What You Desire

Story by LiquidHunter on SoFurry

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#5 of Random Ramblings (Adult)

I don't think a sex act like this has been done before so I wrote up a story for it. Correct me if I'm wrong.

What You Desire

Power. Wealth. Sex. All things that beings desire and spend their lives pandering for. Many fail and few succeed. It's good that you do not die easily and have had many lifetimes to achieve all that you have striven for. Such is the nature of a Pride Demon, a creature who doesn't want everything just to have it, but to be able to flaunt all they you have.

You came through this world at the will of your overlord, to wreak havoc and destruction many eons ago, but you quickly decided that it was better to simple subjugate it and let it prosper. As it grew and became more prosperous, so did you as you took full advantage of every opportunity to build a fortune. Your adopted which you only took to relate to the lower beings became world renown. Your visage, one of a hybrid between a blue drake and a mighty dire wolf, was etched into the minds of all that saw you. Normally you would prefer to wear your own skin, but the one that you now walk around in seemed to make those you despise cower and everyone else admired which was fine for you.

Your empire which consisted of many companies that bought and sold all valuables had allowed you to accumulate enough wealth that you spend your days simply admiring all you have. If you want to buy a small nation, you did. If you wanted a certain person elected into office anywhere, you bought the position. You wealth was essentially infinite as any sum of money you spent was quickly replenished.

Your power was so great that you had influence in every nation and you feasted with the most powerful people in the world on an almost daily basis. You enjoyed their company, not because you considered them equals. No, you would never think of such a thing. You enjoyed having presidents, kings and dictators at your table because you knew that they were trying to gain your favor.

Then there was sex. You were no stranger to lust. As a demon, lust was a daily part of life, the heat of your groin was ever present and constantly grew throughout the day. It was ever on your mind as you eyed the trophy wives of the rich and powerful. You felt your pants tighten as you stare at the asses of your many servants who cater to your every need. You do not care if it is male or female. Pleasure is pleasure no matter what.

In order to sate this eternal horniness, you accumulated a menagerie of pets and "lovers." They desire to please you and your every need. They do not require your money, you did not even have to twist their minds. If you called, they would answer quickly and of free will. You could have just taken any good looking pleb off of the street and twisted its mind to your own, but there would be no fun in that. There was no pride in flaunting around a mindless slave. To have others flock to you at a snap of a finger is true power, power that you loved to use.

You sat at your office desk, watching numbers scroll by that to most, would have meant absolutely nothing. To you, it was showing you empire growing like it always had. Stocks were up as the people who could afford it, constantly bought and sold on a market that you pretty much controlled. You took an unnatural amount of pleasure in seeing numbers go up. It was a sign of genuine growth. Any person could claim that they were well, but until you saw numbers, everyone was lying.

"Sir?" The familiar sound of your secretary, Luan, a Red Panda, came from the small intercom that sat next to your mouse. She was the daughter of a business associate that you were trying to win over. Offering his daughter an extremely well-paying and prestigious job working for you had done wonders. It also helped that she was extremely good looking.

You reach over and gingerly depress the stiff button to the intercom. "Yes, Luan." You let the words roll off your tongue as you always do. There were so many things that needed to be done when in the presence of others who considered themselves powerful. How you spoke, how you stood and walked, everything needed to be carefully calculated. Though for you, hundreds of years of practice made it second nature.

"It's the end of the day. Do you need me to do anything before I head home?" Even though technology was imperfect and Luan's voice came across as less crystal clear, she sounded heavenly. The way she controlled her tone to make her sound so innocent even though you knew her father was having her soy on her, was enticing. That was only her voice which was so inviting. Her body was even more.

You remember the day you first met her. She had been extremely confident, shaking you hand sternly and looking you right in the eyes. It was an admirable feat. Most would avoid looking at your ebony eyes, choosing to look at some spot between your carefully trimmed horns. You however, were expertly undressing her in your peripheral vision. She wore a tight skirt that both seemed professional in its make while letting the natural curves of her body show. She had great bosoms that were all natural even though at first you believed to be fake. Her body was lean with only the slightest amount of fat that did nothing but compliment her.

"Sir?" Her voice came across the intercom again, interrupting your perverse thought before they drove you to simply get up and go out to her small desk and ravage her right then and there.

"You can go." You simply reply. She was not to be touched. As much as you wanted to fill her with your seed and sate yourself, you didn't need an embarrassing lawsuit.

"Goodbye, sir." She giggled and the comm cut out as she most likely collected her stuff and pulled out a flash drive from her computer. You knew that the flash drive had phishing programs on it. Your security had notified you of it only the day after you hired her, but you allowed it. There was very little she could get from her computer and you had already gotten some of your people to turn the program against her father. Every day, you got more and more information about her father's dealing while the program fed him junk. It was too easy.

