Rudys Journey chapter 2

Story by shetland on SoFurry

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#2 of Rudys journey

Rudy's Journey part 2 by Raven Fox: Rudy is a guest of the canines and he's been asked to help them. He has a hard time in making his decision, but Lei persuades him in her own way. When he makes it to Earth, he and his team meets up with a resistance fighter.

Crash site, Rudy's' temporary quarters.

Rudy laid on the bed looking through the window glancing at the two different size moons shinning their pale silver glow. The male human knew that he wasn't a prisoner because he was asked to help the canines to take back his home planet. Sighing looking at the view, he knew that if he wanted to avenge a few of his friends' deaths, he will have to say yes at the question asked to him. Glancing at the doorway, Rudy saw the wolf guarding doorway, "I guess that female wolf isn't taking any chances with me. That was a fun hike thru the woods eluding her; I better keep my distance from her for now. I think she's a little peeved at me." The human thought to himself looking at the ceiling seeing that it's bolted in place with him without a crescent wrench. The wolf guarding the door stuck his head in and looked at him for a second and went back outside, "Yeah, I think that she wolf is a little upset at me. Those vixens, the way they were looking at me with those sly grins. If they are like how they are depicted in furry stories. I think they wanted to take me to their quarters." Rudy thought to himself grinning to himself. The human male wouldn't mind going to bed with a couple of anthropomorphic vixens because he thought they were much cuter than human females. He wasn't attracted to them because of all the teasing throughout his school years because of his thin build that looked like teenage girl. Rudy isn't gay like a few of his friends, but at the current moment he isn't interested in women. The human heard a couple of wolves talking to each other.

"I want to talk to him." Inquired Lei to the guard.

"Alright, I hope you're not holding a grudge or honor thing for the time it took for you to catch him" The guard said to Lei letting her in the room.

The human felt chills go thru his body as the black colored female wolf walked in. Her raven black colored pelt shimmered in to a different color when the moonlight shined on it. Lei looked at him with violet colored eyes measuring him up. The female wolf did see a few male humans living with other female wolves and vixens of the foxes. Vixens have more females than males making them visit Earth to recruit any mates, "They always come back with extras and they end up falling in love with a she wolf" She thought to herself looking at the human male looking back at her. Lei shivered when his dark blue eyes gazed at her, "Raven black hair with dark blue eyes, never seen that before." The female wolf thought to herself.

Rudy looked over the female wolf taking an extra second looking at her large breasts. Did a double take at her violet colored eyes gazing at him, "Now that's different, all black colored even the long head hair is black. Dam, that eye color is sexy, two dollars say that she has a big male as a mate like that fighter pilot that Tifa fell in love with." The male human thought to himself. Clearing his throat, he replied, "I got one question for you, there was this female human named Tifa who was taken by a group of wolves. Is she alright, I didn't like leaving her due to I was able to squeeze under the wreckage and she couldn't due to some complications."

"Because she had big breasts like me. She is at a hospital not far from here being question by intelligence along with the other cargo." Lei said spitting the last word. She sighed and looked at the human with her violet colored gaze, "This is the first time we ran across a male human. Why were you on that transport?"

The male human made a face, "Same reason as the female cargo. I have a thin build and I look younger than my age. There is a bunch of male humans who find guys like me sexually attractive. I was going to be a guys' sex slave and like Tifa who had breast augmentation, the guy who wanted me had a certain organ of mine increased in size." He saw a disgusted look on the female wolfs' muzzle, "I am, sorry, I use to have a few male friends who loved each other, but the guy who wanted me was someone I call a child molester. Having that transport getting shoot down was a stroke of luck in my part. I forgot, there are at least twenty more human males on that ship with me."

The female wolf got her com device, "Dirk, I just found out that there are at least twenty more human males still on that ship."

"The foxes are starting the scrapping, I'll let them know." Came the reply.

Lei turned back to Rudy grinning, "Can you show me what our enemy did to you?"

He shrugged and undid his pants letting them drop to his ankles.

The female wolf whistled gazing at the long thick organ with admiration, "Well pup, I don't mind it one bit. You're the same size as a grown male of our species." She undid her uniform top still leaving on the dark blue bra. Lei grabbed one of his hands and placed the small hand on her breast. The female wolf saw the large penis twitch and started to harden. She licked her lips as the organ stiffen, "Yes, I don't mind that alteration done to you." Lei looked at Rudy seductively, "Mind if I take your new organ for a test drive?" The wolfess asked removing the rest of her clothing.

