Tale 2-1 - Extracurricular Activities - Film Appreciation

Story by Smokescale Aquatos on SoFurry

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#7 of Treetop Shorts Collection

The Treetop Shorts Collection continues!

Volume two starts with a bang!

Here we have a continuation of a story series I wrote for Talash, "Extracurricular Activities" (which you can find elsewhere in my archive here). Some time has passed since the end of the main series, and the crew has settled in to having a sixth person in the house, and a big one at that. One of their favorite together-time things to do is to watch a bad movie with lots of snacks.

...little does anyone realize just what those snacks are.

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The television flickered away in the darkened room, providing the only light. Practically everyone had showed up for movie night, and did they ever have a horrible film to poke fun at. 'SIFFY's latest made-for-TV offering, 'Sharkasaurus Rex Vs. The Wolf-Mummy' promised to be absolutely horrendous, screaming to be riffed. Five of the six housemates were already in place, lounging comfortably on the oversized sofa as the end credits from the previous program began to roll. Alex, settled in nicely between hir two 'parents' bounced softly in place, eagerly awaiting not just the evening's entertainment but the snacks that were promised.

"Hurry up Tally! It's about to start! You don't wanna miss any of it!"

"I'm coming! The popcorn is almost ready!" The sound of a paper bag being torn came from the kitchen, as well as the sounds of a large grey lizard scalding hir hands lightly on it. Shi quickly poured the contents of the last bag to be microwaved into the already well stocked bowl, providing more than enough for everyone. A tray of sodas rest just to one side and the container of fluffy, white movie-viewing sustenance was added to it before the whole thing was carried into the living room. Talash set the tray on the coffee table and quickly slipped around it to take hir own place on the couch. Shi hoisted hir tail up out of the way before letting hir shapely rump come to land with a firm plop down at one end, sending a tremor through the whole sofa. It immediately became rather tight quarters, giving rise to a few complaints from the others.

"Hey! Easy Tally! Watch how you park that caboose of yours!" Sirius reached well across the two dragons and fox between them to give the large grey lady's backside a playful pinch. Shi yelped and shot a glance at the wolf frowning.

"Hey! I can't help that I'm big! Maybe if your boyfriend sat in your lap you'd have a little more room!"

The blue dragon in the middle of the silly argument rolled his eyes, "Oh don't encourage them. They'll be moaning and kicking throughout the whole movie." A few snickers rose up from the group as they settled down and began munching away on the goods just as the bad science-fiction film began. Already they knew it was going to be absolutely terrible from the music and opening credits alone. 'Cheesy' could not begin to describe it.

Only fifteen minutes of the comically awful production had passed before the bowl of popcorn had been emptied. Several cans of soda had been emptied as well, leaving the big grey lady patting hir plump middle as shi let a noisy burp escape. Shayna frowned as shi reached forward to gather some of the fluffy kernels from the bowl only to find seeds and the small semi-popped morsels that no one really enjoyed.

"Geeze, we're already out?"

Brian laughed and gestured to Talash with his chin, "Blame the reptilian garbage disposal. Shi chewed through at last half of it on hir own."

The grey lady blushed and frowned, "What? I like popcorn..."

"You sure do!" Sirius joined in, leaning over to give the girl's tummy a soft poke. Sensing this would continue for quite some time and leave hir unable to hear the movie, Alex sighed and climbed to hir feet.

"I'll go make us some more. It's a commercial anyway." The vixen sauntered off to the kitchen to hurriedly locate and microwave another couple of packages. Meanwhile, the jokes didn't stop.

"Maybe we would have more room on the sofa if you two could keep your daughter from eating everything in sight." It was a joke, not meant to be taken harshly. The wolf's tone was playful and endearing, but it didn't help much. Talash whimpered, feeling hurt.

"I don't eat that much," as if on cue, hir stomach growled, demanding to be fed, "But... I wouldn't mind something more to snack on."

Smokey laughed softly and leaned into the big grey girl's side, giving hir shoulder a kiss since that's all he could reach at the moment, "Don't let Mr. Big Bad Wolf hurt your feelings. You're welcome to have whatever you want."

That growl came forth once more, "Anything?" Shi had a pretty good idea of what would silence hir belly.

"Anything." Those were the last words he was able to utter clearly. A pair of jaws moved down over his head in short order, sealing a pair of grey lips around his neck. He yelped in surprise as a mighty swallow tugged his head and chest into the big girl's throat. Shi had been toying with the idea of something like this for a while, and since he said 'anything', shi figured now would be a good time to try it.

Shayna blinked as shi watched hir blue companion vanish inch by inch into hir daughter's throat, the wriggling bulges passing down hir neck swiftly. Smokey grunted as he felt the girl's tongue press against his belly and under the elastic band of his boxers to taste over him, and shi was quite thorough about it. He moaned and wriggled as he felt that agile organ probed his loins, bringing him to a state of arousal quickly. The firm length was soon mashed into his stomach as the lady pushed onward, lapping away at the delicate folds hidden away just behind his musky orbs.