A sigh escaped your lips as you realize that your hand had dropped down your pants where a noticeable bulge had formed. Licking your lips with a forked pink tongue, you unzip them and stare down at your silken boxers where a sticky wet spot had formed in three spots.

While you may have taken the form of an earthly creature, you kept one part of demon self. Pealing back away the cloth confines that trapped your waiting erection, your three prehensile members sprung forth. They were twisted around each other, spiraling upwards from your canine sheath. At the tips of each one was a bead of pre.

You did not however touch yourself. You had people for that, as silly as that sounded. Why lower yourself to having to relieve yourself when you knew that there were people who were eager to do it for you?

You let your erection settle down and slip back into your furry sheath, leaving a trail of pre as it went back into hiding. You then pull out your phone and go to your contact list, scrolling past all your business associates to a list that is simple named, "Social." You smile at the long list of all of the people that stretched across the world. All of them were yours, eager and willing. There were several of your pets close by to your main business tower where you were.

There was Sasha, an ever pleasant poodle who loved to have your claws rake against her. Sadly, she had gotten married. You had consented it since you love to see your pets happy and you were sure that she would come to you if you called, but that was just a disaster waiting to happen.

Next was Parker, a bear with a fetish for pain. How he screamed at the smack of a paddle. It drove you into a sexual bloodlust that had left both of you sore and bruised. You had worried that you had damaged him, but the way he looked up at you, he wanted more. Though you were tired and didn't have the energy to match his at the moment. As much as you wanted him, you scrolled further down to the next name. Another time, perhaps on your next day off when you could have him all day.

Then there was Alexander, your newest admirer. You had met him during an interview for an internship under you. Hundreds had gone through the interviews and many had showed much promise, but none such as Alex. He was a red dragon with brilliant golden scales on his underside. He came into your office with confidence and a will that would have waned in others when in your presence. He was like Luan, but not off limits to your roaming hands.

He had been a college student studying to become a graphic artist and wanted to start his own business. He wanted the internship to gain valuable business experience from "the best," as he called you. Although flattery got most nowhere with you, it didn't hurt either. He wasn't a straight A student, but you saw that it wasn't from the lack of trying. After the interview which you could not deny was impressive, you had pulled up his files. He was athletic, captain of the university track team, and was known for being absolutely reliable and trustworthy to his friends.

A few months later, he was in your office every day, taking notes and running errands for you while you taught him how to run a business successfully. At first, you didn't do anything lewd with him. Gaining a pet took time, you needed to build his trust and become friends with him. Simply dominating him would have given you no sense of achievement, everything had to be legitimate. It wasn't hard, the boy was trusting and soon he would open up to you about nearly any topic.

You found out that he had recently broken up with his girlfriend and you counseled him, taking him in and raising him up. Your advances were slow and meticulous, you were friendly and supporting when he was in a bad mood. Romantic and physical when he gave off the scent of lust, as all men of his age did. It was a little dance, each step could woo the partner or end up stepping on his toes, but you danced magnificently.

You had him in your bed on the night of his graduation, moaning and begging for you as you pleasured both him and yourself. His gown thrown aside and his cap lazily flopping against his head as both of your scales rubbed against each other and you pushed into his most private areas. It was a good night.

Now it was half a year later and his business was successful and he was living a normal and happy life. He actually had a contract with one of your soft drink companies, designing new labels and advertisements. Like you said, you kept your pets happy. Now you needed him to repay his debts. Though he would come regardless of the reason, you wanted him and he wanted you.

With a tap of your finger, you send out a message telling him to meet you at his house. His reply comes quick and is full of grammar error which you imagine are from his frantically dropping whatever he was doing.

You took your time to gather your things, you wouldn't catch yourself running off in a hurry. Even with no one else around to judge you, you were still a proud creature that only arrived when intended. If others had to wait for you, then they would wait.

You called you driver who was always nearby at all times of the day and headed to the elevator. At the bottom, you walked out into the dark New York night where a lavish limo was waiting. Your driver, a tall Leopard in a standard chauffer's uniform of a suit with a wide brimmed hat opened the door for you. The drive was a short one, you liked to stay at your office well beyond normal working times to avoid getting stuck in the traffic. You had no love for the blaring of horns and the screaming of overly stressed office workers.

On the way, you received another text from Alex. He was already at you home, a pent house that sat atop a skyscraper which overlooked the harbor to the east. You replied, telling him to go head inside and make himself comfortable. You had given him a spare key card a long time ago just like how a normal person would put an electronic collar on their dog to let them get through a doggy door. Was it demeaning to think of it that way? Perhaps, but neither of you minded. It was just between you two.