Rudy gulped and nodded getting pushed on the bed. The male human sucked air thru his teeth as the she wolf straddled his body sitting on his stiffen member taking in his length in to her human like vagina. He looked at the sleek ebony athletic body with large human like breasts with medium size areolas. Rudy rubbed them and is forced to one to suck on the pink areola. The male human heard the she wolf moan with pleasure as his lips suck on it.

Lei shivered to herself as the member worked in her eager depths. The wolfess sighs in relief and placed his head to one of her beasts. She was told by one of her friends mated to a male human that her anatomy is like a human female.

The male human never had sexual intercourse before. He remembered the years of adolescent hell from the age of thirteen till now. Rudy wasn't bothered that much that feeling plagued his friends during his adolescent years. He and his friends did had good times till he and his friends were drafted. Most of his friends were killed when the unit was gassed with the rest of the population of Seattle Washington. In his mind, the young male did another check in his mind to find the enemy unit responsible for that attack and kill them to avenge those friends. Rudy wants to avenge the deaths to at least ten friends with three of them living the alternative life style, "No, four counting Tony who treated me like a younger brother. When I get back to Earth, I am taking out ten of those bastards at the place they kept me at before I was shoot down on this planet. Tony is worth ten of those bastards because he was the older brother I didn't have while growing up." He thought to himself as his head is forced to the other breast.

The female wolf knew that the human male is thinking of something due to him only holding her and gently sucking on her breasts, "What are you thinking about my human?" She gently said to him.

He looked at her with his dark blue eyes, "I am thinking about saying yes to Dirk. I lost some very close friends of mine in the last five months who were like brothers to me. You might say I want some payback."

"Oh, the cats will love you." She saw his question ally look and grinned at him forcing his hands to rub her breasts, "You'll see soon and I know you'll like them." The wolfess hugs and kisses him.

Rudy returned the kiss and stroked her black pelt loving the texture of it. He decided that the female morphs are a better alternative to the human females who didn't want to have anything to do with him while growing up. The male human sighed with pleasure when Lei lay down on him with her full body weight which felt really pleasant. Rudy relaxed himself when Leis' large breasts pressed down on him. Minutes later, sighed to himself when he emptied inside the wolfess.

She lay on her side using her vaginal muscles to keep his organ inside her. The wolfess stroked the humans' raven black hair grinning at him, "I think I'll keep you inside me for a little longer, just love the feel of it."

He kissed her nose and gave it a lick. She returned the favor pulling him close to her smelling her pleasant canine odor with soap that smelled like bananas. He relaxed in Leis' embrace still thinking to himself knowing that he's going to love being friends with this wolf.

Three months later, approaching Earth by the moon.

Rudy now wearing a uniform that properly fits looked at his home world on one of the ships' view screens. The human male looked at the wolves, foxes and different canine morphs looking at the screen. He did a quiet chuckle knowing that his friend Tifa is mated to the fighter pilot Eseck, "Yes, I think there was some programming done to her making her fall in love with the first male that shows affection to her." Rudy looks at one of the male wolves and directs his gaze to one of the vixens grinning to himself remembering her name is Riku. Lei said to him that Riku wanted him as a mate and now he's mated to her with another named Sally with Lei. Now the human male is living with three canines, "Three is enough for me. Those vixens have canine vulvas instead of the human like vagina like Lei. But I don't mind it at all." Rudy thought to himself looking at the Earth thru the view screen.

The commander of the ship looked at the human male with a skinny build. He did talk to him a few times about possibility that there might still be some Earthlings still fighting for their planet, "So where do you think we should land at?" Nate a male fox asked Rudy.

The human male looked at the viewer for a few seconds and answered, "I think in the center at the state of Wyoming. I am glad that the human males on the transport with me decided to help convince any insurgent groups to side with you guys and gals." He answered looking at some vixens with female wolves. Rudy chuckled at the thought of a few of the males ending up living with some vixens and female wolves. The human male shuddered that there were some female traitors who wanted some young human males young as sixteen years old. He also found out that there was some more young human males who also going to older males who wanted young males. Rudy shuddered what the old child molester who wanted him is doing at the current time, "Must have gotten someone else. I feel sorry for anyone who is forced to serve some sick old pervert. When I get at their home world, I am going to personally castrate that sick old man."

Nate watched the human male for a moment doing a quiet chuckle to himself. He heard of Rudy evading capture from Lei, one of the wolves' best trackers for the longest time. The fox knew that the two are mates now and saw them kissing each other after the ship left the home world. Nate looked at the other screens seeing the other ships.

