An Encounter Between Friends

Story by Solis on SoFurry

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This work is copyright to the author, all rights reserved, and so forth. Characters are copyright their respective owners (Solis and Geodbz)

First time submission, feedback is appreciated... other than that, enjoy!

Note: This does contain M/M consensual naughtiness. If you're under legal age to view such things... then why on earth are you on this website in the first place?

If such things offend you, then your browser has a back button for a reason.

It was a warm, foggy, summer's night. Solis lay alone in his room, staring up at a blank ceiling. It was just getting dark on a late summer's day... the time where you're too damn bored with summer, but you don't quite want to go back to the books just yet. His tail curled around me with a life of its own, back and forth, back and forth, like a pendulum counting out the seconds till he'd have to go to bed. BORING. This was BORING. One maroon paw idly tapped the book he was trying to read, but wasn't making much progress in. Not much for an idle batfox to do on a night like tonight... well save one thing, which was well underway. Putting down the book, he looked downwards at the stiff member poking out of his undone fly, his paw lazily rubbing over it. He'd been pleasuring himself slowly for a half hour or so now... the room was starting to smell of his arousal.

Suddenly, the phone rang, the harsh ringing startling him. Dazedly, he grabbed the phone and answered with a harsh "Yes," expecting another damn telemarketer.

"Yo!" The voice on the end was oddly familiar... after a moment , he recognized it. It was Geo, an old friend of his who'd moved away a while ago, who'd kept in touch via the internet, "You're not going to believe this! I managed to weasel off work for a few days... I'm staying in town tonight; booked a hotel room and everything! I figured I had a week between work and school, so I'd take a vacation... Wanna take me around town, show me a bit of the night life?"

Solis was elated... it'd been so long since he'd had time to spend with his kangaroo friend... he always looked forward to their infrequent meetings. He didn't even think, just got the address off his friend and shortly after was off in his beat up old Ford to the given destination.

In short order he arrived, happy to see his friend, a tall grey-furred kangaroo waiting for him in the lobby.

"It's great to see you!" he said, sauntering up to Geo, quickly encircling him in a tight hug and kissing him under the chin, making the kangaroo snicker.

"Good to see ya too... tell you what, wanna come up to my room for a few? I just need to get some stuff quickly..."

"Sure!" Solis replied, wondering what on earth his friend would need to get.

They quickly walked to the room, and Geo unlocked the door and let the both of them inside. It was small but serviceable, with a small suitcase on the floor unopened and a double bed across from a TV. It was everything you'd expect in a cheap roadside motel.

As he closed the door, Geo let off a laugh, turning the lock to the "do not disturb" setting and sitting down on the bed languidly and inviting Solis to join him, with the batfox eagerly following suit.

The kangaroo smiled to himself, eyes sparkling with mischief as he embraced Solis again, pulling him gently close as he kissed him lightly on the lips, murmuring "I couldn't help but notice a little something in the air earlier..."

Slowly, the kangaroo worked his paws over Solis' lithe frame, his paws gently coursing downwards until they reached the hem of his shirt... which slid off his body with no resistance at all. His own followed a second behind.

Solis blushed softly, looking down at the still-present erection peeking out of the hem of his jeans. He'd even forgotten to put on a pair of boxers. Geo just grinned, moving downwards with one paw, slipping it under Solis' waistband quickly, lightly rubbing over his cock. Deftly, he slid the jeans off, his muzzle now level with it.

With a wink, he lowered his head a little, running his tongue over his friend's now exposed manhood slowly. Inhaling deeply, the deep rich scent of musk wafted over him. Gently, he suckled on the tip, smirking, "I've got a surprise for you..."

With a smooth motion, he guided his friend's paw to the waist of his pants, eagerly wagging his tail as in a flash, the button was pulled and the cloth easily fell to the floor, a silky white pair of panties adorning the kangaroo's rump in their stead, the tip of his long member poking out over the top.

"You like?"

Solis grinned, nodding, slipping around behind his friend, his paw gently rubbing downwards, feeling the texture of the fine silk with the throbbing cock beneath it "Suits you..."

With that, Geo gave a small smile, his rear gently pressing against Solis' hard cock, grinding against it lightly... "They're so comfortable I just can't help myself sometimes..." with that, he pushed a little more insistently at his friend, his tail curling about the batfox's waist "... I get really eager to please."

Slowly, Solis drew his hands apart and down, the square of cloth fluttering to the floor, the smell of the two males' arousal filling the air as he pressed his cock at the kangaroo's now exposed tailhole, a small smirk crossing his lips "Well... in that case I'm more than happy to oblige. Get on all fours and let's see how eager you really are!"

Geo obediently lowered himself to the ground, his tail eagerly curling aside to expose his tailhole, his whole body shaking lightly with anticipation. Solis instantly lowered his muzzle to Geo's rear, his tongue running all over the kangaroo's tailhole making him murr a bit with pleasure as he was thoroughly lubed up, practically begging to be filled then and there.

Solis guided his cock lightly upwards and gently, ever so slowly, pressed himself in, the tightness of the kangaroo's rear passage only intensifying the pleasure. Inch by inch, he gradually hilted his full length in his friend, the kangaroo's tail curling gently about his waist, pulling him closer and further in as he moaned between clenched teeth

"Yess.... That feels so good..."

Solis held himself there for a time, savouring the feeling of his friend's tight rear, before slowly pulling himself out again, a long moan coming from Geo as he pulled himself as far back as he could pull out before pushing himself back in again all the way, his cock pressing hard into the kangaroo, his paw reaching around and wrapping around the base of Geo's cock. Again and again he thrust deeply into him, Geo thrusting back hard into his cock with every stroke, finding more pleasure with every movement as Solis' fingers ran over his cock, a louder moan escaping his lips.

Solis let out a soft growl, feeling his balls draw up towards him as his orgasm built, a knot starting to flare outwards at the base of his cock, each new thrust opening up Geo's tailhole a little further, the kangaroo whimpering with pleasure; wanting to be tied.

The pressure on his knot building him up more and more, Solis thrust himself into Geo with reckless abandon, each thrust plunging in and out of the roo till finally with one climactic burst he plunged himself all the way inside him, his seed pulsing forth and coating Geo's insides, the knot tightly stretching the kangaroo's insides. All this proved too much for him and with one final push he buried the batfox's cock deep inside of himself, his own cum spurting forth over the clean white sheets.

For a while, the two lay there, panting, curled tight against one another as Solis' knot gradually shrank, his arms wrapped around Geo.

Finally, as he gradually pulled himself free, he kissed his friend's ear, blushing. "That was amazing..."

Smiling, turning around to kiss him gently, Geo replied, grinning "I'm glad you enjoyed it too... one heck of a way to show someone some night life!"

With that, they both curled up against one another and were soon asleep, looking forward to what tomorrow might bring.