When you arrived at the skyscraper where your penthouse was, you took a deep breath in through your nostrils. You could smell him, his anxiety and need to be with you. It was intoxicating to not only know that he wanted you, but to have confirmation through a medium which rarely ever lied.

The elevator was even better, you followed his scent right to the hot box that had him simmering in it for two minutes. He was needier now than the first time you bed him. Tonight was going to be one to remember.

With a slightly shaky hand your erection uncomfortable sitting between your legs, you slipped your keycard into the small device that sat next to your door. The machine buzzed and there was a click as the door unlocked. You didn't even have to touch the door knob as Alex came running and opened it up for you.

He looked up at you, since you were easily half a foot taller if you didn't count his four horns that sprouted from his head. He was in nothing but his boxers which let you smother him with your eyes. He was a fine example of his species. His body was still well toned even though he was no longer in sports, a bit of fat had appeared on his body, but it simply meant you had more to grab onto. His scales shown brilliantly. He had been waxing them to make them sheen. One point in his favor.

Wrapping and arm around his shoulder, you pulled him closer to you and planted a firm kiss right on the bridge of his nose. He melted in your arms, putty to be molded as you led him back into the penthouse and closed the door with you heel as you walked in. Alex wrapped his arms around your waist and chest, relishing the physical contact and letting out a low purr. You rubbed up and down his arms, feeling his loosening muscles that flexed under his thick protective skin.

To your surprise, as you entered the dining room which consisted of a glass table with bronze supports with a glass chandelier hanging overhead, you saw that Alex had made dinner. A chicken parmesan on top of rice. It smelled enticing, but it made you feel guilty, a rare thing. As the master, it was your job to provide for him, not the other way around. Questioningly you looked at the dragon as he pulled away from you to pour a glass of wine. He had set the table just for one, entirely for you. You were touched by the act. You would let him have this one.

It was as good as it smelled as you ate every last bit. You tried to give him some, insisting that he should eat as well, but he refused every time. Instead he chose to sit next to you and simple lean his head on your shoulder, patiently waiting for his master to finish eating. He was a patient one, most would have been all over you at this point. He never appeared overly excited which was often a turn off since it meant you had failed to control your pets. Even if you wanted to blame them for being rambunctious, it was ultimately your fault.

Wiping your mouth with a napkin, you stop Alex form taking your plate. You weren't so full of yourself that you were above taking care of your own household, that would just be slothful. Instead, you though that it was time that you got down to business, the reason why you had Alex over in the first place.

Leaving the dirty dished right there on the table, you walk to the bedroom with Alex right in tow, leaving a trail of clothes along the way. Your shirt ends up on the floor next to the couch that sat in front of the massive 50' television. Your pants just slip down when you undo you belt buckle and is kicked somewhere off to the side along with your socks. Now, in your boxers that still have the pre stains on them from earlier, you give Alex a shove. He falls right on the king sized bed onto his back where you hook your fingers under the band of his boxers and slowly pull them down, revealing his genital slit that was showing the very tip of his draconic pride. His scaly balls sat just under them, tightly hugging his body since they were partially internal. A fine example of his species indeed.

He stayed calm, but his scent betrayed his true feelings. He must have been burning inside, struggling to maintain his composure, waiting for you to take the reins. It was very admirable as you began to see qualities in him that exist in you. Humility at all times, one of your most important dogmas. He did learn more than how to run a business from you.

Not wanting to have him just explode and ruin the moment, you take two fingers and dip them into the underside of his slip, cupping his member before it could come fully erect. He sucked in a breath, his first break in composure, the first of many and all fully expected. His hands kneaded the bed sheets as he labored to not squirm under your firm and controlling grip that slowly traveled up his shaft until you had a finger right on his drooling tip.

Alex's breathing quickened up a small amount of his pre on the tip of you claw and brought it up to your mouth and tasted it with the tip of your tongue, all the while having your eager dragon watch you. It was fun to toy with him, to make him wait longer and longer while trying to keep yourself in line. The spreading stain on your boxers and the pressed shape of your three wriggling members was testament that you were struggling just as much as him, but patience was a virtue despite your less than virtuous origins.

Taking it slowly, you pull down your own boxers, exposing you're the rest of your body to Alex's hungry eyes. You never really cared much for the body that you had, it was unnatural, but your true form would scare off all that would look upon you and this one seemed to always draw eyes in the right way. You had a scaley chest, your ultramarine scales traveling down to your thighs where they thinned until it gave way to a dark grey coarse fur that surrounded a plump sheath. Your back was much the same with a pair of wings, each one, when stretched out, was as long as your were tall. It was a sight that few got to get without having to really experience it.