Two weeks ago, the canine morphs finally gotten permission to take the planet Earth from the Wricks. One of the screens changed its image to a male lion morph, "This is captain Thrack of the Tigers claw, my units are ready for battle. It's about time we're allowed to go in battle."

"I know, my people have been itching to fight for the last nine months, good hunting." The fox answered knowing that the feline morphs hated the galaxy council and the cats love battle.

"That's the spirit! I'll see you on the ground in battle." The lion said with glee and his image changed back to the group of feline ships.

Nate looked at the feline ships with his. The cat ships have jagged lines like the serrated edges of the knives and bayonets on the laser rifles of the feline weapons. The fox sighed quietly to himself being glad the felines are friends instead of enemies. He's glad that they had the Wricks to expel some of their aggression on. Nate remembers the yearly war games his race holds with the felines and the cats enjoy the games to much.

"Did you ever saw an Earth show called Star Trek?" Asked Rudy to the fox.

"Yeah, the cats do remind me of the Klingon race. To avoid a trip to the infirmary, what ever you do, don't call a cat a Klingon." Answered the fox.

The human male chuckled looking at the feline ships. He did meet a few of the felines and instantly liked them. Rudy remembered talking to a tiger asking for an edge weapon, "I just love blade weapons, those dam Wricks took away my favorite sword. As a military member, I feel naked without a sword at my side. A gun can jam, a bomb is too complicated, but I love my sword because it's simple and all I half to do is clean it and keep an edge on it." The human male remembered the male tiger laughing after that explanation. He was given a katana and instantly fell in love with the sword. Right now Rudy is fingering the handle itching to use it.

Nate looked at the katana on the human males' hip. The fox knew where he's gotten it. He remembered the cats taking a liking to Rudy founding out that he's a military member from Earth and how it took hours for Lei to finally capture him, "Yeah, they really liked that how he evaded capture for hours." Nate thought to himself as the Earth came closer in view.

Hours later, outside of the city of Rock Springs Wyoming.

Rudy walked East on interstate 80 with a couple of the male humans and one female to make them look as a group of humans. He and the two males had Earth type firearms to avoid suspicion. The human female had a Remington model 788 bolt action rifle while the two human males have Winchester model 70 rifles. Rudy remembered the wolves finding a shipment Earth firearms in a room of the transport. He took another Remington 788 that fires a 308 cartridge because before he was drafted in to the military that was the rifle he's familiar with. The human male also has an 870 pump action shotgun for up close and personal with his katana. Rudy looked at the human female walking with his group. He looked at her long silver blonde hair with dark blue eyes rimmed with silver. The human male knew that Yuna was another female altered by the Wricks and she didn't want to talk about it, "Don't push it, when she's ready, she'll open up and talk about it." Rudy thought to himself and thought of the three canines he lives with.

One of the male humans asked, "Why all the weapons?"

He looked at the seventeen year old with brown hair, "You see Mike, I have no intention of being the Wricks guest again."

Mike shrugged and saw a lone figure walking towards them, "Rudy, we have company."

Rudy put a pair of binoculars made the wolves disguised as a pair of Earth made type. The difference would by known when someone looked thru them seeing objects up to five miles away, two and a half miles in pitch darkness. Chuckling to himself, the human male is waiting for a chance to use these binoculars at night, "One human male, by himself and he's not a Wrick. I hope he's not a traitor or this will be his last night on Earth."

When the figure was fifty yards away, he yelled, "Stay where you are, all of you have a sniper aiming at your heads. If you take a shot at me, all four of you will be dead in less than a second. Then we will add your weapons to our collection, I must admit, I like the Japanese style sword the skinny dude has. Stay still and I'll walk up to you to see if you're refugees or traitors." He walked up to the four humans.

Rudy saw a fortyish male with hazel eyes and dark brown hair with grays in it walks up to him. He noted his stocky build standing at five foot nine wearing mirrored sunglasses, "So what is your name?"

The human male shrugged, "I go by a few names, but call me Raven Fox. So are you refugees or Earth traitors. Those bastards gassed my home town of Lyman Wyoming, I got here in my 84 Chevy truck with all the ammo I can carry and joined the local insurgent group."

Rudy nodded seeing that Raven has the same type of rifle as him, but it seem to have a more powerful scope on it. He looked the human male over seeing that he wore a red flannel shirt and tan cargo pants, "No Mr. Fox, we're not Earth traitors, more like escaped prisoners. One fact, we happened to run in to the enemies of the Wricks and they want to set up a base here so we can win our planet back."