The only garment he wore was quickly tugged off, leaving him nude as he slid down Talash's throat. His legs continued to kick, but slowly, out of a sense of lost balance rather than any attempt to escape. The world tilted as his lower half was hoisted into the air, sending him down the slick, rippling gullet that had such a firm grip on him. His thighs offered little resistance, as did his calves. In but a few moments, the azure dragon's feet disappeared into the grey lizard's mouth and shi swallowed one last time. The lump in hir throat passed swiftly out of sight as hir belly surged outward to contain hir 'daddy'. Shi hiccupped and licked hir lips as shi massaged over the larger, squeezable swell of hir stomach. The sudden addition to hir girth pushed hir already fairly tightly stretched t-shirt up, unable to cover the whole of hir gut.

"Mmm, thanks dad. You were tasty." A thrum of satisfaction surrounded hir passenger as shi felt him descend completely. Smokey sighed and settled down once he landed in hir stomach with a wet plop. He was covered in drool, having received a very comprehensive 'bath'. He did tell hir 'anything' after all. Shayna scooted in close and stroked the grand swell of hir daughter's tummy, giving it a soft kiss.

"Poor daddy... he's going to be lonely in there," The angelic lady chuckled, resting hir head against the terrific curve. Shi snickered as the lizard's belly growled again. Clearly one water dragon wasn't going to be enough, "Sounds like you could use a second helping."

Talash nodded and pulled Shayna up into hir lap, quickly helping the angel out of hir clothing. Soon, the pristine, white figure of the dragoness shi had come to call hir mother was uncovered. The sight made the grey lizard drool hungrily, as well as notice a pulse and heat warming between hir legs. Hir mouth opened and shi hoisted the ivory-hued woman into hir maw. A powerful gulp tugged Shayna in deeply, letting hir lovely, pert chest rest against Talash's tongue where it was fondly lapped and suckled upon. The ivory woman moaned happily, nuzzling in against the lizard's flesh, pressing hir chest down against the slippery tongue fondling hir. Hir stay there was not to be for long.

Another grand swallow tugged hir in well past hir chest, right up to hir hips. It brought the angel's groin within easy reach. That same curious tongue reached out and stroked softly across hir 'mother's features, Talash's eyes closing as shi savored the succulent flavor shi found. The mixture of masculine musk and feminine nectar was absolutely marvelous, different from Smokey's combination, but still quite scrumptious. After a few delighted moans rose up from inside hir chest, the grey girl decided shi had teased hir mother enough and tilted hir head back. As shi worked to finish off the moaning dragoness, hir belly already expanded further, straining that night shirt considerably. In but a few minutes, the last of Shayna's tail was slurped up as if it were a grand, scaly noodle. A burp of satisfaction filled the room as Talash squeezed hir doubly swollen tummy. Oh shi was so very full, and it felt absolutely wonderful!

"Mmm... there we go, now daddy won't be lonely." Shi snickered, feeling hir parents pressing in against one another as their motions turned passionate. Shi shivered happily feeling Smokey and Shayna enjoying themselves before shi turned to gaze at the two canids who had watched the whole thing. Shi had managed to devour two dragons in the space of a single commercial break, and there seemed to be plenty of time left before the show returned.

"Wow, you really were hungry!" Sirius smirked as he pulled Brian over closer to the big girl, the two of them fawning over hir expansive gut, writhing and wriggling away as the two inside made the best of their situation. Watching hir belly churn away from so much activity inside left the boys feeling more than just a little anxious, a hand slipping to fondle something tender here and there.

"Yup! Don't think I could fit you two in with them though... you're both a little too big. But I know where I could stick you where you'd fit nicely!" Shi reached down past hir swollen, active tummy and began to tug hir boxers free. The mysterious fabric that somehow concealed hir monstrous endowments with hardly a bulge dropped to the floor in short order. The two boys grinned and rushed down between the lizard's legs, licking and nuzzling away furiously at the grand spire, bringing it to arousal quickly. Without even waiting for Talash to give them any sort of sign to begin, Brian began to shove his muzzle into the drooling gash at the end of the enormous length. His head was quickly devoured and Sirius wrapped his arms around his fox's chest, letting his own head slip in. The big girl moaned and grit hir teeth, not having tried this with two at once. Shi'd managed Alex by hirself and that was pretty tough in and of itself. This would be doubly so!