You begin to crawl over Alex, placing both of your hands on either side of his head and bringing your hips down to bear on his. Your tentacles penises, your pride and joy and capable of extreme dexterity, wrapped themselves around the red hot rod beneath them. The tentacles hooked themselves under the multiple ridges of the dragon, pulling him closer to you as your natural lubricant created a sticky mess.

You looked down at him. His eyes were down, looking at your impressive array of tools which were uniquely yours. No one ever got used to the sight, not even the oldest of your pets which had been with you nearly their entire lives. They always were taken off guard as your took them in your grip.

Slowly, your black fingers began to stroke up and down, rubbing themselves all over Alex's thighs, spreading and mixing both of your pre across his thighs. While he slowly broke down into a mess of pleasure, you coo to him, calling him a good and loyal pet and that you would reward him well. Reward him well you would.

Resting a under his chin to bring his eyes off of what was happening below, you plant a kiss right on his lips and close your eyes to let sensation and scent guide your actions and fill your senses. You press your tongue on his lips which he parted without complaint, letting you slip in and explore the wet and warm cavern. His tongue flittered about as your own pressed itself against his and was actually long enough to wrap itself around his oral appendage.

You feel as his hips begin to gyrate into your own, pressing into your sheath and spreading the mess that was on him onto you all the while you let your own members go on with a mind of their own, rubbing and pulling against him. His hands roam up and down your back, going from the base of your tail all, around your wings which were tightly folded against your body and up the mane which went from your head to the tip of your tail. His fingers grabbed at you, bringing you in closer and closer, making the moment as intimate as possible.

You delved into his mind, probing and searching for when he was about to release. You did not alter anything, just waited for him to go to the edge of climax for you had something special in mind for those final few moments.

Pulling your head back from the long kiss, you keep part of your tongue in his mouth, letting him relish in your flavor. He was getting close, his eyes were hazy as he gave into his most primal urges. His actions were automatic, his hips pistoning into your own, and his climax fast approaching.

Shifting tactics, your members twist around his burning rod lengthwise, completely encapsulating him within the confines of yourself. You tighten your grip, stopping him from pulling away.

He gives you're a confused look and you pull your tongue out of his mouth to lick him on his nose to reassure him that his master was there and that all was well.

You cocks had many abilities. As Alex knew, they would were more flexible than fingers, capable of grabbing onto anything they could wrap around which was quite a bit since they could stretch as much as a foot each. Each had its own urethra and would leak and spill just as much as a single normal cock, if not more and their texture was not unlike latex. While all of this was amazing, you had you to be pleasured in every way possible for at the base of your cocks where the three appendages connected was not a solid base, but a hole that led to a fleshy and muscular tunnel. In there, you could pull any willing or unwilling member into what was essentially a psuedovagina which went all the way back where it touched your prostate. Pleasure in every way possible.

Your appendages began to pull and twist in a corkscrew fashion, bringing him closer and closer to your tunnel, pulling him well into your sheath along the way which was coated in its own slippery lubricant.

As soon as his tip touched that sensitive spot at the base of your cocks, deep in your sheath, with a snarl you grabbed his thighs with your hand and shoved him into you. Both of you cried out into the empty penthouse as pure ecstasy exploded through your loins. You grab the dragon's head and yell at him to begin humping, all humility is out the window. You want him to piston into you, you want him to cum and pound your front.

Before you finish your command, your pet's hips go faster than ever before. A blur of red scales comes crashing into you repeatedly, each slap echoes to your ears, but the sound isn't what your mind is focused on. His thick member, engorged on blood stretches your walls and each thrust jabs you in just the right way right into your prostates sending shocking shivers up your spine and down your shafts. Your members which are no longer grabbing onto anything, writhe and dig into Alex's slit, creating a pseudovagina for yourself to ravage.

You fuck each other passionately for several more seconds, pre spilling out of both of you and making a mess as it pools onto the bed. No concern, the maid will take care of that in the morning.

Alex came first. He let out an odd screech as his balls were pulled fully into his body to pump out his seed which quickly began to spill out of you. The flood of liquid warmth sends a cascade of the smell of sex up your nostrils which sends you into a last second frenzy, impaling yourself more on his rod all the while impaling him as well. You can't hold back any longer and soon you give off your own roar as his slit is quickly flooded with your own virile seed. Your wings stretch out, you no longer able to consciously keep them tucked, where they wrap themselves around the both of you in a protective embrace.

A miniature waterfall of white, hot stickiness gush out and flood the immediate area around the two of you which slowly peters out.

Both of you are left panting and in each other's arms in the afterglow of your lovemaking. You grin and give praise to Alex for his most magnificent performance which he takes in beaming and nuzzles your neck. You can't help but bring him into a slick hug, petting him down his back where you both fall into a slumber, the pet wrapped in the arms of its master which was well pleased.