Raven took it all in and did a hand signal, "I just signaled the snipers that you're refugees. Let's go talk to my leader, I like to know more of these enemies of our occupiers."

Hour's later, insurgent group headquarters.

Raven Fox chuckled as he listened to the Rudy with the two human males and human female. The human male looked around the place that use to be a Exxon gas station near White Mountain Mall on Dewar drive, "Welcome to our base of operations, a couple of months after the invasion, Exxon stopped delivering gas to this station. So we commandeered this place as our base."

Rudy looked around for any other personal, but there was only Raven, three guys and another female, "Well Raven, who's the leader of this group?"

The older human male sighed and gestured to himself, "I am the leader of these four, I was drafted in to this position because I am ex-military. So as of now, I am the leader of the Rock Springs insurgent group which comprises of me and these four members. So I am willing to talk to these enemies of the invaders, me and my group can use help in keeping peace at this town." Raven told them how the wealthy and police left the town five months after the invasion leaving 800 people to fend for themselves. He explained how there's only enough food left for one week for the people in the town, "So, since I am in charge of the law in this town, I have authorization to ratify any treaty with anyone willing to help my town. Plus if these friends of yours can help, because in one week, we'll end up eating the livestock at this town." He saw the female of Rudy's' group looking him over.

He laughed and shook the human males' outstretched hand. Rudy said, "I'll make some calls. I did read your stories on a website and theses enemies you might say are like some characters from a couple of your stories like Betrayed hero and Furry encounters. But the ships look more like from Mass effect, but there are felines who ships look like Kilrathi ones from Wing commander."

Raven laughed, "Alright, let's make those calls and get this town operating at a hundred percent. When things get back to normal, I might need some help in the legal department."

"You said that the politicians left you and those others to fend for yourselves. My new employers will keep those cowards off your back." Answered Yuna giving Raven a look as Rudy took out a com device.

A couple of days later near the remains of Lyman Wyoming.

Raven, Yuna and a couple felines stood near a barn on the main street. He looked at the male cougar and the lynx. The human male grinned remembering the vehicle they used to get from Rock Springs to here. Raven said that the town was taken intact and a type of gas was used in taking it, "I was at Evanston during the attack getting some 308 ammo for my rifle and 44 mag for this beauty." He said patting the 44 mag revolver at his waist, "I sneaked in town and got to my home and got my weapons. Ended up killing five of the bastards when I left town. They chased me in my Chevy truck, but a car powered by a four cylinder engine will never catch a General Motors product with a 350 V-8. It's no contest."

The lynx name Rosin replied, "This building seems very old, what was it?"

"It was a dairy where milk was produced. A group registered this building as a historical landmark, now it's a museum." The older human male said walking down the street to a parked 1993 Ford F-350 extended cab. He kneeled down putting his right hand under the frame, "Yes, it's still here, now we have another truck for the cause. It might get crappy gas mileage due to the 460, but it's better than walking." Raven said getting in the truck starting it. The two humans and two felines got in the truck and drove into town.

"How did you know that the keys were hidden somewhere on this truck?" Asked Jackson, the male cougar.

"I installed the engine on this truck for my friend Mack. All I half to do is give him a call if I needed this truck. He and I are the best of friends and we do stuff for each other, I know one thing, he doesn't need it anymore. He called me when the town gotten hit and told me good bye, plus he's not going to be taken alive. I could have used him on my team at Rock Springs; I am going to take my country back in the memory all my friends I lost in my life." Raven looks at the felines and Yuna, "As for the rest world, I will put in my help, but there will be a price. I want to hurt the home world where those Wricks come from."

Later, Ravens home.

Yuna watched as Raven went to a secret compartment at a wall opening the wall. She and the two felines watched as the older human male removed a couple of rifles and boxes of bullets, "So what are these rifles?" The human female asked question ally.

"One Winchester 30-06 rifle with a good scope. The other is a World War two Enfield rifle made back in 1943 that shoots a 303 British round." The older human male said handing the stuff to the felines.

Rosin the lynx looked at the British rifle he is holding with interest. The feline looked at how the rifle is constructed admiring the looks of it.

The cougar looked at the Winchester he's holding and looked at Raven after he saw the lynx holding a 303 British round. He is holding a 30-06 round comparing them.

"Both rifles fire a 30 caliber round and so does my 308, but the casings are different lengths. The 303 is a little shorter than that 30-06, but to avoid mixing those British rounds with the 30-06 I'll mark the base near the primer with a black marker." Raven said closing the wall. He checked his 308 and gave some bullets to Yuna. The male human watches as the felines got their guns ready.

