My Fragile Mind: Chapter 2

Story by Dovin Galaxy on SoFurry

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#2 of My Fragile Mind

So, I'm not to happy with the the format of the first chapter was, so I'm gonna be trying a different format and see how that works.

So, that hard. I had to make it long, so I had to a shit ton of stuff to the original write up I did. I should also mention that the bolded stuff is Devon talking in his head and the slanted stuff is the kid talking in his head. I hope you all like this chapter and the new format.

Chapter 2; The Date

All I know about his car is that it's red. I never really cared enough about cars to learn what the different ones were. It smelled funny too. Not a bad funny, it smelled good. I just don't know what the smell is. We got in his car, Axton started it up and the radio turned on. It was playing on BPM (Beats Per Minute), I liked this station. Axton pulled out of the driveway and started down to Peach Wave. He grabbed my hand. It was smaller then his, but it fit perfectly in his. My face felt warm and Axton was smiling. "You nervous?" He asked me. "Ya, I've never been on a date before." I said. "Well, just be yourself and don't be afraid to ask me anything. I like you, and I don't want you to feel uncomfortable around me." He said. He likes me. This is great. You better not do anything stupid kid! I won't. I promise! "I like you too Axton." I said. Saying that brought a smile to my face.

We were at Peach Wave now. I don't know why they call it that. They only have one item on the menu with peaches in it. It was a frozen yogurt with bits of peach in it. I like peaches. "I wish they had more options with peaches in them." I said. I had spoken allowed unintentionally. "Ya, I like peaches. They're my favourite fruit." He said. "Maybe they should call the place One Peach Wave." Said the kid. I didn't mind him saying that. I thought it too. Axton let out a small chuckle. He put down the menu after finding what he wanted too eat and said "So tell me a bit more about this 'kid' living in your head." Normally I tell people who ask this that he's just there. But I wanted to be honest with Axton. "Well, he's basically a kid that lives in head. I can talk to him, and sometimes he takes over my mouth and body. Basically he's a multiple personality, and I only ever let him out around my friends and family." I said. "Well, I hope I can be one of those people, Devon." He said. His smile warmed my heart. The waitress came, we ordered our food and then started talking. I learned that he was the assistant manager at an outdoors shop. He used to camping with his mum and dad all the time, before they divorced. "What was like for you when your mum and dad divorced?" I asked. My parents were happily married and I was curious to know what the sadness felt like. "It was awful. I was only 11 when they split, and I thought that it was my fault. I felt like I was bad thing. I was upset about it, but they didn't stop talking to each other completely, and that was close enough for me to keep happy. But I never got to go camping with them again. It was more fun with both, and when my dad took me up, it just didn't feel the same. So I just kinda stopped going. So now I want to find someone to go camping with." He said. "Did I just go from telling you what it's like to have parents split up to camping?" I asked. "Yes." I said, giggling a bit. "Well maybe I can be the person you go camping with." I said "I would love that." He said. We talked more as we ate dinner. It was fun spending tim with him.

After we had some frozen yogurt with peaches he took me home. As he was driving I had to ask him a question. "Hey Axton?" I asked. "Yes Devon?" He said. "Do you live alone?" I asked. I desperately wanted a place to be alone with him. "Ya, I have a small house." He said. "Can I go to your house next time?" I asked. "Ya, definitely. Would you like to come over on sunday?" He said. Say yes! Say yes! Like I was gonna say no. "That would be awesome! When should I come?" I said. "I'll pick you up around lunch. That sound good?" He said. "That sounds great!" I said. I smiled wildly.

"Home sweet home." He said, pulling into my driveway. We both got out and he walked me to the front door. "I had a great time with you Devon." He said. "I had a great time with you too Axton." I said. He grabbed my hands and said "I can't wait for sunday." Then he leaned in and kissed me. It was warm, and soft, and it tasted like peaches. "I love you Devon." He whispered in to my ear. "I love you too Axton." I whispered back. " Well, see ya later!" He said as he waved goodbye. "Se ya later!" I said back. I turned around and went inside. My mum was waiting for me. "How did it go?" She asked eagerly. "It went great! He kissed me!" I said, unable to stop smiling. "Oh,honey I'm so happy for you!" She said as she hugged me. "And I'm going to his house on sunday too!" I said. Mum pulled back and looked at me sternly. My smile was gone instantly. "You better not be planing on having sex with him." She said. "Mum I'm not gonna fuck him! We've only been on one date!" I said. "People have had sex before they even knew each others names, and I don't want you having sex like that!" She said. "Mum,I'm better than that, and you know it! Even if do want him inside me, REALLY badly, I'm not like that." I said. "I know" She said. "Just don't do anything stupid, please." She said. "I won't." I said. "I promise."

I slept in on sunday. I woke up at 11:00, and had to rush a shower. "Slow down! Your going to choke!" Mum said. I was eating fast to make sure I wasn't starving when Axton came. "I can't! I don't want to look like I'm a pig when I got to Axton's for lunch!" I said. "Honey, he won't care!" She said. "I know, but I don't want to be starving when I go over!" I said. Mum sighed. I finished my sandwich and Axton knocked on the door. I rushed over with a huge smile on my face. "Hey!" I said as I opened the door. "Hey." he said. He leaned in and kissed me. "Ready to go?" He said. "Yes! I can't wait to see your place!" I said. "Well then lets go!" He said. He grabbed my hand and we walked to his car. I can't believe I'm going to spend the day with him. I hope he let's us stay the night. _Me too! _