The two canids slipped deeper into their 'niece's shaft, wriggling to sink themselves in further as their chests disappeared. With the two of them in such a compromising position, Sirius took advantage of the situation and pressed in tight against his lover's rump. A gasp game from deep inside Talash's rod, the fox spread quite easily by his wolf's arousal. The two bucked away against one another as they slipped in, making their passage hasten that much more. Their hips came to rest against the opening, bulging the spire out to comical proportions and shapes, their hips coming to rest at the end as Talash was brought to climax. Shi roared powerfully as a surge of white gushed around the boys, slicking their bodies down and making their entry all the more expedient, the hungry shaft not about to give up a feast such as this. In seconds, their thighs were gone, then their knees, and then all that was left was one lupine tail and a pair of fluffy vulpine extremities.

They had managed to fit completely inside hir shaft, not yet emerging into hir scrotum. Shi reached down and hoisted the aching, distended spire off the sofa, pressing it against hir wriggling belly, panting as shi felt hir two new prisoners glide down more easily, filling out the already ample swells below. In no time at all, hir length was back to its proper shape, sore and tender from the exertion. Shi winced softly as shi touched it, slowly growing to stroke the gluttonous member. Each contact felt as though it would bring hir to orgasm again. A hand moved to hir heavily swollen sac, feeling the boys already hard at work, moaning and thrusting away into one another. Shi shivered as the notion passed through hir mind, amused by the idea of hir testes being used as a place for hir two favorite uncles to pound into one another until they rubbed each other raw. Shi didn't even notice as Alex walked back in with a new bowl of popcorn.

"Well... guess I missed out on the fun." Shi sounded only mildly disappointed. Talash panted as shi looked over to hir petite sister, shaking hir head.

"I still have room for you too honey! Go on and climb in! Your bed's waiting for you!" The grey lady rather liked the idea of someone using hir innards as a place to rest. Something about it sent a tingle up hir spine that shi absolutely loved. Thankfully, shi didn't need to encourage Alex any further than shi already had. The vixen chuckled and set the bowl down before undressing, watching as the lizard shivered and cried out again, hir length spasming as two pairs of boxers were spat from the end of hir shaft. Sirius and Brian had forgotten to take them off the rest of the way before climbing in, and yet it didn't stop them from getting started with their own fun.

When it appeared Talash was calm enough to try, Alex climbed on to the sofa and began trying to wiggle hir way under the over-filled scrotum containing two of hir roommates. It took a bit of doing, what with the weight of two adult canines squirming away above hir, but shi persevered Deeper shi pressed, hiding away under the musky orbs until shi was able to conceal hirself completely under the monstrous swells, save for hir tail. When shi found what shi sought, Alex gave the womanly crevice a loving lick, tending to hir sister's needs with great affection. Shi nuzzled and kissed and probed with hir tongue, driving the bigger girl to moan and cry out in elation. A soft gush of womanly honey was hir reward, which the fox lapped up eagerly before deciding that was enough and began to press in.

Talash immediately began to moan all over again, hir hips bucking in time with Sirius and Brian's thrusts, helping to drag the little fox in. The smaller lady's head was quickly consumed, hir shoulders passing easily enough as hir arms joined in, hands caressing the smooth, slippery walls that rippled away around hir. Shi giggled and licked about further, knowing how much hir parents enjoyed the attention. Hir lovely bosom was swallowed up by the grey lady's hungry flower, pressed in against the flesh shi had come to know so well. Moisture gushed forth around Alex as shi pressed onward, hir slender frame making the going quite easy. The vixen's progress was constant, not a stop-and-go affair like most times.

As shi pressed in against Talash's cervix and breached into hir womb, hir hips slipped in out of sight, hir own sheath unable to contain hir intense throbbing. Shi sighed and shivered feeling the warmth of hir sister's womanhood surround hir aching length, grinding it away against those walls, even as hir thighs were slurped up. Alex's toes wiggled out in the open air, hidden under hir sister's stuffed scrotum, for only a moment before they too were consumed. In one smooth, continuous pull, the lizard had slurped hir sister up into hir womb, hir belly stretching even further to hold it all in. A soft cry came from hir belly as Alex finally found the release shi sought, making the exhausted grey lady giggle.

By now, it was pointless to keep hir shirt on, and so it was removed, letting hir breasts slip free into the air, proud of how big they'd grown since shi'd come to live here, what with how often shi was someone else's bed. Talash shivered and moaned happily as all five of hir roommates, hir family, wriggled about inside hir, amazed that shi could contain the whole group.

"Ooooh guys... you've no idea how good this feels. Don't worry, I'll DVR the movie," Shi reached over with a shaky hand and collected the remote, tapping the 'record' button to save the horror for later rounds of laughter. As shi set it back down, shi eyed the bowl of popcorn and took it. The big lady turned about to stretch out on the sofa, hir active swells keeping hir from being able to sit still as shi munched away on the tasty little bits of fluffy, salty, buttery goodness, "Maybe I'll hafta try and scarf you all down sometime."

Shi would get no complaint from hir passengers.