Yuna got in the truck, but instead of scouting the city, Raven went around the block to another trailer. She and the cats followed the older human as he got the door opened and went inside the home. The human female heard Raven cheered with delight.

"Jackpot, those stupid Wricks didn't check this home. Come let's load these weapons, ammunition and reloading equipment in the back of the truck. Be careful with the powder and primers. I am glad I've been saving my brass from my 44 mag." The older human male said as he loaded the stuff in the back of the truck.

Minutes later, the main street of Lyman Wyoming.

The truck drove down the lifeless street of the town. Inside the truck, Raven was silent looking at the buildings with no signs of life, "I lived in this town when I was eight years old. Back then, kids had to use their smarts to solve math problems instead of using a calculator. If my third grade teacher caught you using a calculator, she would give you a failing grade and assign you extra homework. Back then, kids settle disputes on the playground during recess. I was in a lot of fights due to being half Native American and bullies calling my dad names because he served in Vietnam."

"Warriors on my home world are treated with honor." Rosin said in a neutral tone of voice. The feline looked at the older human male with a feline grin, "So you fought to uphold your sires' honor during recess. I like you; I think we will get along fine."

Raven chuckled, "I fought many fights on that playground and others in other states."

"I heard that you're the leader because you were in the military." The cougar stated watching the human male.

"I had a problem with my back bone when I was a teenager. It kept me from playing sports in High School and the only military branch that would accept me was the U.S. Navy. Even thou I was repairing stuff on board a ship and making fresh water, I wish I could be piloting a F-14 Tomcat in aerial battle. But my dad or sire taught me how to handle guns and different hand weapons. I just wished I had better eyesight and didn't have that back problem as a teenager." Raven said in an even tone turning the truck down a side street to check another area of town.

The lynx listened to the human male talk about his frustrations while growing up. He felt sorry that the human had problem with his back to keep him from competing in sports. His people the felines loved sports and he heard the frustration in Ravens' voice that he was left out in the fun while growing up, "I feel your pain Raven, a heart of a warrior and you weren't allowed to join a group of warriors. If you were born on my home world, your back would have been fixed along with your eyesight. After this battle is over we'll see about fixing you so you can have a chance at the Wricks home world." Rosin thought to himself.

"Didn't it bother you when you beat up kids who were teasing your dad?" Asked Yuna.

"Bullies act tough when they pick on small kids. But when they face someone that's better at fighting then them. They end up whining and crying like a little baby because the mean ol' Indian broke their nose or gave them a fat lip or black eye. Let me tell you something, I am twenty five years older than you Yuna. I grew up in a different time than you. In my opinion, the 1970's and the 1980's were the best decades I ever lived. We didn't have the internet or home computers, the kids back then for after school activities were playing sports in vacant lots and racing bicycles." The older human male said with pride with a few snickers from the felines. "Those were great years and how I miss them. Me and my friends played very rough sports when I was growing up till I had problems with my backbone. It started when I was thirteen and a half and then I ended up wearing that dam back brace till I was eighteen."

Yuna instantly knew what was wrong with Ravens' back, "You had the curvature of the spine known as scoliosis. I am surprised you were allowed in the military. What was the degree of the curvature?"

"It went up to 16 degrees and it went down to ten after it was corrected with the brace. Nine degrees is the minimum for the Army and USMC. The Navy has a ten degree minimum and that was the reason I was allowed in. I had to find a doctor to grant me a clean bill because most of the doctors in the area I was living in don't like the military." Raven answered looking around the dead town in disgust, "This was just a waste of time, we better go to the Maverick and fill both tanks on this truck and head back to Rock Springs. At least the trip wasn't a total loss; we acquired some more weapons and stuff to reload the bullets."

Minutes later, near the feline vehicles.

Yuna watched as the two felines went to their vehicles. The two felines drove off in their vehicles and she went into the truck, "What am I thinking? He's twenty five years older than me!" Her thoughts screamed to her.

Raven stood next to the truck watching the feline vehicles drive away back to Rock Springs. He turned to the town looking at the darken buildings being glad that the Wricks cleaned all the bodies from the place. The human did spot bloodstains at a few places and knew whatever what was used killed every living thing except plant life, "There wasn't any bugs flying around." Raven thought to himself still smelling the distinct smell of a rotting carcass somewhere that wasn't picked up. He saw an American flying from someone's home waving in the breeze. Doing something that would have made his company commander proud of him in Navy boot camp. The human male stood at attention and snapped a crisp salute and went to the truck.