yes...Cole...!!" The small dog yelped and bucked when Cole thrust up hard and hammered away quickly at his hole, their orgasms nearly matching as they erupted. Alec whimpered with a paw over his muzzle as he came, shooting streaks of white across the tiger's similarly colored belly fur. Underneath him, Cole bit his lips to stifle his own roar of pleasure, hips pressing up hard to shove every inch inside his Corgi as his cock pulsed and pumped thick tiger seed into his passage. The pair of teenage lovers writhed and rocked against each other as they rode out their orgasms.

As the two boys came over and inside each other, they sighed and smiled at one another. The warm rush of afterglow started to settle in, but Alec remained upright atop his tiger. That thick shaft was still hard inside his rump, and he squeezed down, causing Cole to gasp out and growl once more. Alec giggled as he brushed away his own fatigue from orgasm and began moving again, working his stretched passage around that thick tiger cock that throbbed inside him. Cole growled louder and grabbed his hips, but instead of protesting, started thrusting once again. The best thing about having a big cat for a boyfriend, Alec found out quickly after their first time, is that they are great for multiple orgasms.

The bed began to shake under the heated thrusts of the two boys atop it, both tiger and Corgi panting as Cole drove his thick dick into Alec with rapid and hard thrusts. He could feel the cum from his first load around his cock and it turned him on, just like it always did when Alec let him go one after another. "Mmph...oh like being full of tiger cum, don't you?" Cole hissed softly as he hammered upwards. Despite having to keep their voices muffled, it didn't mean they couldn't tease each other like they always did.

"Nngh...fuck yeah...keep pounding me, stud," Alec moaned back, bouncing hard on that thick shaft as it speared him again and again. The first time he let Cole go multiple times in him had been amazing, despite the soreness he felt later. Feeling the second and third loads pump into him, adding to the pool inside...ugh, so hot. The two tees rut as quick and hard as they could while trying to keep quiet, the slight murmur of voices still audible from downstairs as the families continued to visit.

Cole growled and pounded upwards into his Corgi, his cock making_shlick-shlick_ sounds as the cum from his first load started leaking out around his shaft, matting the fur around his balls. Alec yipped softly as he was bucked atop the lean tiger, riding his boyfriend for all he was worth. His own cock bobbed and flopped between them, spent for the time being but still hard. Cole's iron-hard shaft drove into him again and again, the barbs scraping against the sensitive flesh. "Uhh..oh-oh shit....oh Cole.." he whimpered, his passage stimulated by that thick cock ramming in over and over.

"Yeah...yeah...take it baby," the tiger grunted, feeling his balls start to tense again. Pulling the smaller dog's hips down against him, Cole thrust up with hard, sharp bucks, making Alec gasp and squeak as he was fucked. " it comes again..." Cole gritted his teeth, pounding his boyfriend as fast as his hips would allow in this position. He could feel his sac throb, then tighten up as they pulled up close to his groin. His cock pulsed hard, and then...."Oooh shit ohshitohshitoh_shiiiiit_!"

Alec bit down on his paw and moaned as Cole pumped a second load deep inside him, the tiger thrashing around underneath him as he bucked upwards with each pulse of cum. The Corgi let his eyes roll back in is head as he collapsed onto Cole's lean chest, the tiger wrapping his arms around him tight as he humped away through his second orgasm of the night. Sharp teeth pricked his large ears as his boyfriend nibbled on them, growling and huffing as he kept hammering Alec's backside. Thick spurts of cum squirted out around the thick base of Cole's cock as he filled his canine lover once more. After a few minutes of mind-blowing bliss, the tiger sagged and finally stopped his thrusting, as he lay back on the bed and panted.

Alec mumbled into Cole's neck as the assault on his tailhole finally ceased. "Nnghh...god, I love it when you do that," he groaned softly, kissing a trail along Cole's jaw. His rear felt sticky and warm, but it was so worth it.

Cole purred loudly, his rumbling chest making the Corgi giggle. "Best present ever, baby," he whispered.

"Wait until you see what you get on Christmas," Alec grinned, and gave another small bounce on that throbbing tiger dick.

Cole's response was cut off as he opened his mouth, a deep voice echoing up the stairs. "Boys! Time to get ready to go to the park!"

"Coming, Dad!" Alec shouted back, before leaning down to kiss his tiger once more.

Their tongues danced for a brief moment as Cole pulled his still stiff cock from that warm, sticky rump. "You're going to have a mess in your pants," Cole giggled as they rolled off the bed. His giggles only grew as Alec snagged a few tissues from his nightstand and tucked them under his tail, catching any leaks as they quickly redressed.

"I always have a mess in my pants from you, stud" Alec smirked. They stole another quick kiss as they zipped each other up, heading out the door just as Alec's father called them again.